Swagger annotations and Swagger spec 2.0 - swagger

I've developed a REST API anotated with Swagger annotations.
I've been able to show the api documentation on a swagger-ui application, very nice.
The problem:
I'm trying to generate clients acording this specification using the url provided by swagger acording my anotations.
The porblem is it seems to be imcompatible, or at least, I don't see how to do the swagger editor reads my url and from then on, generate clients. But swagger editor reports me about some errors...
It's possible to integrate my anotated swagger api with a swagger editor?

The question seems a bit confusing.
If you are trying to generate clients from your REST API Swagger spec, then you should take a look to Swagger-Codegen project.
Description of project:
swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate client code in different languages by parsing your Swagger Resource Declaration.
Link to repository: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen/
Link to official page: http://swagger.io/swagger-codegen/

Not sure if I understand the question correctly. If you want to generate API clients online, you an use http://generator.swagger.io (besides http://editor.swagger.io). Here is an example to generate API client for Java:
curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json" -d '{"swaggerUrl":"http://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.json"}' http://generator.swagger.io/api/gen/clients/java

Swagger editor is used only for editing a swagger spec in either json or yml format. It does not deal with swagger annotations in any way. However, some of the server skeletons that are generated on the swagger-editor website contain annotations. The annotations are a way of reverse engineering your API to generate a json file so that swagger UI can render a webpage based on the public url path to your swagger.json file.
If you are maintaining a swagger spec json file anyways, the annotations aren't really needed, you might as well just serve up the raw swagger.json itself, rather than the json that is generated by the annotations.
As to your question, "Is it possible to integrate your API with swagger editor?"... Anything is possible, but I'm not sure as to how or why you want to integrate them.


Swaggerhub integration in spring boot

I am new to swaggerhub so please explain me from basics.
In our project we are using springfox swagger and need to generate swaggerhub api specification.
How can I achieve this? Please let me know in detail or share reference links.
Your question is a little confusing. What do you mean by "swaggerhub api specification"?
Swagger is the documentation specification/tools used to work with the document spec. SwaggerHub is a design and collaboration tools for creating and maintaining Swagger documents.
SwaggerHub hosts Swagger documents, they work together rather than independently.
If you're creating Swagger documents and want to upload them to SwaggerHub automatically, you can do that using the SwaggerHub CLI or Registry API tools:
CLI: https://github.com/SmartBear/swaggerhub-cli
Registry API: https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/swagger-hub/registry-api/1.0.62

What is the difference between Swagger UI vs Swagger CodeGen?

What is the difference between Swagger UI vs Swagger CodeGen?
I read the description in https://swagger.io/tools/. It sounds like Swagger Editor, UI, and codeGen are totally different tools. If I want to generate .Net server stubs and visualize them, does it mean I need to use both UI and CodeGen?
Yes, they are different tools for different purposes.
Swagger UI is a documentation renderer, basically an HTML page. You point it to an OpenAPI definition (YAML or JSON file), and Swagger UI produces API documentation that looks like this. You can host it on your website.
Swagger Editor is an editor where you can write OpenAPI definitions manually, or load/paste arbitrary OpenAPI definitions to check them for syntax errors. Swagger Editor also has Swagger Codegen integrated into it, accessible via the "Generate Server" and "Generate Client" menus.
Swagger Codegen is a code generator. You can use it to generate server stubs and client SDKs from an OpenAPI definition. For example, here's how to generate an ASP.NET server stub using Swagger Codegen CLI (line breaks added for readability):
java -jar swagger-codegen-cli-3.0.21.jar generate
-i https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/swagger.yaml
-l aspnetcore
-o .\aspnetcore-server

Export list of API Paths from OpenAPI spec using swagger ui

I have a bunch of APIs that are documented as OpenAPI v3 specs.
Eg: foo.yaml, bar.yaml and baz.yaml
I also have a Web server that displays the specs in the swagger ui, so all my swagger models are easily consumable by devs, designers and so on.
My question: is there an easy way, using the javascript console, to give me a list of the resource paths?
I've had a quick look around the swagger ui source code but couldn't find anything useful, other than the SwaggerUIBundle object.
The API definition is accessible via ui.specSelectors.specJson(). The value is an Immutable.js Map.
You can use the following code to list all the paths:
let paths = ui.specSelectors.specJson().get("paths")
paths.mapKeys(key => console.log(key))

Integrate the swagger ui into hammock

I am building up a CDI/REST Environment as basis for several projects by using hammock. What I would like to have besides CDI and REST is also json schema for generating payload classes and an automatically generated REST API documentation via swagger ui.
I am now at the point where everything works (Weld3, Resteasy, Undertow, Swagger Core, Json Schema). The only thing missing is the integration of swagger UI into my hammock stack.
In another project I already worked with swagger UI. As far as I know it is based on HTML + JS with an entry point index.hml. How do I integrate this into my hammock stack. How to tell the undertow that there is a index.html and where to find it ?
I think my question is not only related to swagger, but to the idea to have the hammock stack with additional static html content.
John Ament has added a swagger module for Swagger 2.0-rc3 to Hammock 2.1-SNAPHOT (will be released as part of Hammock 2.1):
As for hosting Swagger UI inside a Hammock app, you can add a few files from swagger-ui/dist/* to Hammock's static resources path:

Programmatically append Swagger operations to generated JSON

I have a Dropwizard application with Swagger annotated Java resource classes. I'm also creating programatic REST resources which, of course, don't end up in the generated Swagger JSON. Is it possible to programmatically add operations via the Java Swagger API such that they end up in the generated JSON along with the annotated resources?
I tried using DefaultJaxrsApiReader.appendOperation but it had no effect.
I'm using com.wordnik:swagger-jaxrs_2.10:1.3.12
I ended up just writing a Servlet filter to update the Swagger JSON response. It would be great to get #fehguy's suggestions working somehow. I think that swagger-jaxrs_2.10:1.3.12 isn't new enough to support those POJOs.
as of swagger-core-1.5.1-M1, you can build a swagger POJO which simply needs to be returned by your web application. That means, you can programmatically create the Swagger object and serve it up as JSON from your web service.
For examples of how to build a swagger pojo you can look at the source or an example (test) of building one.
You can also mutate the generated swagger object in your application. That means you can dynamically generate / modify swagger at runtime. There is an example in the swagger-codegen project, where the online code generator (swagger-generator) will detect what languages are enabled in the code generation logic via SPI, and update the swagger spec accordingly with the options:
