Umbraco 7 navigation menu link is not working - umbraco

I am new to Umbraco. Currently, I am facing an odd problem, which is some navigation link in the menu bar does not working properly.
For example, in my navigation link, I use relative link:
When I click that link on the web page, it redirect to error page, says cannot find the template. However, if I jump to Umbraco Admin page, and click link to document: /target, then it works!
I suspect when I trying to access /target from the webpage, it cannot find the document pointing to.
Could someone tell me some possibilities?

Have you tried to republish the node? Also ensure that a template has actually been set on the content node.


URL Redirection Issue in DNN

In my local environment of a particular site, when i click on a particular link ,it redirects to the same page but in the url it shows that the page has been visited.Again when i click on the link, it will direct me to that page. Any reason as to why this happens and what could be the possible solution.
For example: My sites name is It has pages like help, contact etc. When i am on my homepage and click on help it redirects me back to my home page but in my browser the URL is shown as
When i click on help again , it redirects me to the help page(URL in browser is abc/help/Help) on the second click.
This can happen if the cache or system index has been corrupted. The best solution is to typically stop & start the application and see if it comes back.
If it is still an issue and you are on an older version of DNN, make sure that the PortalAlias table doesn't have a trailing / on your portal alias.
If this isn't the case, it is possible that a custom URL impacted this, but doubtful.

how to use the global search in watson explorer application builder

I am new to IBM Watson Explorer's Application Builder component.
I able to create some widgets and place them on a page, but I am not able to figure out how to use the global search bar in the page header.
I want to search for something using the global search and the data in the widgets on the page should be updated.
Tried reading the knowledge center docs, but not able to get much info.
For making use of the global search, you may want to understand, where the data for that resides.
The Watson Explorer Engine is where you ingest your documents by creating a search collection and by adding them as seeds and then once that is all set up and you are able to see your data there, you can now switch over to the AppBuilder.
Link (Creating a search collection):
Tabs on admin page of AppBuilder look like this: Image Link: AppBuilder tab header
Once on AppBuilder admin dashboard, you might want to create a new entity by going to the entity tab, located at the top of the page.
Then you can name it whatever you like and from the dropdown select the collection name you had created on Watson Explorer Engine, toggle the searchable button on in the entity page and once done click on save at the bottom of the page.
Link (adding backend and entity creation):
Then you may want to head over to the layouts tab and then go to the search page there, then drag the search results widget to the pane below and save it.
Layout tab - search page, looks like this: Image Link: Layout tab - search page
Layout tab - search result widget on search page, looks like this: Image Link: Search result Widget
Finally after all this, when you search for the document from the search page "/AppBuilder/search", it should show up there.
Tutorial WEX AppBuilder Resource:
Hope this helps.

Joomla 3.3 Article URL?

I am using Joomla 3.3 and have a lot of articles. My goal is to make it so the URL for an article is,
However, right now when you click on an article it goes to
and takes you to the main page instead of staying on the menu item page. I'd like the page to stay on the menu item's page as I have page specific modules.
I'd like some explicit help as the answers when I Google are rather unclear.
You need to create a menu item for your article, as that will be used to create the url.
…and takes you to the main page instead of staying on the menu item
page. I'd like the page to stay on the menu item's page as I have page
specific modules.
No, it doesn't take you to the main page (you can check that by looking at the URL in your browser) but because Joomla modules are assigned according to menu item IDs when there is no menu item Joomla uses the settings of the default page, your homepage, so you get the same modules as appear on the homepage.
The solution to both these problems is to create a menu item for the article (or at least to its parent category to fix module assignment).
There's a detailed description of the issues and how to deal with them in How to control module display when linking to an article with no menu item.

Get Make Home Page checkbox back for page content item in Orchard CMS

I am working on learning Orchard. I have got my development machine in a state where it will not load the home page. I get a 404 error with this message...
Server Error in '/OrchardLocal' Application 404
I realized that it is because no content item is set as the home page. However, the checkbox for making a page (or anything else) the home page is not showing in the edit page screen.
How do I fix this? I need the Make this a Home page checkbox back or some other way to accomplish the same thing.
Is there a way to do this in the database directly (which I realize is a hack but might let me move the ball forward on the problem).
I thought I would mention the EXACT exception thrown by the error is "The controller for path '/OrchardLocal/' was not found or does not implement IController."
Any help is appreciated. If I can't figure this out it seems I will be back to doing Orchard from scratch (new pull, new db etc) which seems to happen EVERY time I try to learn Orchard.
Here are the Parts I have on the Page Content Type. This is probably not the default list because I have been messing with it to get it fixed.
Publish Later
For the record I added the blog Module to the site and added a blog. But same behavior when I create a Make this the Home page and no way to set the permalink.
Do you have the AutoRoute Part attached to the Page Content type.
Check to make sure that your User has the permissions to set a content item as the homepage
To set an item as a homepage just set its permalink to an empty string.

Master Pages - Sharepoint 2007

I have created a Master Page in Sharepoint 2007. I am having difficulty with the main content. I have tried putting the content into the PlaceHolder Main but the content will not render on the page, the content consists of images (which I will eventually link to other pages). If I go outside the PlaceHolder and create a div and div id and connect the div id to my css it will render on the master page. That brings up a totally different issue, not only do the images render on the master page, but they also show up in all of my document libraries.
I have spent many hours trying to figure this out. I do not want to change any application pages. I have tried to apply the changes to the master page and not the rest of the site, I could not get that to work. I have tried moving the content to different Placeholders and the images still render in the libraries. Someone please help me to understand why the images from the master page show up in all of the document libraries. I would really really appreciate it.
Thank You.
Standard ASP.NET page generating at work here. The content in the master page content zone is replaced with the content in the page layout content zone. Without changing the application page you are stuck.
It sounds like you should be editing the application page anyway (because you don't want it to appear in all document libraries)
