Twilio Queue Sid - twilio

I am using the following code that I got from the twilio website. I need to get the QueueSid of my queue named "Sales". How do I go about doing this? If there is documentation for this subject please point me there as well. Thanks in advance!
// Get the PHP helper library from
require_once('/path/to/twilio-php/Services/Twilio.php'); // Loads the library
// Your Account Sid and Auth Token from
$accountSid = "ACYYYYYYYYYY";
$authToken = "XXXXXXXXX";
$client = new Services_Twilio($accountSid,$authToken);
// Get an object from its sid. If you do not have a sid,
// check out the list resource examples on this page
$member = $client->account->queues->get('QU5ef8732a3c49700934481addd5ce1659')->members->get("Front");
"Url" => "",
"Method" => "POST"
echo $member->wait_time;

Twilio developer evangelist here.
You can search for all of your queues using the Queues list resource. Then you will want to filter by the Friendly name to get your queue. Try something like this:
// Get the PHP helper library from
require_once('/path/to/twilio-php/Services/Twilio.php'); // Loads the library
// Your Account Sid and Auth Token from
$accountSid = "ACYYYYYYYYYY";
$authToken = "XXXXXXXXX";
$client = new Services_Twilio($accountSid, $authToken);
foreach($client->account->queues as $queue){
if ($queue->friendly_name == "Sales"){
$foundQueue = $queue;
echo $foundQueue;


How to switch an ongoing Twilio phone call to a <Pay> connector

I would like to use the < Pay> connector optionally while in an ongoing phone call. I cannot find out how to do trigger a new resource during an ongoing phone call.
You can modify an "in progress" call by passing new TwiML (XML) to execute which could contain your "<Pay>".
You must provide
the ID of the call you want to modify (the "CallSid" "CAe1644a7eed5088b159577c5802d8be38")
and an URL where Twilio will find the instructions (the "Url" "")
I don't know what language you're using but in PHP with Twilio's library the code would look someting like this:
// see
require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';
use Twilio\Rest\Client;
// Find your Account Sid and Auth Token at
// DANGER! This is insecure. See
$sid = "ACc0966dd96e4d55d26ae72df4d6dc3494";
$token = "your_auth_token";
$twilio = new Client($sid, $token);
$call = $twilio->calls("CAe1644a7eed5088b159577c5802d8be38")
"method" => "POST",
"url" => ""
You can read more about this here

Twilio, how to get Child Sid from Parent Sid?

please anybody has any solution regarding this? I have got parent sid from but i want child sid to get call duration. Or is it possible to get child sid separately using other parameter/ independently?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You can find the child calls from a parent SID by using the Calls list resource and filtering by ParentCallSid.
Something like (with Node.js) this:
parentCallSid: parentCallSid
calls => console.log(calls);
And in PHP
$sid = "your_account_sid";
$token = "your_auth_token";
$twilio = new Client($sid, $token);
$calls = $twilio->calls->read(array(
"parentCallSid" => $parentCallSid

Twilio REST API How to get Sid

I am still new to Twilio. I am writing a PHP script which will connect to Twilio and parse some information about calls. I am using the code from this page:
Here is my code:
require_once '../twilio-library/Services/Twilio.php';
// Twilio REST API version
$version = '2010-04-01';
// Set our AccountSid and AuthToken
$sid = 'abc132xxxxx';
$token = 'xxxxeeffv';
// Instantiate a new Twilio Rest Client
$client = new Services_Twilio($sid, $token, $version);
// Loop over the list of calls and echo a property for each one
foreach ($client->account->calls as $call) {
echo "->".$call->Sid."<- <br/>";
The browser just outputs many blanks. No Sid values. What am I doing wrong?
Twilio Developer Evangelist here.
Try doing the following to get call information.
require_once '../twilio-library/Services/Twilio.php';
// Your Account Sid and Auth Token from
$sid = 'abc132xxxxx';
$token = 'xxxxeeffv';
$client = new Services_Twilio($sid, $token);
// Loop over the list of calls and echo a property for each one
foreach ($client->account->calls as $call) {
echo $call->sid;
Notice that if you're using the latest version of the library, you don't need to specify a version on your request. Double check that the path ../twilio-library/Services/Twilio.php is correct for you though.
If you're only testing, you could move the file Twilio.php to the same directory where your code is and just import Twilio.php on it.
If you then decide to filter the logs by date, here's how you would do it.
// Loop over the list of calls and echo a property for each one
foreach ($client->account->calls->getIterator(0, 50, array(
"Status" => "completed",
"StartTime>" => "2015-03-01",
"StartTime<" => "2015-05-10"
)) as $call
) {
echo $call->sid;
Let me know how it goes.

Forwarding live Calls to a new Twiml from the browser

I am following the tutorial on I am coding in php the portion that allows you to forward a current inbound call to a new Twiml URL. How do I get the inbound call Sid? Currently, the call Sid that I am retrieving forwards my browser to the new Twiml URL and hangs up the inbound caller. I think that I may have the wrong call Sid since I want to forward the current inbound caller to the new Twiml URL. Not The Browser. Can someone please give me some advice on retrieving the inbound call Sid to use in this php script? Thanks
Twilio.Device.incoming(function (conn) {
callSid = conn.parameters.CallSid;
$("#log").text("Incoming connection from " + conn.parameters.From);
// accept the incoming connection and start two-way audio
This is how I am getting the Call Sid. If I input this Call Sid into
// Get the PHP helper library from
require_once('TwilioAPI/twilio-php-master/Services/Twilio.php'); // Loads the library
// Your Account Sid and Auth Token from
$sid = '';
$token = '';
$client = new Services_Twilio($sid, $token);
// Get an object from its sid. If you do not have a sid,
// check out the list resource examples on this page
$call = $client->account->calls->get("THE CALL SID I GOT FROM THE JS GOES HERE");
"Url" => "",
"Method" => "POST"
echo $call->to;
This code forwards the browser which receives the call to the new Twiml URL. Not the inbound caller.

Twilio - Carrier Lookup

How do I access the phone carrier with Twilio's carrier lookup?
Here is some of my sample code:
require_once('twilio/Services/Twilio.php'); // Loads the library
// Your Account Sid and Auth Token from
$sid = "--------------";
$token = "------------------";
$client = new Lookups_Services_Twilio($sid, $token);
$number = $client->phone_numbers->get("5555555555", array("CountryCode" => "US", "Type" => "carrier"));
//How do I access the carrier here?
echo $number->phone_number;
Twilio developer evangelist here.
When you call for the carrier details, they are all returned as an object on the number called carrier. You can see this in the example response on the Twilio Lookup page. So, with your code:
$number = $client->phone_numbers->get("5555555555", array("CountryCode" => "US", "Type" => "carrier"));
echo $number->carrier->name;
echo $number->carrier->type;
With Twilio 5.x SDK, things changed very slightly:
use Twilio\Rest\Client as Twilio;
$client = new Twilio("sid", "token");
$response = $client->lookups->phoneNumbers("+15551234567")->fetch(["type" => "carrier"]);
echo $response->carrier["type"] . "\r\n";
echo $response->carrier["name"];
See for the complete current documentation.
When fetching "type" => "caller-name", the response can be unwound with:
echo $response->callerName["caller_name"];
camelCase, hyphen and dash all in one use case!
