Simple.OData.Client - Unable to invoke Action that accepts entity collection parameter - odata

I get error "The parameter 'wheels' is of Edm type kind 'Collection'.
You cannot call CreateCollectionWriter on a parameter that is not of
Edm type kind 'Collection'."
Below are details of my setup:
Web API 2.2 OData v4 service : I have defined Action in WheelsController class in my service like this:
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> UpdateWheels(ODataActionParameters parameters)
object value;
parameters.TryGetValue("carId", out value);
int carId= (int)value;
parameters.TryGetValue("wheels", out value)
IEnumerable<Wheel> wheels = (IEnumerable<Wheel>)value;
// logic goes here....
return OK();
In WebApiConfig.cs files, the Action configuration is defined as below:
ODataConventionModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
var action = builder.EntityType<Wheel>().Collection.Action("UpdateWheels");
I get success in invoking the above action from RESTClient extenstion in FireFox browser as POST request to URL "http://localhost/Service/Wheels/UpdateWheels" with Request Body as
"wheels":[{"Id":1,"Name":"Wheel Front 1","Description":"Front wheel left", "PositionEnum":"FrontLeft"},
{"Id":2,"Name":"Wheel Front 2","Description":"Front wheel right", "PositionEnum":"FrontRight"}]
However, it gives error when I try to invoke the above service action using Simple.OData.Client in client application such as
public async void TestUpdateWheels(List<Wheel> wheelList)
// client is derived from ODataClient from assembly Simple.OData.Client.Core.dll, v4.3.0.0
await client.For<Wheel>()
.Set(new { carId = 2, wheels = wheelList})
Error message: The parameter 'wheels' is of Edm type kind
'Collection'. You cannot call CreateCollectionWriter on a parameter
that is not of Edm type kind 'Collection'.
How can I call successfully the above Action from ODataClient?

This turn out to be a bug in Simple.OData.Client version 4.3.0 when I reported to the project site. For details, visit the link
The new bug fix version 4.7.2 of Simple.OData.Client has fixed the
issue for me!

Try out in this way. It works for me in one of my project.
public async Task<string> TestUpdateWheels(List<Wheel> wheelList)
string getRules = await client.ExecuteActionAsScalarAsync<string>
("UpdateWheels", new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "YourParamater", wheelList}
return getRules ;


ASP.NET Core Middleware and URL Parsing

Trying to add special endpoints to an ASP.NET Core MVC through a middleware.
In a app.UseWhen, I need to parse the request URL. In a Controller context, MVC does a great job extracting userId using the following template:
How could this be cleanly done in a middleware where MVC Controller constructs aren't setup?
Bonus points if the answer helps figuring out if the address conforms to this pattern in the first place.
All I have on hand is a DefaultHttpContext.
Solution based on Mark Vincze's blog
This method used to extract the the user id and work with it...
private static void AddAddressesRoute(IApplicationBuilder app, RouteBuilder builder)
async context =>
var routeData = context.GetRouteData();
var userId = routeData.Values["userId"];
// userId available from here
Should be initiated from an application builder extension method.
public static IApplicationBuilder UseAddresses(
this IApplicationBuilder app
RouteBuilder builder = new RouteBuilder(app);
AddAddressesRoute(app, builder);
return app;
Becomes a middleware that can be added to the Startup.Configure method just like this:
It doesn't even interfere with MVC that still gets triggered if the route doesn't match.
URL parsing comes to play in MVC pipeline, not in ASP.NET Core one.
You might want to consider MVC filters instead, which have access to routing context.
You can access the HttpContext from middleware and parse out key-value pairs from the query string but you can not access the path parameters via key-value.
For example:
You make a GET to the following controller via
// GET api/users/5
public ActionResult<string> Get(int id)
return "value";
Custom Middleware:
public class MyCustomMiddleware
public Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context)
// get full path from context request path
var queryPath = context.Request.Path().ToString();
// will return /api/users/5
// get id from query string
var queryStringId = context.Request.Query["zip"].ToString();
// will return 90210
There isn't any mapping from your Controller parameters to the HttpContext.

ASP.NET WebAPI unable to post

I am unable to post data to a ASP.NET WebAPI server.
I can get data from the WEBAPI server. However, I am unable to post.
The following code fails to post:
response = await client.PostAsync("api/Cars", content);
StatusCode: 415, ReasonPhrase: 'Unsupported Media Type', Version: 1.1
public class UnitTest1
public async Task TestMethod1()
using (var client = new HttpClient())
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:48213/");
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
var response = await client.GetAsync("api/Cars");
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
using (var content = new StringContent(#"some_value"))
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));
response = await client.PostAsync("api/Cars", content);
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
Debug.WriteLine("Post was successful.");
namespace FSharpWebAPI.Controllers
open System.Web.Http
open FSharpWebAPI.Models
type CarsController() =
inherit ApiController()
let values = [| { Make = "Ford"; Model = "Mustang" }; { Make = "Nissan"; Model = "Titan" } |]
member x.Get() = values
member x.Post(data) =
What updates do I need to make just to make a simple post?
As #Fyodor Soikin has pointed out, the Post method is generic ('a -> 'b -> unit), and ASP.NET Web API refuses to wire up such methods.
ASP.NET Web API uses convention over configuration in order to figure out how to route and handle incoming requests. If an HTTP POST arrives, it'll go hunting for a method (partially) named Post, and attempt to call it. While you could argue that if a generic method could handle the input, it'd be possible for Web API to still call it, it doesn't do that.
You'll need to add a type annotation - for example:
member x.Post(data : Car) =
That's probably still not going to be enough, because the type of that version of Post is Car -> 'a -> unit, so the return value is a generic function. I'd be surprised if Web API knows what to do with that.
The reason is that ignore is a function, and since Post doesn't invoke the function, the return value is the function itself.
If you want to ignore the input and return unit, you can simply do this:
member x.Post(data : Car) = ()
This version has the type Car -> unit, which I expect Web API will find acceptable.

autofac mvc pass by ref error

I am using MVC 5 with autofac and in my my controller I call an action method that calls a method with ref parameter. When i try to browse to browse to the action method I get the below error that suggest that I can not use ref parameters. Is that correct?
Cannot call action method
AllThings.WebUI.Models.SearchCriteriaViewModel ByRef,
AllThings.Entities.Abstracts.ISimpleService, Double)' on controller
'AllThings.WebUI.Controllers.PostController' because the parameter
searchCriteriaViewModel' is passed by reference. Parameter name:
cut down the code and the main code looks like this:
[Route("~/{country:maxlength(2)}/{site}/{CategoryUrl?}", Name="ResultList")]
public ActionResult List(string country, string site, SearchCriteriaViewModel searchCriteriaViewModel)
SetListData(site, ref searchCriteriaViewModel, simpleService, CommonLibrary.Helpers.GetCountryTimeZoneOffSet(countryIso2));
return View("List", searchCriteriaViewModel);
public SearchCriteriaViewModel SetListData(string site, ref SearchCriteriaViewModel searchCriteriaViewModel, ISimpleService simpleService, double utcOffset)
SearchCriteria searchCriteria = EntityFactory.GetSearchCriteria();
if (searchCriteriaViewModel.Category == null)
searchCriteriaViewModel.Category = new Category();
return searchCriteriaViewModel;
my autofac config looks like this
public static void Initialize()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new AutoFacDependencyResolver(RegisterServices(builder)));
private static IContainer RegisterServices(ContainerBuilder builder)
return builder.Build();
What do you expect the ref parameter to do? Your action method gets called using reflection, based on an incoming HTTP request. It's not like if you modify the ref parameter, the object on the client changes too - it's entirely disconnected through the nature of HTTP.
Just remove the ref modifier.

using angular $http get with asp net web api

I am attempting to use an asp web api to populate an html table using angular. everything works great if I debug in firefox (I'm assuming because my web service is being returned in json) however in ie and chrome it does not load (the web service returns xml in these browsers). In the webapiconfig I attempted to always make the service return json by adding.
Dim appXmlType = config.Formatters.XmlFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes.FirstOrDefault(Function(t) t.MediaType = "application/xml")
this appears to work when I navigate to the api in all browsers it is returning json however the $http get is still now working in chrome and ie.
in ie I get the following error
Unhandled exception at line 21, column 406 in http://localhost:53175/Scripts/angular.min.js
0x800a139e - JavaScript runtime error: [$injector:nomod]$injector/nomod?p0=api%2Fproducts
here is my get
angular.module("api/products").constant("dataUrl", "sportstore.json").controller("sportsStoreCtrl", function ($scope, $resource, dataUrl) {
$ = {};
var resultPromise = $resource(dataUrl);
resultPromise.success(function (data) {
$ = data;
any thoughts?
additional info
here is my api controller
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Web.Http
Imports apitoform.productRepository
Namespace Controllers
Public Class productController
Inherits ApiController
Private repo As productRepository = productRepository.Current
Public Function GetAllProducts() As IEnumerable(Of product)
Return repo.GetAll()
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
and here is the j_son that is being returned ( I am working through the pro Angular book if it looks familiar)
Sorry this is c# code, but it should illustrate the basic idea for returning Json only from web api. It's actual code from one of my projects.
public HttpResponseMessage GetByEmail(string email)
var result = _userService.GetByEmail(email);
HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "value");
response.Content = new ObjectContent(typeof(IEnumerable<UserViewModel>), result ?? new List<UserViewModel>(), new JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
return response;
catch (Exception ex)
HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, ex.Message);
response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
return response;
So you are returning HttpResponseMessage with Json content.
I'm also doing similar in a scenario where I just need to return the data from one of the MVC controllers and that is even easier:
public ActionResult Get(string guid)
var profileVm = _profileService.Get(guid);
if (profileVm != null)
return Json(profileVm, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
return new HttpNotFoundResult();
angular.module with 1 parameter returns the module with that name - you need to define your module with a list of dependent modules (or empty array if none) like the following:
angular.module("api/products", [])...
The error referenced gives an error with details on the problem (angular's very good about their error messages):$injector/nomod?p0=api%2Fproducts

Accessing resources via Uri in mvc

I am working on an ASP.NET MVC web application in which I have an object with a Uri property. The Uri contains a restful link to a resource in the following form:
The Dataset action of the Repository controller returns the contents of dataset 5 as Json.
How do I call this method from the Uri and interpret the response as Json from within the object?
Many thanks.
In server side action return JsonResult.
public ActionResult Dataset(int id)
// reository code
return Json(model);
client side call $.getJSON.
My opinion is that you should not call your controller from anywhere in code.In ASP.NET MVC Controller is there to accept request, take data and choose proper view to be returned back.
Maybe you should add method on repository that is returning already JSONized data, or introduce "Middle man" that can serialize data returned from repository so controller can call middle man to do the job. Then repository (or "Middle man") can be called from anywhere in code.
e.g.(used Json.NET for json serialization):
public class MiddleMan
IRepository repository
public MiddleMan(IRepository repository)
this.repository = repository;
public string GetJsonObjects(int id)
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(repository.GetObject(id));
then controller (or anywhere in the code) can call this middle class:
public string Dataset(int id)
return new MiddleMan(repository).GetJsonObjects(id);
For the time being I'm going to implement a uri extension method something along these lines, creating a WebRequest object for the Uri.
public static string GetContent(this Uri uri)
var myRequest = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(uri);
myRequest.Method = "GET";
WebResponse myResponse = myRequest.GetResponse();
var sr = new StreamReader(myResponse.GetResponseStream(), System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
string result = sr.ReadToEnd();
return result;
