Iphone App that can open other apps? How - ios

There is an App out there that can 'intercept' pictures from snapchat. I'm not sure what low level witch craft they are using to accomplish this, but I want to learn more about how to do it and I don't know what to search!
Can someone please help me? This is the app I am referring to:

I just read the app description you are referring, and I don't think intercept could be the right word to use. You will need to read more about Terms of Service from SnapShat and probably try to read if they provide any official api so you can use it.
What this app does, is actually consuming in someway the posts you are receiving and then saving it to your iPhone. That's not a hard task tough.

In this case, you're providing your snapchat login to this app and they're using it to pretend they're you to communicate with Snapchat.
No actual "intercepting" is happening, and the app likely works without Snapchat installed.
see: http://blog.snapchat.com/post/99998266095/third-party-applications-and-the-snapchat-api


How can I share a url from a browser to my app in iOS?

How can I make an iOS app appear on share sheet to receive shared urls from any other app?
This is a super newbie post as I have never really touched swift to develop anything, but I couldnt find the answer to my question on google so i wanted to start here. Almost everything I found by googling around is UIActivityViewController which appears more to be about how to share content from my app to another app; while what I am trying to do is share urls from another app to my app.
I am try to build a simple app for ios (doesnt have to be old version compatible because it will be only used by me) that can be a receiver for shared urls from apps like safari, brave or youtube. All the app does is when user clicks on the share button, and then chooses the app, the app gets the relevant data that is being passed, and then posts it to a backend server.
I can accomplish this on my android app/devices with an intent filter action android.intent.action.SEND in the manifest, and then listening for it with Intent intent = getIntent() in my method.
Would someone be kind enough to point me in the right direction at what I should look into (google about). If you can also point me to some sample code examples on how to write an app that can be the receiver for shared data (like urls), that would be fantastic. I am not sure what to search for so that my app can show up on share sheet, and how to then react with the data.
Again, apologies for the super noob question, but I couldnt translate my idea to something relevant on google.
It can be achieved by an Action Extension. Search for it.
Here is one:
I think both Share extension and Action extension can do the job. It depends on your needs.
Check this table to make sure which one is more appropriate for your purpose.
You can refer to App Extension Programming Guide by Apple.

What's App sharing files

I’m currently developing an iOS application (with Swift 3). In order to improve the user experience for the sharing, I would like to integrate What’s App.
Indeed, after some actions, the user can, if he wants, share a PDF file with UIActivityViewController.
To assure the best user experience possible, it would be amazing if the user could share directly to a phone number with What's App (without the creation of a conversation before as it's currently possible).
Do you have any ideas ?
I didn’t find anything yet, or is it something impossible ?
Thanks for the informations.
According to their own documentation, it doesn't seem to be possible. You can read up on the possibilities here:
But you can't pass a phone number or any contact information with your URL request unfortunately.

How to work with Firebase App Indexing for IOS Apps

i am in the process of making my app with firebase i am pretty much done with that except Firebase App Indexing. I am very exited with this feature because it could help me to increase my app get more traffic from the web but the problem is i really can't able to see how to implement this. According to Firebase Docs i just need to register my app with this pice of code
[[FIRAppIndexing sharedInstance] registerApp:your Apple ID from iTunes Connect];
I have done that but what should i do after that?
1.My app is firebase app that means i don't have any website to host my content except firebase realtime database. Does my content is available for crawlers? if not how can i make available to them?
2.If i can able to show my content in the google search results i don't wanna show all the content and i wanna show just some of my content for example i have a social app for sharing General Knowledge questions, i wanna show just the question like "What is the highest mountain" in the search results and if the user want to see the answer it should take them to my app how can i do that?
3.As per docs i came to know that i need to create univiersal links for my app content to direct users from google search but how shold i do that ? Lets say should i crate universal links when the user create question?? if so how can i do that ??
Thank you very much for the help.
This is not currently possible on iOS using Firebase App Indexing. The situation is slightly different on Android, but that is not applicable to your question.
On iOS, Firebase App Indexing is simply highlighting pages on your website in Google search results that have corresponding content inside your app. This is achieved by piggybacking on Apple's Universal Links standard, and there is no proactive 'crawling' going on inside your app. This means unless you have a corresponding web page for your app with 1:1 content parity, you can't really benefit from Firebase App Indexing on iOS as it comes out-of-the-box.
The best workaround is to generate little 'placeholder pages' for every piece of content in your app, which the sole purpose of opening your app (if it is installed) or redirecting to the App Store (if it is not installed). Ideally you'll need some sort of deferred deep linking system so that users still see the correct content after downloading. Fun fact: this is essentially how HotelTonight operates their entire business model. Unfortunately Firebase's implementation is not mature enough to support this full flow, and Google hasn't quite figured out how to rank app-only content properly yet in search results so you will probably need to pro-actively submit your placeholder pages to them.
Shameless plug: at Branch, we provide all of the above as a free service. You can read more about it here and take a look at the set up docs here.

Is there a way to track my app's search ranking on Apple App Store?

I want to programmatically track my app's search ranking on Apple's app store. Is there any API or website to do this, outside of the 'App Store' app on my iPhone?
the following websites allow searching the iOS app store.
I'm not sure how the exact ranking is reflected, but Apple now provides an JSON API call that you can make.
This includes the ability to add in a callback parameter so you can even incorporate it into a web app without having to parse the results on your server.
The end API call would looks something like this:
In case users are still looking for this. Apple finally made it possible to just use the apple.com website:
https://www.apple.com/ios/app-store/ Use the magnifying glass in the top right to search the apps.
Once you find the app you want, there is a unique URL that you could use to grab information for tracking or other purposes as well.
You can't do anything other than look at the app information at this time (no way to initiate a remote install to your phone or leave a review, that has to be done on the device)
You can use the google advance search option like
site:itunes.apple.com/us/ "requires iOS 9 or later"
and then scrape the response.
You can use data.ai formerly App Annie. The free version will give you daily and overall search ranking for your app, and will help you immensely in ASO (App store optimization)

How to search the App Store programmatically and return App information

I would like to search the Apple App Store from within my app, and return App information such as Icon, Description, Name, etc.
I found some examples using URL's. But from what I understand, they cause your app to pause as it opens either the App Store or the browser. If I am mistaken, please may you provide me with an example on how to accomplish this (seemingly) simple task?
I don't think there is an API available to do what you are describing directly in the iOS device. However, you could hack something together using the search API available from apple. Check it out at here. You could do this behind the scenes rather then using the browser. It's not a simple task, but it is doable. Besk of luck.
