Disable Angular UI Grid column menu animation - angular-ui-grid

When I click on an Angular UI Grid column's arrow icon to show the dropdown menu for that column, then click the arrow icon again to hide it, the menu "shoots" up in an animated fashion, which I find undesirable.
How can I disable this behavior?

The ngAnimate module is responsible for the animation. You can exclude that from the application. If any of your dependent js libraries require ngAnimate then this may not be possible.
var app = angular.module('app', ['ngTouch', 'ui.grid']);
Example without the ngAnimate

As described in this answer, there is a generic, non-UI-Grid-specific way of disabling animations for specific elements. Note that this doesn't affect only animations perpetrated by ngAnimate; rather, this disables all animations in general.
From the original answer:
Just add this to your CSS. It is best if it is the last rule:
.no-animate {
-webkit-transition: none !important;
transition: none !important;
then add no-animate to the class of element you want to disable.
<div class="no-animate"></div>
So, to disable animation of the grid's menus, do the following (using Sass, but you get the idea):
.ui-grid-menu-mid {
#extend .no-animate; // the .ng-animate class is as defined above
The only real downside that I can see with this method is that you can't selectively disable animations for column and/or grid menus, only for both at the same time.


jQuery mobile button pressed behavior

I have a link button with jQuery mobile.
I want to be able to set it to be constantly pressed or unpressed.
I tried this code for pressed:
$(this).css('background-color', '#e0e0e0');
and this code for unpressed:
$(this).css('background-color', '#f6f6f6');
But when hovering over the unpressed button it does not highlight anymore.
So I tried:
But the button gets a blue color and I want dark gray color.
Any suggestions?
In jQuery Mobile 1.4.2 CSS you can see that there are button styles for normal/hover/active states (for each theme), and an active style that changes the color of the button (to blue, in your case).
To simulate a "constantly pressed" button you have to add a class for each theme (a and b) based on the button :active class, and override background color:
.button-pressed-a { background-color: #e8e8e8 !important; }
.button-pressed-b { background-color: #404040 !important; }
Then, in your script, you can toggle the "pressed" state with:
Have you been to themeroller? There you can try out different styles.
Adding a Custom Theme
Another good way to customize a jQuery Mobile button is adding a custom theme.
<a data-role="button" data-theme="my-site">Button</a>
That will give you more control over the different elements and states of the button. For instance, you can target different states of the button in CSS by writing the code for the class associated with your custom theme name (they are automatically added to the button):
.ui-btn-up-my-site { /* your code here */ }
.ui-btn-hover-my-site { /* your code here */ }
.ui-btn-down-my-site { /* your code here */ }
Keep in mind that the default buttons are made out of borders, shadows, and of course the background gradient. In addition to this, there are other HTML elements inside the button that are automatically generated by the framework. Depending on what exactly you want to customize you might need to target other classes within the button (i.e. ui-icon, ui-btn-text, ui-btn-inner, etc).
Otherwise I could recommend you this site

iOS 7 hover/click issue - no click triggered in some cases

I have a kind of "widget" - a data table with some rich functionality like sorting, row selection and else.
In some cases (widget placement/nesting in DOM) clicks on it's rows are not triggered in iOS 7 Safari.
Widget is using jQuery 1.6.4
I can't publish a whole widget code (and you really wan't this to happen ;)), but I can narrow down a reproduction scenario to the following case:
Simple html table with some rows, two cols in each
First column contains a "checkbox" - simple div which is normally hidden and becomes visible, then parent row getting hovered. Visibility is triggered with CSS only
Every row has a click event handler. No mater what it does. In my example it will trigger an alert()
Table's parent is a block element with a fixed height and overflow-y set to auto
Table is bigger than it's parent, so, some table content is hidden and can be seen with scrolling
Here is a jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/822eG/4/
On any desktop browser items are successfully hovered, click is triggered. On iOS7 hover is working but click is NOT triggered.
NOTE: On iOS you must tap twice to trigger click. First click will trigger hover and you'll see a "checkbox", then second tap must trigger a click, but it doesn't...
Any of those conditions is REQUIRED to reproduce an issue. Remove a single one and it starts working...
If you remove a "checkbox" appearance - click will work (http://jsfiddle.net/822eG/5/).
If you remove a height fix - it will work (http://jsfiddle.net/822eG/6/).
If you remove a overflow scrolling - it will work (http://jsfiddle.net/822eG/8/).
Any workaround is needed but functionality should be kept untouched. So, I can't remove "checkbox", size fix, hovering, clicking or overflow scrolling. Also, changing HTML markup is hardly to happen.
NOTE I've got a solution - see my answer below. But I still need a better workaround to keep using CSS as mush as possible.
ADD: Filed a bug to Apple #16072132
Try this:
.wrapper {
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
To get iOS to ignore hover states, try this:
{cursor: pointer;}
You can use this on any element to get it to function as expected.
Suddenly, I've got a solution... Using JavaScript I can remove :hover selector but still keep functionality.
If I will trigger checkbox visibility not by CSS :hover but by class and set it via javascript, it will work.
My current working solution requires no any changes in a whole code base and works fine in our conditions
With MutationObserver, monitor node insertion into head
If new node is inserted, and this is a link, check document.styleSheets
For each sheet check it's rules
If rule selector (access by document.styleSheets[n].rules[i].selectorText) contains :hover check styles for this selector
If styles contains display different from none or visibility different from visible - this is a "show by hover" style
For each such style change it's selector - replace :hover by .hover and declare a body delegate for mouseenter and mouseleave events which will toggle .hover class on triggered element
Full source code here: https://gist.github.com/Olegas/9143277
..try using this:
$('.row').on('touchstart click', function(){

jQuery UI tabs - how to change tab position

I have created tab layout as in this example http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/#bottom with controls bellow the panel. I have 3 default tabs, which can't be delted and than user can add some more tabs and also delete them.
The problem is that the default tabs should be on the top like there http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/#default so because UI doesn't support two control panels, I have created new element looking like control panel on top <p class="ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-top tabs-header-top"></p> with fixed heigth. But now I don't know how to move the default tabs to the right position. I tried adding them position: relative; top:-20em; ,but to make this working, the whole tab container must have fixed heigth and that's bad, because I need it to stretch within the window to be as big as possible.
So is there any other way how to move the default tabs to the top?
edit: here is example of my idea, but achieved with fixd heigth http://jsfiddle.net/L6QjK/2/
To be clear: This method is technicaly working, so the questin is not about making tabs with two control panels, but about positioning the tabs
Not sure if it will work, but try creating two DIVs, one with default styling and one with the bottom styling:
<div class="tabs">...
<div class="tabs tabs-bottom">
and then use $(".tabs").tabs(...)
So finally I managed to create two control panels on my own by changing the jquery ui code.
If somebody is trying to make same thing as I here are some tips:
1) To create multiple control panels, find this.list=this.element.find("ol,ul)").eq(0)
now, the .eq(0) selector causes, that onlz the first ul or ol is made to control panel, so I simply modified the find selector to this :this.list=this.element.find("ol,ul:lt(2))") and the :lt(2) selector will make first two ULs to two control panels. Now we have two control panels and it is all about css positioning, you can get isnpired here http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/#bottom to move one control panle to the bottom.
2)I am using schema, that the first control panel contains static tabs, and to the second one are added dznamic tabs. So I also needed to change the target during adding tabs. For this you have to find h.appendTo(this.list) and change it to h.appendTo(this.list[1]) because ad.1) this.list now contains two elements and I want the tabs add to the second one.
So finaly to make two control panels tab layout isn't that hard

different colors on radio buttons when they are active in Jquery mobile

I have three radio buttons which have the same theme in jquery. If I select one of them, the color of the button will change to the color specified in my .ui-btn-active class in the css. My radio buttons are named Can meet, not sure and Decline. I want my Decline radio button to have a different color than the two others when it is selected (the color red).
I'm using Jquery mobile and have customized the css for which colors I want to have on the different themes and I have changed the .ui-btn-active to .ui-btn-active-a and .ui-btn-active-b and made them with different values. I have tried to switch between the two ui-btn-active classes without no luck, and I have tried the addClass(..) and removeClass(..) without luck. I made a method in my jquery-mobile.js which look like this:
$.mobile.changeAction = function( activeBtn){
$.mobile.activeBtnClass = activeBtn;
where my activeBtn parameter will be a string to choose which activeBtnClass I want to have. I think the problem is that I have problems refreshing the activeBtnClass after overriding it, I have tried some refreshing methodes without no luck.
As long as the radio buttons have different colors when active I will be very thankful.
Following styles should do the trick:
.ui-radio:nth-child(1) .ui-icon-radio-on.ui-icon{
.ui-radio:nth-child(2) .ui-icon-radio-on.ui-icon{
.ui-radio:nth-child(3) .ui-icon-radio-on.ui-icon{
Sample jsfiddle.
To style Horizontally stacked select options:
.ui-radio:nth-child(1) .ui-radio-on span.ui-btn-inner{
.ui-radio:nth-child(2) .ui-radio-on span.ui-btn-inner{
.ui-radio:nth-child(3) .ui-radio-on span.ui-btn-inner{
Sample jsfiddle.
Why not just create custom themes for all of the states that you might want? You can have multiple custom themes, and only use them when you'd like. I have 7 themes in my CSS, and this way you can always incorporate them later if you'd like without having to do so much custom coding.
You can just apply the theme with the data-theme="f" (or other letter swatch) element attribute.
Here's jQuery ThemeRoller 1.1.1 http://jquerymobile.com/themeroller/index.php. If you're just making small changes to the theme, such as an active state, just copy the theme, and make the changes and save as a new swatch. You can go from A-Z :)

jQuery Mobile: How to customize button

How do I change the <a data-role="button"> button's background to my image? Also how can I add my custom icons on top of a button at left side?
Give the link a class and use CSS to change the background image.
<a data-role="button" class="my-button">
.my-button {
background-image: url('images/my-button.png') !important;
I would say that the recommended way to customize a jQuery Mobile button is adding a custom theme.
<a data-role="button" data-theme="my-site">Button</a>
That will give you more control over the different elements and states of the button. For instance, you can target different states of the button in CSS by writing the code for the class associated with your custom theme name (they are automatically added to the button):
.ui-btn-up-my-site { /* your code here */ }
.ui-btn-hover-my-site { /* your code here */ }
.ui-btn-down-my-site { /* your code here */ }
Keep in mind that the default buttons are made out of borders, shadows, and of course the background gradient. There also additional HTML elements inside the button that are automatically generated by the framework. Depending on what exactly you want to customize you might need to target other classes within the button (ui-icon, ui-btn-text, ui-btn-inner, etc).
Here is a tutorial that explains how to do advanced customization of the jQuery Mobile buttons. The articles shows how to do some basic customization, how to reset the jQuery Mobile theme, and how to turn the default button into anything you want:
