RewritePath doesn't change browser URL -

Inside my Global.asax.cs I have the following simple code:
void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl.Contains("/oldControler/oldAction"))
The above code causes redirection to "newControler/newAction" rendering the correct View, yet the URL that shows up in the browser is still "/oldControler/oldAction".
In case it's of any help, I inspected the properties inside the HttpContext.Current.Request after the RewritePath is applied and all of them, i.e FilePath, Path, ApplicationPath, URL, etc. show up correctly as "newControler/newAction", except for RawUrl which still shows up as "/oldControler/oldAction".
Any ideas on how to fix it?

That's how RewritePath works, it doesn't change the URL in the browser address bar and it's usually used when the old URL is more user friendly than the new URL.
If you also want to change the URL in the browser address bar, you can try
or this if you also want to return HTTP 301 response code to the browser

You might try:


Vaadin Flow rerouting in HasUrlParameter#setParameter does not change URL?

My login view with #Route("login") implements HasUrlParameter<String> with the following lines:
public void setParameter(BeforeEvent event, #WildcardParameter String parameter) {
The content of the AnotherView is shown when I call the login view but the URL remains from the login view, i.e. it is /login instead of /another-view. Is that works-as-designed? I would expect a history entry to be added in the browser with the new URL. How can I achieve that? Also, I tried ui.navigateTo instead of rerouting but that didn't do anything.
The issue is known on github project of Vaadin flow:

Primefaces DialogFramework - How to show a dialog located in WEB-INF?

I am using Primefaces DialogFramework with
Primefaces 5.0
Mojarra 2.1.27
Glassfish Build 5
My problem is, that if the user knows the location of my dialog, he is able to access it directly via the URL. I do not want that to be possible, so I thought it would be able to put the dialog in WEB-INF folder of my web-app, but now, if I want to open the dialog, I get a FileNotFound-Exception.
If my dialog is located in some regular folder, it works fine
// this works as expected
but if it is located in WEB-INF, it does not work any longer
// this is causing a fileNotFoundException
I also tried to set up a navigation rule for this in faces-config but again with no success
<redirect />
How may I open dialogs located in WEB-INF folder, or is it not possible at all?
Thanks in advance
Unfortunately, putting PrimeFaces Dialog Framework dialogs in /WEB-INF in order to prevent direct access is indeed not going to work. The dialogs are loaded entirely client side. On the POST request which opens the dialog, JSF/PrimeFaces returns an oncomplete script with the (public!) URL of the dialog to JavaScript/jQuery, which in turn shows a basic dialog template with an <iframe> whose URL is set to the dialog URL, which in turn loads the content. In effects, 2 requests are being sent, the first to get the dialog's URL and the second to get the dialog's content based on that URL in the <iframe>.
There's no way to keep the dialog in /WEB-INF without falling back to the "traditional" dialog approach via <p:dialog> and conditional display via JS/CSS. There's also no way in the server side to verify based on some headers if the request is coming from an <iframe>, so that all others could simply be blocked. Your closest bet is the referer header, but this can be spoofed.
One way to minimize abuse is checking the presence of pfdlgcid request parameter (identified by Constants.DIALOG_FRAMEWORK.CONVERSATION_PARAM) when a dialog is being requested. PrimeFaces namely appends this request parameter representing "conversation ID" to the dialog URL. Presuming that all dialogs are stored in a folder /dialogs, then you could do the job with a simple servlet filter. Here's a kickoff example which sends a HTTP 400 error when /dialogs/* is being requested without the pfdlgcid request parameter.
public class DialogFilter implements Filter {
public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res;
String id = request.getParameter(Constants.DIALOG_FRAMEWORK.CONVERSATION_PARAM);
if (id != null) {
chain.doFilter(req, res); // Okay, just continue request.
else {
response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); // 400 error.
// ...
However, the abuser might not be that stupid and discover the pfdlgcid request parameter during the normal flow and still be able to open the dialog individually when supplying that parameter, even with a random value. I thought of comparing the actual pfdlgcid value to the known ones. I checked the PrimeFaces DialogNavigationHandler source code, but unfortunately, PrimeFaces doesn't store this value anywhere in the session. You'd need to provide a custom DialogNavigationHandler implementation wherein you store the pfdlgcid value in the session map which in turn is also compared in the servlet filter.
First add the following method to the DialogFilter:
public static Set<String> getIds(HttpServletRequest request) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
Set<String> ids = (Set<String>) session.getAttribute(getClass().getName());
if (ids == null) {
ids = new HashSet<>();
session.setAttribute(getClass().getName(), ids);
return ids;
Then copypaste the PrimeFaces DialogNavigationHandler source code into your own package and add the following line after line 62:
DialogFilter.getIds((HttpServletRequest) context.getExternalContext().getRequest()).add(pfdlgcid);
Replace the <navigation-handler> in faces-config.xml with the customized one.
Finally, alter the if condition in the DialogFilter#doFilter() method as follows:
if (getIds(request).contains(id)) {
// ...
Now, this prevents the abuser from attempting to open the dialog with a random ID. This however doesn't prevent the abuser from attempting to open the dialog by copypasting the exact <iframe> URL immediately after opening it. Given the way how the PrimeFaces dialog framework works, there's no way to prevent that. You could at most remove the pfdlgcid value from the session when the dialog is about to returns to the parent. However, when the dialog is closed by pure JS means, then this is also bypassed.
All in all, if you really, really, want to avoid the enduser being able to open the dialog individually, then you can't go around the "traditional" <p:dialog> approach.

Page Redirect when session end in ASP.Net MVC

I would like to do redirect to login when current session end and that config must be working at any View and Controller.
My current code in Global.asax:
protected void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e)
//GetPath() is getting currently path
// eg. http://localhost/mymvcproject
Response.Redirect(PATH.GetPath() + "User/LogOn");
Check the following setting under <system.web> in your web.config file:
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="1"></sessionState>
then fill the following text in your site.Master
if (Session.IsNewSession)
Response.Redirect(PATH.GetPath() + "User/LogOn");
I don't think your code can work because Session_End() is more usually invoked when there is NO request made by the browser after a specific duration. Therefore, Response here would correspond to no particular request, and thus, no redirection.
Instead, try to handle Application_Start and check for Session.IsNew property. If it's true, then perform the redirection. (Consider doing that by invoking FormsAuthentication.RedirectToLoginPage() though.)
When checking for IsNew, beware of the situation described here. I guess assigning some dummy session variable during the login process will address that, although I haven't tried myself.

What is the correct response to an HTTP POST request?

For a POST method, the W3 specs say:
If a resource has been created on the origin server, the response
SHOULD be 201 (Created) and contain an entity which describes the
status of the request and refers to the new resource, and a Location
header (see Section 10.4). (section 8.5)
The standard response actually seems to be to send a Redirect to the newly created resource.
I'm building my site with ASP.NET MVC, and tried to follow the spec, so created a ResourceCreatedResult class:
public class ResourceCreatedResult : ActionResult
public string Location { get; set; }
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = 201;
context.HttpContext.Response.AddHeader("Location", Location);
And my action looks something like this:
public ActionResult CreateNew(string entityStuff)
Entity newEntity = new Entity(entityStuff);
IEntityRepository entityRepository = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IEntityRepository>();
ActionResult result = new ResourceCreatedResult()
{ Location = Url.Action("Show", new { id = newEntity.Id }) };
return result;
However, IE, Firefox and Chrome all fail to redirect to the new resource. Have I messed up generating the correct response, or do web browsers not expect this type of response, instead relying on servers to send a Redirect response?
To be explicit, browsers (including modern browsers like Firefox 3 and IE8) do not "take the hint" and follow up an HTTP 201: Created response with a GET request to the URI supplied in the Location header.
If you want browsers to go to the URI supplied in the Location header, you should send an HTTP 303: See Other status instead.
Redirect after post or post/redirect/get is something your application must do to be user friendly.
Edit. This is above and beyond the HTTP specifications. If we simply return a 201 after a POST, the browser back button behaves badly.
Note that Web Services requests (which do NOT respond to a browser) follow the standard completely and do NOT redirect after post.
It works like this.
The browser POSTS the data.
Your application validates the data. If it's invalid, you respond with the form so they can fix it and POST.
Your application responds with a redirect.
The browser gets the redirect and does a GET.
Your application sees the GET and responds.
Now -- hey presto! -- the back button works.
My solution is to respond with a '201 Created' containing a simple page with a link to the new resource, and a javascript redirect using location.replace().
This lets the same code work for API and browser requests, plays nicely with Back and Refresh buttons, and degrades gracefully in old browsers.
As stated in the spec the response SHOULD be a HTTP 201 with redirect. So it isn't mandatory for a browser vendor to implement the correct answer...
You should try to change to a 30x code to see if it is correctly redirected. If so, it's a browser problem, else it may come from your code (I don't know anything in ASP.NET so I can't "validate" your code)
Shouldn't that only count for when something is "Created" and therefore a simple redirect to action should be genuinely sufficient?

Lower case URLs in ASP.NET MVC

Is it possible to force/extend the routing engine to generate URLs in lower case, giving /controller/action instead of /Controller/Action?
What's more, you should force any incoming requests that are uppercase to be redirected to the lowercase version. Search engines treat URLs case-sensitively, meaning that if you have multiple links to the same content, that content's page ranking is distributed and hence diluted.
Returning HTTP 301 (Moved Permanently) for such links will cause search engines to 'merge' these links and hence only hold one reference to your content.
Add something like this to your Global.asax.cs file:
protected void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Don't rewrite requests for content (.png, .css) or scripts (.js)
if (Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Contains("/Content/") ||
// If uppercase chars exist, redirect to a lowercase version
var url = Request.Url.ToString();
if (Regex.IsMatch(url, #"[A-Z]"))
Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";
Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently;
Response.AddHeader("Location", url.ToLower());
Yes, just change it in the routing in the global.asax file.
#All asking if it matters: Yes I do think it matters. Having the url all in lower case just looks better.
Every time you don't make something look nice when you can, Bill Buxton kills a kitten.
