iOS 8 VPN Services, changing server address - ios

Due to the terrible lack of documentation on the NEVPNManager, i'm going to state the question right here.
I've seen a couple of VPN apps working with server switching. It's like installing a basic VPN profile and allowing it to be updated. However i can't seem to find any information on doing this.
Could someone point me into the right direction? Simply updating the profile doesnt seem to work.

Quite easy,
Just override the config. It seems that after installing the certificate, you can use the same code as creating one, but then it will simply change the profile.
I wonder if more things have the same logic in Apple world :-)


Settings in iPhone errors

So silly question here but if someone would humor me and lend any advice I would appreciate it SO much. I’ve had some issues since I’ve created my apple account, but one thing I keep noticing specifically that confuses me (my Apple ID once said it can not be changed, now it allows me the option to change my Apple ID and phone/email everything)
I wouldn’t be so concerned with this, but I’ve had reasons for safety/security concerns and then I noticed this. I see many “null” type messages in my data when I view it directly from my device as well. I’m not tech savvy at all so this is all beyond me. Forgive me please if I’m not posting this correctly. I receive error messages from apple when trying to download my data even. I’ve updated and reset my phone before but it doesn’t help. I want to just know this is user error on my end but I’m not finding information to confirm that anywhere I try to look. Thank you so much for anyone who might be able to point me in the right direction.

Blocking all connections to a specific domain only

I've been struggling to find how I could potentially implement a simple (iOS) app that would be able to block all connections to a specific domain (to prevent the user from accessing a specific social media platform for example, even from another app).
The information that I have found so far is that I should probably create a Packet Tunnel Provider within a Network Extension and ask the user to add VPN configurations, but I haven't found any example code that would show exactly how to implement this.
Do you have any idea how I could do that in a simple way (block all connections to a specific domain)? Is there a framework/library that I could use to do it easily?
Thank you!
Well, it would not be easy, but you can do it.
Sample code from Apple could be found here and here. This project is for iOS, but it may be on deprecated Swift version, so you will need to do some work to launch it now.
The part you are interested in the SimpleTunnel sample is FilterDataProvider and FilterControlProvider, other things you can omit, because the purpose of this sample is to demonstrate a lot of abilities.
There is also a sample for macOS that is more focused on your needs, and macOS SDK is alike to iOS, but less powerful.
You may want to see this video to sort things up in mind.
There are a lot of firewalls solutions for ios and mac, and some of them are opensource
The part you are interested in the SimpleTunnel sample is FilterDataProvider and FilterControlProvider, other things you can omit, because the purpose of this sample is to demonstrate a lot of abilities.
You will need a developer account, a network extension capability assigned to an application identity, and proper network extension entitlement file a to run things up.
There is a way to sign it manually for development without account&capability, but to distribute you will need it anyway.
For some restrictions you may be needed to install MDM profile on the device.

iOS Interactive Remote Debugging

Is it possible to interactively remote debug an iOS App with xCode (or some other interactive debugger, if necessary)?
Has anyone got a neat framework I can stick in my App that will allow this? I can imagine Apple might not want this for live Apps, but for enterprise deployment and for Beta deployment, it would be ace.
A workflow that might work is a customer with a bug can get in touch and then I can email them with a link that will launch my app and connect it to my debug server. With magic.
There's an S.O. question from back in '11 about this – I'm hoping things might have moved on. However, a post here suggests it's probably not possible.
I want to be clear crash reporting, log acquiring and analytics are all very nice and everything (you're right – I use them too), but that is not what this question is about. Thank you :-)
Definitive answers along the lines of "This is just not possible because …" or, "It's possible but fearsomely involved because …", or ideally "Yeah, it's easy and cool, check out …" would be wonderful.
I think what you are searching is not possible. If you want, take a look at Bugfender, it's a product we have built that helps somewhat to do what you want.
With Bugfender you can get the logs from a remote device you choose, is not remote debugging but for now it might be the closest thing to what you want.

Debugging through apple profile manager code base

I am total ios/ruby noob trying to build a custom mdm server for ipad devices and from what Ive seen on Stackoverflow here and here , there is a mdm server available with OSX lion server . But since I want to try to run it on a mac, I have bought the app from the app store from here and I am trying to understand how it has been built by looking at the ruby scripts. But I am having difficulty understanding the code and was wondering if there is a way to debug through it to understand what does what. Is there a way to do this ? I think the frontend is built using sproutcore and the backend is all built in Ruby. I am trying to understand it so I can build a custom server on my own.
I believe in this case, your best bet is MDM documentation. It's much easier to read the documentation to understand whole protocol, instead of trying to figure out from the source why they are doing one thing or another.
Here is reverse engineered documentation:
And Apple has full documentation. It was accessible on Apple developer downloads. However, I can't find a link right now.

Getting applications information installed on the device

I want to get the information of the installed applications on the device by code. Like for example when entering the settings in the device then applications you can see all the applications installed ... well I want to get that by code... how to do that?
Any idea about that topic?
Check out the API documentation on CodeModuleManager.
And, part of the way StackOverflow works is that when you get an answer that solves your problem you should accept that answer. This is how you repay people for taking the time to help you out. You are a new user, and not too many questions yet, but if you get to far ahead of yourself without accepting answers people may stop answering them.
