MKMapView "Legal" Label necessary for custom maps? - ios

I´m using MKMapView for displaying MKTileOverlays. The overlays are drawn by myself and i don't show any map data from Apple or Google. Do I need the "Legal" label on top of the map? I only use the MKMapView to display custom tiles and put some custom annotations on it. Do I really need the legal patch here? Will my app be rejected if I drop it?

The legal link is required by Apple and there is some possibility that your app will get rejected if you remove it by using private class i.e. (if you loop the subviews of the map for MKAttributedLabel and remove/hide it). Your case is a bit more challenging of their rules due to the usage of tiles, but on a previous project of mine, where I needed a small mapView and the link was appearing quite bad on that small area, I extended the bottom area of the map a bit so that link is obscured by the view in front of it. The app got published without a problem.


How to Make a Programmable Tile View (Like the App Store Has)?

I'm building an app, and I want the main view to be "tile" based, kind of like how the App Store looks:
In other words, I'd like to be able to add rounded "tiles" (like the get fit, now trending) to my view with certain information- a method that adds tiles in certain scenarios, with certain information. I'd also like the view to be scrollable, and the tiles to expand and reveal more information when clicked.
I have no idea how to start this, so I'm sorry for the vagueness, but any help is appreciated.
Anyone looking to make a UI like the App Store's today page will find what they want in the Cocoapod called "Cards."

Using MKMapView with a custom MKOverlay. Can the local attractions that come with Apple Maps by default appear above the overlay layer?

I have an MKMapView with an MKOverlay on top, I'm wondering if its possible to have road names, place names, places of interest and everything like that, that comes by default with Apple Maps, can be displayed above my MKMapView so I don't have to add all this information manually as annotations. I know this is possible with the Google Maps API on Android so wasn't sure if I could do this with Apple Maps.
I've added an image that shows iOS versus Android to show what I am envisioning:
So, I've found a solution to this issue. If you're using the addOverlay: method in MKMapView, you can use:
[self.myMapView addOverlay:customOverlay level:MKOverlayLevelAboveRoads];
MKOverlayLevelAboveRoads means place labels including shields and point of interest icons are shown above your overlay.
MKOverlayLevelAboveLabels means your overlay will appear on top of everything (which i believe is the default based on my experiences).

Add text under markers in mapbox ios

I'm using Mapbox SDK in my iOS app (using Swift).
I want a label to show under every marker like this:
I couldn't find anywhere in the docs or on stackoverflow how I can achieve that. I tried to make the text a part of the marker image, but the text does not resize itself that way and things are a mess when markers are close (or when you zoom out).
Does anybody know how I can make that happen?
Right now, you'll want to do this at the GL style level using Mapbox Studio — not as dynamic annotations.
Doing it in the style allows labels to be recalculated and customized based on the surrounding data and map state, whereas annotations currently aren't as customizable.

how to let user drop interactive pin/marker on one uiimage

Right now I am working on one application which needs to have an interactive image.
While the user is viewing this image, they should be able to drop pin/marker onto the image by tap any location on the image. Once a pin/marker is dropped on the image, user should be able to tap the pin/marker again to add some comments to the pin, delete this pin/marker or even some other operation.
Right now, I am using the MKOverlayView to hold my image and put the MKOverlayView into a MKMapView so that I can use customized annotations to do that. However, there are always some zooming issues when I limited the visible region of the view(Because I do not need the entire world map). More importantly, I find out that I cannot get rid of the leftbuttom legal link(I need to submit my app to app store. And Apple does not allow it.) Also, each time when I first load the app, I can definitely see the mapping is loading and the map grid. And I do not want user to see it.
So I am thinking to find some other ways. Can anyone provide me a more feasible way to implement it, like some similar project example or tutorial? Any help is appreciated.

How to make a pull-up View in iOS (similiar to FourSquare)

I want to make a a sliding up like FourSquare app.
Like this:
What I want to achieve are:
The UITableView goes all the way up to UINavigationBar.
It drags along with my finger's position.
My app also have a GMSMapView below (Google Map's API, similiar to FourSquare), I don't want the map responses to my gestures on the UITableView, I want it stays still.
Works both in iOS 6 and 7 and iPhone 4,5.
Does anybody have a framework, github's link ... that can help me fulfill this ?
Thank you.
I have been working on something very similar in the past days. This answer is actually quite good, but you will suffer a bit in terms of performance. After more tweaking, I used parts of this library. You don't need to use everything, but keep in mind the following when choosing a library:
Libs that base the movement of the map on the map.centerCoordinate are less performant than libs that base the movement on the map's frame.
You can also read a bit from this tweets exchange I had.
My thoughts about what FourSquare actually did, is that in the beginning they are using a screenshot of the map, so they are not really using a MKMapView, but an UIImageView. Once you touch it and you animate it, they switch between one and another and they start using a map. I will be using Reveal App plus this to know exactly what they are doing.
