Unable to install gremlin-neo4j through gremlin shell - neo4j

So, I'm going through the tutorial on getting started with the TinkerPop 3.0 stuff. I've gotten the basic API working with the TinkerGraph stuff, and I'm moving on to try and interface with my local Neo4j instance (Community 2.2.2). I'm working through the tutorial here:
but, the neo4j-gremlin plugin does not appear to exist as documented. Neither the gradle line:
compile group : 'org.apache.tinkerpop', name: 'neo4j-gremlin', version: '3.0.0.M9-incubating'
, nor the following attempt through the gremlin groovy shell:
gremlin> :plugin list
gremlin> :install org.apache.tinkerpop neo4j-gremlin 3.0.0.M9-incubating
Error grabbing Grapes -- [unresolved dependency: org.apache.tinkerpop#neo4j-gremlin;3.0.0.M9-incubating: not found]
Display stack trace? [yN] y
java.lang.RuntimeException: Error grabbing Grapes -- [unresolved dependency: org.apache.tinkerpop#neo4j-gremlin;3.0.0.M9-incubating: not found]
seem to work, because neither one can resolve the dependency. The problem persists if the M9 is replaced back to at least M7, or if I try and grab from 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT. Has TinkerPop just dropped support for Neo4j and has not updated their tutorials?

I guess there's some discrepancy between documentation and where Neo4j stands in terms of official release. Neo4j was removed from the repository around M7 at the time TinkerPop started making releases under the Apache Software Foundation (given license conflicts). It was added back to the repository after the M9 release as license issues were resolved. As it stands now, there is approval from Apache on the packaging of Neo4j thus allowing it to be officially included as part of the next release which should be GA.
Note that Neo4j has not changed its licensing structure for this to happen. It remains GPL-based. The GPL'd dependencies however are NOT packaged with TinkerPop binary distributions and the source distributions are free of GPL dependencies as well. It's an interesting model actually and took a fair bit of collaboration with all parties to accomplish.
It is actually pretty easy to work around this issue, but it involves you building TinkerPop from source. The following commands should do it:
git clone https://github.com/apache/incubator-tinkerpop.git
cd incubator-tinkerpop
git checkout tags/3.0.0-incubating-rc1
mvn clean install -DskipTests -DincludeNeo4j
Note that 3.0.0-incubating-rc1 is the current release candidate for GA that vendors are testing their implementations against right now. I assume that you've configured your grapeConfig.xml file as described in the TinkerPop 3 documentation, which would mean that it is configured to look at your local Maven .m2 directory. If so, that should get your :install command to work as well as other dependency management tools.


what is the ROS linting solution

What's the ros way of linting ros code?
For ros1 I have found roslint but it is unclear to me if this is the recommended way to lint ros code and if it is still maintained/supported (last commit from three years ago).
For ros2 I couldn't find any official lint solution.
Not sure if there is "the ROS way of linting". For your Python/C++ code you can basically use any standard Python/C++ linter.
In addition (when using ROS 1) I can highly recommend catkin_lint, which checks the package definition and notifies about issues like inconsistent dependency declarations or missing install commands (especially the later can save a lot of time when moving from a devel workspace to installing packages on the robot).
The ROS2 development guide explains the rules used. Link1 and Link2
There is a linter located in ament_lint to enforce some rules.
To run the linter automatically as part of the tests of the package (use BUILD_TEST):
depend on ament_lint_auto and ament_lint_common:
Src file example Package.xml
2 lines to your CMakeLists: (with BUILD_TEST)
Src file example CMakeList
find_package(ament_lint_auto REQUIRED)

How to deploy an Agda library on Travis CI?

I've read the .travis.yml in the agda-stdlib project, while it's very different and complex from a simple library that was written in Agda purely (without those Haskell codes and Shell scripts).
I'm confused with the stdlib's .tarvis.yml. I've installed agda via cabal install, but the stdlib is trying to clone and compile Agda on Travis CI, and there're a lot of commands that seems to be irrealavent to building it.
Also, agda-stdlib seems to be available on Ubuntu's source. This could be the 3rd approach to install it.
Also, the stdlib doesn't have dependencies, but I have. I don't know how to add a dependency either.
Conclusion of my question:
In the 3 choices of installing agda listed above, which one should I choose?
How to add an dependency that let the agda compiler knows I'm actually using it?
The standard library is a bit of a special case: it evolves in lock-step with the development version of Agda. As such it is often the case that it cannot be compiled with a version of Agda readily available in your distribution of choice (e.g. because it uses syntax that was not available beforehand!) and it is forced to pull the latest version from github.
Installing Agda
If your library is compatible with a distributed version then it will be far simpler for you to simply pull it from the repositories via apt-get install agda.
Alternatively Scott Fleischman has a basic example on how to use a docker image to typecheck your development: https://github.com/scott-fleischman/agda-travis
Installing your dependencies
If your project relies on dependencies then you do need to install them. In practice it'll probably mean fetching a bunch of tarballs via wget, and having a ~/.agda/libraries pointing at their library files.
Cf. the manual on library management

Neo4j plugin : can't use the spatial procedures after installing neo4j spatial plugin

So I have neo4j3.1.4 community edition, and tried to put neo4j spatial plugin jar v0.24 file under the "E:\softwares\Neo4j CE 3.2.0\plugins" directory. "E:\softwares\Neo4j CE 3.2.0\" is my neo4j installation directory. I couldn't find any of th procedures of spatial from cypher through browser. But I seem to have done exactly what the manual told me.
Judging from the installation path I'd say you actually have Neo4j 3.2.0 running, no ? Anyway (shouldn't make a difference really), if you take the latest release from https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/spatial/releases/download/0.24-neo4j-3.1.1/neo4j-spatial-0.24-neo4j-3.1.1-server-plugin.jar, drop it into the plugins directory and then restart (don't forget that) Neo4j, things should work. You can verify if the spatial-procedures are there with a CALL dbms.procedures(). If not, please verify the neo4j.log file ... there are multiple messages about loading "geometry" related stuff in there if things go well (or you may see the reason it's not loading otherwise).
Also, and again judging from your installation directory, I think you may have used the Windows installer ? If so, the plugins directory is actually located at C:\Users\youruser\Documents\Neo4j\default.graphdb\plugins, not in the installation directory.
Hope this helps,

Dealing with a large c++ library in a Rails deployment

I have a Rails project that is going to be using OpenCV, and it depends on a certain version of it (
I'm looking for deployment advice. The Ubuntu opencv package is an earlier version and therefore not suitable.
I can see a number of possibilities, but I'm trying to think of what will work best.
Just write it up in a README and expect people to follow it: download this, apt-get that, etc...
Add opencv, tagged at the version we need, as a git subtree, and include a Rake task to build it.
Write a script to download and compile the needed code.
Something else ?
None of them seem all that great, to tell the truth.
Can your application be made to work with OpenCV 2.4.2? That is available in Ubuntu 13.04, and you could request it be backported to 12.04. If not, you could update the source package to (which would require learning about debian packaging but might not be too difficult since you would be modifying an existing package instead of starting from scratch), upload it to a PPA, and instruct your users on Ubuntu to install OpenCV from there. You could also package your rails application and put it in the PPA, which would make overall installation even easier.

Grails extension in SpringSource Tool Suite errors

I recently installed SpringSource Tool Suite. And I want to start working with Grails projects. So, I went to the Dashboard -> Extension, where I saw two extensions: Grails (current production release) and Grails Support as in the image below.
But when I try to install them, I get the following errors :
Problems occurred while performing installation: Operation details
Operation details
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software currently installed: Shared profile (SharedProfile_com.springsource.sts.ide
Missing requirement: Shared profile (SharedProfile_com.springsource.sts.ide requires 'org.maven.ide.eclipse []' but it could not be found
What can I do to resolve this error ? Or are there any other options I can follow to install Grails extension?
Thank you!
I would switch to the new "Groovy/Grails Tool Suite" that was recently announced (see http://www.springsource.org/node/3582). Go to the standard download page at http://www.springsource.org/downloads/sts and click "Other Downloads >". Download the version for your OS under "Milestone Version - Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.0.0.M2".
It is a beta/milestone release but I've been using it since it was released and it's as stable as a final release so far. It's convenient since the Groovy-Eclipse plugin and the Grails support are already configured for you, in addition to the latest Grails (2.0.4). Any other plugins that you need from the standard STS can always be installed using the standard install/update procedure.
Yes, what #BurtBeckwith said. You should move to the new GGTS.
However, to address your particular problem, you installed STS into a read-only directory (or in C:\Program files). You need to re-install it somewhere else.
The Eclipse p2 installer cannot handle installing feature patches into a read-only directory. Groovy-Eclipse ships with a feature patch to extend the JDT compiler. I believe that this problem was fixed in the Juno release of Eclipse (4.2), which came out last week.
Deleting corresponding application from Windows memory removed the problem (Grails extension in SpringSource Tool Suite errors). Double running applications (earlier and new) could also be reason why GGS or STS sometimes cannot save .groovy files (with error message or without).
