How to prevent a WKInterfaceController from scrolling? - ios

I have a WKInterfaceController, whose I don't want it to be scrollable, but it seems decided to scroll even when my master group's height and width are set to 1 in Relative to container.
I were thinking that It isn't possible until I see Fitstar and Skype apps.

There is a way - inside Storyboard:
Set the tag: "Fixed to screen edges"
After that, scrolling is disabled for the WKInterfaceController.

Looking and testing around found a solution:
Make sure that in Interface Controller's Attribute Inspector you have the insets set to default
You need to fit your view, in the <=100% of the view, there's no other workaround, if you have more than that, the WKInterfaceController will scroll automatically.


UIModalPresentationPopover - arrow direction Up, Prevent Contentview from starting from tip of the arrow

in iOS 13 it happens that the view of UIViewcontroller that is presented as model starts from the tip of the arrow. Because of it top banners in all of my popover gets cut. Can I prevent this from happening ? I want that my UIView does not start from arrow but once arrow is finished.
To fix this issue, I opened up my view controller's XIB, selected the top-most view, and then checked "Use Safe Area Layout Guides" under the File Inspector. Then I added Auto Layout constraints (of length 0) around that view's sole subview (a UITableView).
(I also needed to update the view controller's background colour. This changed the arrow colour back to what it was in iOS 12 and before.)
I wonder if your contentView contains UIScrollView. If yes, please add alwaysBounceVertical = YES to your scrollView. It works in my case.
I don't know why they changed this behavior, it can be a pita to deal with it if you are not using xibs. I couldn't find anything in the docs about it.
Use the safe areas to adjust the position of your view. You can both try to extend the size of that red area, or skip the arrow completely. In this particular case you can use if the arrow is going to be on the top always.

Convert view to scrollview for modal controller

I have some modal controllers that are UIViews and are not scrolling.
Reading on SO, the apple docs and elsewhere, it seems there are three approaches to fixing this:
Multiselect all the elements within the view and then go
change the view to a scrollview in the identity inspector and then
add the following line to viewdidload:
[(UIScrollView *)self.view setContentSize:CGSizeMake(320, 2000)];
Copy elements to clipboard, delete the uiview, add a new scrollview
and copy the elements into the scrollview. Warning - this destroys
the positioning of the elements although it does preserve their
outlet properties.
However, I have tried all of these and the scrollview still does not scroll.
Is there any other step I am missing?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Getting scrollviews to work is not easy and there is much conflicting advice on the web.
I finally got this to work by setting the content size in a separate method as opposed to viewdidload.
(void)viewDidLayoutSubviews {
self.MainScroll.contentSize = CGSizeMake(320, 1800);
Thanks as well to Evo for advice on setting all the vertical dimensions correctly and using freeform in the VC size inspector as it won't work if you don't carefully set these.
If you have EVER enabled autolayout, even if it's disabled now, you need to:
Select the view controller you plan on scrolling
At the bottom right of the storyboard view, click the third button (far right) and then "Reset to Suggested Constraints"
Make sure that all the elements in the scrollview are embedded in the desired positions.
If you are not using autolayout:
Check that the Size of the view controller is set to (320, 2000), or whatever you want.
In the Simulated Metrics of the view controller, you can set the size type to Freeform.
Then in the tab to the right of Simulated Metrics, you can set the width and height to the desired values.
Please comment any concerns

Extra space on top and bottom of Init View Controller

I have a swift app I have been working on for some time now. I noticed that my init view controller has extra space at the top and the bottom of the view, so much that it allows me to pull up and down on the first view and let go and have it spring back into where it was. I removed all my constraints thinking I had an issue with them, but it's still done the same thing. The size class is set to any any, and all my graphic fit inside the view, yet I still an able to pull up and down.
I also made sure my view, wasn't a scroll view, it's not.
I looked around for similar issues, but couldn't find anything like this.
Thanks for the help!
Here is what my view looks like in IB
When I run the app.
Showing the amount I am able to pull it down from the top.
If you remove all of your constraints, and the storyboard is set to use auto layout, it usually won't show up correctly, as you have seen. You will have to add the constraints to each element in your view controller. To do that, you can control click on each and drag it where you want to connect a constraint. Or, use the pin and align buttons in the bottom right corner of the storyboard view.
There is a good tutorial from apple that I suggest you read. It will help you with the basics of using auto layout. Another option would be to not use auto layout. To turn it off in the Storyboard, go to the file inspector and uncheck the box "Use Auto Layout".

Designing inside a scrollview in xcode 4.2 with storyboards

I have a vertically scrolling uiscrollview - imagine an 'about this app' page of a tab bar app which goes on a bit and requires a scrollview. It only contains a few images, a video and some text (only the video has been coded in - the rest have been placed in the GUI). In storyboard (Interface Builder?) Xcode 4.2, everything is set up as it should be and works fine, but the view is only as large as what you see on the screen, is it not possible to manually arrange in storyboard the items that are initially offscreen - that you need to scroll up to? The only way I've found so far is to design them on the visible view then navigate them down with the arrow keys..
In the storyboard select the viewController, then in Attributes inspector change 'size' to 'freeform'. Then change the 'height' of the view/scroll view to as big as you need. The default settings of struts and springs should take care of resizing the view back correctly when the app is run, but you should double check.
I feel your pain. The only way I found is to manually pan the scroll view in the size inspector to reveal the portion of the view that you wish to visually edit.
Use a UIView to contain elements so they are positioned relatively to this view. Add the view as a subview to the scrollview at 0,0.
pan: use the Y coordinate say to -200, then edit the contents.
to place more contents in the hidden part, pan again to reveal new real-estate
when finished, restore the values of the ScrollView's height and X,Y position.
Make sure the scroll view frame rectangle is smaller than the contained view.
New: 3/26/2013
I stumbled upon what I think is even simpler way of dealing with UIScrollView directly in storyboard.
No code needed, just storyboard settings. This maybe new in iOS6.1 / Xcode 4.6
No need to disable constraints (i.e. uncheck "Use autolayout" in File Inspector for storyboard file)
No need to add UIScrollView* scrollView; in .h
No need to add self.scrollView.contentSize = ... in overrides of viewWillAppear or viewDidLoad
Here is what I did (important parts highlighted with **): (see code)
Create a new project with storyboard enabled
Drop in a UIScrollView, set class in identity inspector for view controller
In attributes Inspector, change Size under simulated metrics to Freeform**
Select scroll View; In attributes inspector, turn on "scroll enabled" and "background" to "White" (you'll figure out why - if you don't)
Under Size Inspector (with scroll view selected) change the height to 900 for example**
Add buttons, one on top and one at the bottom
Add a default handler for buttonTouchUpInside for both buttons and simply Log sender.
See Code Select the View Controller and scroll view and check inspectors.
Just change the 'Simulated Size' of the view controller to freeform and set a height that is larger than the usual size, you will be able to see all the outlets you need to edit.
On iOS 6.0 you can drag a Container View inside your Scroll View. This will automatically create a new View for your content, outside of the current scene. You can then resize this view as big as needed to fit your content.
I believe you would still have to set the ScrollView content height at runtime, but at least you can design you content view at once without having to scroll up and down on IB.
Just uncheck the "Autoresize subviews" from any view that you're trying to resize and it should keep all your objects from resizing with it.
I've been struggling with this for a while now, and every single thing I've tried has failed.
Specifically, What I am trying to achieve is a freeform sized modal dialog with a scrollable view containing a container for another view. I have had a lot of varied results, including occasionally having it working correctly. Most often I get it looking exactly correct, but with no scrolling.
In finally downloaded Dickey Singh's code, which worked perfectly but had nothing special. (Excellent clean solution BTW). So, I added a container view to it, exactly as I had in my code, and it broke!
After some experimenting, I worked out what is going on. Just bear with me.
1) Using Auto Layout, the size of the scroll view seems to dictate what the scrolling bounds will be. Setting "contentSize" in "USer Defined Runtime Attributes" seems to have no effect on this, and neither does setting "contentSize" or "bounds" in "viewWillDisplay" or "viewDidLoad". Thus if the initial size of the scroll view is 800x800, that will be all the space that can be displayed. For this reason, when I want a scrollable region, I create a container view and then put the scrolling view inside the content.
2) Without Auto Layout, setting "contentSize" in "User Defined Runtime Attributes" works, as does by setting it programmatically in "viewDidLoad". I prefer to use "User Defined Runtime Attributes" because it keeps the size with the layout. This solution allows you to use scrolling view with more flexibility, since it can be any size at design time.
3) Regardless of Auto Layout, if any view within the scrolling region exactly matches EITHER the horizontal or vertical frame bounds, then the scroll view ceases to function as a scroll view. This applies to my own code and to Dickey Singh's code in every possible configuration that I have tried.
I have no idea what is causing (3), but it is clearly a bug.
I hope this helps everybody out there who is struggling to use scroll view. I imagine that some people are using them without any problem, and some (like me) have had noting but problems with them.
Here's my solution to design a ScrollView with a content larger than the screen entirely in Storyboard (well, except for 1 single line of code :-) :
I'm currently developing an app for iOS 7, and I did exactly as #Dickey Singh's answer, but it doesn't work in the beginning.
After checking the storyboard, I found that we also need to add Auto Layout Constraints for the view controller who holds the scrollView.
It seems that such auto layout constraints would be added automatically before Xcode 5, but now we need to do it ourselves.
The way to add constraints: First select the view controller in the storyboard; Enter 'Editor' in the top menu; Select the 'Resolve Auto Layout Issues'; Select the 'Add Missing Constraints In Container'. Done :-)

iOS: How can I figure out the size of the view in the super view's layout?

When I use self.view.frame.size.height, it gets the height of the child nib, rather than the height of how the view is going to fit into the overall layout. I get the same value using self.view.bounds.size.height and super.view.bounds.size.height.
Any help would be appreciated.
Ask at the right time. Not until the view is ready to appear has iOS figured out what size it will actually be. Move your code that depends upon the view being the right size to viewWillAppear instead of viewDidLoad or an init method.
In Xcode 4 you would select your view controller that contains the UIScrollView and set the 'Simulated Metrics' in the IB Attributes Inspector as follows:
This ensures that your UIScrollView will be set to the correct size to fill the available space at design time. It looks like you are using an older version of Xcode/IB and I can't remember exactly where these settings used to be but they're in there somewhere.
With the layout designed to accommodate the space taken up by the tab bar you should be able to query the size of the UIScrollView at any time and get the correct values.
