API to get call logs from an AVAYA phone server - avaya

Can someone help me understand how to get the call logs (calls actually made) on a AVAYA phone server? The documentation for this product is the worst and help online is almost nil.
I am able to telnet in and can do "list agent" and "list skill" among others but I do not see any command to actually list the calls made.

There is no command to show you the CDR (Call Detail Records) data. BUT, you can access the CDR data by doing the following:
In your PBX, run these commands:
change system-parameters cdr
Then set the option for "Enable CDR Stroage on Disk?" to y
You can now access the CDR by FTP'ing to your PBX and navigating to:


Automation Anywhere fails with "destination mailbox was not found or could not be accessed"

I use send mail on automation anywhere but program error massage,
"The destination mailbox was not found or could not be accessed."
please Knowledgeable person help advice me.
thank you.
If you are using a community edition then the send email command won't work most probably. But if you are using Enterprise editions then check the following:
Check if the all mails given are correct.
In AA client goto Tools->Options->Email settings and check the correct host and port number.
If the above methods don't work that means the SMTP settings of the your system are not done or your system doesn't have enough authorization. Either you may have to raise some request in your organization to open that particular port for you or something similar to get it fixed.

"Number to Contact" does not send message when edited

When I change the {{contact.channel.address}} number to a different number that I receive form REST Parameters the message will not send.
I am trying to take a POST request that then triggers the Twilio Studio to call a store and tell them they have a new online order. They then press Keys to indicate how long the order will take to process and then I send a message to the customer telling them when to pick up their order.
When I keep the {{contact.channel.address}} the same the code runs correctly but when I change this it doesn't work anymore.
Found this link that says it cannot be changed for outbound call but it is possible to edit for send message
Does anyone know can I do this or is this functionality not support at all?
curl -X POST "URL" -d "To=+1xxxxxxxxxx" -d "From=+1xxxxxxxxxx" -d "Parameters={\"orderid\":\"12345\", \"name\":\"Johen\", \"phone\":\"+1xxxxxxxxxx\"}" -u SID:AUTH
Studio Flow
The {{contact.channel.address}} should be equal to the To you pass in when calling the Studio REST Api URL. In your example, "To=+1xxxxxxxxxx".

How to display an interactive message to a channel with a slash command EXCEPT to the person evoking it?

I created an interactive message that gets called via a slash command which gets distributed to the entire channel. Everything works fine. But I can't for the life of me figure out how to limit the message to the entire channel but to the person evoking it. Right now the message goes to everyone including the person that invoked it. If you've ever used /poll, the poll goes out to everyone but the person who created it.
If anyone knows how to do this, can you point me in the right direction?
The response message from a slash command can be only one of two things:
an ephemeral response, which can be seen by the user who issued the command only
an in_channel response, which can be seen by everyone in the channel
There is no feature or switch so that the response message would not be visible to the issuing user.
You can however build a workaround and manually send every user except the one issuing the command an ephemeral message. Here is an outline of how that would work:
Get the list of users of the channel via conversations.members
Send each user an ephemeral message via chat.postEphemeral
There are some significant caveat to this workaround:
You app needs a lot of additional scopes to be allowed to retrieve the member list and send messages (see documentation of those API methods for details)
There is rate limit of about 1 message per second, so it might take quite some time to send those message to all user depending on how big the group is
your slash command needs to respond with 3 seconds. So you will need to implement some fancy multi-threading to be able to send all those messages.
To make that work in private channels you have to work with an additional bot user
That would get you the result you are asking for, but there are some caveats:

Using Asana API to find Nobody?

I'm able to retrieve tasks for a workspace assigned to a particular assignee - using curl:
curl -u <api_key>: "https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/tasks?workspace=14916&assignee=me"
However I'd like to be able to search for not just "me" or an id of a user - but "Nobody" as you are able to do in the web interface.
curl -u <api_key>: "https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/tasks?workspace=14916&assignee=Nobody"
Results in an error returned by the server:
assignee: Not an email, ID, or "me": Nobody
Is there an id for "Nobody" that I can use here?
This is currently not supported. We're working on designing a way to expose the power of the Advanced Search in the API, but it's still early in the design phase. We have internal integrations that (for instance) look at a project and find all the unassigned incomplete tasks, but the way we do it is to get all the incomplete tasks (?completed_since=now) and then filter out the ones with assignees on the client. That's obviously not what we'd like to be doing, and there's no way to do it for an entire workspace.
So all I can say it that it's high on our list of API priorities to support this, but we don't yet. Sorry :-(

desire2learn valence get users call giving 403 not authorized error

I am getting a 403 not authorized error with this call -> /d2l/api/lp/1.2/users/ and all it's variations with query parameters.
I have checked the permissions: Search for student, instructor, tutor, etc. and all the UIPs at Organization and Course Offering level for the calling user's role. All are enabled. I've cascade enrolled this user from organization level to all levels. What am I missing which needs to be enabled to make this call work?
Yes -- this is almost certainly that your calling user context doesn't have the permissions in place to make the call, for some reason. We do have this call working fine in our test environments, so I would encourage you to report this through D2L's support desk, and note that it's an API calling issue. You can help move it along significantly if you can provide a packet trace (via Fiddler or Wireshark) of a successful API call, and the not-good call, both outgoing request and response back along with your incident.
If, after opening the incident, you can report the INC number back here in a comment, I can try to expedite assistance at our end.
Well, It was a permissions issue and the call -> /d2l/api/lp/1.2/users/ needed the "User Management Tool" (something like that) permission, which my calling user didn't have at the root organization level. I was also getting an empty result set for the call -> /d2l/api/lp/1.2/enrollments/orgUnits/{OrgUnitID}/users/ this needed the "View User Enrollments" permissions again at the root level.
After enabling those 2 permissions, I'm able to get the expected results.
