How to pass data from MVC Controller to ASPX Page? -

I have two projects (one ASP.NET MVC and one ASP.NET Webform). I am showing the aspx page of webform project in one panel of the cshtml page of MVC project.
I wanted to pass a value from the action method of controller to the aspx page and I need to use it in the webform project. Could some one help how to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!


ASP.NET MVC: Load PartialView Only Once

We are using ASP.NET MVC 4 and KO (KnockOutJS) for frontend side.
For making components in KO, we are using ASP.NET MVC partial views (consist of script and template).
Some of our components depend on another component so we load some partials in another partial view to make sure dependent component exists in page.
The problem is that in such cases multiple instance of one partial load in page.
Is there any way to tell the view engine to load every partial only once in each page?
Any idea will appreciated ...

How to add new aspx page in 5 application

I have created a new ASP.Net 5 application as empty and tried to add the aspx page through add new item. but there is no options to add aspx page rather that we can have all other items like view, controller, class library.
Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Files ending in .aspx are part of the Web Forms framework. ASP.NET 5 does not support Web Forms at all, nor will it ever support Web Forms. If you want to create a Web Forms application using Visual Studio 2015, you should choose Web Forms from the ASP.NET 4.6 Templates instead.
ASP.Net 5 is like ASP.Net MVC, you cannot add .aspx page but .cshtml razor view into your Views folder.
ASP.NET 5 support both MVC and webfrom. We have choose web application templet with Web Form, MVC or API.

Razor views in ASP.NET Webforms application

I am trying to convert my Webforms application into an MVC one. I wanted to know if i could have Razor views(.cshtml) and Aspx views(.aspx) coexist in the same application.If yes,then how?If no,then is it ok if i use MVC with aspx pages?
Yes you can have razor views and aspx views in the same project. Check out the following links, they will guide you in the right direction.
Hope this helps.

working with an .aspx page with in mvc 2

I'm new to mvc.
I just created the default mvc project in VS and I can see that when I make a call to a controller's action like this: "http://localhost:2528/Home/About" my Home controller has an action method "About" that is returning the about.aspx view. however I am seeing not seeing the .aspx extension in the browser's url. And when I try to browse to "http://localhost:2528/Home/About.aspx" i get a 404 error.
I have a requirement where I need to create a .aspx page that is passed an arguement via the url like this: "http://... /myAspxPageHere.aspx?argName=myArg"
I'm not sure how to do this with MVC. Any help and/or code examples would be greatly appreciated.
ASP.Net MVC does not use the .aspx extension in client-facing URLs.
If you want to accept arguments from the querystring, you should add parameters to your action methods.

ASP.NET MVC + WebForms

I've been searching how to add webforms to MVC project but there lots of sites explaining only how to add MVC to an existing webforms project.
Is there a way to do that ? Maybe need to add some code at Web.Config ?
The .aspx.cs can't find any control on the .aspx webpage, that's the trouble !
You can add a WebForm to your MVC project and have it work. You can also add WebForm controls to an MVC view as long as you have a <form runat="server"> around it.
It irks me to post this ... but I went Add New Item ... and added an Ajax Web Form into an MVC 2 project and the code behind was added and linked to the web form.
