How do you show failed test comments on Team foundation server - tfs

I have added comments on failed tests within tfs but these cannot be shown any where even when you click into the test. How can one show the comments entered on tests?

Presumably you're working in Team Web Access rather than the Test Manager client?
I'd be happy to be proved wrong on this but I don't believe you can view the comments directly in Web Access.
If you open up the test details pane (right hand side of your Test Plan view)
Then you can select Test Results in the Pane menu
If you double click the test result or click the Open in Microsoft Test Manager button (beside Refresh) then it will launch MTM (assuming you have it installed) and you will see more details including the individual steps and any comments you added.
You can also go to this directly in MTM on the Test tab and select Analyse Test Runs. Double click the run you want the details of.
If you're not using MTM then you could associate the test run fail with a Bug (click the Create Bug button on the test runner) and you test steps and comments will be added to the Bug Work Item steps to reproduce.

As rerwinRR mentioned, this is not possible in team web access. But you may vote for this feature wish:

In TFS 2015 web interface, open the TEST tab, Test plan, choose the test suite from the dropdown.
Choose the test case on the second pane.
Press the Show/hide details pane button from the second pane's toolbar.
When the third pane shows up, choose Test results from the Pane dropdown at the top right. You will see the list of test runs for the selected test case.
Doubleclick one of the test runs to see the details, including comments you have added to the steps.


Microsoft Test Manager 2015

Please see the picture below for reference. Does anyone know how to associate Test Runs to a PBI in TFS Microsoft Test manager. The 3 results I have circled below I had to manually associate each Test Run to the PBI. Is there a way to have them automatically link up? Test Cases automatically do this. (Tested By)
To associate automated test results with PBI, you could do this directly from test result page.
On the test results page, select the tests you want to link to PBI and choose the Associate tests to work item (link) icon.
Select the PBI from the list of suggested work items and choose Associate.

TFS 2018 - How to view complete history for each test case

We are running TFS version 2018 RTW (16.122.27102.1). I am trying to view the complete run history for my each of my test cases. I am only seeing the last couple of test runs when I go to the Build -> Tests -> Click on a test -> Right panel shows a graph with the link "View History" below it. The graph is only showing the last couple of test runs:
The Build definition I am working with has a retention policy of 15 days and a minimum to keep of 3. TFS seems to be only showing history for builds it has not yet deleted. However, the box "Automated test results" is not checked - I am under the impression that not checking this box should allow me to see the completed history of my test runs.
How can I view the completed history of my test runs without having to retain all my builds?
Additional Details
My build specific retention policy is listed first. This means it will override the global policy if I understand correctly.
I can see all the test runs for my deleted builds. However the test history for each individual test only shows 3 bars. I was expecting to see 8 bars (the current 3 plus the 5 test runs from the deleted builds).
There are not only the build retention policy in your build definition, but also a Global build retention policy
Global build retention policy settings can be managed from the Build and Release settings of your account or team project collection:
TFS 2018: https://{your_server}/tfs/DefaultCollection/_admin/_buildQueue
You could not be able to change the delete test results value in the policy there. So if your builds fit the global policy, the test result will still be deleted.
Besides, you could use the REST API to get the test case and Test Run list.
However, it's not so easy to get the test run history for a specific test case, unless you run only the specific test case each time. In fact, usually we will run multiple test cases in a test run.
REST API to get the test case,
GET http://SERVER:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/2017ScrumProjectFromVS/_apis/test/plans/105/suites/106/testcases/107?api-version=1.0
REST API to get the test run list :
GET http://server:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/2017ScrumProjectFromVS/_apis/test/Runs/
Actually the best way to retrieve test cases run status history is
using MTM (Microsoft Test Manager):
Connect TFS server -->> Select the Team Project -->> Select Test
tab >> Select the test plan -->> Select the specific test case -->>
View Results -->> At the end of the opened page you will see the result history (All test runs for the specific test case).
We also found that the ability to view easily view a test cases' result history was lost when we moved from MTM.
There is a feature request uservoice here
However, if you have got MTM handy, you can use the the following workaround
1) In TFS, click on "Test" from the top menu and select the test suite where your test case is. Select the test case that you are interested in. Then Click pass or fail button. This will generate a manual test run for the given test.
2) Go to MTM -> Test --> Analyze Test Run. Select option "Manual Runs" in the View option.
3) Open the test run. Right click on test and click "View Results"
4) The list of results will show you the manual run as well as automated runs, which is what you are looking for.
Hope it helps!!

How do you edit Lab Process Settings in a Lab Management template?

Everytime I try to edit the Lab Process Settings in a lab management template in Visual Studio 2013, I get the following error:
Has anyone seen this appearing? I tried creating a new build definition targeting the same template, but the error appears again.
OS: Windows 8.
VS: 2013 Update 2
You are most likely running TFS update 3 which changed the back-end of TFS to create work items for both the Test Plan and Test Suites now. There is something odd going on in your project, it may be that you have not "enabled" the features on the project so those things are done behind the scene.
To verify this, go the TFS portal and click on the little gear in the right hand corner, then click the control panel link (up top left) and select the project you are working under and finally select Manage the project administration page and click the overview tab. Is there an "enable features" button there?
If you go the home page of you project and click the little question mark on the top right corner and select about, what version do you have there?
You have changed the Process template to have the state "In progress" rather than "In Progress" and the default configuration is choking. If you go through your process template and make sure that the casing is correct ("In Progress") your issue should go away.
Full details and solutions:

'Test' section is not displayed while browsing TFS for executing test cases on browser

I am not able to see Test section when I browse to the TFS.
I have tried this with all the Team Project Templates I am not able to view for any.
Is there something I have missed while configuring/setting the TFS or the Team Project?
These projects have test case as work items. Yet options to execute test on browser is not displayed whereas I can see test cases in Work Items and I can update also them.
Make sure the account you are using is setup as a Full Access account in the TFS Control Panel.

Can a defect be logged into any custom WI directly from MS Test Runner? if so how?

In VSTS 2010 – in MS Test Runner
A defect can be logged against a work item called “BUG” by default.
This bug will have all the details relevant to the test that is run like the information in the following tabs in workitem bug – details tab, System info tab , Test Cases tab, etc .,
Instead of logging defects in workitem “BUG” is it possible to log defects to any other custom workitem but still manage to hold all these details tab , system info tab , test cases tab, etc., into the custom WI.
Please refer the attachment .
You need to put your custom work item type into the Microsoft.BugCategory category. Take a look at the command line tool witadmin in %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE
The following blog post might help you:
VS2010 Work item categories
If you want all the controls as well (like repro steps control), then you need to make sure the appropriate fields and form controls are copied over into the work item from the Microsoft work item definitions.
