Setting COM (RDPEncomAPI) property in Delphi - delphi

I've used Delphi for some time, but I am trying some COM programming and having trouble. I apologize if this is a NewBie issue, but after searching an trying lots of things I have not been able to get or set the properties of an RDPEncom RDPSession object. The code (including several naive attemps) is below. If I remove the line attempting to read properties, remaining code works fine.
How can I get and Set the PortID property of RDPSession.Properties ?
uses rdpencomapi_TLB; // from JWAPI
myRDPSession := CoRDPSession.Create();
if VarIsNull(myRDPSession) then
application.MessageBox('MsRdpSession creation failed.', 'Error');
Result := False;
didShare := myRDPSession.Open;
ShowMessage('Unable to share desktop !');
theProperty := 'PortID';
ActiveXProp := myRDPSession.Properties;
//lValues := ActiveXProp.Property_(theProperty); // method not supported
//lValues := ActiveXProp.Property(theProperty); // member not found
myRDPSession.Properties.GetProperty(lValues, myRDPSession.Properties.Property, theProperty);
ActiveXProp.GetProperty(lValues, ActiveXProp.Property, 'PortID');
ActiveXProp.Property.GetProperty(ActiveXProp.Property, lValues, 'PortID');
ActiveXProp.Property.GetProperty(lValues, ActiveXProp, 'PortID');
ActiveXProp.Property.Get_Prop_('PortID', ActiveXProp);
ActiveXProp.Property.SetProperty('PortID', ActiveXProp);
ActiveXProp.Property.Set_Prop_('PortID', ActiveXProp);
ActiveXInvite := myRDPSession.Invitations.CreateInvitation('RemoteSupport', 'WePresent', '12345', 75);

Your comment put me onto something.. I regenerated the TLB file from my own machine and found it did have a property that was not in the TLB I used originally (from Jedi Project). This one has a single Property called 'Property' that allowed me to do what I needed. Basically I was missing the COM interface point. I got it to work after updating the TLB this way (with no error checking yet):
// get properties interface
myRDPSessionProp := myRDPSession.Properties;
// set listening port
myRDPSessionProp.Property['PortID'] := 59000;
// set color depth
myRDPSession.colorDepth := 8;
didShare := myRDPSession.Open;


Datasnap\FireDAC: Query executed twice

I have the following problem:
1) I use Delphi XE7 to develop a 3-layer system.
2) The server layer, created with datasnap using REST.
3) I use Firebird as database and the access is performed with FireDAC.
4) I have a sequence with value 01.
5) I created the following query in the server layer:
Select GEN_ID (gen_my_sequence, 1) from rdb $ database
6) On the server returns the sequence value in the query is: 02.
7) But the client layer returns 03.
I do not understand why the query is executed twice.
Can anyone help me?
This is the nature of generators (sequences) in firebird. Their value is increased every time you request it and the value of the generator is updated from that request and remains updated. Also generators live outside of transaction control.
See this firebirdsql generatorguide-basics. It doesn't matter where you request it from.
I use technical standards that the Embarcadero indicates.
What I realized was this:
1) The unit Data.FireDACJSONReflect in TFDJSONInterceptor.ItemListToJSONObject routine has this block of code:
if not LActive then
LDataSet.Active := True;
LJSONDataSet := DataSetToJSONValue(LDataSet);
// Use AddPair overload that will accept blank key
AJSONObject.AddPair(TJSONPair.Create(LPair.Key, LJSONDataSet))
if not LActive then
LDataSet.Active := False;
See he activates the query once, causing the sequence to be incremented.
But in DataSetToJSONValue (LDataSet) routine; This code block is:
if (LMemTable = nil) then
LMemTable := TFDMemTable.Create(nil);
LAdapter := TFDTableAdapter.Create(nil);
LMemTable.Adapter := LAdapter;
LAdapter.SelectCommand := ADataSet.Command;
LMemTable.Active := True;
See he again activates the query, where the sequence is again incremented.
Now I do not know if I made a mistake or if it is a bug, but I created a new class inherited from TFDMemTable and thought there was some mistake in this class, but did a test with TFDMemTable component, standard component of FireDAC, and even then the activation of any query is performed twice, because the code does not consider any of these two classes, as a TFDCustomMemTable, even though they were inherited directly from this class.
I commented the code of DataSetToString routine (const ADataSet: TFDAdaptedDataSet) that looked like this:
LMemTable := nil;
LAdapter := nil;
//if (ADataSet is TFDCustomMemTable) then
LMemTable := TFDCustomMemTable(ADataSet);
{if (LMemTable = nil) then
LMemTable := TFDMemTable.Create(nil);
LAdapter := TFDTableAdapter.Create(nil);
LMemTable.Adapter := LAdapter;
LAdapter.SelectCommand := ADataSet.Command;
LMemTable.Active := True;
In this way the problem was solved, and the performance of the application seemed to have improved.

How to Change "Table Positioning" in the table properties Inside a MS Word Document Using Delphi XE5

I apologize in advance, This is very confusing to explain. Please assist in making it clearer if need be.
I am working with a MS Word document that i generate from code using the following code. The document has 1 table with a bunch of rows and columns that i intend to populate.
wrdDoc.tables.Item(1).Rows.Alignment := wdAlignRowLeft;
wrdDoc.tables.Item(1).Borders.Item(wdBorderLeft).LineStyle := wdLineStyleSingle;
wrdDoc.tables.Item(1).Borders.Item(wdBorderRight).LineStyle := wdLineStyleSingle;
wrdDoc.tables.Item(1).Borders.Item(wdBorderVertical).LineStyle := wdLineStyleSingle;
wrdDoc.tables.Item(1).Borders.Item(wdBorderTop).LineStyle := wdLineStyleSingle;
wrdDoc.tables.Item(1).Borders.Item(wdBorderBottom).LineStyle := wdLineStyleSingle;
wrdDoc.tables.Item(1).Borders.Item(wdBorderHorizontal).LineStyle := wdLineStyleSingle;
Basically what i am trying to do is change the following values:
Right Click on the table->Table Properties->Table Tab
Text Wrapping = Around
Position = -0.18"
Relative To = Margin
Position = -0.63"
Relative To = Paragraph
Move With Text = True
Allow Overlap = True
I have not been able to find any code to assist me. Or even any Code samples that handle changing the text wrapping to around using code in Delphi. So any assistance would be great.
Thank You
The following code does what you asked using D7 and Word2007.
You don't say whether your unit already uses one of the Delphi import units for the MS Word type libraries. You'll need to use one, because that's where the constants like wdTableLeft are defined. I'm using D7 (+Word 2007), so I used the Word2000 import unit that came with D7.
Also my Table and TablesRows are OleVariants which you'll need to add to your code if you don't declare them already.
First thing is that you'll need to add some code above your procedure which creates the table. The reason for this is explained below.
CmToPostScriptPoints : Single = 28.3464567;
InchesToCm : Single = 2.54;
function CentimetersToPoints(Centimeters : Single) : Single;
Result := CmToPostScriptPoints * Centimeters;
Then replace the code in your q by the following. Please read the embedded comments carefully because they explain a couple of problems I ran into which took a long time to figure out.
Table := wrdDoc.Tables.Add(wrdSelection.Range, 9, 2);
TableRows := Table.Rows;
TableRows.WrapAroundText := True;
// TableRows.MoveWithText := True;
// Note: If you un-comment the line above it will cause an exception
// Method "MoveWithText" not supported by automation object
// However, even with MoveWithText commented out, the corresponding property
// in Word's table properties will still be ticked by the time the code is finished
TableRows.AllowOverlap := True;
Table.Rows.Alignment := wdAlignRowLeft;
Table.Borders.Item(wdBorderLeft).LineStyle := wdLineStyleSingle;
Table.Borders.Item(wdBorderRight).LineStyle := wdLineStyleSingle;
Table.Borders.Item(wdBorderVertical).LineStyle := wdLineStyleSingle;
Table.Borders.Item(wdBorderTop).LineStyle := wdLineStyleSingle;
Table.Borders.Item(wdBorderBottom).LineStyle := wdLineStyleSingle;
Table.Borders.Item(wdBorderHorizontal).LineStyle := wdLineStyleSingle;
TableRows.RelativeHorizontalPosition := wdRelativeHorizontalPositionMargin;
TableRows.RelativeVerticalPosition := wdRelativeVerticalPositionParagraph;
TableRows.HorizontalPosition := CentimetersToPoints(-0.18 * InchesToCm) ;
// Note : At first, I thought the line above didn't do anything because
// after this routine finishes, the HorizontalPosition in Word
// under TableProperties | Positioning is shown as Left.
// However, if you put a breakpoint on the line above,
// and single-step past it, you should see the table shift leftwards
// when the line is executed. The ShowMessage should display - 0.179[...]
ShowMessage(FloatToStr(TableRows.HorizontalPosition / 72)); // 72 PostScript points to an inch
TableRows.VerticalPosition := CentimetersToPoints(-0.63 * InchesToCm);
The reason I've defined a CentimetersToPoints function rather than the Word Application's CentimetersToPoints is that there seems there is a long-standing problem with trying to call CentimetersToPoints from Delphi code - if you're interested, see this SO q and its comments to the answer:
Unspecified error when calling Word CentimetersToPoints via OLE

Delphi7, Save User's Changes or other User's Information / Notes

In my program, the user completes a form and then presses Submit. Then, a textfile or a random extension file is created, in which all the user's information is written. So, whenever the user runs the application form, it will check if the file, which has all the information, exists, then it copies the information and pastes it to the form. However, it is not working for some reason (no syntax errors):
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
filedest: string;
f: TextFile;
info: array[1..12] of string;
filedest := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'User\Identity\IdentityofMyself.txt';
if FileExists(filedest) then
ReadLn(info[1], info[2], info[3], info[4], info[5], info[6], info[7],
info[8], info[9], info[10], info[11], info[12]);
Edit1.Text := info[1];
Edit2.Text := info[2];
ComboBox1.Text := info[3];
ComboBox5.Text := info[4];
ComboBox8.Text := info[4];
ComboBox6.Text := info[5];
ComboBox7.Text := info[6];
Edit3.Text := info[7];
Edit4.Text := info[8];
Edit5.Text := info[11];
Edit6.Text := info[12];
ComboBox9.Text := info[9];
ComboBox10.Text := info[10];
ShowMessage('File not found');
The file exists, but it shows the message File not found. I don't understand.
I took the liberty of formatting the code for you. Do you see the difference (before, after)? Also, if I were you, I would name the controls better. Instead of Edit1, Edit2, Edit3 etc. you could use eFirstName, eLastName, eEmailAddr, etc. Otherwise it will become a PITA to maintain the code, and you will be likely to confuse e.g. ComboBox7 with ComboBox4.
One concrete problem with your code is this line:
readln(info[1], info[2], info[3], info[4], info[5], info[6], info[7],
info[8], info[9], info[10], info[11], info[12]);
You forgot to specify the file f!
Also, before I formatted your code, the final end of the procedure was missing. Maybe your blocks are incorrect in your actual code, so that ShowMessage will be displayed even if the file exists? (Yet another reason to format your code properly...)
If I encountered this problem and wanted to do some quick debugging, I'd insert
ShowMessage(BoolToStr(FileExists(filedest), true));
just after the line
filedest := ...
just to see what the returned value of FileExists(filedest) is. (Of course, you could also set a breakpoint and use the debugger.)
If you get false, you probably wonder what in the world filedest actually contains: Well, replace the 'debugging code' above with this one:
Then use Windows Explorer (or better yet: the command prompt) to see if the file really is there or not.
I'd like to mention an another possibility to output a debug message (assuming we do not know how to operate real debugger yet):
{ ... }
filedest := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'User\Identity\IdentityofMyself.txt';
AllocConsole; // create console window (uses Windows module) - required(!)
WriteLn('"' + filedest + '"'); // and output the value to verify
if FileExists(filedest) then
{ ... }

How to handle subcomponents and properties created in runtime vs designtime?

I can' t realize this thing. I have a component in DELPHI that includes 2 other components: a Firemonkey Layout and inside of that an dynamic array of TLayout which includes a TRectangle.
This is achieved through the property BarNumber.
I have lots of problems about Design Time vs. Runtime behaviour, this is due to the DFM (FMX in Firemonkey) that stores the subcomponents as part of the Object.
Now. This is the code of the On Create part.
constructor TFluffyTable.Create(Owner: TComponent);
i: integer;
inherited Create(Owner);
Height:= 160;
SetLength(Column, FBarNumber);
for i := 0 to (FBarNumber-1) do
Column[i]:= TColumn.Create(Self);
Column[i].Name:= 'Column_' + IntToStr(i);
Column[i].Parent:= Self;
Column[i].Align:= TAlignLayout.alMostLeft;
If I register the component and I use it in design time I get the correct number of bars displayed. But if I run the program with the component, I get twice the number of bars, since the EXE loads the values. I managed to solve this with
if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
just before the for loop.
But I can't see, obviously, the BARS in design mode. Well I can stand that if this is the only solution.
That's not over..!
For a strange reason, The only one place I can set my values for Width, Height and BarNumber is that part of code. If I set them in the object inspector they won't be considered and reset to default when I run the program.
(BarNumber is a variable which reads and writes on FBarNumber)
In short: I don't know how to handle and manage my component to make BarNumber and other properties to be set in design time, and to see the correct number of bars in Runtime.
Thank you so much.
I had the similar problem. I used stored property to avoid this problem.
constructor TMachine.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
self.Width := 50;
self.Height := 90;
// create machine rectangle and set default properties
FMachine := TRectangle.Create(self);
FMachine.Parent := self;
FMachine.Height := 50;
FMachine.Align := TAlignLayout.alBottom;
FMachine.Fill.Color :=;
FMachine.Stroke.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Black;
FMachine.Stroke.Thickness := 3;
FMachine.Stored := false;
The problem is that the component you create at design time will be stored in the fmx files. When you run the application you have twice controls, to resolve the problem you need to set the stored property to false to the sub objects of your component like this:
Column[i].Stored := False;
You have to make sure that you are starting with 0 columns at runtime.
Just add something like:
for [i] = pred(length(column)) downto 0 do
before you start making the columns.

Delphi Twain issue help

Using the DelphiTwain files from and am getting some weird behavior.
After each scan a little more memory is being held onto.
After an hour or so of repetitive scans, the image scanned is zoomed in approxamately 10 times, and just the upper-left square inch is stored.
Has anyone had similar issues, or have some suggestions?
Code below...
Twain := TDelphiTwain.Create(self);
Twain.OnTwainAcquire := TwainAcquireHandler; //manually set the event handler
Twain.OnSourceFileTransfer := TwainSourceFileTransfer;
Twain.OnSourceSetupFileXfer := TwainSourceSetupFileXfer;
Twain.Source[0].Loaded := TRUE;
Twain.Source[0].TransferMode := ttmFile;
Twain.Source[0].EnableSource(false, false);
except on e : exception do
showmessage('Error loading Scanner.');
while Twain.Source[0].Enabled do
except on e : exception do
showmessage('Error Scanning Packing List.');
Twain.Source[0].Loaded := FALSE;
Since the TDelphiTwain appears to be a component you are creating in code, I would recommend passing in nil for the constructor and calling the .Free method or (as suggested by Joseph) FreeAndNil.
Twain := TDelphiTwain.Create(nil);
Twain.OnTwainAcquire := TwainAcquireHandler; //manually set the event handler
Twain.OnSourceFileTransfer := TwainSourceFileTransfer;
Twain.OnSourceSetupFileXfer := TwainSourceSetupFileXfer;
Twain.Source[0].Loaded := True;
Twain.Source[0].TransferMode := ttmFile;
Twain.Source[0].EnableSource(False, False);
except on e : exception do
showmessage('Error loading Scanner.');
while Twain.Source[0].Enabled do
except on e : exception do
showmessage('Error Scanning Packing List.');
Twain.Source[0].Loaded := False;
I would also recommend better exception handling, but not related to question you asked. The only thing users will see and report to you (or worse, the quiet guy in the corner responsible for your IT support who loves to get non-descriptive errors from users) is 'Error doing something'
Good luck
Another area to look at is if the scanner supports WIA (Windows Image Acquisition)
DevMgr: IDeviceManager;
Scanner: Idevice;
Picture: IItem;
Image: OleVariant;
AImage: IImageFile;
DevMgr := CreateOleObject('WIA.DeviceManager') as IDeviceManager;
// Figure out which device is the scanner
Scanner:= DevMgr.DeviceInfos.Item[1].Connect;
//Command: Figure out which command scans..
Picture := Scanner.ExecuteCommand(Scanner.Commands.Item[1].CommandID);
//Transfer as JPG
Image := Picture.Transfer(Picture.Formats.Item[1]);
//Save the image
AImage := IImageFile(Image);
AImage.SaveFile('c:\wia_viaScanner\image.' + AImage.FileExtension);
More info on the WIA library can be found here..
Examining the code within these calls may be fruitful:
Do any of those create any objects without freeing them?
If you are using Delphi 2006 or higher, then you can add this line to your .DPR file:
ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True;
Then reproduce the memory leak, close your app... and it will describe the leaks in detail. A little more info about this can be found here.
On another note, I'd suggest replacing
.Destroy will call the destructor directly, while FreeAndNil is a safer alternative that will also prevent the "Twain" variable from pointing anywhere dangerous. (See the accepted answer to this question).
I can't address the problem you're reporting but you have a busy loop there that will gobble CPU time.
What are you doing when you get the Image, did you keep in memory?
Or the library can have some memory leaks, you can check if it is true with FastMM4.
to KevinRF:
I need to use WIA automation in Delphi 7 project. I registered WIAAut.dll in my system, import this library into Delphi and past your programm code into my project and got some errors:
Scanner:= DevMgr.DeviceInfos.Item[1].Connect;
Types of actual and formal var parameters must be identical
in "Item" must be Item[var Index: OleVariant], but "1" is integer
What's wrong, what i need to made it works?
