iPhone - How to launch photos app like default camera app? - ios

I'm developing iOS 3rd party camera app.
I really want to make "previewing function" like default camera app below
I've tried UIImagePickerController but, it is not what I want


WKWebView can't access camera on Iphone but no problem on Ipad

I'm trying to open a React app that accesses the camera app using WKWebview. The application asks for the necessary permissions when opening because the following part is available in my Plist file.
"Privacy - Camera Usage Description"
However, the problem I have is that the application works successfully on Ipad but not on Iphone. The iphone app just produces a black screen. What could be the reason why the same application works on Ipad and not on Iphone?

Prevent screenshots and video record of screen for iOS Ionic app

I am developing an Ionic app for Android and iOS.
We are trying to prevent users from taking screenshots of the app, whether the method is blurring the screen or otherwise. We also want to prevent video screen recording.
We are building using Ionic, so the method must work with Ionic.
We have been able to get this to work for Android, but not iOS.
Anyone know of any Ionic-friendly methods to prevent screen shots while inside an app?

Automatically select front or back camera depending on which one can "see"

I have an app that allows people to use a barcode to check into an event. The app can run on iPhone or iPad, but some people run it on an iPad in a kiosk.
Using the app on a handheld iPhone or iPad, it makes sense to default the avCaptureSession to the rear camera. However, I'd like my app to automatically select the front-facing camera if the rear camera cannot "see" (i.e iPad is installed in a kiosk, or device is in a case that blocks the rear camera.)
Does anyone know of a library or code snippet that would see all black and automatically switch cameras?

Capture image using Camera with iOS and appium

I am automating a test where we need to launch camera app , and capture some images/videos. Those captured images/videos will be saved in media library.
Now Since
1. On real iOS device we can not automate camera app using appium, I thought to write and iOS app which will launch Camera , till this step it is fine, I could launch camera but the capture button not be clicked using appium.
Do we have any other way to launch a camera on iOS device using appium and capture some images ?
Part of Apples security model is the Sandbox. You can only play within your own sandbox. Since the camera app is it's own entity you will not have any control over it once it is launched and can not provide testing code to control it.
You will need to either write your own camera control module which you can then control to take pictures using your test tool or you can pre-populate the device with your required images.

How to access iPhone/ipad native camera app from IOS app?

In my application i want to create an exact replica of iOS 7.0 camera inside my app .Like android apps is it possible to call the native camera app in IOS 7.0/8.0.
Second question:
Using UIImagePickerController is it possible to apply filters to photo ,slow mo ,pano?
You access Default camera app using UIImagePickerController
Refer this link ios-programming-camera-iphone
