TestFlight is Currently Unavailable Message - ios

I am getting message "TestFlight is Currently is Currently Unavailable. Try again later" when trying to install from TestFlight app. My outside testers get a message "[App Name] beta has expired" when trying to run the app. When trying to renew from TestFlight they get "TestFlight is currently unavailable. Try again later." I've been trying again later all day and just wanted to see if anyone else is experiencing this.

I had this same error.
Discovered that the company certificate was expired, and therefor all provisioning profiles as well.
1. Renew the company certificate (download, install on your computer)
2. Renew the provisioning profiles (edit, select new valid certificate, generate, download and install in xcode)
3. Repost the app to iTunes connect
problem solved :)
If you're new to Xcode, be sure to note the difference between a CERTIFICATE (first large red arrow below) and then a PROVISIONING-PROFILE (second large red arrow below). Basically provisioning-profiles are made using a certificate. So first make a new certificate, and then set a provisioning profile to use that certificate.
First, certificate...
Then, provisioning profile...
In the second image, click on the "Distribution" provisioning profile (the one with the purple arrow.) Then click to edit it, and you will then see the third image below. Note that somewhat annoyingly, the DATE is the only way really to distinguish your corporate certificates, when, you have more than one. (Ultimately you can, generally, just throw away the OLDER one, but it's clearer if you leave it so that you can clearly see how you select one or the other, as in this third image.)
Editing a provisioning profile...
A minor point is that you'll have to make a new build (so, increase the build number in Xcode, then archive, and then send up that new one) because you'll get a "redundant build" warning if you fix the cert/profile (i.e., as described in this answer) and re-submit.

Another possible reason for this message:
You accidentally removed the affected user from the TestFlight external testers group.
Adding him again would fix the issue.

Problems with certificates have been identified in several answers as the cause to this message. However, there's another possible (yet stupid) cause that leads to this situation.
You may see this error if your device's date/time is not set correctly. So make sure you set the correct date or "Set Automatically" is enabled under Settings > Date & Time.
I spent 2 days "trying again later" until I realized this.

I was ultimately able to fix this message by uninstalling and reinstalling the TestFlight app from scratch. Worth a try if the other answers don't fix your problem.

Make sure TestFlight can use Mobile Data if working without Wi-Fi. Otherwise it fails with this generic error.

Had to disable 'Use cellular data' option in Settings for Testflight. I did not have cellular data internet and was connected via wifi. Looks like testflight tried to use cellular data with that option being on.

Did a factory reset and that fixed it for me.

Actually just waiting solved the problem.
I had to wait around 16 hours and then it worked normally, without doing anything particular.
Sometimes the error message is just what it is, no need to panic !
Ahh devs ;)

Currently, Testflight is experiencing issues. It's always worth checking Apple's status page

Another possible reason , if your mobile app build is in processing state for a long time.
Just wait for the build to complete apple processing solved our issue of Testflight currently unavailable.

I had this same issue when using my personal email for beta testing my app, then using my apple ID email for internal testing.
I solved this issue by removing my personal email from all testing tracks, then deleting the TestFlight app and downloading it again. I now only use the one email (my Apple ID) for all testing.

I had to go to https://developer.apple.com and accept a new version of Apple's Developer Agreement


Testflight testers getting "unable to download app could not be installed at this time"

I distributed version 1.0, build 1, of my app via TestFlight, and everything worked perfectly.
Yesterday I archived and sent out build 2, and now upon tapping the update button, every user seems to be getting an error:
Unable to Download App
[App name] could not be installed at this time
I haven't heard from any users who didn't have build 1 installed already, but looking at iTunes Connect, no user has build 2 installed.
Encountered exactly the same problem today, trying to install a new testflight version downloading it through our company WiFi. We noticed that we could still download and install the app from mobile devices through LTE which lead us to the conclusion that for whatever reason testflight must have blocked our office IP (temporarily) for unknown reasons.
I hope this actually works for someone else. I was seeing the same result over and over again. I restarted my phone. I took my account off the Test Flight list and re-invited myself. Same result. 2 other people were able to install, but I wasn't. I furiously tapped "Install" several times as fast as I could, then tapped "Retry" when the alert box came up. Continued to tap "Install" over and over again, then "Retry". Install, Retry, Install, Retry. Then it finally started installing...
I wish I were making this up.
Bump the build number and resubmit your app. This is a TestFlight/iTunes Connect-side error that, as far as I can tell, we can do nothing about.
Update 12/7: The bug I filed on this (rdar://23296795) was recently returned to me as "We believe this issue has been addressed through changes on our side." – So if you're still seeing this error, please file another radar and let them know it's still not working.
Update 12/10: According to Remy in the comments below, it is still not fixed.
For future readers
This could be a Certificate / Provisioning profile issue.
I just had this issue after wiping my mac and reinstalling OS X (i.e. all my certificates and profiles was gone from my keychain), and I did the following to fix it:
Delete / Revoke any existing certificates and Prov. profiles. (In my case Xcode had tried to download the certificates for my old computer, and they somehow became invalid in doing so).
Then, in the following order:
Create a new Development AND Distribution Certificate
THEN create a Provisioning profile for Development AND Distribution
Xcode signs your app with your Distribution certificate when it builds it for TestFlight, or the app store for that matter. That's why it is important to have a Dist. Cert. when uploading to test flight even thought it's just for internal testing. I don't know if it matters wether you have a valid Dev. certificate and Prov. profile for test flight, but it doesn't harm to have it. You need it to build to your phone anyways
I hope this helps.
I've got this error many times, but I saw a really strange pattern and I have a pretty weird theory.
Next time, after you submit your app to Apple, don't submit it immediately for beta review. Download the app at least once with TestFlight on your iOS device as an internal tester. Do that before you submit the app for beta review and it should work.
Sounds crazy and I can't really confirm if downloading the app as an internal tester "triggers" anything, but it seems to be working for me that way. Could be a random coincidence though, would be interesting if someone can confirm/deny my theory.
Definitely one of the more annoying bugs of TestFlight right now. :/
Same error for me. The only thing that worked for me was to uninstall the TestFlight app and then reinstalling.
I faced the same issue under the follow case:
Created a Test users group in iTunes Connect even before the Build was approved (i.e. it was in "Waiting for Review" state). We did receive notifications from TestFlight, but when clicked on "View in TestFlight", received this error.
I added the approved build to the Group and Resent the invites. This worked perfect for me.
We had a user who had, for reasons only they know, disabled cellular access for the Testflight app. Later, when he'd also turned off Wifi (again, for reasons...) he was in a situation where Testflight had no connectivity.
The error he saw was "could not load apps". It was driving us crazy as our other users were able to install and run without issue!
I had a previous version of this app with the same name. Just deleted it from my device and testflight installation worked.
I encountered the same issue. Not only it fails in TestFlight but also it is rejected by Apple Team in the submission process for not launching. I was able to solve this problem by renaming Project and Target names excluding wildcard characters.
The names were like following;
I spent almost two days to discover the issue. Hope it helps!
I was able to fix this problem by removing the 0s from my build number as described here.
As funny as it sounds, TestFlight currently has a bug that prevents deployment if your buildnumber has a 0 in it.
Buildnumber 102 failed to install on all devices I tested it on, simply changing the buildnumber to 112 (nothing else changed!) and uploading it again fixed it immediately.

How to submit to iTunes Connect in XCode 6

This must be the worst question ever asked.
I'm almost ashamed to ask it but I can't wrap my head around this.
We are trying to push my app to itunes connect for beta testing.
Now there is no way to do this because XCode 6 gives all signing errors available.
We are able to run the app on the development device just as usual. We have the profiles.
But when we set the release sign identity to iOS Distribution, the hell breaks loose.
No matching identity was the first error. Fix issue releases another error:
No provisioning profiles with a valid signing identity were found.
It's useful to note that XCode knows this better than I do so it changes the code signing identity back to developer.
That's not me, I want to distribute.
Ok so at this time we're stuck at this error. We don't know where it came from, but we do know there was another error.
While pressing the submit button in the organizer the error was:
"You already have a valid provisioning profile"
According to the apple documentation I should press the revoke & request button but that isn't there.
So here we are, totally stuck and have no idea where to go now. The apple docs are incomplete, the signing gives errors but no logs. Errors messages change, but are consistent.
What the hell should we do now?
Reinstall OSX and remove all existing profiles? What will happen with current clients running apps on those profiles?
Have a look in yoru account and check that the provisioning profiles are active and not invalid. You might need to regenerate it.
You might also want to download them manually and install them yourself.
Sometimes I've had to archive the app then submit 'manually' using application loader.
I would recommend going back to basics:
check your development and distribution profiles on the developer site. if you have recently renewed your annual subscription, you might need to recreate them.
when you are archiving make sure you chose the real testing device, not a simulator.
if both doesn't work, create a new empty project and sign it with the profiles and archive. if that works, then check if you altered the bundle settings. if it doesn't work, delete your profiles and recreate them.
I hope that helps.
Hmm. I understand the plight of having to deal with the overly complex process of app submission which should have been rather simple.
Two things:
Make sure you delete all the provisioning profiles. Revoke and request a new one. Create a new certificate with distribution licence (you can make upto 3).
Once you've done that go to tour XCode > Preferences > Accounts and open up the apple id you find there. Refresh and that should download and fix redundancies.
For more I think you should also give this a read.
How do you beta test an iphone app?
About you second issue. What would happen to apps packed with previous profiles?
Well, your app is not bundled with a particular profile and so you can create a new one and use that without pain

iOS & XCode5 App publishing fails - Error ITMS-9000: "The binary you tried to upload was invalid"

I was already looking through some other threads here with the ITMS-Error 9000, but they didn't help me to get my App passing the submission to the App Store.
I have NO errors or warnings inside XCode.
The App is perfectly working on iOS Devices & Simulators.
EDIT: What I have already tried:
Changed Deployment Target from iOS 7.1 to 7.0
Checked the Bundle ID in iTunesConnect and inside Xcode
Checked for any errors and warnings --- removed / fixed them
Do you have any additional ideas what it could be? Without any errors or further information it is hard to find out what the reason is.
If I try "just" to "Validate" instead of "Distribute" in the organizer after Archiviing it i get the following Error
Its an Issue with Apple's Server I tried validating the app it said "Unable to process app at this time due to general error" a quick search about it on SO said its got nothing to do with our code or project but some process running at Apples server
Assuming that your binary icons does not meet as per apple's human interface guidelines.
It most probably seems to be the issue with the profile you are signing your app with. You got to make sure that your are signing the app rightly with proper distribution profile. Also check out for the bundle identifier and make sure that it is same as the one you have given in itunes connect.
Check this link!
You should be creating the binary with the simulator or some device connected.
Try it:
Unconnect iOS device from your Mac,
Dont select any simulator, just leave it as it is, iOS device option
Archive it
Publish it
Make sure you're using a provisioning profile for the App Store (not for Ad Hoc distribution)
Then select this profile when building your app.
I would guess this all has something to do with Apple making system changes to prepare for iOS 8 and in doing so somethings got broken.
The issues look to have just been resolved by Apple. I just successfully submitted an app that was previous showing the same problem you had. If you look at your Provisioning Profiles, you should notice that Apple has removed your app's previous Distribution Profiles.
To get your submission working again, all you have to do is recreate your App Store and Ad Hoc provisioning profile, but make sure to use a new name and you should be good to go. You were not alone on this one. A bunch of people experienced the same problem and there were a lot of posts about it on the official Apple Dev forums.
Please check the Distribution Profile that you are signing your app with at iTunes Connects. make sure that it is still valid. I had same issue couple days back and after a struggle , i found out that somehow my provisioning profile was not valid anymore. Creating a new profile and submitting app with it solved my issue.
Apple have deleted corrupted provisionning, you just have to regenerate it and make submission works again !
Connect to your iOS Developer
Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles
Provisioning Profiles / Distribution
Here you can see some certificates missing. You have to re-create (Distribution / AdHoc). Note, you have to change certificates name !
In Xcode, refresh your certificates, set the right one in Build Settings, and submit...
I called today the Apple Developer Support and i get one very very simple answear to this issue.
You have to create all your certificates, provisioning profiles etc with Apples SAFARI browser.
It is not working "always" proper with Mozilla Firefox or other Browsers. So if you get such an error, try to recreate it with Safari! It worked like a charm!

ios provisioning profile valid signing identity not found

i am developing an native ios application on mac os mavericks image on vmware, i am doing a training in a company. this application contain PushNotification service. i have download a video tutorial and i complete all the tasks as the video show. but in the end when i install the provisioning profile it show this warning message : "valid signing identity not found" . i have work on this issue many days.
i am new in ios developing, so day by day i read questions of developers that have this issue also and i've read the answers and try to fix it but no result.
can anyone help me and guide what to do. down i will notice what i've see and i feel that this could be the problem and i can't do anything:
- when i create the provisioning profile , they gave me numbers of certificates to chose, none of these certificates is the one that i create.
There are probably many reasons for this message and many more potential solutions.
I often see this error message display when building. Quitting and restarting Xcode usually resolves the issue for me.
Have you tried downloading the provisioning direct from apple site? Sometimes I have problems when I try to update directly from xcode.

Invalid Signature error !

I am trying to update my application , but after uploading the binary , Itunes connect sends me this email :
Dear Developer, Thank you for your
recent binary submission for "MY APP"
to the App Store. Unfortunately we
discovered an issue with your binary
that you will need to correct in order
for your application to proceed to the
review stage. The specific issue is
outlined below: Invalid Signature -
Make sure you have signed your
application with a distribution
certificate, not an ad hoc certificate
or a development certificate. Verify
that the code signing settings in
Xcode are correct at the target level
(which override any values at the
project level). Additionally, make
sure the bundle you are uploading was
built using a Release target in Xcode,
not a Simulator target. If you are
certain your code signing settings are
correct, choose "Clean All" in Xcode,
delete the "build" directory in the
Finder, and rebuild your release
target. Once you have corrected the
issue, please return to the
application's version details page in
the iTunes Connect Manage Your
Applications module and click on the
Ready to Submit Binary button. This
will take you through the binary
submission flow and return your
application version status to Waiting
for Upload. You can then use
Application Loader to upload your new
binary. If any other issues are found
with your submission you will be
contacted. Thanks, The iTunes
Connect Team
I am sure that my binary signed application with a distribution certificate NOT AD HOC !!!
what is your suggestion to solve this problem ! I NEVER HAD THIS PROBLEM !!!!!
I download the app distribution CER again but nothing change ! I have 6 apps on app store and never faced with this
Note that this QA is incredibly old. Apple have largely ameliorated this problem. Enjoy.
99 times out of 100, here is the problem:
Select "TARGETS", not "PROJECT"
Click on the name of your project at the Top Left of the main XCode6 window. (ie, just above where it probably says "Classes".)
Look at the large area which opens. Carefully look at the WHITE COLUMN ONTHE LEFT.
Choose "TARGETS" ... rather than "PROJECT"
Then, correctly set your certificate to the 3rd party Mac Developer cert.
I had the same message appear from Apple, and selecting "targets" not "projects" when setting code signing identity did NOT resolve my issue.
Turns out, as the last step of submitting the app to the store (via XCode4's Organizer panel - Archives tab), I was presented with a dialog sheet that showed the distribution certificate it was going to be submitted with, which was DEFAULTING TO A DIFFERENT DISTRIBUTION CERTIFICATE I had in my keychain - and NOT the valid certificate that I'd signed the app with!
Once I manually selected the correct distribution certificate in this last step of app submission, it went through fine. (I also opened up my Keychain Access app and deleted the offending distribution profile, that I didn't have any use for anymore).
A main point I'd like to offer is that Archive Validation (or submission thru App Loader) is supposed to identify the signature problem before sending the application to iTunes Connect. This is a first indication that the problem is related to a developer tools error.
Having witnessed this problem with multiple developers strengthens that hunch. In my experience the "Invalid Signature" diagnosis is not caught during client side validation as a result of a bug in older versions of Xcode. Devs simply update their OS X to 10.7.x, plus Xcode 4.2.1 and with no change to the project or code the app is ingested into iTunes Connect without issue.
Keep it in mind for others experiencing this problem...it's especially common on Snow Leopard with Xcode 4.0.2, 3.2.6 or less.
Apple's new publication touches on this point, see iTunes Connect Store - Binary Rejection emails - Invalid Signature.
I had exactly the same problem, checked everything but couldn't find any issues.
Problem ended up being because my project was stored on a FAT32 USB stick! Copied it to my Mac and everything worked perfectly after that.
Hope this helps!
I got the same problem and spent many evenings solving it!
For my app the problem was a question mark in the executable name. In the apple developer docs is noted you can't use special character in executable name but not which ones are allowed.
I changed the executable name in build settings and the upload works!
I have been battling this issue for almost a week! For me, it turned out that the Error email from Apple was completely wrong and misleading. (I knew that all of my certificates and code signing settings were in fact correct.) It turned out, that my app was getting rejected because there was an exclamation point (!) in the name. Apparently, only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9) and dashes are allowed for the product name. (Characters like ?#$% are not allowed.)
The Fix:
1.) Click on the blue project icon on the left panel in Xcode.
2.) Click on the build settings tab.
3.) Select the current target from the menu. (It's right next to the blue project icon.
4.) Scroll down until you see the "Packaging" Category.
5.) Find where it says "Product Name" and change it to a name that does not contain any special characters.
I hope this helps! Sorry I had to red-out my company info!
