Mailcore retrieving folders and compose functionality - ios

I am using Mailcore ( for accessing IMAP mail.
I could able to get all the inbox mails using this sample given. I able to retrieve all the mail folders as well. I want to implement compose functionality using this. I am not getting API details or samples for this. Could someone please help me ?

IMAP is an email retrieval protocol, it is not used for sending. For that, you have SMTP. So you were probably just looking in the wrong place...
I've never used mailcore2, but after reviewing their wiki pages, I found their example for composing and sending messages using STMP here.


How to download attachments from every email in a mailbox in MS-graph w/ java?

I've been looking in vain for an example of this. Basically, we have a vendor that emails us files and I'm writing something that will occasionally get all the emails from the mailbox, download all the attachments, and then delete them.
But I haven't found an example of how to fetch all the emails in Java. Trying to reverse engineer from this answer
How to download attachments using Microsoft Graph API?
hasn't gotten me anywhere.
graphClient.users(mailboxAddress()). ??not sure where to go from here??

How to use Twitter User Streams

I am new in Twitter API. I have a requirement like I have to pull the information of an authenticated twitter user to know the number of followers. I can do this using REST API but I have a problem here. So I have taken the way to use Twitter User Streams.
I am not able to integrate this functionality in the site. I am using twitter console( ). But there I am not able to get any kind of result, it actually hangs/shows gateway timeout. And that's for I am not able to configure that how to write the code for this or how to use this in site. I am not passing any kind of parameters.
So, any body can please help in this would be very grateful( a clean sample code for this or any link where to get the good documentation ). I have already checked with twitter dev documentations.
Thanks in advance :)

Log ActionMailer mails in files

Is there a way to save ActionMailer mails to files as a way of logging the sent mails upon delivery?
I have a lot of e-mails that go missing and would like to log the sent mails in files (i.e., I want my web site admin to look through the e-mails, so storing them in files besides having them in my general log file would be helpful in implementing a user-friendly solution).
If I can access the contents and addressees of a sent mail, then I can save them to files, but I cannot find a clear way to access the contents of an e-mail from within ActionMailer.
There was a similar question but the only answer there doesn't help me to solve this problem, some pointers or actual code to implement this would be really helpful.
Thank you.

How to deal with Twitter API Limits?

I have this project that's based on a Twitter Bot. NOT an abusive or spammer bot. Just a robot that will reply with information about my system when it's mentioned.
The thing is: I expect to have about 3000 mentions/hour. Which means I have to send about 3000 replies/hour.
I know Twitter API calls are limited to 350/h when the app is authenticated and 150/h when it's not. But I've also read about it being 1000/h somewhere in the Twitter Discussion boards.
Anyway, how can I deal with having to send so many replies/hour?
I thought about creating multiple Twitter accounts and delegating some of the replies to them in order to being able to reply to all of them, but I do realize it's not a pretty solution.
Does anyone have a better idea?
Your best bet is to use Streaming.
API Params (JSON)
Basically, you open up a connection with their server with your credentials and instead of reading the return stream and closing, you just keep reading. When you want to make a request, you just send another header or something.

not delete the message from email server using synapse in delphi

I am retrieving emails using synapse in delphi, but the messages are being deleted from the server. How can I retrieve the message without deleting it? Maybe the header only?
Are you sure emails are deleted, but you do not used pop3.Dele(i)?
I use POP3 with SSL and if I want to delete message then I had to use pop3.Dele(i). In Synapse wiki: there is my sample code to receive POP3 messages.
Maybe you use other protocol than POP3 then show us your code.
I have no hands-on experience with Synapse, but looking at the code (sourceforge trunk) you should be fine as long as you don't explicitly call the Dele method (which maps onto the DELE POP3 command). None of the other methods seems to delete the messages, including List and Retr.
How exactly are you retrieving those messages? Could you show some code?
