Jenkins Windows Slave Not displaying Stdout In Console Log - jenkins

I have a Windows Master running Jenkins and another PC configured as a Windows Slave. I have started the windows slave from both a web browser and from the command line with the same results. The stdout from the build running on my slave isn't captured in the console log on master. Is this possibly due to the fact that I am manually launching the slave so the master doesn't have a connection to the stdout? Are there ways to resolve this? I am considering installing cywin on the slave and seeing if using ssh resolves the issue, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.


jenkins on demand slaves windows

The on-demand slaves are being created successfully from Jenkins. The first build on the slave is successful but the subsequent builds are fails. The restart of the slave or restart of the wimrc services allows the build to proceed again.
The tcpdump shows no errors. Can't figure out what the issue is. Looks like issues Jenkins communicating with on demand slaves using wimrc.
Has anybody faced similar issue?
The on-demand slaves are windows slave
The issue was with the "MaxMemoryPerShellMB" parameter of the Winrm. This was set to too low. So when the npm or git was doing a checkout it was running out this memory in the Winrm shell.
I have increased to 1GB and its working fine now

In jenkins not able to connect to slave

In master- slave the after running the jar for the slave from command prompt it is displaying connected but in the Jenkins it is displaying not getting connected to the slave The jenkins is deployed on linux server and trying to connect to slave from windows server by running slave jar
Manage Jenkins > Manage Nodes > See listed nodes and click on the slave name. You should be able to Launch agent from browser on slave.
If an error occurs, paste the error message here.

How to get a Jenkins slave to open a windows server session

I'm trying to get a Jenkins slave to open a session on a windows server.
Basically, What I'm try to achieve is:
Jenkins slave is running as a service on a windows 2003 server. When master calls slave, it will open a desktop session on the server and kick off an .exe that will perform GUI testing
What I have done:
Jenkins node created (Node A). Dumb slave. Remote FS root set to path on Windows 2003 server. ("C:\Jenkins\Node"). Launch method Java Web Start
Slave 'Node A' installed from Jenkins master using Java Web Start on windows 2003 server
Jenkins slave now running as a service on server
Jenkins project created and 'Restrict where this project can be run' is set to 'Node A'
Project windows batch command 'C:\GUITest.exe'
When I build the project in Jenkins I was expecting that the slave would be able to open a session and run C:\GUITest.exe. But, I'm missing something.
Anyone any ideas, or know if it is possible (plugins I may need ??)
Any advise / direction much appreciated.
Looks like you want to run GUI test on windows session. It won't work if you run Jenkins Slave as service, you have to run JNLP agent on your windows server. Also if you want to run in unattended mode, meaning that the windows remote session would be disconnected, you need some other setup as well. Please provide more information on what you are trying to do.
You must ensure that whatever process runs the GUI tests (might be a java / cmd / ssh process if you're connected to Jenkins) is not running on session 0 as it won't have access to Desktop and the Windows UI in general. I was in a similar situation and running the same process as a scheduled task instead of service solved it for me.

Why does my Jenkins Slave Java Web Start Require Sudo?

I get symptoms similar to jenkins slave can't get started except my slave is a Mac, my master is a linux box, and I've discovered that running the javaws https-blah-blah.jnlp command only works if I use sudo.
How can I investigate this and get to the point of not needing sudo? When I run javaws, I only see a tiny Jenkins slave agent window. Is there a log file somewhere -- or is there a verbose mode?

Is this a supported Jenkins Master-slave configuration?

We have a master Jenkins running on a Linux system. The same master is attached as node using "Launch slave via execution of a command on the master". It has the same FS root as the JENKINS_HOME. The command is ssh "machine_name" "shell_script"
The shell script gets the latest slave.jar and runs it.
The master has 0 executors. The node has been given 7. I'm seeing weird behavior in the builds, like workspaces being deleted once a day, etc. I'm not sure if this is related to the way the Jenkins Master-slave is configured.
Any ideas if this is a supported configuration?
