Can augmented reality be realized in a website? - augmented-reality

Nowadays, I wanna do some research of augmented reality technology.Especially, I would like to match a 2d image and a 3d model.And then, I will see the 3d model if scanning the 2d image. What's more, I know that there are a lot of SDKs(like metaio,and wikitude) and software can realize this in mobile app. However, what I want to do is realizing this in a website. I hope the people who use this don't need to download a particular mobile app, but just open a website and then scan a picture.
So, until now, I's like to know that,as the tile asked, can AR be realized in a website? If yes, how can I do it or is there any software like Metaio Creator to do this? If no, why?
Thank you for anyone who would like to answer my naive question.

May I recommend you our completely webbased AR & VR tool by
It supports 360 degree photospheres that can be enhanced with custom 3D models and then directly be embedded into your website as iframe, it has native support for stereoscopic view mode and much more.
For your use case you could have a look at the lower part of this blog post where you find information and an embedded example presentation with photosphere imagery containing 3D elements:
If you want to start creating I recommend the beginners guide:
The cv feature tracking you requested can not yet be realized without any apps/browser. But what you can do is realizing perspectively correct displaying 3D elements into the camera image and move with sensors. Should be as performant as within the player app.
We hope that it can somehow help you in pushing your research and we would love to read your feedback. In case of any questions please do not hesitate to ask, here or on any other contact channel!


How to detect an image in a news paper and play a video relevant to it using augmented reality?

I have planned to detect an image in a news paper play the video relevant to it. I have seen several news paper reading AR apps include this feature. But i couldn't find how to do so. How can I do it??
I dont expect any code. But like to know what are the steps I should follow to do this. Thank you.
You need to browse through the available marker-based AR SDKs - such SDKs let you defined in advance the database of images you would like to detect and respond to, and once any of these images is detected during runtime, you get some kind of an event with data on the detected image.
Vuforia is considered a good one and it has good samples, so it is supposed to be easier to start with. You should also check out Kudan, and there are more.

AR ODG application for conference calls

I'm researching AR frameworks in order to select the best option for developing conference call/ meeting application for ODG glasses.
I got only a few directions for selecting a framework:
Performance of video streaming (capturing and encoding) must be watched closely to avoid overheating and excessive power consumption,
Should support extended tracking and
Video capturing should not be frame by frame.
I have no experience with AR field in general, and I would really appreciate if you can let me know your opinion or to give me some guidance on how to choose the best-fitted framework.
For ODG, you should use Vuforia according software details :
Qualcomm Technologies Inc.'s VuforiaTM SDK for Digital Eyewear
Vuforia supports extended tracking. According to what you are asking, you'll need more than just an AR SDK. You'll need to identify what you want exactly. Do you want an application that let the user see with who he's talking or do you want some holographic stuff? Depending on what you want, maybe smartglasses isn't what you need and at this point you should try to learn more about the differents SDK out there. I suggest you to look at this and that.

Augmented Reality Mask using Facial Recognition on Xbox Kinect with Kinect for Windows SDK

I am using an XBox Kinect with the Kinect for Windows SDK. I want to make an application that will augment a 3D mask (a 3D model of a mask made in 3DS Max) onto the face of anyone using the application. The application will be used in an exhibit locally. I have not tried much because I don't know where to start. So what I want to know is, is it currently possible to augment a 3DS Max model onto a live video stream using the facial recognition and skeletal tracking features in the newest Kinect for Windows SDK, and if so, how/where should I start trying to do/implement this? Any point in the right direction would be great. Thank you! PS And yes, I have read the UI guidelines and the facial documentation. My problem is one of not knowing where to start programming, not one of not understanding the fundamental concepts. Thanks!
If you are serious about getting into developing for the Kinect I would recommend getting this book:
This goes through developing with the Kinect for Windows SDK from the ground up. There is a face tracking and an augmented reality example so I'm pretty sure you will be able to achieve your goal quite easily.
All the code from the book is here:
Alternatively, there is an example here which pretty much is what you want to achieve:
It is developed using the Beta version of the SDK, but the same priciples apply.
You can also check out the quick start videos here:
In summary, based on my own experience, I would spend some time going through the beginner examples either in the vides or the book (I found the book very good) just to get familiar with how to setup a simple Kinect project and how the different parts of the SDK work.
When you have developed some throwaway apps with the Kinect, I would then try tackling your project (although, the Incredible Hulk project above should get you most the way there!)
Best of luck with your project

Face Tracking and Virtual Reality

I'm searching for a face tracking system to use in an augmented reality project. I'm trying to find an open source and multi-platform application for it. The goal is to return the direction where the face is looking to interact with the virtual environment, (something like this video).
I've downloaded the sources of the above Johnny Lee's application and tried to use Free Track too, making my own headset (some kind of monster, hehe). But it's not good to be limited to infrared points in your head.
These days I've download FaceTrackNoIR, but when I launch the program I get "No DLL was found in the Waterfall procedure." that I'm actually trying to solve.
Anyone knows a good application, library, code, lecture, anything that could help me to find a good path for this?
Thank you all!
I'll try to post results someday :-)
I would take a look at OpenCV. It is a general purpose machine-learning and computer vision C++ library. One of the examples in the download is a real-time face tracker that connects to a video camera connected to your computer and draws squares around any faces in the camera view.

Augmented Reality Help

I need a help to develop a small application on Augmented Reality.I have spend almost a week trying but with no proper solution.Tried some sample code but still not successful.
I have seen many videos and want to develop something like that.
for example my code should detect only square or any particular shape.And then after detecting the square and another Image should appear on the screen.
Please help me out.
This stuff is hard, but most new cool things are until they are no longer cool or new.
You can play with AR Toolkit until you are familiar with the functionality and then attempt to dive into the setting and mess with those, then maybe look at the source.
