iOS GCD custom concurrent queue execution sequence - ios

I have question regarding this issue ,
According to Apple's documents
Concurrent queues (also known as a type of global dispatch queue) execute one or more tasks concurrently, but tasks are still started in the order in which they were added to the queue. The currently executing tasks run on distinct threads that are managed by the dispatch queue. The exact number of tasks executing at any given point is variable and depends on system conditions.
In iOS 5 and later, you can create concurrent dispatch queues yourself by specifying DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT as the queue type. In addition, there are four predefined global concurrent queues for your application to use. For more information on how to get the global concurrent queues, see Getting the Global Concurrent Dispatch Queues.
And i do a test, using the sample code ,
dispatch_queue_t concurrentQueue;
concurrentQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.gcd.concurrentQueue",
dispatch_async(concurrentQueue, ^{
NSLog(#"First job ");
dispatch_async(concurrentQueue, ^{
NSLog(#"Second job");
dispatch_async(concurrentQueue, ^{
NSLog(#"Third job ");
But the results seems not as the order in which they are added, here is the results,
2015-06-03 18:36:38.114 GooglyPuff[58461:1110680] First job
2015-06-03 18:36:38.114 GooglyPuff[58461:1110682] Third job
2015-06-03 18:36:38.114 GooglyPuff[58461:1110679] Second job
So my question is , shouldn't it be
First, Second , Third ?
Any advice is welcome , and thanks for your help.

"Concurrent" means they run at the same time and no assumptions should be made about where in their progress any of them will be at any given moment and which will finish first. That is the whole meaning and implication of concurrency: between one line of code and the next in one concurrent operation - even during one line of code - anything else from any other concurrent operation might be happening.
So, in answer to your particular question, these tasks may have started in a known order, but that happened very quickly, and after that point their progress is interleaved unpredictably. And your NSLog calls are part of that progress; they do not, and cannot, tell you when the tasks started!

The documentation is correct - they will indeed start in the order you added them to the queue. Once in the queue, they will be started one after the other, but on concurrent threads. The order they will finish is dependent on how long the task will take to execute. Here's a thought experiment, imagine your code was like this instead:
dispatch_async(concurrentQueue, ^{
JobThatTakes_3_SecToExecute(); // Job 1 (3 seconds to execute)
dispatch_async(concurrentQueue, ^{
JobThatTakes_2_SecToExecute(); // Job 2 (2 seconds to execute)
dispatch_async(concurrentQueue, ^{
JobThatTakes_1_SecToExecute(); // Job 3 (1 second to execute)
The overhead in and out of the queue should be very small compared to these job lengths, so you would expect them to finish up in about the time that their task takes to execute. In this case they'd finish roughly 1 second apart starting with Job 3, then 2, then 1. The total time the queue would take to complete will be about the length of Job 1, since it takes the longest to execute. This is lovely, since the total time is set primarily by the longest job, not the sum of the jobs. However, you don't have any say in what order they finish, since that's dictated by the task duration.
Change dispatch_async to dispatch_sync in this example and the queue will take about 6 seconds to complete. They'll come out in this order: Job 1, 2, then 3. This will guarantee that your results come out in the order you wanted, but it will take much longer.
So back to the significance of what the docs mean by "tasks are still started in the order in which they were added to the queue" for concurrent queues. This will be noticeable if your job is resource constrained. Say you're putting a big pile of long duration tasks in a concurrent queue on a 2 CPU machine. It is unlikely you'll be able to run a dozen CPU-pegging tasks concurrently here; some will have to wait while others run. The order that you put them into the queue will decide who gets to run next as resources free up. In your example, the tasks are of super short duration and involve console locking (as Rob mentioned), so queue / locking overhead can mess with your expectations.
Another (probably more important) reason the order of execution in concurrent queues matter is when barriers are used. You may need to run some sort of a task every N other tasks, which is where a barrier would come in handy. The fixed order of execution will assure that the barrier executes after N tasks have completed concurrently, provided you put the barrier in the queue in the right spot.


multiple definitions for serial queue online, so got confused

i have came across two kind of definitions for serial queue after reading online.
1st version: serial queue performs one task at a time.
2nd version: serial queue execute tasks serially, so task1 have to finish before task2 starts.
can you tell me which one is right exactly ?
As Ratul Sharker said, both versions are saying the same thing.
1st version: serial queue performs one task at a time.
You only can have one task running, so your task have to finish before another is started.
Task 1 starts
Task 1 ends
Task 2 starts
Task 2 ends
2nd version: serial queue execute tasks serially, so task1 have to finish before task2 starts
Obviously, the result is the same as the 1st version.
But! That 2nd version might be speaking of callbacks or another sort of paradigms with multithreading, where you could run more than one task, but Task 2 will wait for Task 1 to end.
In any case, two tasks are serial if one starts after the other ends, simple as that.
From the appledoc
Operations within a queue are organized according to their readiness, priority level, and interoperation dependencies, and are executed accordingly. If all of the queued operations have the same queuePriority and are ready to execute when they are put in the queue—that is, their isReady property returns true—they’re executed in the order in which they were submitted to the queue. Otherwise, the operation queue always executes the one with the highest priority relative to the other ready operations.
However, you should never rely on queue semantics to ensure a specific execution order of operations, because changes in the readiness of an operation can change the resulting execution order. Interoperation dependencies provide an absolute execution order for operations, even if those operations are located in different operation queues. An operation object is not considered ready to execute until all of its dependent operations have finished executing.
So the queued operations are intended to be executed serially, but it never garunteed. To ensure execution order dependencies must be specified to get the full proof exact behaviour.

freertos subpriority of xSemaphoreTake() within same priority tasks

I have three tasks with same priority.
Task A
//critical code
Task B
//critical code
Task C
//critical code
Each of them run critical code guarded by a mutex. However I would like to set a "subpriority" to who would take the mutex in the event that two of the tasks are blocking waiting for the mutex. I dont want to set the tasks with different priorities as this will cause complications within the design of other tasks. Is this a feature with freertos to set a "subpriority" for a task to grab a mutex before another of the same priority?
In a word "no". FreeRTOS inter-task communication objects ( have lists of tasks waiting to send and lists of tasks waiting to receive (taking a mutex being a receive). The task in the list that succeeds when the operation can complete is the task with the highest priority - or if the tasks have equal priority - the task that has been waiting the longest.

How to programmatically control and balance a number of threads iOS app is executing?

How to control and balance the number of threads my app is executing, how to limit their number to avoid app's blocking because thread limit is reached?
Here on SO I saw the following possible answer: "Main concurrent queue (dispatch_get_global_queue) manages the number of threads automatically" which I don't like for the following reason:
Consider the following pattern (in my real app there are both more simple and more complex examples):
dispatch_queue_t defaultBackgroundQueue() {
return dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_queue_t databaseQueue() {
dispatch_queue_create("Database private queue", 0);
dispatch_async(defaultBackgroundQueue(), ^{
dispatch_async(databaseQueue(), ^{
// data is about 100-200 elements to parse
for (el in data) {
maybe more AFNetworking requests and/or processing in other queues or
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// At last! We can do something on UI.
This design very often leads to the situation when:
The app is locked because of threads limit is reached (something like > 64)
the slower and thus narrow queues can be overwhelmed with a large number of pending jobs.
the second one also can produce a cancellation problem - if we have 100 jobs already waiting for execution in a serial queue we can't cancel them at once.
The obvious and dumb solution would be to replace sensitive dispatch_async methods with dispatch_sync, but it is definitely the one I don't like.
What is recommended approach for this kind of situations?
I hope an answer more smart than just "Use NSOperationQueue - it can limit the number of concurrent operations" does exist (similar topic: Number of threads with NSOperationQueueDefaultMaxConcurrentOperationCount).
UPDATE 1: The only decent pattern is see: is to replace all dispatch_async's of blocks to concurrent queues with running these blocks wrapped in NSOperations in NSOperationQueue-based concurrent queues with max operations limit set (in my case maybe also set a max operations limit on the NSOperationQueue-based queue that AFNetworking run all its operations in).
You are starting too many network requests. AFAIK it's not documented anywhere, but you can run up to 6 simultaneous network connections (which is a sensible number considering RFC 2616 8.1.4, paragraph 6). After that you get locking, and GCD compensates creating more threads, which by the way, have a stack space of 512KB each with pages allocated on demand. So yes, use NSOperation for this. I use it to queue network requests, increase the priority when the same object is requested again, pause and serialize to disk if the user leaves. I also monitor the speed of the network requests in bytes/time and change the number of concurrent operations.
While I don't see from your example where exactly you're creating "too many" background threads, I'll just try to answer the question of how to control the exact number of threads per queue. Apple's documentation says:
Concurrent queues (also known as a type of global dispatch queue) execute one or more tasks concurrently, but tasks are still started in the order in which they were added to the queue. The currently executing tasks run on distinct threads that are managed by the dispatch queue. The exact number of tasks executing at any given point is variable and depends on system conditions.
While you can now (since iOS5) create concurrent queues manually, there is no way to control how many jobs will be run concurrently by such a queue. The OS will balance the load automatically. If, for whatever reason, you don't want that, you could for example create a set of n serial queues manually and dispatch new jobs to one of your n queues at random:
NSArray *queues = #[dispatch_queue_create("com.myapp.queue1", 0),dispatch_queue_create("com.myapp.queue2", 0),dispatch_queue_create("com.myapp.queue3", 0)];
NSUInteger randQueue = arc4random() % [queues count];
dispatch_async([queues objectAtIndex:randQueue], ^{
NSLog(#"Do something");
randQueue = arc4random() % [queues count];
dispatch_async([queues objectAtIndex:randQueue], ^{
NSLog(#"Do something else");
I'm by no means endorsing this design - I think concurrent queues are pretty good at balancing system resources. But since you asked, I think this is a feasible approach.

Is dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_global_queue(xxx), task) sync or async

As Apple's document says, dispatch_get_global_queue() is a concurrent queue, and dispatch_sync is something meaning serial.Then the tasks are processed async or sync?
You're getting confused between what a queue is and what async vs sync means.
A queue is an entity on which blocks can be run. These can be serial or concurrent. Serial means that if you put block on in the order A, B, C, D, then they will be executed A, then B, then C, then D. Concurrent means that these same blocks might be executed in a different order and possibly even more than one at the same time (assuming you have multiple cores on which to run, obviously).
Then onto async vs sync. Async means that when you call dispatch_async, it will return immediately and the block will be queued on the queue. Sync means that when you call dispatch_sync it will return only after the block has finished executing.
So to fully answer your question, if you dispatch_sync onto a global concurrent queue then this block will be run, perhaps in parallel with other blocks on that queue, but in a synchronous manner - i.e. it won't return until the block is finished.
Apple Doc says
Returns a well-known global concurrent queue of a given priority
dispatch_queue_t dispatch_get_global_queue(
long priority,
unsigned long flags);
priority The priority of the queue being retrieved. For a
list of possible values, see “dispatch_queue_priority_t”. flags This
value is reserved for future use. You should always pass 0. Return
Value Returns the requested global queue.
The well-known global concurrent queues cannot be modified.
Calls to dispatch_suspend, dispatch_resume, dispatch_set_context, and
the like have no effect when used with queues returned by this
Blocks submitted to these global concurrent queues may be executed
concurrently with respect to each other.
Availability Available in iOS 4.0 and later. Declared In
In the Discussion they have said that-> 'blocks submitted MAY be executed concurrently wrt each other.'
So Tasks may be processed Async with each other.

Implementing concurrent read exclusive write model with GCD

I am trying to understand the proper way of using Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) to implement concurrent read exclusive write model of controlling access to a resource.
Suppose there is a NSMutableDictionary that is read a lot and once in awhile updated. What is the proper way of ensuring that reads always work with consistent state of the dictionary? Sure I can use a queue and serialize all read and write access to the dictionary, but that would unnecessarily serialize reads which should be allowed to access the dictionary concurrently. At first the use of groups here sounds promising. I could create a 'read' group and add every read operation to it. That would allow reads to happen at the same time. And then when the time comes to do an update, I could dispatch_notify() or dispatch_wait() as part of a write operation to make sure that all reads complete before the update is allowed to go on. But then how do I make sure that a subsequent read operation does not start until the write operation completes?
Here's an example with the dictionary I mentioned above:
R1: at 0 seconds, a read comes in which needs 5 seconds to complete
R2: at 2 seconds another read comes in which needs 5 seconds to complete
W1: at 4 seconds a write operation comes needing access to dictionary for 3 sec
R3: at 6 seconds another read comes in which needs 5 seconds to complete
W2: at 8 seconds another write operation comes in also needing 3 seconds to complete
Ideally the above should play out like this:
R1 starts at 0 seconds, ends at 5
R2 starts at 2 seconds, ends at 7
W1 starts at 7 seconds, ends at 10
R3 starts at 10 seconds, ends at 15
W2 starts at 15 seconds, ends at 18
Note: even though R3 came at 6 seconds, it was not allowed to start before W1 because W1 came earlier.
What is the best way to implement the above with GCD?
You've got the right idea, I think. Conceptually, what you want is a private concurrent queue that you can submit "barrier" blocks to, such that the barrier block waits until all previously submitted blocks have finished executing, and then executes all by itself.
GCD doesn't (yet?) provide this functionality out-of-the-box, but you could simulate it by wrapping your read/write requests in some additional logic and funnelling these requests through an intermediary serial queue.
When a read request reaches the front of the serial queue, dispatch_group_async the actual work onto a global concurrent queue. In the case of a write request, you should dispatch_suspend the serial queue, and call dispatch_group_notify to submit the work onto the concurrent queue only after the previous requests have finished executing. After this write request has executed, resume the queue again.
Something like the following could get you started (I haven't tested this):
dispatch_block_t CreateBlock(dispatch_block_t block, dispatch_group_t group, dispatch_queue_t concurrentQueue) {
return Block_copy(^{
dispatch_group_async(concurrentQueue, group, block);
dispatch_block_t CreateBarrierBlock(dispatch_block_t barrierBlock, dispatch_group_t group, dispatch_queue_t concurrentQueue) {
return Block_copy(^{
dispatch_queue_t serialQueue = dispatch_get_current_queue();
dispatch_group_notify(group, concurrentQueue, ^{
Use dispatch_async to push these wrapped blocks onto a serial queue.
