I insert dijit.form.TextBox in dojo DataGrid
function getValue(value, rowIndex, cell) {
var myTextBox = new dijit.form.TextBox({
value: value,
style: "width:60px",
onChange: function(event){
var itemId = grid.getItem(rowIndex).id[0];
dojo.forEach(store._arrayOfAllItems, function(selectedItem) {
if(selectedItem! = null && itemId == selectedItem.id[0]) {
return myTextBox;
I can not insert whitespace in this textbox in any place. Please help me fix it.
I am rendering extension on the Work item page using
<WebpageControlOptions AllowScript="true" ReloadOnParamChange="true">
<Link UrlRoot="http://.../extension/Validate-extension/1.0.69/assetbyname/workItemNotifications.html"/>
Following is the html/js code:
var workItemID = 0;
explicitNotifyLoaded: true,
usePlatformScripts: true
VSS.ready(function () {
var currentContext = VSS.getWebContext();
VSS.register(VSS.getContribution().id, function (context) {
return {
// event handlers, called when the active work item is loaded/unloaded/modified/saved
onFieldChanged: function (args) {
if (!changedFields[args.id]) {
changedFields[args.id] = [];
changedFieldCount[args.id] = 0;
$.each(args.changedFields, function (key, value) {
if (!changedFields[args.id][key]) {
changedFields[args.id][key] = value;
onLoaded: function (args) {
VSS.require(["TFS/WorkItemTracking/Services"], function (workItemServices) {
workItemServices.WorkItemFormService.getService().then(function (workItemFormSvc) {
if (workItemFormSvc.hasActiveWorkItem()) {
console.log("Active work item is available.");
function (value) {
var val = JSON.stringify(value);
$.each(value, function (key, values) {
if(key == "System.Id"){
workItemID = values;
else {
console.log("Active work item is NOT available.");
onUnloaded: function (args) {
onSaved: function (args) {
changedFieldCount[args.id] = 0;
changedFields[args.id] = [];
onReset: function (args) {
changedFieldCount[args.id] = 0;
changedFields[args.id] = [];
onRefreshed: function (args) {
changedFieldCount[args.id] = 0;
changedFields[args.id] = [];
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#btnValidate").click(function () {
var getResponse = ValidateUser();
VSS.require(["TFS/WorkItemTracking/Services"], function (_WorkItemServices) {
var wiServiceNew = _WorkItemServices.WorkItemFormService.getService();
wiServiceNew.setFieldValue("System.Title", "Title set from your group extension!");
2 things which I am trying to achieve
After button click event to validate user, I have to access the Work Item fields after successful validation. Unable to access _WorkItemServices.
Not able to to get the Work Item fields.
When I set workItemID variable OnLoad event, it resets to 0 when a tab is clicked, value is not getting retained which is set OnLoad.
You may try to interact with the IWorkItemFormService service. For example:
import {
} from "azure-devops-extension-api/WorkItemTracking";
Check the sample here:
It's my understanding that when filterChangedCallback is called that the grid filters the current data and calls doesFilterPass and isFilterActive as it does so.
Here I have column that uses a custom filter, and a floating filter. The floating filter (a checkbox) gets displayed ok, and when I click on it onFloatingFilterChanged in the custom filter is called, the green filter active icon appears, and the grid refreshes, but doesFilterPass does not get called at all and I can't figure out why.
There's something fundamental I'm not getting with custom filters so if anyone can shed any light on this I'd be grateful.
(Edit: it may be the interplay between the custom/floating filters that's at issue. There was a similar ag-grid-angular issue posted to github last year but nothing came of that. So perhaps it's a bug?)
Custom filter
export default class BooleanFilter {
init(params) {
this.params = params;
this.valueGetter = params.valueGetter;
this.filterChangedCallback = params.filterChangedCallback;
this.status = false;
onFloatingFilterChanged(status) {
this.status = status;
getGui() {
return '<div />';
getModel() {
return this.isFilterActive() ? { filterType: 'boolean', filter: this.status } : undefined;
setModel(model) {
this.state.status = model ? model.value : '';
isFilterActive() {
return this.status === true;
doesFilterPass(params) {
console.log(this.status, params);
Floating filter
export default class FloatingCheckboxFilter extends Component {
state = { status: false };
handleToggle = (e) => {
const { target: { checked } } = e;
const { parentFilterInstance } = this.props;
this.setState({ status: checked });
parentFilterInstance((instance) => {
onParentModelChanged = (parentModel) => {
status: !parentModel ? false : parentModel.filter
render() {
const { status } = this.state;
return (
style={{ marginTop: '0.75em' }}
Here's my Angular controller
//Save And Update
$scope.AddUpdateBusinessType = function() {
var businessType = {
Code: $scope.businessCode,
BusiType: $scope.businessType
var getBusinessTypeAction = $scope.BusinessTypeAction;
if (getBusinessTypeAction == "Update") {
businessType.BusinessTypeId = $scope.businessTypeId;
var getBusinessTypeData = businessTypeService.updateBusinessType(businessType);
getBusinessTypeData.then(function (msg) {
alert("Record Updated Successful");
$scope.BusinessTypeAction = "";
$scope.divBusinessType = false;
}, function () {
alert('Error in Updating Record');
} else {
**// Save Section**
var getExistBusinessCode = businessTypeService.checkBusinessTypeCode(businessType.Code);
getExistBusinessCode.then(function (businessTypeCode) {
if (businessTypeCode == true) {
alert('Business Type Code Already Exist');
} else {
var getBusinessTypeData = businessTypeService.addBusinessType(businessType);
getBusinessTypeData.then(function (msg) {
alert("Record Added Successful");
$scope.divBusinessType = false;
}, function () {
alert("Error Occured In Saving Data");
},function() {
alert('Error Occured While Checking Records');
In the above code Save Section I am trying to check if a value is exists in a database so I'm passing a string value to: checkBusinessTypeCode(businessType.Code) Service.When I Debug and See Value its Seems Normal.
Here's My Service:
//Check Business Code
this.checkBusinessTypeCode = function (businessTypeCode) {
var response = $http({
method: "post",
url: "/BusinessType/CheckBusinessTypeDetailByCode",
params: {
businessTypeCode: JSON.stringify(businessTypeCode)
return response;
But when Passing To Controller string value I get some unexpected behavior.
two \\ always appear automatically
I'm Still Having Above Problem
but as a quick solution i did code as follows
public bool _CheckBusinessTypeDetailByCode(string businessTypeCode)
string bisCode = businessTypeCode.Replace("\"", "");
bool isExist;
isExist = _IBusinessTypeRepository.IsExist(x => x.IsActive && !x.IsDelete && x.Code == bisCode);
return isExist;
I don't know is it bad practice or not , any way it is solved my problem.
Before did this modification
string businessTypeCode always gives value as
I have a jquery grid that has a list of Employee Records.To edit the records there is a link on each row.On click of that A jquery model popup opens and loads the partial view to show and edit the data.But on click of the button(custom button not the jquery model button) on the popup(that loads a partial view),the client side validation using dataAnnotation does not work. If I make a submit form like:-
$("#btnUpdate).submit(function (e) {
var $form = $(this);
if ($form.valid()) {
//Add ajax call
Then after submit it redirects to:- { ../Employee/Edit/EmployeeId } where it shows a blank screen as I dont have any view for this.
I want that after the form post it should just refresh the jquery grid.
public PartialViewResult _CreateSupplier()
return PartialView(new Supplier());
public JsonResult _CreateSupplier(Supplier model)
return Json(new
status = transactionStatus,
modelState = ModelState.GetModelErorrs()
}, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Form post jquery method
$('#create-supplier').submit(function (e) {
var $form = $(this);
if (!ModelIsValid($form))
AjaxPost($form.serialize(), '#Url.Action("_CreateSupplier")', function (result) {
if (result.status == 0) {
var grid = $("#gridSupplier").data("kendoGrid");
} else if (result.status == 1)
AddFormErrors($form, result);
else if (result.status == 2)
Checking model method is valid and if invalid adding errors to form
function ModelIsValid(form) {
var validator = $(form).validate(); // obtain validator
var anyError = false;
form.find("input").each(function () {
if (!validator.element(this)) { // validate every input element inside this step
anyError = true;
if (anyError)
return false; // exit if any error found
return true;
function AddFormErrors(form, errors) {
for (var i = 0; i < errors.modelState.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < errors.modelState[i].errors.length; j++) {
var val = $(form).find("[data-valmsg-for='" + errors.modelState[i].key + "']");
if (val.html().length > 0) {
$(form).find("[for='" + errors.modelState[i].key + "']").html(errors.modelState[i].errors[j]);
} else {
val.html('<span for="' + errors.modelState[i].key + '" generated="true" class="" style="">' + errors.modelState[i].errors[j] + '</span>');
Ajax post method:
function AjaxPost(postData, url, callback) {
url: url,
type: 'POST',
data: postData,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (result) {
if (callback) callback(result);
And last c# generic method which checks returns model state errors
public static IEnumerable<object> GetModelErorrs(this ModelStateDictionary modelState)
return modelState.Keys.Where(x => modelState[x].Errors.Count > 0)
.Select(x => new {
key = x,
errors = modelState[x].Errors.Select(y => y.ErrorMessage).ToArray()
Hope answer is useful...
I have a view page where i'm validating fields using knockout.js . I want to validate my fields in different country's language like spanish,french etc i.e using localization.
I have added el-GR.js ,fr-FR.js , ru-RU.js etc files into my js folder and referenced them.
Now how can i validate or check into my modalModal.js page?
ko.validation.rules.pattern.message = 'Invalid.';
registerExtenders : true,
messagesOnModified : true,
insertMessages : true,
parseInputAttributes : true,
messageTemplate : null
var mustEqual = function (val, other) {
return val == other();
var modalViewModel= {
firstName : ko.observable().extend({
minLength : 2,
maxLength : 40
lastName : ko.observable().extend({
minLength : 2,
maxLength : 10
organisation : ko.observable().extend({
minLength : 2,
maxLength : 40
email : ko.observable().extend({ // custom message
email: true
password: ko.observable()
modalViewModel.confirmPassword = ko.observable().extend({
validation: { validator: mustEqual, message: 'Passwords do not match.', params:
modalViewModel.password }
modalViewModel.errors = ko.validation.group(modalViewModel);
// Activates knockout.js
I've done this for my latest KO project
I override the KO validation rules and use the Globalize plugin, like
ko.validation.rules.number.validator = function (value, validate) {
return !String.hasValue(value) || (validate && !isNaN(Globalize.parseFloat(value)));
ko.validation.rules.date.validator = function (value, validate) {
return !String.hasValue(value) || (validate && Globalize.parseDate(value) != null);
edit: btw, there is a bug in the Globalize plugin, it will accept dot (.) as part of a number even if it isn't, i fixed that like this
Globalize.orgParaseFloat = Globalize.parseFloat;
Globalize.parseFloat = function (value) {
value = String(value);
var culture = this.findClosestCulture();
var seperatorFound = false;
for (var i in culture.numberFormat) {
if (culture.numberFormat[i] == ".") {
seperatorFound = true;
if (!seperatorFound) {
value = value.replace(".", "NaN");
return this.orgParaseFloat(value);