Netbeans build.xml to execute when using Ant - ant

I'm relatively new to using build files and Ant to compile and execute from a command line so i wanted to know how it would be possible to modify the build-impl.xml file auto generated from netbeans so that after it compiles it also executes the program.
Currently when i type just "ant" in the command window where the build.xml file is listed it compiles and etc but then says
[copylibs] Nothing to copy.
[echo] To run this application from the command line without Ant, try:
[echo] java -jar "C:\Users\Eric\Documents\Word Documents\Java Test Code\NetbeansVersion\Cops\dist\Cops.jar"
I can run that command and it will run fine, but i want the program to execute by just typing ant.
The build.xml file - Pastebin
Build-impl.xml file - Pastebin

There are a couple "tasks" available in ant that you could use to accomplish this.
You can use either of these:
Java Task,
Exec Task
Those documentation pages provide examples as well. Before you go there though, you might want to start at the basic manual to get an idea of the structure of an ant build file to determine where and how you want to add this execution step in.
It feels a little "off" to me to have your build script executing the program, but I'm sure you've got a reason, so I might suggest adding a new target that does the build steps and then also runs this command to kick off the program. That way you've still got the option of running the build without running the program.


Jtl file is empty when running Jmeter using ant

I am trying to run Jmeter with ant, (since I want to display the results of test, with all the steps).
The issue is that after I managed to run the command the Jtl file is empty, I am trying to run the basic test.jmx default test.
I run the command ant -Detest=Test run
the build is successful but the jtl results are empty. moreover it is finished after one second, while if I run via UI mode it should take more time.
Can someone please advise how to use ant with Jmeter, or how to get fully reports like in csv in html out put?
[][build results]
[][build.xml from ant\bin location]
[][location of test.jtl results file]
[][results are empty]
Most probably something is wrong with your JMeter test itself, i.e.
JMeter failed to start (installation or configuration issues)
it has 0 threads in Thread Group
there is an If Controller condition which prevent test execution
the test relies on a JMeter Plugin which is not installed
So I would recommend amending your build.xml file and enable writing JMeter log file by adding the next line to <jmeter> section: jmeterlogfile="${testpath}/jmeter-ant.log >
So it would look like
testplan ="${testpath}/${test}.jmx"
When you run your test one more time you should see jmeter-ant.log file in the folder where your .jmx file lives.
More information: JMeter Ant Task

How to get error code of ant command

My ant files are already present and I am not allowed to change those for various reasons. I have created a batch file and I am writing all those ant commands in that batch file just to automate the process. The code looks something like this
1. cd abc
2. ant realclean && ant
3. cd..
4. cd pqr
5. ant realclean && ant
6. cd..
However now I have to check if the build fired on line 2 is successful then only goto line 3 otherwise exit.
I googled a bit and found %errorlevel% as one option but it is not working in my case.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
How about adding another ANT file which contains the tasks to execute the existing ANT files?
That would give you error handling without doing anything, you could reuse that file on different OSs and your CI server and the syntax would be saner than batch...
You can have ANT execute, say project.xml, with ant -f project.xml
[EDIT] You don't even have to change the existing projects: Just create a new project, assign paths to the old projects to properties in the new build.xml and then you can build the old projects from the new one.
This gives you:
A sane[*] syntax that you already know (no need to learn the ugly/buggy/handicapped rules of DOS batch programming; you did know that DOS was once named QDOS "Quick and Dirty OS", yes?)
Proper error handling
A simple way to pass arguments to the sub-builds
Cross-platform support
Useful error messages when something goes wrong
[*]: Compared to DOS...

Running DUnit tests from Hudson

I finally got Hudson to build my project and the corresponding test project (using the XMLTestRunner2 unit provided in the Embarcadero forum). Running the test executable manually correclty produces a "dunit-report.xml" file with the test results.
I can't get Hudson to call my executable and produce this file though.
What I did is to create a build step as a Windows batch command and just call the executable. I tried several things:
start bin\Test.exe
start /wait bin\Test.exe
start /wait /b bin\Test.exe
I cannot get it to work. It either returns immediately with some random exit code or it does not produce the XML output file. This must be very simple but I'm a little bit frustrated by now, because I don't get it to work.
What's the right way to execute the unit tests from Hudson?

Is there a way to use just build command instead of ant build while using ant scripts?

I am using Apache Ant scripts for building a web application. I have written some targets in the build.xml file and the script is running fine. I remember using just "build" command to run ant build instead of "ant build". Can anyone tell me how is that achieved? I was a bit curious on this.
There's no built in "build" command. You could create a simple script file called "build" in the same directory that launched the ant build.
Create a text file with this as the contents:
ant build
In windows save this as a file called build.bat then you can just type build from the command line to start your build.
On unix or linux, save the file as build, then make it executable (with chmod +x build). You'll need to type ./build to get it to run.
I don't think there's a lot of value doing this to replace the simple case of ant build, but if you have to regularly run a build that has multiple targets, or need to pass in certain system variables then it could come in useful.
Maybe your are remembering typing "ant" instead of "ant build" in the past. This is possible to setup. You just need to set default attribute on the root project element in your Ant script to the name of the target you want invoked when an explicit target isn't specified.
For instance...
<project name="myproj" default="build">

how do I use ant build to execute exportReleaseBuild task in Flash Builder 4

I'm trying to do an Ant build with FlashBuilder 4 for an Export Release Build. There is supposed to be a new (in FB4) ant task fb.exportReleaseBuild that will execute the release build. Reference to the usage is here:
When I include a target name="exportRelease"
fb.exportReleaseBuild project="${flexproject}" ...
I generate an error indicating that the task can't be found:
Problem: failed to create task or type fb.exportReleaseBuild
Cause: The name is undefined.
Action: Check the spelling.
Action: Check that any custom tasks/types have been declared.
Action: Check that any presetde/macrodef declarations have taken place.
I look in flexTasks.jar and it doesn't include any flex.ant.exportReleaseBuild class despite having the latest jar.
Am I wrong in assuming I can run the exportReleaseBuild from an ant script?
You have probably solved this by now, but here's the answer in case someone else needs it.
The Ant compiler is telling you that it can't find the ExportReleaseBuild task. The reason is that when Ant is run from the IDE, it runs as a separate process to Flash Builder. When you run it from the command line it runs in the same process, which is why it works.
To get this to work in the IDE:
Open the build.xml file in Flash Builder
Go to Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configuration...
Select Ant, then click the New Launch Configuration button
Enter a name for the build task
Select the Main tab:
Browse to the location of the build file
Browse to the location of the workspace
Select the JRE tab, then tick "run in the same JRE as this Workspace" (see image below)
Click Apply, then click Run
In future you can run the the task using the icon on the toolbar:
Just came across this situation myself, and after tweeting w/ #renaun (his blog post has some info as well:, it's pretty much useless for a CI build, unless you want to install FB4 premium, you can't run this task.
I was able to get it to run on my OSX environment by following the Adobe docs for it, but it doesn't mention that you have to basically run it from the command line tool. The ant that is installed as a plugin w/ the premium version has an importexport-ant.jar that is being referenced by Eclipse (standalone or plugin).
The only way I got it to run was via cmd line/terminal. It is tedious, and not really useful for a CI build. I did try to just grab the jar file, place it in the right spot, reference that in my ant script and build directly, but that made my compiler angry :(
I think I cracked it by setting up a shell script, and calling the shell script from an ant task.
This way you * are * using the headless Flash Builder modus, from within Flash Builder.
Full working example at:
Thanks for the link lordB8r, that one got me thinking : )
