How to Pass Empty Values to Array? - ios

I have Data. It has empty value and the values are string.In that some of the strings are empty.It does not have value.Now I want to pass empty string values to Array.Application is crashing if I pass empty values(null and empty) to Array.How to check and send value to Array.Can anyone help me please?

STEP 1: check string is empty or not
- (NSString *)checkEmpty:(NSString *)check
if (check.length==0)
check = #" ";
if([check isEqual:[NSNull null]])
check = #" ";
#catch (NSException *exception)
check = #" ";
STEP 2:Adding the String to Array
[array addObject:[self checkEmpty:strValue]];
If the string value is empty,it takes as above coding after that it passes or adds to array.If the string has value it directly adds to the array.

You can use
Which manage empty array.

If I have understood your problem correctly then you are trying to insert a nil value to an array
You cannot insert a nil or a Null value to an array an empty string would be #"".
If this is not what you are looking for please be more elaborate and attach the piece of code along with your question as your question is not clear


String matching in iOS returning 0x00000001?

i have a simple string checking code, which will check NSString which coming from my server to the NSString which i hard coded in my xcode.
Please check the code
if([[array valueForKey:#"type"] isEqualToString:#"type"] ) {
input values are these
[array valueForKey:#"type"] is a string from server 'type'
When i did this in xcode console
po [[array valueForKey:#"type"] isEqualToString:#"type"]
i got output as
Both strings are same but then what is this 0x00000001??
What are you doing now in printing the result of the comparison, to check the value of string you have to print [array valueForKey:#"type"] value alone, or print value of the all items of the array just to be sure.
Hope that helps.
[array valueForKey:#"type"] is going to return a value most likely different than a string. Assuming array is a NSDictionary filled with NSIntegers then the integer for key "type" is not going to be equal to the string "type".
I thought you got a hexadecimal value. All hexadecimal values start from 0x. You got value equals to 1. In if statement 1 equals to true. So your compared strings are equal. This 0x0000000000000001 value comes from a compiler and that way compiler designed.
Here, [array valueForKey:#"type"]
array must be NSDictionary... because array don't have "valueForKey:" method..
Better you first save in some var and then do comparison.

How can I check for an empty object within an NSArray

I'd like to check for an empty object (i.e. an object of an array which doesn't have a value) within an array which gets its data from a file.
As an example, if my array contains 12 objects (all NSString) and the object at index 11 doesn't return a value when its description is printed into the debug section of Xcode. I want to check if that is the case and respond accordingly. I already tried
if (!([MY_ARRAY objectAtIndex:11] == nil))
//Some Stuff
//Some other Stuff
which didn't work.
Any help is appreciated.
The description method is for debugging. You should not use it in your program logic. What are these objects, and what do they contain? Can you modify the objects to add an "isEmpty" property?
If you use NSNull, you'd use code like this:
NSArray *array = #{#"String", #(4), [NSNull null], #"Another string");
for (id anObject in array)
if (anObject =! [NSNull null]))
//Some Stuff
//Some other Stuff
You can check the length of the string: [string length] > 0
an object is an array cannot be nil, but you can use [NSNull null] which is an "object equivalent" to nil
As Jerome Diaz states, objects in an array can't be nil. The only option you have is to check the count property of the array if it reflects an expected value, or you can inspect the type/class of the object in the array. A safe way to include empty object into array is [NSNull null], but this is the task for the method that fills the array, not the one that reads it.
You can check the class type of an object in array with isKindOfClass or isMemberOfClass.

can I switch NSString

I want to switch NSString in XmlParser because if there are 15 or more web-service then every time the loop check for correct element in IF..ELSE.That I don't want to make processor busy..
I have searched a lot and found using enum I can switch NSString but no luck ..
I have tried each possibilities,but some where i am making mistake.
Please help to solve this big problem for me.
Here I have declare my enum:
Here in "elementName" I am getting Exact value as declared in enum:
But instead of 1, I am getting wrong value Like 202896536:
You cant do it by creating enum. You must need to compare the string.
if([elementName isEqualToString:#"UserLoginComplexType"])
//Do something...
You can not cast a string to ENUM value, you will need to parse it, ENUM values are integers not strings.
You will have to use an if statement.
You could use a helper method:
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, WebServiceList) {
WebServiceListNone = 0,
UserLoginComplexType = 1,
RegisterUserResult = 2,
RecoverPasswordResult = 3,
FOUNDATION_EXTERN WebServiceList WebServiceListForString(NSString *string);
WebServiceList WebServiceListForString(NSString *string) {
WebServiceList list = WebServiceListNone;
if (![type isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
return CallRecordTypeNone;
else if ([string isEqualToString:#"UserLoginComplexType"] {
list = UserLoginComplexType;
else if ([string isEqualToString:#"UserLoginComplexType"]) {
list = UserLoginComplexType;
else .....
return list;
As seen in your commented codes, you're parsing a XML and saving in a NSMutableArray named arrProductList in App Delegate.
After finishing the parsing of XML, the variable should contain the data in array. You should look into the variable & fetch the corresponding value. Since you didn't post any further details about parsing / XML structure, I'm unable to write some codes related to result fetching.
For easy readability and to avoid lots of if-else statements, I like to do mine as a dictionary:
(also makes it easy to update in the future when you add more to your enum)
NSString* elementName = ...;
// Default value
WebServiceList value = UserLoginComplexType;
NSDictionary* stringToEnum = #{#"UserLoginComplexType":#(UserLoginComplexType),
NSNumber* enumValue = stringToEnum[elementName];
if(enumValue != nil)
value = (WebServiceList)enumValue.integerValue;

How to add string object in nsmutable array if some string is empty

arrdata=[[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:strname,strWeb,strAdd,strPhone,strrate, nil];
[arrAllData addObject:arrdata];
I fetched data from a webservice. in my condition if strweb has no value then it simply ignores other values like stradd,sphone and strrate. How can I solve this problem?
you can do like this in a simplest way.
Note: pass null in <> bracket;
Try this code,
if(strWeb == nil){
strWeb = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [NSNull null]];
arrdata=[[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:strname,strWeb,strAdd,strPhone,strrate, nil];
[arrAllData addObject:arrdata];
When your any object nil while creation time of array then your array will be end with than object and remaining objects will discards. That why you need to check every object should not be nil according above code stuff then add it into array.
If strWeb is nil then your array structure will be
arrdata=[[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:strname,nil]; future object will discard.,strAdd,strPhone,strrate,
output of arrdata containg only one object strname
Other way,
Set any default value if your string is nil. for example,
if(strWeb == nil){
strWeb = #"This Value is discarded"; // It could be anything identifier for your purpose.
arrdata=[[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithObjects:strname,strWeb,strAdd,strPhone,strrate, nil];
[arrAllData addObject:arrdata];
While retrieving time you can match above string with value inside the object.
You use the initializer -initWithObjects:. As you know the object list is terminated with nil. If one of the references has the value nil, -initWithObjects: thinks that this is the terminator.
Check the references (i. e. strweb). If it is nil, assign a default value to it or do not encounter the variable in the list.

Printing the length of a string from a label

I am currently trying to check the length of a label.
What it is is i want the label to display "Unavailable" if the string is of a null value.
The sting is being read in from a XML sheet so i don't know what the length of the actual string is and i would like to know. This is what i currently have but its not working.
It displays the relevant text if its not empty which is brilliant.
But its not displaying the text when it is empty which is leading me to believe although i assume its empty its not.
Thanks in advance.
if ([l_subCommunity.text length] > 0)
[l_subCommunity setText:_property.str_subCommunity];
NSMutableString *sub = [[NSMutableString alloc]init];
[sub appendString:#"Unavailable"];
[self.l_subCommunity setText:sub];
[l_subCommunity setText:_property.str_subCommunity];
[self.l_subCommunity setText:sub];
you are using l_subCommunity setText in the if and self.l_subCommunity setText in the else. are you using 2 different variables?
Also why are you creating a mutable string to pass in the value #"Unavailable" ?
why not simply:
[self.l_subCommunity setText: #"Unavailable" ];
Your if statement is checking the wrong variable. You want:
if (_property.str_subCommunity.length) {
l_subCommunity.text = _property.str_subCommunity;
} else {
self.l_subCommunity.text = #"Unavailable";
Also keep in mind that you may end up with whitespace and/or newlines in your string as a result of parsing the XML file. You may need to trim this whitespace from your string.
