Call a Grails restful web service in a spring security application - grails

I need to submit a simple and unique request to a web service hosted inside a regular web based Grails application which is secured with Spring Security plugin. My request should look like:
curl -F username=john password=mypass message="Hello World" http://localhost:8080/myapp/restapi/echo
No work flow, just an unique request and I'm done.
I have a simple secured controller to respond to this request as follows:
class RestapiController {
def echo() {
respond params.message
The issue here is that spring security default behavior is to redirect any new request to the login page. How can I change that, search the http params for the user name and password, register the user and go on TO the requested controller action, all in the same unique stateless request?
I had a look at Spring Security REST Plugin but it is aimed to provide a token-based work flow which isn't exactly what I need. (I would also appreciate some guidance to this work flow approach as an optional solution)


How to share spring security session with rest client in integration test

I wanna test a rest API secured by spring security using request maps. The API is mainly used by authenticated users, therefore I wanna test the API with logged in user.
In the test for the rest client I use
testCompile "org.grails:grails-datastore-rest-client:6.0.5.RELEASE"
Before calling the API the user must be authenticated. I tried following within the setup:
springSecurityService.reauthenticate "admin"
Despite the reauthenticate call there is no session the rest client could detect, therefore the status code is 302 -> redirect to login page.
void "test fetching execution statistic"() {
RestBuilder rest = new RestBuilder()
//requestHeaders.add("Cookie", "JSESSIONID=" + session.getValue());
RestResponse response ="http://localhost:8080/correctionStatistic/executionStatistic") {
reportingPeriod_year: 2008,
reportingPeriod_month: 01
response.status == 200
How can the session be shared with the rest client? As you can see in the commented line, one idea would be to add the session ID in the request header, but how to request the session ID in the integration test.
If you are just using Spring Security Core Plugin and implementing the traditional stateful chain for the protected URLs(endpoints), then you can use Geb and write functional test cases.
But if you are using the Spring Security Rest Plugin and implementing a stateless chain for your URLs, then you need to first hit the api/login endpoint and get your access token and then make futher requests with Authorization header in the requests.
You can find the detailed guide here.
I hope this helps.

Spring security based application having both form login and SSO

I have searched enough but I haven't got a clear answer and thus posting this question.
I have an existing application which uses spring security for authentication.
Current implementation uses a custom implementation of UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter for doing this.
Thus the flow is something like below(in very simple terms):
Now I have a requirement to implement SSO (since the user is already asusmed to be authenticated) in some scenarios.
The requirement states that if I have a specific request parameter present then I need to automatically authenticate the request without bothering about user/password.
So it is same set of resources and I do not have to authenticate user/password if the specific SSO related request parameter is present.
suppose a resource \test\bus is a secure resource.
if I come from normal way then we need to check if the user is authenticated or nor and force user to put valid user/password
if I come from SSO channel then I need to show the \test\bus resource as the user is already authenticated.
currently all the access restrictions are put through <http> element
e.g the snippet of security-config.xml is as follows:
Query: What options do I have in this case. I can think of below options:
Pre-authenticate the user before spring security framework kicks in. This will mean creating an authentication token and putting in spring context before spring security filter is called. This can be done through another filter which is called before spring security filter chain. I have tested it and it works.
Create another custom security filter which set-up the authentication token. I am not clear if this is correct approach as not sure when do we create multiple custom security filter
Create another custom authentication provider e.g SSOCustomAuthenticationProvider. This provider will be called in the existing current flow as we can have multiple authentication providers to a authentication manager. The only issue is that in order to achieve this I have to change the request url to authentication filter's target url so that spring security doesn't check for authentication.
to explain more,
let's say request uri is /test/bus, I will write a filter which will intercept the request and change it to /test/startlogin. This is currently my CustomUsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter's target url i.e
<property name="filterProcessesUrl" value="/test/startlogin"/>
The flow will be
I have tested this and this works. Is this a valid approach or a hack.
Is there any other viable option available with me.
Thanks for reading this.

User login validation by url

I've a application with login form, this works well.
Now I've some provider that send url as "http://server/springapplication/country?username=user&password=pass" to my spring program
How to implement authentification of this url and redirect to controller country?
I work withy spring security anottations.
Thank you very much.
In these days I have been experimenting situations for this implementations. I have other case. Some customers send to my spring aplication some xml document in the post request. This document contains user and password in it, i need process this data to login my aplication. If I implement http.basic() and my class extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter, spring security doesn't authentificate the request. I had thinking implement the authentification request in controllers when custumer send xml document, but I think this isn't a good idea.
What do you think about this.?

Grails modify Spring Security plugin

I have web application ( built using Grails ) in which I am using Spring Security with LDAP.
Login and logout behaviour works fine in application.
Now, I wanted to build the functionality where if admin is logged in application first time forward user to specific page instead of sending user to index/home page.
I modified LoginController ( auth method ) and tried to keep track of login by new domain class. But after login Login controller "auth method" is not called.
can anyone point me to right direction ? is there other controller I need to modify ?
The default Spring Security login form POSTs to a special URL: /j_spring_security_check (the exact URL used can be changed through the apf.filterProcessesUrl configuration parameter) This POST request is handled by the Spring Security internals. To add custom login logic, you can implement your own AuthenticationSuccessHandler as described here. mvc authentication when call from client app

I use mvc controller instead of Web Service in my project.
When I call the controller from my client app,there will be a authentication problem. If I use Web Service ,I can use SOAP Header , but now in mvc, There is no soap header.
Please help.
I am really know a little about the web security.
Normal way of doing this when you come to http services is to pass it in authorization header in following format (if you are doing request from fiddler)
Authorization: Basic user123:pass123
user123:pass123 string is normally base64 encoded and you have to decode it on server side, check it against user store and authenticate the user. One example can be found here
You have several options.
Use a request header to contain some security token.
Include security tokens in the message that you send in the request body.
If your application uses something like Forms Authentication, you can ask consumers to call a login action, then grab the Forms Auth cookie and include that cookie in subsequent calls.
Since you are not using soap. You may use a simple http way. Which means you start a HttpRequest and handle result via HttpResponse. Thus you have to simulate a authenticate action as signing in from web browser.
You need to get the security token or cookie from the reponse. And put them into your following request. Thus your controller will recognize the request's identity.
