I am creating a session variable in one controller-:
List<Employee> emp = new ArrayList<Employee>()
emp = Employee.findAllByLevel(proj_lev.level_no)
session.employee_list = emp
render(view: "add_members", model: [proj_lev:proj_lev , proj_lev_right:proj_lev_right , employee:session.employee_list])
In another controller I am accessing the session variable and using the remove method of the List but the list is not changing-:
render "${session.employee_list}"
def emp_added = Employee.get(params.int('employee_id'))
render "${session.employee_list}"
The view in the GSP is-:
[tearp.Employee : 2, tearp.Employee : 5, tearp.Employee : 8, tearp.Employee : 9, tearp.Employee : 10][tearp.Employee : 2, tearp.Employee : 5, tearp.Employee : 8, tearp.Employee : 9, tearp.Employee : 10]
make a list of employee to be removed , and then remove this list from "added employees" and add this list to "all employees"
Have you override equals method on Employee domain object? I think that is the problem.
When you say this ( with out overriding the equals method):
It will first search the object in the list by its hashcode and every time you fetch an object from db using Employee.get(..) hibernate creates new object even for the same record, so every new object has new hashcode and list.remove() method wont work as far as the object is not found on the list.
Possible Solution:
add this method on your Employee domain class:
boolean equals(Employee employee){
return this.id == employee?.id
When I am trying to save receiveTransaction I get this exception
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: null value in column "letter_id" violates not-null constraint
Detail: Failing row contains (5, 0, RECEIVE, 67, nraed, 2015-06-22 12:56:17.111, null, ملوخية, 3, null, 1, f, 1, DONE, ps.police.parchive.LetterTransaction, null).
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(QueryExecutorImpl.java:2161)
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults(QueryExecutorImpl.java:1890)
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(QueryExecutorImpl.java:255)
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute(AbstractJdbc2Statement.java:560)
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags(AbstractJdbc2Statement.java:417)
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeUpdate(AbstractJdbc2Statement.java:363)
... 9 more
Letter hasMany letterTransaction
LetterTransaction Domain :
class LetterTransaction {
ActionEnum action
Date dateTime
Party party
ArchiveStructure archiveStructure
Boolean reviewed = Boolean.FALSE
TransactionStatus status=TransactionStatus.PENDING
String notes
Long sequence
LetterTransaction relatedTransaction
RelatedLetter relatedLetter
List signs = new ArrayList()
List reviewLogs = new ArrayList()
List divisionPathes = new ArrayList()
List targets = new ArrayList()
String createdBy
boolean deleted
static transients = ['deleted']
static belongsTo = [letter:Letter]
static hasMany = [
// related letters in case this letter is related to other letters (Attachments)
// actions have bean specified by organization manager التاشيرات
// all reviewing actions have bean taken for this letter
// this devision path describes where scans have bean saved, according the ArchiveStructure for this letter
in controller
LetterTransaction sendTransactionInstance = LetterTransaction.get(params.long("transactionId"))
LetterTransaction receiveTransaction=new LetterTransaction()
receiveTransaction.dateTime=new Date()
receiveTransaction.notes = params.comments
receiveTransaction.archiveStructure = ArchiveStructure.get(params.long("archiveStructure.id"))
if(!receiveTransaction.hasErrors() && receiveTransaction.save(flush: true,failOnError: true)){
sendTransactionInstance.letter.save(flush: true,failOnError: true)
//copy all scans to the new folder
manageService.copyLetterScansFromOrganization(sendTransactionInstance, sendTransactionInstance?.party?.coreId,null, getCurrentUser())
render "OK"
def errors=g.renderErrors(bean: receiveTransaction)
render errors
Without knowing the reason I fixed this by saving the letter instance after adding letterTransaction instead of saving receiveTransaction .. this is too strange.
I am calling a web service from my MVC project and if it is successful then it returns process complete. This result, I am storing in variable called y.
var y = Here pass required parameters and if it is successfull store result in y
when I put breakpoint here and if process complete, I can see result in var y.
So if process complete I need to update my table. For this can I do like this ?
if( y = "Process complete")
update table code here
and I don't know how to update table in Entity Framework. Here I need to update table called table1 and set column2 = 1, column 3 = value of column 4 where column 1 = value of column 1.
What I know for this is :
UPDATE tableName
SET column2 = 1, column3 = context.FirstOrDefault().column4
WHERE column1 = context.FirstOrDefault(). column1
Update :
Hi i got to know how to write code to update table.But when i put break-point and come to savechanges method i am getting Property export is part of the objects key information and cannot be modified error.
This is the code i am using to update my table :
var rec = (from s in geton.table_1
where s.on_id == geton.table_1.FirstOrDefault().on_id
select s).FirstOrDefault();
rec.export = 1;
rec.on_date = geton.table_1.FirstOrDefault().on_date;
A new entity can be added to the context by calling the Add method on DbSet. This puts the entity into the Added state, meaning that it will be inserted into the database the next time that SaveChanges is called.
For example:
using (var context = new YourContext())
var record = new TypeName { PropertyName = "Value" };
context.EntityName.Add(record );
For More Info :
Hi i got to know how to write code to update table.But when i put break-point and come to savechanges method i am getting Property export is part of the objects key information and cannot be modified error.
That sounds more like a Key error. Are you sure you have put a primary key on that table?
If not then EF just uses the whole table as the key essentially
Some pseudo-code of the model I'm working with:
User { int Id, string Username }
Activity { int Id, string Name }
Place { int Id, string Name }
Basically I have a bunch of Users and they belong to certain places (many to many relationship in RDBMS world). What I'd like to do now that I've created all of the nodes already is create the relationship between them. To do that I believe I need to get references to each node and then simply create the relationship between them.
Note: So far no relationships exist. It does look like in some of the examples they have added the User nodes with a relationship that points to the RootNode but I have no idea why. I'm not sure if I need to do that or not.
More pseudo-code:
var userRef = _graphClient...GetUserNodeWhereIdEquals(user.Id);
// or something like _graphClient.OutV<User>("[[id={0}]]", user.Id)
// or even just _graphClient.V<User>(id == user.Id)
var placeRef = _graphClient...GetPlaceNodeWhereIdEquals(place.Id);
_graphClient...CreateRelationshipBetween(userRef, placeRef, "belongs_to");
Unfortunately the documentation starts off pretty great then goes south when you get to relationships.
Update 3/29/12
Here's the code I have so far:
foreach (var a in _activityTasks.GetAll())
_graphClient.Create(a, new ActivityBelongsTo(_graphClient.RootNode));
foreach (var p in _placeTasks.GetAll().Take(1))
var placeNode = _graphClient.Create(p, new PlaceBelongsTo(_graphClient.RootNode));
foreach (var activity in p.Activities)
Activity activity1 = activity;
var activityNode = _graphClient.RootNode.In<Activity>(ActivityBelongsTo.TypeKey, a => a.Id == activity1.Id).SingleOrDefault();
_graphClient.CreateRelationship(placeNode, new PlaceHasActivity(activityNode.Reference));
The activity nodes are created fine. The place node is created fine. An error is now being thrown when trying to get the activityNode. It's a rather large stack trace so I'll try to paraphrase here:
Received an exception when executing the request.
The query was: g.v(p0).in(p1).filter{ it[p2] == p3
The exception was: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.Parameter name: key
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue
value, Boolean add) ... The raw response body was: [ {
"outgoing_relationships" :
"http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/2/relationships/out", "data" : {
"Name" : "Aerobics", "Id" : 2 }, "all_typed_relationships" :
"traverse" :
"http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/2/traverse/{returnType}", "self"
: "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/2", "property" :
"outgoing_typed_relationships" :
"properties" : "http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/2/properties",
"incoming_relationships" :
"http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/2/relationships/in", "extensions"
: { }, "create_relationship" :
"paged_traverse" :
"all_relationships" :
"incoming_typed_relationships" :
} ]
Something to do when adding a item to a Dictionary when the key is null. Problem is, I don't see any nulls when I debug on my end, activity1 is there, RootNode is there, TypeKey is a const string.
I'm almost wondering if I should just keep the created nodes within a array or Dictionary myself and then just working with the NodeReference. That's what I'm going to try next.
Later that morning
This seems to load everything into the graph database fine:
var activityNodes = _activityTasks.GetAll().ToDictionary(a => a.Id, a => _graphClient.Create(a, new ActivityBelongsTo(_graphClient.RootNode)));
foreach (var p in _placeTasks.GetAll())
var placeNode = _graphClient.Create(p, new PlaceBelongsTo(_graphClient.RootNode));
foreach (var activity in p.Activities)
_graphClient.CreateRelationship(placeNode, new PlaceHasActivity(activityNodes[activity.Id]));
foreach (var u in _userTasks.GetAllUserGraph())
var userNode = _graphClient.Create(u, new UserBelongsTo(_graphClient.RootNode));
foreach(var activity in u.Activities)
_graphClient.CreateRelationship(userNode, new UserParticipatesIn(activityNodes[activity.Id]));
Now the problem is similar to what I had before. Now I want to get an activity that has a relationship to the RootNode:
Node<Activity> activity = _graphClient
.In<Activity>(ActivityBelongsTo.TypeKey, a => a.Id == 1)
Throwing the key value can't be null exception again. I think I need to investigate the gremlin syntax more. I'm guessing the problem is there.
This afternoon
Started to experiment with Gremlin queries:
works fine. I tried to replicate that using neo4jClient syntax:
_graphClient.RootNode.InE(ActivityBelongsTo.TypeKey).OutV(b => b.Id == 1).SingleOrDefault();
Same null exception, it spits out:
g.v(p0).inE.filter{ it[p1].equals(p2) }.outV.filter{ it[p3] == p4 }.drop(p5).take(p6)._()
which looks right to me, except for the end. Ran this though:
And that works fine. Something stinks here...maybe I should try the other library although I liked the de/serialization support. Sigh...
Thought maybe a raw query would work. Nope! This method no longer accepts a string and the required GremlinQuery I have no idea how to you. Grooooooooooooooooan.
var users = graphClient.ExecuteGetAllNodesGremlin<IsCustomer>("g.v(0).out('IsCustomer'){it.'Name' == 'BobTheBuilder'}");
Update 3/30/12
Created a new project, everything below works fine. Super confused why it will work here... :( Maybe version differences, I have no idea.
var client = new GraphClient(new Uri("http://localhost:7474/db/data"));
client.Create(new User { Id = 1, Username = "joe" }, new UserBelongsTo(client.RootNode));
client.Create(new User { Id = 2, Username = "cloe" }, new UserBelongsTo(client.RootNode));
client.Create(new Activity { Id = 1, Name = "Bocce Ball" }, new ActivityBelongsTo(client.RootNode));
client.Create(new Activity { Id = 2, Name = "Programming" }, new ActivityBelongsTo(client.RootNode));
var user = client.RootNode.In<User>(UserBelongsTo.TypeKey, u=>u.Id == 1).SingleOrDefault();
var activity = client.RootNode.In<Activity>(ActivityBelongsTo.TypeKey, a=>a.Id == 1).SingleOrDefault();
client.CreateRelationship(user.Reference, new Plays(activity.Reference));
user = client.RootNode.In<User>(UserBelongsTo.TypeKey, u => u.Id == 1).SingleOrDefault();
activity = client.RootNode.In<Activity>(ActivityBelongsTo.TypeKey, a => a.Id == 1).SingleOrDefault();
I'm just getting started too. I would suggest you check out this blog:
Also, check http://frictionfree.org and its source code (in the about section) for more examples.
Creating relationships on existing - as I understand, this is possible. However, it appears to be easier to associate nodes as you create them. From the blog:
You can also create relationships between existing nodes.
graphClient.CreateRelationship(customerNodeReference, new
RootNode - I believe you need to start a query from a node, I don't think you can do a
Therefore, it would make sense that you need to attach nodes to the root node. This is an example from the FrictionFreeApp:
var node = graphClient.Create(
new UserBelongsTo(rootNode));
class Book {
String title
Date releaseDate
String ISBN
static belongsTo = [person:Person] // it makes relationship bi-directional regarding the grails-docs
class Person {
Book book; // it will create person.book_id
String name
Integer age
Date lastVisit
static constraints = {
book unique: true // "one-to-one". Without that = "Many-to-one".
There is a test which test if it is real bidirectional or not. As i understand it.
public void testBidirectional() {
def person = new Person(name:"person_c1", age: 99, lastVisit: new Date())
def book = new Book(
ISBN: "somebook_c1",
releaseDate: new Date()
person.setBook (book)
def bookId = person.getBook().id
Book thatBook = Book.get(bookId)
assertNotNull(thatBook.person) // NULL !!!
So, i save a person with a book, and then i got that book from db by id. Then from that book i try to get back the person which book should refer to (because it should be bidirectional, right?). Eventually i got null instead of an instance of the person.
The questing is: how to make that test working?
i have found the solution how to get it working, but still can not understand why it does not work without 'refresh', see below:
public void testBidirectional() {
def person = new Person(name:"person_c1", age: 99, lastVisit: new Date())
def book = new Book(
ISBN: "somebook_c1",
releaseDate: new Date()
person.setBook (book)
def p = person.save()
assertNotNull p
person.refresh() //load the object again from the database so all the changes made to object will be reverted
//person = Person.get(p.id) // BUT this also gets the object from db ...?
def bookId = person.getBook().id
assertNotNull bookId
def thatBook = Book.get(bookId)
So, here as you can see i use 'refresh' to get it working, but why it does not work without 'refresh' but with the following line after 'refresh' - this one:
person = Person.get(p.id) // BUT this also gets the object from db ...?
If i just want to get object from database by id, then it would be without bidirectional?
Your problem is probably caused by the way that Hibernate works. Grails used Hibernate under the hood.
Even when you call "save", the object person may (and usually) not saved in database. That's because Hibernate is programmed to optimize the query, so it often waits to perform all query at then end of the Hibernate session.
That means if you don't call "refresh", the book-person relation (person.setBook) is still in memory, but not saved in database. Hence you can't get the book.person from book.
To enforce the save, you can use "refresh" like the previous answer, or use flush:true.
I still not try, but it's very likely that you will produce desired results with:
1) I've a Product table with 4 columns: ProductID, Name, Category, and Price. Here's the regular linq to query this table.
public ActionResult Index()
private ProductDataContext db = new ProductDataContext();
var products = from p in db.Products
where p.Category == "Soccer"
select new ProductInfo { Name = p.Name, Price = p.Price}
return View(products);
Where ProductInfo is just a class that contains 2 properties (Name and Price). The Index page Inherits ViewPage - IEnumerable - ProductInfo. Everything works fine.
2) To dynamicaly execute the above query, I do this:
Public ActionResult Index()
var products =
.Where("Category = \"Soccer\"")
return View(products);
I'm using both 'System.Lind.Dynamic' namespace and the DynamicLibrary.cs (downloaded from ScottGu blog).
Here are my questions:
What expression do I use to select only Name and Price?
(Most importantly) How do I retrieve the data in my view? (i.e. What type the ViewPage inherits? ProductInfo?)
When I write .Select("new(Name, Price)"), I'm able to pass an object to the ViewData's Model property. Unfortunately, in order to use the Viewdata object, I'm asked to cast the Viewdata to a type. But, I do not know how to determine the type to do the casting.
Instead of the ViewData's Model property, I'm using simply the ViewData["products"]. To retrieve the content, I just place a IEnumerable cast before the ViewData, like this:
<% foreach(var item in (IEnumerable)ViewData["products"]){%>
<p><% = Html.Encode(item)%><p>
There are 2 situations:
1) If I select only one column (for instance, Name), everything work fine.
2) If I select more than 1 more columns (Name, Price), I get something like this
{Name=Soccer, Price=19.50}
{Name=Shin Pads, Price=11.59}
Why I just don't get something like
Soccer, 19.50
Shin Pads, 11.59
EDIT April 02 - 05h47 AM
I've define the GetPropertyValue Method (as your response suggets) as static in a static Class that I called 'HelperClass'. Now, this is the way I try to access the value of Name from my object.
<% = Html.Encode(HelperClass.GetPropertyValue(ViewData["product"], "Name")) %>
I get the following Exception:"Object reference not set to an instance of an object". And, the following line from the inside GetPropertyValue() his highlight.
Line 22: return propInfo.GetValue(obj, null);
Do I need to use new keyword? (where?)
Thanks for helping
Private Sub filter()
Dim coll = db.Products.Where(Function(x) x.Category.Equals("Soccer")) _
.Select(Function(x) GetObject(x.Name, x.Price))
End Sub
Private Function GetObject(ByVal name As String, ByVal price As String) As Object
Return new ProductInfo(name, price)
End Function
1) To generate a new projection type at runtime you can:
.Select("new(Name, Price)")
2) To read values from the object, you need to use reflection:
string name = GetPropertyValue(someObject, "Name");
public static object GetPropertyValue(object obj, string propName)
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propInfo = obj.GetType().GetProperty(propName);
return propInfo.GetValue(obj, null);