AS2 bitmap resizing external image anti-aliasing (Actionscript 2) - actionscript

I'm using the dreded AS2 (not by choice) and working with images externally loaded.
I know that
targetClip.forceSmoothing = true;
...exists, but it still doesn't seem to be doing much at all.
The images externally loaded are really big in dimensions and when made smaller in the flash, they pixelate.
Perhaps forceSmoothing is the best method but...
I'm thinking there may be a way to resave the external bitmap resized and use that, instead of resizing a bitmap as a vector.
Any ideas?
Also, I've got an AS3 version of this, so if you know how I can do it in that too, then great. But it seems they do not want to use that yet.

in as2:
add this class to your project BitmapLoader
and use like that:
var loader : BitmapLoader = new BitmapLoader(true);
loader.loadBitmap("", this, "doneLoading" );
in as3 :
var loader:Loader = new Loader()
loader.load(new URLRequest("1.jpg"))
function doneLoad(e:Event){
var bitmap:Bitmap = as Bitmap
bitmap.smoothing = true

How are you loading the image data? If you're doing it with the BitmapData class, you can use a matrix together with the scale() command to shrink it.


Use image as tileset in Spritekit

I don't find a way to use this sort of images as tile set for my games.
Is there a way to do it, or should I add all object I want one by one ?
I tried to add a new Grid Tile Set then a Single Tile Group, but if I try to use this in a Tile Map Node, it will use all the image as texture for one block.
I don't know if it's possible, but if you can help me, I would be grateful.
Unfortunately you will have to separate the image into smaller images manually..
The functionality you want just doesn't exist.
You can use your image as a texture atlas, but you will not be able to use SKTextureAtlas, you will have to break them out your self.
If you look at SKTexture, you have an init called init(rect: CGRect, in: SKTexture). This will create a new SKTexture object for you, while still referencing the texture memory space of the original texture. You are just going to have to use something like a plist to load in all of the CGRRect info to create this atlas.
let textureAtlas = SKTexture(imageNamed:"CEm72.png") //I convert your jpg to png somehow
let rectDarkKnight = CGRect(x:0,y:96,width:32,height:32)
let texDarkKnight = SKTexture.init(rect: rectDarkKnight, in: textureAtlas)

How to make an in-game button (with text) in Phaser?

I have made a PNG image which will be my button background. In the preload() of my relevant state I load that image. I want a way to have this image placed in the world and be able to set text onto it (and also be clickable but I guess that's a bit unimportant here because I know how to set up event handlers).
I thought I could manage something with
Text text = new Text(x,y,foo,style);
text.texture = <something>
but trying to, for example, create a new Texture() shows a warning "undefined class Texture" in DartEditor, and anyway (as far as I can tell?) Texture doesn't seem to allow giving a source image key/URL..
So could anyone with Phaser experience tell me how I can get an in-game button as I want?
I currently seem to have achieved more or less what I wanted (may have to tweak some values here and there but generally seems alright) with code like this
class MyState
preload() {
create() {
Sprite temp2;
temp2 = new Sprite(, x, y, 'button');
BitmapData bmp = game.add.bitmapData(temp2.width, temp2.height);
//Text positioning x,y in fillText() is just my choice of course
bmp.ctx.fillText('Wait', bmp.width / 2, bmp.height / 2);
game.add.sprite(game, someX, someY, bmp);
EDIT: For what I'm doing there adding the bitmap to game cache wasn't needed; must've been something I was trying when trying to figure it out and forgot to delete.
So I needed to use the BitmapData class. My only little concern with this (although I'm not sure it really is an issue) is how when I create the Sprite temp2 I am giving it a position but of course it is not used in the game, rather the output of drawing the sprite, and then text on top, to bmp is added as a sprite to the game. Does anyone know if there are any real implications of creating that first Sprite and leaving it like so? I'm just wondering because visually it appears it is not an issue since it is not appearing in the "game world".
Also, while this method seems just fine for me at the moment I'm curious as to whether there other ways, like something else that is somehow better and/or more preferred?

As3 Creating a tiled background

First of all, I would like to say that I'm fairly new to AS3, so feel free to correct me when needed.
So I'm trying to create a moving background, made out of different types of isometric tiles, like a floor or a wall, disposen in a grid like fashion.
At first, I tried creating a symbol containing the floor and the wall on different frames, and alternate between the frames as needed. Then I would add multiple instances of this symbol to a container and move the container around. Quickly I realized that this probably wouldn't be an ifficient method, as confirmed by the unsmooth movement of the container. (I gave up on this method).
So I did a little digging around, and then I converted the tile symbol to a png file, created a bitmap container to where I would copyPixels from the png as many times as the map required it.
The problem now is that when I do this:
var pngBitmapData:BitmapData=new tilePng
the bitmapData height and width don't match the height and width of the actual tile. There seem to be some transparent pixels around the tile and I have no idea how to remove them. This causes the tiles to be misaligned on the background's grid, with some small empty spaces around them.
So I have a couple of questions:
Is this an effective way to build the background?
Is there a way to avoid that transparent pixels "problem" ?
Hmm, it's hard to tell without seeing your png.
Are you doing this?
var pngBitmapData:BitmapData = new tilePng();
var bmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap(pngBitmapData);
To initialize your bitmap?
Also, check the anti-aliasing on your bitmap, that could be it. I'd set it to none.

Adobe AIR iOS performance using SWC instances

I have an app I am working on that loads data from the server and displays objects on the stage for each record. I have created a library object (with several dynamic text fields) in Flash and exported it as a SWC. When I loop through the data and add a new SWC object for each record, the performance drops completely. There are about 800 records, all with text and background color to set the SWC object color and text fields. Here is some code...
var playerMag:PlayerMag;
for (var i:int=0;i<boardData.Players.length;i++) {
playerMag = new PlayerMag();
playerMag.width = 110;
playerMag.height = 48;
playerMag.fname.text = boardData.Players[i].fname;
playerMag.x = boardData.Players[i].X;
playerMag.y = boardData.Players[i].Y;
addChild(playerMag as MovieClip);
When all the playerMag's are on the stage, dragging and scaling by pinch or finger drag is extremely slow.
Any ideas on how to make it faster that I am missing or don't know? Any help is appreciated.
Generally manipulating textfields in mobile is a really bad idea. Your best bet is to populate them, add them to a container, then draw the container into a bitmap and add the bitmap instead of the textfields.

Capturing window contents in ActionScript

I would like to capture the entire contents of a window, not just the visible portion, as a bitmap. What I've been able to do only captures what is currently visible:
var v:UIComponent = ...
var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData ( v.width, v.height );
var pixels:ByteArray = bd.getPixels(bd.rect);
I realize using the v.width and v.height will only get the visible part. But I need the entire graphic extent (that which is scrollable).
Any help would be appreciated?
You can maybe try not to copy the window pixels but its content pixels : if that content is scrollable, there's chances that the window uses a mask or any similar method to hide everything that's outside of its dimensions.
But by trying to draw its content directly (if you have a v.content method or anything likewise) you should be able to have its real sizes and thus draw it in its entire.
Keep us updated if that works ?
