I would like to divide a string to sub-strings based on a given number , for example:
divide("string",1) = ["s","t","r","i","n","g"].
I have tried this, but no success .
lists:split(1,"string") = {"s", "tring"}
Any idea?
I would calculate the length once (since it's a slow operation) and then recursively use lists:split/2 until the list left is smaller than N:
divide(List, N) ->
divide(List, N, length(List)).
divide(List, N, Length) when Length > N ->
{A, B} = lists:split(N, List),
[A | divide(B, N, Length - N)];
divide(List, _, _) ->
1> c(a).
2> a:divide("string", 1).
3> a:divide("string", 2).
4> a:divide("string", 3).
5> a:divide("string", 4).
6> a:divide("string", 5).
7> a:divide("string", 6).
8> a:divide("string", 7).
I think #Dogbert solution is currently the best... But here an other implementation example with recursive loop.
divide_test() ->
[?assertEqual(divide("string",1), ["s","t","r","i","n","g"]),
?assertEqual(divide("string",2), ["st","ri","ng"]),
?assertEqual(divide("string",3), ["str","ing"]),
?assertEqual(divide("string",4), ["stri","ng"])
-spec divide(list(), integer()) -> list(list()).
divide(String, Size)
when is_list(String), is_integer(Size) ->
divide(String, Size, 0, [], []).
-spec divide(list(), integer(), integer(), list(), list()) -> list(list()).
divide([], _, _, Buf, Result) ->
Return = [lists:reverse(Buf)] ++ Result,
divide([H|T], Size, 0, Buf, Result) ->
divide(T, Size, 1, [H] ++ Buf, Result);
divide([H|T], Size, Counter, Buf, Result) ->
case Counter rem Size =:= 0 of
true ->
divide(T, Size, Counter+1, [H] ++ [], [lists:reverse(Buf)] ++ Result);
false ->
divide(T, Size, Counter+1, [H] ++ Buf, Result)
You can try this function. provided the number is > 0 less than or equal to string length divided by two.
first_substring(List, Separator) ->
first_substring_loop(List, Separator, []).
first_substring_loop([], _, Reversed_First) ->
first_substring_loop(List, Separator, Reversed_First) ->
[H|T]= my_tuple_to_list(lists:split(Separator,List)),
first_substring_loop(lists:flatten(T), Separator, [H|Reversed_First]).
my_tuple_to_list(Tuple) -> [element(T, Tuple) || T <- lists:seq(1, tuple_size(Tuple))].
the result is
1> fact:first_substring("string", 1).
2> fact:first_substring("string", 2).
3> fact:first_substring("string", 3).
A short simple solution can be:
divide(String, Length) -> divide(String, Length, []).
divide([], _, Acc) -> Acc;
divide(String, Length, Acc) ->
{Res, Rest} = lists:split(min(Length, length(String)), String),
divide(Rest, Length, Acc ++ [Res]).
Also for a specific case of splitting with length 1, a list comprehension can be used:
ListOfLetters = [[Letter] || Letter <- String].
Given a list and an integer, I want to split that list into the specified number of lists (inside a list).
For example:
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], 3
What is a clean and efficient way to do this?
The solution written by Steve Vinoski calls length/1 in guard for each partition which makes it O(N^2). It simply bothers me because it can be done in O(N) and I am performance freak. It can be done in many ways so just for example there is one:
divide(L, N) when is_integer(N), N > 0 ->
divide(N, 0, L, []).
divide(_, _, [], Acc) ->
divide(N, N, L, Acc) ->
[lists:reverse(Acc) | divide(N, 0, L, [])];
divide(N, X, [H|T], Acc) ->
divide(N, X+1, T, [H|Acc]).
or as a modification of Steve's solution
divide(L, N) ->
divide(L, N, []).
divide([], _, Acc) ->
divide(L, N, Acc) ->
try lists:split(N, L) of
{H,T} -> divide(T, N, [H|Acc])
error:badarg ->
or even simpler:
divide([], _) -> [];
divide(L, N) ->
try lists:split(N, L) of
{H,T} -> [H|divide(T, N)]
error:badarg -> [L]
You can use lists:split/2 for this:
divide(L, N) ->
divide(L, N, []).
divide([], _, Acc) ->
divide(L, N, Acc) when length(L) < N ->
divide(L, N, Acc) ->
{H,T} = lists:split(N, L),
divide(T, N, [H|Acc]).
The first function, divide/2, serves as the entry point. It merely calls the helper function divide/3 with an initial accumulator value of an empty list, and then divide/3 does all the work. The first clause of divide/3 matches when the list has been completely processed, so it just reverses the accumulator and returns that value. The second clause handles the case when the length of L is less than the requested N value; it creates a new accumulator by prepending Acc with L and then returning the reverse of that new accumulator. The third clause first calls lists:split/2 to split the incoming list into H, which is a list of N elements, and T, the remainder of the list. It then calls itself recursively, passing T as the new list value, the original N value, and a new accumulator consisting of H as the first element and the original accumulator, Acc, as the tail.
The problem I am trying to solve states
Write a function map_search_pred(Map, Pred) that returns the first
element {Key,Value} in the map for which Pred(Key, Value) is true.
My attempt looks like
map_search_pred(#{}, _) -> {};
map_search_pred(Map, Pred) ->
[H|_] = [{Key, Value} || {Key, Value} <- maps:to_list(Map), Pred(Key, Value) =:= true],
When I run this, I see output as
1> lib_misc:map_search_pred(#{1 => 1, 2 => 3}, fun(X, Y) -> X =:= Y end).
2> lib_misc:map_search_pred(#{1 => 1, 2 => 3}, fun(X, Y) -> X =:= Y end).
3> maps:size(#{}).
How am I so sure?
I pulled out the first clause so it looks like
map_search_pred(Map, Pred) ->
[H|_] = [{Key, Value} || {Key, Value} <- maps:to_list(Map), Pred(Key, Value) =:= true],
and run again
1> lib_misc:map_search_pred(#{1 => 1, 2 => 3}, fun(X, Y) -> X =:= Y end).
2> lib_misc:map_search_pred(#{}, fun(X, Y) -> X =:= Y end).
** exception error: no match of right hand side value []
in function lib_misc:map_search_pred/2 (/Users/harith/code/IdeaProjects/others/erlang/programmingErlang/src/lib_misc.erl, line 42)
According to map documentation:
Matching an expression against an empty map literal will match its type but no variables will be bound:
#{} = Expr
This expression will match if the expression Expr is of type map, otherwise it will fail with an exception badmatch.
However erlang:map_size can be used instead:
map_search_pred(Map, _) when map_size(Map) == 0 ->
map_search_pred(Map, Pred) ->
[H|_] = [{Key, Value} || {Key, Value} <- maps:to_list(Map), Pred(Key, Value) =:= true],
I have a simple record structure consisting of a header (H) and a list of the data lines (D) 1:N. All header lines must start with a digit. All data lines have a leading whitespace. There also might be some empty lines (E) in between that must be ignored.
L = [H, D, D, E, H, D, E, H, D, D, D].
I would like to create a list of records:
using list comprehension. Whats the best way to do it?
You must use lists:foldl/3 instead of list comprehensions in this case. With foldl/3 you can accumulate values of header and data through whole list L.
You should do something like this:
make_records(L) when is_list(L) ->
F = fun([32|_]=D,{#posting{}=H,Acc}) -> {H,[H#posting{data=D}|Acc]};
([], Acc) -> Acc;
([F|_]=H, {_,Acc}) when F=<$0, F>=$9 -> {#posting{header=>H}, Acc}
{_, R} = lists:foldl(F, {undefined, []}, L),
Anyway I think that straightforward Erlang version doesn't seems too complicated and should be little bit faster.
make_records2(L) when is_list(L) ->
make_records2(L, undefined, []).
make_records2([], _, R) -> R;
make_records2([[32|_]=D|T], H, Acc) when is_list(H) ->
make_records2(T, H, [#posting{header=H,data=D}|Acc]);
make_records2([[]|T], H, Acc) ->
make_records2(T, H, Acc);
make_records2([[F|_]=H|T], _, Acc) when F>=$0, F=<$9 ->
make_records2(T, H, Acc).
Edit: If you have to add better row classification or parsing, adding new function is better because it improves readability.
parse_row([Digit|_]=R) when Digit >= $0, Digit =< $9 -> {header, R};
parse_row(R) -> try_spaces(R).
try_spaces([]) -> empty;
try_spaces([Sp|R]) when Sp=:=$\s; Sp=:=$\t; Sp=:=$\n ->
try_spaces(R); % skip all white spaces from Data field
try_spaces(Data) -> {data, Data}.
You can use it like this:
make_records(L) when is_list(L) ->
F = fun(Row, {H, Acc}) ->
case parse_row(Row) of
{data, D} when is_record(H, posting) -> {H,[H#posting{data=D}|Acc]};
empty -> Acc;
{header, H} -> {#posting{header=>H}, Acc}
{_, R} = lists:foldl(F, {undefined, []}, L),
Tail recursive native Erlang solution:
make_records2(L) when is_list(L) ->
make_records2([parse_row(R) || R<-L], undefined, []).
make_records2([], _, R) -> R;
make_records2([{data, D}|T], H, Acc) when is_list(H) ->
make_records2(T, H, [#posting{header=H,data=D}|Acc]);
make_records2([empty|T], H, Acc) ->
make_records2(T, H, Acc);
make_records2([{header,H}|T], _, Acc) ->
make_records2(T, H, Acc).
I think that there is no reason use tail recursion from performance point of view:
make_records3(L) when is_list(L) ->
make_records3(L, undefined).
make_records3([], _) -> [];
make_records3([R|T], H) ->
case parse_row(R) of
{data, D} when is_list(H) -> [#posting{head=H,data=D}|make_records3(T, H)];
empty -> make_records3(T, H);
{header, H2} -> make_records3(T, H2)
... and many many other variants.
I needed to collapse all Data lines beneath the header - so for the moment here is what I have:
sanitize(S) -> trim:trim(S).
make_records(L) when is_list(L) -> make_records(L, undefined, []).
make_records([], _, R) -> lists:reverse(R);
make_records([[32|_]=D|T], H, Acc) when is_tuple(H) ->
make_records(T, {element(1,H),[sanitize(D)|element(2,H)]},Acc);
make_records([[$\n|_]=D|T], H, Acc) when is_tuple(H) ->
make_records(T, H, Acc);
make_records([[F|_]=H|T], B, Acc) when F>=$0, F=<$9 ->
if is_tuple(B) ->
make_records(T, {sanitize(H),[]}, [#posting{header=element(1,B),
true ->
make_records(T, {sanitize(H),[]}, Acc)
I tries to write code to print Z character.
But when I compile this code, it throws
D:\erlang\graphics>erlc zeez2.erl
d:/erlang/graphics/zeez2.erl:19: head mismatch
d:/erlang/graphics/zeez2.erl:6: function zeez/3 undefined
I can't fixed this error. I didn't find what wrong in my could.
Does one please suggest me.
Thank you.
main() ->
L = 8,
zeez( false ,1, L). % line 6
zeez(true, M,M) ->
zeez(false, M, N) ->
io:format("~p~n", [zeez(z, N-M)] ),
zeez(M rem N =:= 0, M + 1, N );
zeez(true, M, N) ->
io:format("~p~n", [zeez(space, N-M)] ), % line 16
zeez(M rem N =:= 0, M + 1 , N );
zeez(space, M) ->
io:format("~p~n", ["-" ++ zeez(space, M-1)] );
zeez(space, 0) ->
zeez(z, M) ->
io:format("~p~n", ["Z" ++ zeez(z, M-1)] );
zeez(z,0) ->
the problem is that you have mixed up 2 functions:
zeez/2 and zeez/3
If you terminate the zeez/3 function by ending it with a full stop not a semi-colon it should compile:
zeez(true, M, N) ->
io:format("~p~n", [zeez(space, N-M)] ), % line 16
zeez(M rem N =:= 0, M + 1 , N ); <-- should end with .
The error message means, 'hey I'm in zeez/3 and you have thrown in a 2-arity clause, wtf?'
You're trying to define two functions, the first with 3 parameters (zeez/3) and another with 2 parameters (zeez/2). The head mismatch error is because the zeez/3 function on the previous line should be terminated with a '.'.
I.e. because you've ended the previous zeez/3 function with a ';', it expects the following declaration to be another match for zeez/3:
zeez(true, M, N) ->
io:format("~p~n", [zeez(space, N-M)] ), % line 16
zeez(M rem N =:= 0, M + 1 , N ).
zeez(space, M) ->
io:format("~p~n", ["-" ++ zeez(space, M-1)] );
You should also note that the compiler will give you warnings about "... previous clause at line xxx always matches" because of the ordering of zees(space, 0) and zeez(space, M). You should put zees(space, 0) before zeez(space, M), because it is more specific.