The event.status field doesn't appear to be modifiable directly, and I can't find anything in the docs about deleting events. How can I go about deleting an event via the API?
Currently there is no endpoint for deleting an event, though this is something we will be adding later. For now, you can unpublish events via this endpoint
When using the Events Webhook API, there is an event called group_close (also has im_close for im conversations). What does this mean? ie: what does it take on the Slack client to get this event to trigger? Slack's documentation on this is pretty minimal:
The group_close event is sent to all connections for a user when a private channel is closed by that user.
I tried /close command and it just archives the group/im conversation. Is this an outdated event that is no longer relevant? I know it still gets called, but as far as I can tell, it's identical to archive.
The group_close events refers to a multi-person DM (this should be corrected in the documentation). You can close an MPDM and trigger the event by clicking the x next to the conversation on side bar or running the /close slash command like you did. This doesn't actually archive the channel just removes it from your sidebar. You should be able to re-open it.
When I register a webhook for a users events as described here in the official docs and then insert an event in the non-default calender of that account (which I created before registering the webhook) I do not get a notification on the webhook url.
Only the "main calendar" (just named "Calendar") seems to have the hook attached.
My questions are:
How do I sync to all calendar events, or if this is not possible
How can I sync to specific calendar events
Turns out I interpreted the API docs wrong. I thought with the graph API, calendar webhooks were reworked, so you only subscribet to all calendars once and no longer to individual ones. So yeah.
Subscribing to specific calendars looks like this:
"resource": "/me/calendars/{id}/events"
We are subscribing(using Graph API Webhooks) to calendar events that are deleted by the user. When the listener receive notification payload, is there a way to find our who(which user) deleted the calendar event?
To recap the conversation in the comments. It is not possible today to retrieve details for a deleted event. There is an existing uservoice entry for which you can vote to help prioritize it. Voting for it will also keep you posted of updates.
I've been trying to look for the answer to this quite some time.
Apple EventKit documentation isn't allowing changing meeting invitees programmatically since those properties in an EKEvent are read-only.
I'm trying to find a way to create a calendar meeting (not necessary using EventKit), adding invitees to the meeting and setting it programatically.
Any solution will be great,
As you already figured out you cannot currently write meeting fields in iOS (AFAIK EventKit is the only API giving you access to the calendar database on iOS).
If you know what kind of account it is (and get the credentials from the user), you could sidetrack EventKit and directly create meetings on the server. Eg using EWS when the account is on Exchange or CalDAV when the account is on iCloud or Apple Calendar Server etc.
And finally you always have the option to send out meeting invites via iMIP. Though you would still need to get the event into the users calendar (so that replies have a target). Depends on your useless whether this is useful.
I am working with eventbrite's API for my application and am trying to update an eventbrite event using the method event_update. The call worked when I tried to cancel a live event but it doesn't work when I try to re-publish a canceled event. I can publish a canceled event from the "Quick Links" provided for each event under my account's "My Events" tab. So, I was wondering if this can be done using the API as well. The documentation for event_update says that allowed values for status field are “draft”, “live”, “canceled”, “deleted” but when I do the update, I get the following error:
Event deleted or cancelled.
Any help or input is greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
At this time, a canceled event can only be made live again through the Quick Links in the My Events tab of your account. It's not possible to make a canceled event live through the Manage page or the API. This information has been passed along to the API team, and this should be resolved in the coming weeks. We'll let you know once it's been updated!