Maybe someone here can help me out with this. I am trying to convert all XLS to XLSX/M files with powershell and interop. So far so good. In my next step, I have to adapt the link sources in each file, which works sometimes (also from XLS to XLSX/M).
I don’t know why, but sometimes the original worksheet name does not exist in the linked Excel file and results in a pop up with which the user has to interact:
I actually really don’t care so much about the sheet and I just want to ignore the message so that the script can continue.
In my code I use the function ChangeLink, like this:
$workbook.ChangeLink($fileLink_old, $fileLink_new)
I also have deactivated any warning on the excel object itself, but nothing helps:
$excel.DisplayAlerts = $False
$excel.WarnOnFunctionNameConflict = $False
$excel.AskToUpdateLinks = $False
$excel.DisplayAlerts = $False
The most convinient way for me would be just ignoring the pop up.
Is there a way without going through all cells by itself or modifing the externalLinks/_rels inside of the excel file?
Thanks in advance
To loop through each cell, not really efficient
ForEach ($Worksheet in #($workbook.Sheets)) {
Write-Host $Worksheet.Name
ForEach ($filelink in $fileLinks){
$worksheetname = $null
$fl_we = $fileLink.Substring(0, $fileLink.LastIndexOf('.'))
$found = $Worksheet.Cells.Find($fl_we.Substring(0, $fl_we.LastIndexOf('\')) + '\[' + $fl_we.Substring($fl_we.LastIndexOf('\')+1))
if($found -ne $null){
Write-Host Search $filelink
Write-Host $Worksheet.Cells($found.Row,$found.Column).Formula
$str_formula = $Worksheet.Cells($found.Row,$found.Column).Formula
$worksheetname = $str_formula.Substring($str_formula.IndexOf(']')+1,$str_formula.IndexOf('!')-$str_formula.IndexOf(']')-2)
Write-Host $worksheetname -ForegroundColor DarkGray
#Add worksheets with filename to list
#Check if worksheet exists in linked file
Im a using Tcl-Tk 8.6.4 and I am a begginner, I would like to create hyperlinks in my texts.
I am looking for a procedure which could have the url of a website in argument, this url will be displayed in blue and underlined in my text. Of course, by clicking on the url, it will open the website.
I have found the following code, but I am not sure that it will do what I want.
proc hyperlink { name args } {
if { "Underline-Font" ni [ font names ] } {
font create Underline-Font {*}[ font actual TkDefaultFont ]
font configure Underline-Font -underline true -size 12
if { [ dict exists $args -command ] } {
set command [ dict get $args -command ]
dict unset args -command
label $name {*}$args -foreground blue -font Underline-Font
if { [ info exists command ] } {
bind $name <Button-1> $command
return $name
Anyone can help me?
Update 2
The thing I want is to display hyperlinks in the text of my window like that:
Further informations are given following those links:
With the first code shown I am able to display that:
The codes used are:
in a procedure to read files I have tags like HTML tags such as
"<hypLink>" {
gets $infile inln
hyperlink .hl${counter} -command [list eval exec [auto_execok start] "$inln"] -text "$inln"
pack .hl${counter}
incr counter
in my file I write
What can I do to have what I want?
Note The first update have been delated for copyright protection
You can use the proc you found. If you have:
hyperlink .hl -command [list puts "clicked"] -text "Click Me"
pack .hl
in your code and click on the 'hyperlink', you will get the text clicked to stdout.
If you want to open the default browser and go to the url specified by the hyperlink, you would have to change the code to:
hyperlink .hl -command [list eval exec [auto_execok start] ""] -text "Click Me"
pack .hl
You can also play around with the proc a bit, maybe changing the font size (from -size 12) or change the font itself.
Post edit:
You can add the 'hyperlink' to your code by adding the below to the switch in the dispFile proc:
"<hypLink>" {
gets $infile inln
.fr.txt insert end "$inln" "link lk$lkcount"
.fr.txt insert end "\n" Normal
.fr.txt tag bind lk$lkcount <1> [list eval exec [auto_execok start] "$inln"]
incr lkcount
This should create text similar to the text which open files, but instead of opening files will open the link in the default browser.
$list = Get-Content C:\PSSCripts\listofusers.txt
$UserResults = Get-AdUser -filter * -searchbase "OU=THISOU,DC=THISDOMAIN,DC=int" -Properties displayname
foreach ($user in $UserResults)
if ($user.SamAccountName -in $list.SamAccountName)
write-host $user.displayName
$choice = ""
while ($choice -notmatch "[y|n]"){
$choice = read-host "The following user profiles have been loaded for offboarding. Do you want to continue? Please Verify the users before continuing. (Y/N)"
if ($choice -eq "y"){
foreach ($user in $UserResults)
if ($user.SamAccountName -in $list.SamAccountName)
Disable-ADAccount -Identity $user
$newname = "Terminated - " + $user.displayName
Get-ADUser -Identity $user | Set-ADObject -Description $newname -DisplayName $newname
$password = "Password1" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
Set-ADAccountPassword -NewPassword $password -Identity $user -Reset
# MOVE USER TO DIFFERENT LOCATION, Disabled Users organizational unit
Move-ADObject -Identity $user -TargetPath "OU=DisabledUsers,DC=THATDOMAIN,DC=int" -Confirm:$false
else {write-host "Script aborted!"}
Getting the following error:
*You must provide a value expression on the right-hand side of the '-' operator. At :11 char:29
if ($user.SamAccountName - <<<< in $list.SamAccountName)
Category Info : ParserError (:) [], ParseException
FullyQualifiedErrorID : ExpectedValueExpression
I have a list of users in a text file with the header SAMACCOUNTNAME. These users are being checked against the list of users in a particular OU. Powershell will echo the list of users in my text list to me (after having checked it against all the users in that OU in AD - to verify nothing is being offboarded / changed in error), prompt to verify (y|n) before moving forward and executing a script I wrote with the help of some redditors from /r/powershell earlier.
I'm not understanding why I'm getting this error, is
-in $list.SamAccountName
Not correct?
Thanks for the help, stackoverflow! First time posting, looking forward to getting better with Powershell and giving back to the community.
You should use "-eq" or "-contains" (I am not sure what is a scalar value and what is an array in your program).
I wrote the script below. It works great. However I've missed an important step. To evaluate if the servicename is: wrong/mispelled. I've already captured one these mispellings and would like to add logic in my script to handle it.
Here's my script. thanks
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
$Services = Import-Csv '\\wnp6636\d$\Scripts\ProdList(1).csv' | foreach-object {$_}
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
foreach ($Serve in $Services) {
get-service -computername $Serve.Server -name $Serve.Services,$Serve.Services_A,$Serve.Services_B,$Serve.Services_C,`
$Serve.Services_D,$Serve.Services_E,$Serve.Services_F,$Serve.Services_G,$Serve.Services_H |`
foreach-object {if($_.Status -eq "Stopped")`
{write-host $Serve.Server $_.Displayname $_.Status -Fore "Red"}
{write-host $Serve.Server $_.Displayname $_.Status -Fore "Green"}
I hope i understand what you are wanting...
switch might be easier to work with?
"Stopped"{whatever code you want when it matches stopped;break}
"Running"{whatever code you want when it matches running:break}
Default{whatever code you want when it matches none of expected results:break}
so get rid of the if and else and feed the switch with your for loop
you could get as fancy as you want with it. also (i think $services is an array) if so then you could just feed the array to a do loop containing the get-services then use switch
hope i have not wasted your time
good luck
just realized you might need a bit more help with the default
{read-host "No such service found:Please check spelling and try again"}
that should get you there
I'm setting up the access control for my company in gerrit and in our current internal process has cross-over between peer reviewers and coders (they tend to be the same group of people). We also want to only require 1 reviewer to peer review the code and submit it if it looks good.
With the default setup any user with the +2: Looks good to me, approved option can peer review their own code.
Is there any way to prevent the author from reviewing their own code, but still allow them to fully review other's code? I haven't been able to find any kind of exclude author in the access control group setup or permissions setups.
The Gerrit Cookbook Example 8 does not strictly prevent the Author to review his/her own change, but will require someone else to +2 it before being able to submit.
This is working for me, but it's a quick hack:
allows a configurable number of +1s to count as a +2 for manual submission
optionally automatically submit with enough +1 votes
optionally counts -1 votes as countering +1 votes for the purposes of the tally
optionally ignores the uploader's own +1 (you may prefer a check against the author, which I've not done)
I've tweaked my earlier answer so it doesn't assume you're using a mysql server.
You might want to move the logfile somewhere it'll be subject to any normal log rotation - perhaps in ../logs/comment-added.log.
I've tried to pull the configurable bits to the fore. Call this file comment-hook and
put it in $gerrit_root/hooks, chmod it 755 or similar. Set up a robot user in the admin
group so the hook can use the sql interface (and comment +2 on things with enough +1s).
# comment-hook for a +2 approval from a simple quorum of +1 votes.
# Licence: Public domain. All risk is yours; if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.
$QUORUM = 2; # Total number of +1 votes causing a +2
$PLEBIANS = 'abs(value) < 2'; # or 'value = 1' to ignore -1 unvotes
$AUTO_SUBMIT_ON_QUORACY = '--submit'; # or '' for none
$AND_IGNORE_UPLOADER = 'and uploader_account_id != account_id'; # or '' to let uploaders votes count
$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY = '/home/gerrit2/.ssh/id_rsa';
# Hopefully you shouldn't need to venture past here.
$LOG = "/home/gerrit2/hooks/log.comment-added";
open LOG, ">>$LOG" or die;
sub count_of_relevant_votes {
# Total selected code review votes for this commit
my $relevance = shift;
$query = "
select sum(value) from patch_sets, patch_set_approvals
where patch_sets.change_id = patch_set_approvals.change_id
and patch_sets.patch_set_id = patch_set_approvals.patch_set_id
and revision = '$V{commit}'
and category_id = 'CRVW'
and $relevance
$command = "$SSH \"gerrit gsql -c \\\"$query\\\"\"";
#print LOG "FOR... $command\n";
#lines = qx($command);
chomp #lines;
#print LOG "GOT... ", join("//", #lines), "\n";
# 0=headers 1=separators 2=data 3=count and timing.
return $lines[2];
sub response {
my $review = shift;
return "$SSH 'gerrit review --project=\"$V{project}\" $review $V{commit}'";
# ######################
# Parse options
while ( $_ = shift #ARGV ) {
if (/^--(.*)/) {
$key = $1;
else {
$V{$key} .= " " if exists $V{$key};
$V{$key} .= $_;
#print LOG join("\n", map { "$_ = '$V{$_}'" } keys %V), "\n";
# ######################
# Ignore my own comments
if ($V{comment} =~ /$GATEKEEPER/) {
# print LOG localtime() . "$V{commit}: Ignore $GATEKEEPER comments\n";
exit 0;
# ######################
# Forbear to analyse anything already +2'd
$submittable = count_of_relevant_votes('value = 2');
if ($submittable > 0) {
# print LOG "$V{commit} Already +2'd by someone or something.\n";
exit 0;
# ######################
# Look for a consensus amongst qualified voters.
$plebicite = count_of_relevant_votes($PLEBIANS);
#if ($V{comment} =~ /TEST:(\d)/) {
# $plebicite=$1;
# ######################
# If there's a quorum, approve and submit.
if ( $plebicite >= $QUORUM ) {
$and_submitting = ($AUTO_SUBMIT_ON_QUORACY ? " and submitting" : "");
$review = " --code-review=+2 --message=\"$GATEKEEPER approving$and_submitting due to $plebicite total eligible votes\" $AUTO_SUBMIT_ON_QUORACY";
else {
$review = " --code-review=0 --message=\"$GATEKEEPER ignoring $plebicite total eligible votes\"";
# print LOG "$V{commit}: $review\n";
exit 0;
$response = response($review);
print LOG "RUNNING: $response\n";
$output = qx( $response 2>&1 );
if ($output =~ /\S/) {
print LOG "$V{commit}: output from commenting: $output";
$response = response(" --message=\"During \Q$review\E: \Q$output\E\"");
print LOG "WARNING: $response\n";
$output = qx( $response 2>&1 );
print LOG "ERROR: $output\n";
exit 0;
Gerrit allows you to set up prolog "submit rules" that define when a change is submittable.
The documentation includes several examples, including one that prevents the author from approving his own change.
You can do it from the GUI in the access tab.
Go to the /refs/heads/ section -> add group 'change owner' in Label Code-Review section -> choose -1..+1
This will make the change owner to privilege for giving -1 to +1
I have just written this prolog filter for our Gerrit installation. I did it as a submit_filter in the parent project because I wanted it to apply to all projects in our system.
%filter to require all projects to have a code-reviewer other than the owner
submit_filter(In, Out) :-
%unpack the submit rule into a list of code reviews
In =.. [submit | Ls],
%add the non-owner code review requiremet
reject_self_review(Ls, R),
%pack the list back up and return it (kinda)
Out =.. [submit | R].
reject_self_review(S1, S2) :-
%set O to be the change owner
%find a +2 code review, if it exists, and set R to be the reviewer
gerrit:commit_label(label('Code-Review', 2), R),
%if there is a +2 review from someone other than the owner, then the filter has no work to do, assign S2 to S1
R \= O, !,
%the cut (!) predicate prevents further rules from being consulted
S2 = S1.
reject_self_review(S1, S2) :-
%set O to be the change owner
% find a +2 code review, if it exists, and set R to be the reviewer - comment sign was missing
gerrit:commit_label(label('Code-Review', 2), R),
R = O, !,
%if there isn't a +2 from someone else (above rule), and there is a +2 from the owner, reject with a self-reviewed label
S2 = [label('Self-Reviewed', reject(O))|S1].
%if the above two rules didn't make it to the ! predicate, there aren't any +2s so let the default rules through unfiltered
reject_self_review(S1, S1).
The benefits (IMO) of this rule over rule #8 from the cookbook are:
The Self-Reviewed label is only shown when the the change is being blocked, rather than adding a Non-Author-Code-Review label to every change
By using reject(O) the rule causes the Self-Reviewed label to literally be a red flag
As a submit_filter instead of a submit_rule, this rule is installed in a parent project and applies to all sub-projects
Please Note: This rule is authored to prevent the Owner from self-reviewing a change, while the example from the cookbook compares against the Author. Depending on your workflow, you may want to replace the 2 gerrit:change_owner(O) predicates with gerrit:commit_author(O) or gerrit:commit_committer(O)