I am having trouble relocating the cursor in my Access data entry form. Currently, once the user opens the form, the cursor is randomly positioned adjacent to a label box. I want the cursor to originate in the first text box on the form. I've tried multiple approaches without much success. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Good afternoon,
I'm doing a project in delphi that uses editmask. I'm using the phone mask.
When clicking on edit to write the phone number, it goes to the last field on the right, so it is necessary to go back with the backspace to the beginning of the edit on the left.
i would like to find a way that when the user typed the number in the last field on the right, it was passed to the left. So on until you complete the phone field. It would be possible?
Using an example of what it would look like:
I couldn't think of a way to do it
The component is called TMaskEdit.
Just like anything that bases on TEdit putting the focus onto the control will by default put the text cursor at the end of its content
via keyboard, should .AutoSelect be FALSE and
via mouse if clicking behind any text (by default the text is aligned to the left).
You should have experienced this with the other components already. If you want the text cursor to always be at a certain position upon focusing the control, then do that in such an event handler:
for keyboard use OnEnter:
procedure TForm1.MaskEdit1Enter(Sender: TObject);
(Sender as TMaskEdit).SelStart:= 1; // Second position
and for mouse use OnClick with the same code.
It even works unbound to how the property .AutoSelect is set.
Using Backspace is the worst choice input wise, as it always deletes potential content and needs to be pressed several times to go to the first position. Why not using the Home key instead?
I have a text area that has names within the default value. For example the textarea reads..
(dynamic registrant name) just registered to become
a donor in (dynamic from pull-down above)
honor. This text is editable
So in the same form I have an input that asks the user for their name and a select box where they can choose among a selections of names. I am trying to change the names within the text area based on the values they enter in the input and drop-down fields above the text area. Can someone help with this? I am completely stuck. I have read through some of the forums here and it looks like a lot of the solutions are to use ajax. I have zero experience in ajax and would like to find a solution that does not use that...is it possible? Or could someone help with a solution?
I don't think textarea is what you want exactly. What if the user takes off the (dynamic from pull-down above) part? How would you know where to put the text at? Even if you somehow could, I suggest you make regular text input elements for contents that the user can change and put the other dynamically changing text as uneditable html text elements (or however you want to format them).
I'm using a TVirtualStringTree as a grid which is working pretty well.
I'm using the treeviews hint functionality to show a hint when the user positions the mouse over a cell. I've had to change HintMode to hmHint as I want my hints to appear regardless of the cell text length.
What I'm trying to do now is to display a different hint depending on whereabouts the mouse is within the cell.
I can do this no problem before the hint is displayed by using the OnGetHint event. My problem is this event is only raised a next time when the user moves the mouse to another cell.
I can't see to find a way to update the hint while its displayed and the mouse is moved within the same cell
I've looked at suggestions for other controls, using the Application's OnShowHint event but they just seem to make the hint disappear and not show again.
Anyone got any ideas?
After some investigation here is what I have found in case it helps someone come up with a solution:
The CMHintShow method sets the CursoRect field of the HintInfo record to the bounds of the cell. This seems to stop the VCl from triggering the hint code again until the mouse moves out of this rect (TApplication.HintMouseMessage).
If i set the CursorRect to something smaller than the cell bounds the hint will update. I use VTs in a few places for different purposes, so I can't make these changes directly. Would be good to get a solution that doesn't require this change.
In TBaseVirtualTree.CMHintShow right near the top, the code reads:
if PtInRect(FLastHintRect, HintInfo.CursorPos) then
If you comment this out then the behaviour is closer to what you are looking for. The hint window won't show again if you move the mouse within the same cell, but if you click then it will.
I can't seem to find any way to make the hint window show in the same cell without that mouse click though!
Sure I've seen this done before but off-hand I can't find any examples.
I've got a TListView, set in 'report' viewstyle. It has about half a dozen subitems, and one thing we'd like to do is have the 'hint' (tooltip) on the listview dynamically show another field of data. That is, each time you move the mouse over any given row, the 'hint' would show some text relevant to that particular row.
I'm partway there - I can do this using the OnInfoTip method, but unfortunately once a tip has appeared, Windows seems to decide that I don't need to see a hint for the listview again until I move the mouse away from the listview and then back 'over' it again. Simply moving the mouse down to the next row, all-the-time keeping the mouse over the control, doesn't persuade the program to display the new hint.
Just to be clear - I've got OnInfoTip working so that the program does display the right hint relevant to the item I first moved the mouse over. Changing the hint text isn't the issue. The problem is that moving the mouse to another item in the listview doesn't cause the software to show a new hint. (Hope that makes sense).
Is there some proper way of getting this behaviour to work, or am I going to end up doing something icky with mouseovers and then manually drawing a hintbox (etc)?
check the following link:
Display Custom Hints for TListView Sub Items
I just checked it now on delphi7 it's showing the hint for every row dynamically after moving the mouse on the listview.
Offtopic: This is simple in Virtual Treeview component, it is build-in feature.
i was using the OnInfoTip event (i didn't need hints for the subitems). the hint was "flashing" (show/hide/show/hide/show/hide/show/hide). found the listview's ShowHint was false. set it to True and it worked as it should.
The form window(chat window) that i am creating for a lan messenger is similar to the one in google talk with two textboxes. What i need to do is to transfer characters typed in the lower textbox(textbox2) to the upper textbox(textbox1 which is read-only) when i click the submit button without showing that textbox1 is read-only because the characters are appearing in grey.please help with code if possible.
Use a label for this instead of a textbox. If the only thing it is doing is display the characters and not a direct edit, you won't lose any functionality and the text would not be greyed out...
If you're going to use a Texbox, set it to Locked. That shouldn't gray the characters out. Otherwise in KeyDown/KeyUp events, set the e.Handled property to true (which will tell the box that you want to handle the input yourself and don't want the message to filter down).
That oughta do it for you.