Box Application and OAuth Integration: getting back to the client_callback url - oauth

I'm working on a Box integration and have run into an interesting scenario:
Box user right-clicks in Box and selects an action
The user is sent in an iframe to the client_url.
Since in box we have to keep track of each users' access and refresh tokens, on this pass we discover in our application logic that the user lacks valid tokens.
As per the docs we send the user to:
and from there Box sends the user to the configured redirect_uri. My question is after authentication, how do we get back to the confiured client_callback url that we configured for our Box application? I don't see a way of getting back to our original url since we had to inject a view for the Box authentication and are then routed to the oauth callback url.

From the Box Support team:
Paul Paulauskas (Box Customer Success)
May 27, 4:26 PM
The Box web app integration was never designed around having a full authentication flow. When a web app integration is called, it can deliver an auth_code (it's one of the parameters that you can choose), which can be used to create an access token and a refresh token. This is discussed under the "Popup notification" section of:
Let me know if this helps!
Box Platform Support Engineer
In short, the Box app integration configuration looks like this now:
Note the auth_token attribute is the same as the code attribute returned by the authentication workflow described in


Trying to disable my Logic app via a HTTP Post

I am trying to disable my logic app via a Http post from within the workflow, but I can't seem to get the authorization to work with my AD.
It says I need the Authorization Bearer token header, but when I fill the information in the fields marked with the red star it always fails.
Either I input the wrong information or I am doing something else wrong.
Where do I get all the information for the fields for the OAuth to work?
Also isn't some of these for using against a web application like an API?
In that case how do I do this only in relation to the resource explorer API?
So i have tried to put it as a web application in my AD and that doesn't work either, is there ANY documentation about this anywhere??
OK, so i found a workaround or maybe this is even the right way to do it.
Now using a HTTP Post Connector in Logic apps is probably the right way to do it when you have for example a API registered as an application in you AD that has the right permissions. what i did was:
First: Using/Created the Azure Resource Management Connector i didn't know excised, called "Invoke Recource Operation".
Second: After it propted you to login (with for example a service account), this layout is show to fill in the same inputs as in the request POST URL in the above connector.
Shown below:
This worked and disabled the LA perfectly.

SalesForce canvas app oauth web server flow with minimal user interaction

So I'm weighing up the pros/cons of the different auth mechanisims for a SalesForce Canvas application.
First, a little background. I've got an existing web app - let's call it "myapp". I setup a VisualForce tab containing a VisualForce page which embeds my canvas app by the following approach:
<apex:canvasApp applicationName="___________" />
I first implemented access via the signed request method, which was great, as the user only had to accept my app's permissions on first access, and subsequent attempts to access my canvas app could jump right in to myapp homepage.
From reading this article about packaging canvas apps for different SalesForce editions, signed request method has a limitation:
Most typical Group and Professional Edition customers are not going tobe able to use your Signed Request Connected App unless they upgrade to EE or higher or purchase these features as an add-on.
So I decided to switch to the oauth workflows.
Looking at the user agent oauth flow documentation, it says:
The user must always approve access for this authentication flow. After approving access, the application receives the callback from Salesforce.
This is also not desirable, however the web server oauth flow does not have that requirement - once a user accepts the app's permission requirements, they don't need to be prompted to do that again. It also makes things like adding a "Login with SalesForce" option on myapp's login page super easy to add in.
So I setup the web server oauth flow, and have everything functioning well, and as an added benefit added a "Login with SalesForce" option to my login page - great.
Next step was to set the canvas app in the VisualForce tab up to kick off the web server oauth flow.
The problem I want to solve:
I want to use the web server oauth flow to gain access to the homepage of myapp from that VisualForce tab, with as few user interactions as possible in the process.
Base setup
To initiate the oauth flow, I've setup a URL with the following logic in there to make it simple to craft links that kick off the process from elsewhere. This is used from each of the below examples, and is referenced by links to /salesforce/oauth/......
// Allow links to this page to specify "state" and "prompt" paramaters.
$state = isset($_GET['state']) ? $_GET['state'] : 'login';
$prompt = isset($_GET['prompt']) ? $_GET['prompt'] : '';
// Canvas app contextual information provides the right SalesForce endpoint domain, so provide a way for that to be passed in here, or fallback to standard for other workflows.
$authDomain = isset($_GET['authDomain']) ? $_GET['authDomain'] : '';
$url = $authDomain.'?'.http_build_query(array(
'response_type' => 'code',
'client_id' => 'XXXXXXX_MY_APP_CLIENT_ID',
'redirect_uri' => 'https://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/salesforce/authorize/',
'state' => $state,
'prompt' => $prompt,
header('Location: '.$url);
Failed attempt 1
Using the javascript canvas sdk, redirect the canvas app to initiate my web server oauth flow:
location.href = '/salesforce/oauth?authUrl='+encodeURIComponent(Sfdc.canvas.oauth.loginUrl())+'&state=canvas';
I ran into two problems with this approach:
The canvas app looses the contextual information provided by the #query fragment in it's URL.
X-Frame-Options header of the SalesForce page which has the accept/decline permissions prevent it from displaying within an iframe, even on SalesForce domains.
I feel this would be the best way to accomplish my goal if these issues could be overcome.
I actually did an experiment which resolves issue #1 by loading that URL in another iframe, within my canvas app, and if I'd already accepted myapps permission requirements that worked flawlessly, however I was still stuck with issue #2 when the permissions screen popped up and the whole process failed to complete.
Current solution
I've made the initial canvas app page include a button to click, which opens the web server oauth flow in a new window where it completes successfully. Upon completion, the canvas app iframe is redirected to my app homepage.
I'm unhappy with this, because every time I click on my VisualForce tab, there's a step in there requiring the user to click a button, and a new window pops up to run the oauth workflow. It closes itself automatically with no extra user interaction if the user had already accepted the app permissions in the past, or prompts them to accept if they hadn't yet, and then closes itself.
If I'm stuck with this solution it's not the end of the world - we'll make that button into a splash screen with some marketing crap in there and a big obnoxious "Continue to MyApp" button somewhere.
The question (...finally)
Is there some way I can remove that necessary step of clicking the button every single time the canvas app is loaded, but continue using the web server oauth flow here? (remembering I don't want to use the user agent oauth flow because that has a similar requirement of accepting the permissions every time the user accesses it anyway).
That extra step is particularly annoying when the canvas app is being embedded within a SalesForce account or contact screen - as it stops my app from loading and displaying data to my users until the user clicks on the button.
Either I don't get it, or that's really simple. You need to use oAuth immediate parameter:
immediate — Determines whether the user should be prompted for login and approval. This parameter is optional. The value must be true or false if specified. Default value is false. Note the following:
If set to true, and if the user is currently logged in and has previously approved the client_id, Salesforce skips the approval step.
If set to true and the user is not logged in or has not previously approved the client, Salesforce immediately terminates with the immediate_unsuccessful error code.
Source: 1, 2
The only catch is the last part: you will receive error if user hasn't authorized your app yet. In my experience with oAuth it's really easier to use Javascript to run your requests from the client's browser itself. You can fire off immediate = true request, and right after it immediate = false in case first one failed. Then you send the access_token to your app by creating third request – to your own server.

How to use Stripe Connect in an iOS app

Has anyone had success using Stripe connect with an iOS app. I have a few questions:
I'm following the guidelines here:
Registering an Application: easy, no problem here
Then a little further down:
Send your users to Stripe: again, easy no problem here, I just have a button that opens up the link in a UIWebView. I assume having the client_id in the URL is fine? A lot of my uncertainty is what IDs/keys I should hard-code into the app
Then a little further down:
After the user connects or creates a Stripe account, we'll redirect them back to the redirect_uri you set in yourapplication settings with a code parameter or an error.
What I'm doing here is using the UIWebview's webView:shouldStartLoadWithReqest:navigationType delegate method to check for the string "code=" in the URL. If it finds that, then I'm able to grab the "code" parameter. So in reality, the redirect_uri is completely unnecessary for me. Is this the right way to handle this? Should I be doing this within my app or on my server?
After receiving the code, we are supposed to make a POST call to receive an access_token. Again, should this be done within the app or on the Server? It requires the use of a secret_key, so I'm guessing server? And how do I send credit card information along with this token if the token needs to be sent to the server? I know how to obtain the card number, exp date, and CVV. But in terms of passing it to the server (with or without the token) is something I'm not sure of.
Then when it comes to actually writing PHP, Ruby, or Python code on the server, I'm at a total loss.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You should setup a small web app to create stripe charges and storing you customers Authorization Code. Configure two routes in your web app for redirect_uri and webhook_uri and add the url in your Stripe Apps settings. The charges should be created from a server side app because it requires the secret_key / authorization_code which should not be stored in an iPad app. Otherwise they may lead to a security leak. I'm trying to describe the concept below:
Provide the stripe connect button in your app and set the link to open in Safari (not in an web view). You should add a state parameter to the url with an id which is unique to your users.
On tapping the button your user will be redirected to Stripe where s/he will be asked to authorize your application. Upon authorization stripe will hit your redirect_uri with a authorization_code and the state you previously provided. Do a post call according to Stripe Documentation with the authorization_code to get an access_token. Store the access_token mapped with the state in a database.
Define a custom url scheme in your app. Invoke the custom url from your web app. The user supposed to open the url in mobile safari. So invoking the custom url will reopen your application. You can pass an additional parameter to indicate failure / success. In your app update the view based on this parameter.
Now you are all set to create a charge on your server on behalf of the iPad user. Use stripe iOS sdk to generate a card_token from the card information. It'll require your stripe publishable_key. Then define an api in your web app which takes 3 parameters: card_token, user_id and amount. Call this api from your iPad app whenever you want to create a charge. You can also encrypt this information with a key if you're worried about security using any standard encryption method. You can easily decrypt the info in your web app as you know the key.
When this api is called from the iPad app you'll receive the user_id (which you saved as state previously), card_token and amount. Retrieve the access_token mapped to the user_id (or state). You can then made a charge on behalf of the user using the access_token, card_token and amount.
You can use ruby / php / python / node in the server as Stripe provides sdk for them. I assume other languages can be used as well as there is a REST interface.
Please note that this is just a concept. It should work like it but I haven't implemented it yet. I'll update this answer with sample code when I'm done.
You can use UIWebView. You will still need to use redirect urls and monitor the redirect using the delegate "webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType:"

BrowserField2 - salesforce oauth2 failing at Accept/Deny stage

I have a BlackBerry java-based app that works with salesforce data and uses oauth 2 for authentication. It has been working fine until recently when users have been complaining that once they get to the accept/deny salesforce oauth page, clicking on Accept button displays a salesforce 404 page.
I attached a debugger to the bb simulator (OS7) and found that everything was working fine up to the point where a POST is made to salesforce on pressing the ACCEPT button in the final stage of authentication/authorisation via salesforce oauth2 user agent flow. At this point, the post would succeed and the response body would contain some markup with a small JavaScript block that just performs a document.location.href assignment to force the browser to navigate to a new URL. I noticed that the URL was not what I was expecting - I was expecting to see the redirect_uri callback address + the access token etc data appended to the end of it (as per the sf oauth2 documentation). What I saw instead was a URL that when navigated to leads the user back to a login page with a message saying that they are attempting to access a resource that requires authentication.
If I perform the same flow in say chrome the URL after the post is what I expect. This all used to work just fine so I am confused as to why it would stop working all of a sudden. I've heard that Salesforce changed their oauth 2 implementation back in late 2011 slightly so I wonder if this has broken my client although I don't see how.
As an experiment I removed all of my code except for an embedded BrowserField and made it navigate to the oauth URL as constructed by combining consumer key and various other values as per the documentation and it still fails with a 404 page at the point of clicking on the accept button after a successful login.
If I try the same bootstrap oauth URL in the built in bb browser the full authentication flow works fine and I am eventually redirected to the final callback URL with access token information appended.
Has anyone else out there had trouble with oauth2 user agent flow on BrowserField (from field2 package)?
Have you tried using the "scope=mobile" parameter? This parameter puts you into a very simplified oauth flow that is optimized for blackberry...we've found they generally have trouble getting through the richer flows designed for iOS/Android. That said, I haven't heard of them having issues on BB7...only the 5 and sometimes 6 series
If that fails, could you open a support case with us?
Try also "display=mobile" and "scope=api web" (with a space), depending on what you are trying to access after OAuth.

Salesforce Remote Access Authorization Error

I am new to developing a Salesforce app and I am using OAuth 1 for authentication.
I am able to generate the Request Token, and I re-direct the user to the salesforce site.
Once I enter my credentials, I get a
Remote Access Authorization Error
There was a problem in setting up your remote access
In my Login History page, it shows Status as Success for Application type OAuth.
I don't get any entry in my Debug Logs page.
I have enabled Development Mode.
Any ideas whats wrong?
So is a stub URL for callbacks - and that is the screen you are seeing there, and the access_token variable is your session ID for the user. So the OAuth flow is working correctly.
In the code, you might check to see if oauthResponse.access_token is getting set correctly. If so, it looks like:
sfw.login( setupHomeView );
That is what should tell it to move from that page to the next UI page.
You might also check out the Mobile SDK (link). It also includes PhoneGap and has a great OAuth wrapper built in.
