Problems when adding an external framework in iOS - ios

I want to add the PLCrashFramework in my app. This frameworks deals with crash reporting for iOS/MAC applications. What I did
Downloaded and unzipped the .zip file from the URL I have already provided.
In Xcode "Build Phases" -> Link Binary With Libraries
From the pop up "Choose frameworks and libraries to add"
Select "Add Other"... and select "CrashReporter.framework" and Open
After those steps I successfully built the project without problems.
I closed the Xcode, opened it again and tried to build. The build failed with
"header file not found", referring to a header file that belongs to the framework.
Why the xcode 6 does not find the header after closing and reopening the project?

Check your Framework Search Paths and Library Search Paths in your project's Build Settings. Check if you have a space in your directory structure. It's probably looking for 2 folders, one with the first part of the folder structure and one with the second. To fix this, simply add quotes around the whole folder structure.

You should add the framework though add file in project navigator by right click and select add file in your project and than browse to framework location and add framework. Remember to check copy file in your project it is must do. In this way Xcode will manage library header search path. You can see the framework will be added in Xcode "Build Phases" -> Link Binary With Libraries. If it is somehow not there you can add it by dragging framework from project navigator. The error will be gone.


How to fix Apple Mach-O Linker Error Group issue in xcode?

I try to implement push notification:
But I Got this issue :
Apple Mach-O Linker Error Group
no such file or directory:
How to fix that issue ?
Run react-native link this will all for you.
Or use these steps
Step 1
.xcodeproj file inside it's folder. Drag this file to your project on Xcode (usually under the Libraries group on Xcode)
Step 2
Click on your main project file (the one that represents the .xcodeproj) select Build Phases and drag the static library from the Products folder inside the Library you are importing to Link Binary With Libraries
Step 3
project's file, select Build Settings and search for Header Search Paths. There you should include the path to your library (if it has relevant files on subdirectories remember to make it recursive, like React.
refer this one

The frameworks' link path has changed after the project moved to another place

please take a look at the picture:
It's my project structure:
1 app(top one)
3 frameworks (create by myself)
1 cocoa pods static library(bottom one)
When I cmd+b, all the sub projects would be build start from the bottom one to the top one, here is no problem, everything are fine.
To refer/link the frameworks, I drop the framework product to every sub project's /Build Phases/Link Binary With Libraries and /Build Phases/Copy Files.
The problem is:
When I copy/move the project folder to another place (like ~/oldFolder/app to ~/newFolder/app) the sub project cannot finds the frameworks, it report Not Found Error, I need re-build and drop the framework product to link to fix the error.
It's too stupid and hard to work with other people, anyone can help?
p.s.: sorry for my poor english.
Add error pic:
You can use $(SRCROOT) if you want to refer paths relative to your source directory . $(SRCROOT) will point where your project files are . apple doc
An example :
if you have a directory x in your MyApp folder which contains your project file then the folder x can be reffered as $(SRCROOT)/x. Enter this in frameworks path section in Build settings to refer to your library .
This all boils down to you not being able to change the location of the already imported frameworks right? This is an example with the FBSDKCoreKit.framework. If I were to change the folder location I would need to change the relative path. Click on the folder Icon right next to the name and choose the new location
I post the detail of how to fix this issue on my side here:
In Framework:
set "$(SRCROOT)/../build" at item "Per-configuration Build Products Path" in Build Setting page;
shift+cmd+k to clean up the framework build, then cmd+b rebuild the framework;
In MyApp
add "$(SRCROOT)/../build" at item "Framework Search Path" in Build Setting page;
Drag the framework from the product of framework project to "Link Binary With Libraries" in Build Phases page;
Drag the framework from the product of framework project to "Copy Files" in Build Phases page(you can add the "Copy Files" item by
click the top left of Build Phases page);
Please note if you use one more framework in the same project, and the framework also links to another one like the sample I sent in my question, you also need to do all the steps as above I posted(Steps of Framework and App).
Another problem you will meet if you also use cocoapods in your project like my sample: After you done all the steps above, XCode will response error in your framework project like:
ld: framework not found Pods_xxx.framework
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
The "xxx" should be your framework project name. To fix it, you just need remove the Pods_xxx.framework in your project/General/Linked Frameworks and Libraries. The error will be disappeared after you rebuild the project. Here you can find the detail of this problem.
p.s.: the Pods_xxx.framework will appear in General/Linked Frameworks and Libraries after you install pod, so you need remove it again if you run command "pod install"

Xcode won't add "Embedded binary" after deleting "DerivedData"

Alternative titles to aid search:
Adding Embedded Binaries fails in Xcode
Xcode won't link framework from separate project
App crashes on device because of missing framework, works in simulator
After deleting the "DerivedData" folder (or performing a "Product > Clean") in xcode6, I cannot add CocoaTouch frameworks from another project to the "Embedded Binary" section (under General tab).
Or, Xcode hits a linker error because it cannot find a framework that if previously could.
Other symptoms
Clicking on the + under "Embedded Binaries" shows the Framework selector but selecting a framework in different project in the workspace does nothing.
When you add the framework to the Embedded Binaries, there will be a reference added to your project for it. If you select that reference after your steps above, you will probably find that it has an Absolute Path reference to the framework rather than a relative one, which we'd like. Change the location to Relative to Build Products and the reference should always be discoverable if do a "hard" clean or use another computer etc.
I have made a video which describes how best to add a built framework from one project to an app target in another sibling project.
This it the only way i have discovered to restore the embedded binaries, please leave comments if you find some steps are not required.
Prerequisites: Read Daniel Tull's answer.
Remove all framework projects from the workspace
Perform a "clean build" and/or remove the "DerivedData"
Add project back into the workspace
Build the project (possibly optional)
In the General tab of the app target click the + under "Linked Frameworks and Libraries", select the framework.
Build and run in the Simulator (there should be no issues building or running)
Build and run for device (this might cause a crash due to the framework not being correctly linked, ignore this crash)
Click the + under "Embedded Binaries", select the framework. This should add it to the project (possible duplicate under "Linked Frameworks and Libraries")
Repeat for all required frameworks
Once building and running (on device) is confirmed you can remove any duplicate (and/or red) frameworks in the Project Navigator or target General tab
Just to add to #Daniel's answer, if your Location dropdown is greyed out you may have selected the wrong file. Make sure to select the framework that's in your app project (not framework project).

Xcode 6: No Frameworks Folder in Project Navigator

I am using Xcode 6 and following an Xcode version 4 tutorial so things are different here and there.
There doesn't seem to be a Frameworks folder in my project navigator and so when I downloaded some .framework files and added them manually in the build phase of my project editor, I had no Frameworks folder to save them in and just let them fall into the top of my project navigator. So they are there, just not in a special folder, and it doesn't look good.
So should Xcode 6 have a frameworks folder automatically, or do I need to create one myself? And if so, how can I do that? (I've only added new files so far).
In Xcode 6, the Frameworks folder is not added by default. You can drag and drop your .framework files into the project navigator (tick 'Copy items if needed'), then select them all > right click > "New Group from Selection" and name the folder 'Frameworks'.
Also, make sure the frameworks are added into the Project > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries. If not, drag them there from your newly created 'Frameworks' folder.
In short, no, you shouldn't need to create a Frameworks group yourself as Xcode is doing stuff automatically for you...
Apple are slowly, gently pushing developers in the direction of newer Clang features with the goal of making native iOS development more approachable for newbies who don't have previous experience of compiling and linking with C-based languages.
You'll find that Objective-C projects created with Xcode 6 have new build settings enabled by default including Link Frameworks Automatically (CLANG_MODULES_AUTOLINK) and Enable Modules (C and Objective-C) (CLANG_ENABLE_MODULES).
Suggested reading:
Modules (Clang documentation)
#import vs #import - iOS 7 (excellent Stack Overflow answer)
I found the other answers too confusing (where am I supposed to get .framework files?)
It's way simpler in Xcode 6. Just go to Capabilities and turn Maps on. That's it... really.
I would recommend using drag and drop feature to move files into Xcode. Xcode show you the Choose options for adding these files window [Copy items if needed] [Added folders]
For example Xcode can automatically add relative path ($(PROJECT_DIR)/) to:
Build Settings -> Library Search Paths if you drag and drop a library
Build Settings -> Framework Search Paths if you drag and drop a framework

Header files are not added with framework kit in ios xcode

I'm so new to xcode, I have a speechkit framework with following files as shown in image below
Now When I add this framework to my xcode project the header files are shown empty as below
and I end up with build error 'Lexical preprocessor issue SpeechKit/SpeechKit.h' file not found'. What is the issue with it? How to solve this?
I had the same issue.
Your Header symbolic link is corrupted (others too), you must replace it by a valid Symlink.
You can use ln -s command on each Symlink of your framework or use my script available here :
Another newbie in Xcode here. I also spent a lot of time with this problem.
My scenario is the framework was emailed to me by colleague as a zip file.
I unzipped it on windows and copied it to my Mac. Wrong move. I should have unzipped it on the Mac itself. If you are wondering why your "header" is not a folder, then this is your answer.
The right answer is, that you have to make sure that the files are compiled right. In my case i had to download the SDK/Framework of my choice again.
Delete all files of speechkit in the Project and from the disk
Download it again from your Source
Add it to your project
Make sure you link the Framework (Build Phases->Link Binary with Libraries)
That should make it. I donĀ“t know why it was not compiled proper. But as i followed the steps above, the Framework was compiled right and the Project was built.
Your framework wasn't compiled successfully. You need to add the framework to the "Compile Sources" build phase.
Go to your target's settings and select the 4th tab (Build Phase). Open the "Compile Sources" phase and click on the '+' symbol and add your framework. The lexical/preprocessor issue "'SpeechKit/SpeechKit.h' file not found" should now be solved.
What i found that if you unzip any downloaded sample code and you get any lexical/preprocessor issue then just simply add that framework again by follow these steps Go to your target's settings and select the 4th tab (Build Phase). Open the "Compile Sources" phase and click on the '+' symbol and add your framework by clicking on (add other from sample code folder) option.
