So I have a Customer model in my Rails app and whenever a new customer is created I am getting a number as input from the user and I want that number to become the id of the customer on my database instead of the default 1, 2, 3, and so on. Is it possible to do that? If so, how?
EDIT: Let me be a more clear about what I want: I have a Customer and A Brand model. A customer has_many brands and a brand belongs_to a customer. Whenever the user creates a new brand, I want to connect it to its customer using that number that the user entered for the customer. Right now, whenever the user creates a new brand, I ask him to enter the customer_id value to connect the brand to a customer, but that is the id number generated by Rails. How do I make that customer_id attribute refer to the specific number the user entered for a customer, instead of the customer id generated by Rails.
It's possible, but don't do that. Just allow Rails to manage the auto-generated ID itself, and add this number - whatever it is - as a separate attribute in your model and saved to a separate field in your database.
As smathy mentioned, you can do the following:
1.First, generate a migration that add your custom attribute
rails g migration AddCustomerIdToCustomers customer_id:integer
2.When user enter the id, you would want to do something like this:
3.Then you can retrieve the custom object as
#customer = Customer.find_by_customer_id(customer_id)
where customer_id is the id you want.
As the above answer suggests, it is better let Rails handle the id attribute, because it is used extensively in Rails to handle database relationships ActiveRecord queries, etc. You do not want the extra headache of modifying it yourself.
How do I store different sets of user information using Simple Memberships? For eg. I have two roles (doctors and patients) respectively. The extended user information to be stored for both the roles is somewhat different. Simple Membership creates a UserProfile table by default which I'd like to split into two tables to accomodate the user information for both the roles respectively.
Please suggest if and how this can be achieved.
You have Roles defined in your 'Roles' Table. Then, for a particular User, UserId and RoleId both are associated with each other in another Table named '_UserInRoles'. Now, Create another table maybe Named as 'UserAdditionalInfo' and
make table structure as below
Now, you can save user additional data according to its RoleId and UserId in another table and when you need to display User Profile on front end, then may be you can use JOIN in these tables and return information.
I read the two posts here and here, but still have trouble figuring out how everything is tied together. Basically I have 2 types of users, Trainers and Clients. They share some common attributes (email, phone, first name, last name, etc), but they will also have some custom attributes.
Assuming STI is the way to go, I would have 3 models:
User (devise)
Trainer (inherits from User)
Client (inherits from User)
When the user signs up, they should be able to use the same form and just select from a drop down if they're a trainer or client. Once the form is submitted how do I go about specifying the type of user that has just been created? Do I need logic in the controller to check the user type, and then run Trainer.create() or Client.create()?
In order to minimize the number of joins that I have to execute in my application I decided to copy in my database the same field in several tables for example :
I have a User, Product and a Wishlist Table.
My Product pages shows the user who created the product, as the wishlists pages which also shows the user who created them.
So I added in my products and wishlists table all the users field needed to show the required informations.
How can I update the users related fields in my Products and Wishlists Table as soon as the user change his information ?
Here is a part of my model :
User Table
Full Name
Avatar URL
Product Table
Product Name
Product Price
User ID
User Full Name
User Avatar URL
Wishlist Table
Wishlist Name
User ID
User Full Name
User Avatar URL
Thanks in advance for your answers !
Firstly, by denormalizing the data in the way that you are, you are working against what relational databases are meant to do. They thrive on joins, and having each piece of data appear as few times as possible. So you really want to make sure that this is the schema that you want.
That being said, you can use the basic update_attibute syntax to update any field in any table. So, if a user edited his or her username, you would do:
User.update_attribute(:username, username)
Product.update_attribute(:username, username)
Wishlist.update_attribute(:username, username)
Hi i have a table that is called contractors this is acting as the users model for logging into the system. I have a second table called employees. I have created the relationship between the two tables. contractors has_many employees and employees belong_to contractor.
The employee table has a field for contractor id as a foreign key.
When the contractor logs into how can i set the view to only show him the employees that belong to him
Thanks in advance!
I don't know how your authentication works, but sou should have something like current_user helper which retrieves the currently logged in user from session. Devise gem, for example, creates it automatically.
#employees = current_user.employees
Im building an admin interface for a medical records management app.
My client has asked me for a way to easily select the patient the user wants to work with without having to select the patient everytime he wants to perform an action.
So, say for instance he wants to store a record for the patient's current status (weight, size, etc) and then assign the same patient to a different doctor or change the company the patient currently works for.. he doesnt want to select the same patient all three times... he wants a select dropdown for patients and perform the different actions for that patient.
Im thinking this should be somehow stored in a session variable.. I have a table of patients and Im using LinqtoSql classes.... what do you reccommend?? help please.
Sounds like you want to put something into Session--perhaps some of the basic "recent patient" information, such as a patient ID, patient name, etc.
Definitely take a look at this post on how to do it in a very graceful way.
You could use the session to keep a list of recently active patient records for a given users session. Every time the user selects a new patient simply add that patient's name to the "Recent" list. Since you can control the length of the session you could just allow the list to expire when the user's session does. As far as not making the user select a customer again, just have it auto-select the most recent (last entry) on the list of recent customers.
Personally I would consider caching as an option here. By the sounds of it you want to load ALL data for ALL patients which is fine for a small amount of data but will not scale gracefully.
Consider going to the database the FIRST time you need the patient's data, and getting your data from the cache for subsequent queries...
The best way is to have the id in the route.
Use something like this when registering routes:
controller = "home",
action = "index",
PatientId = ""
When you select a Patient you post to an action that sets the PatientID in the RouteParameterCollection and redirect to the the action that displays the form for changing the patient. this way you always have the patientID in the URL.
Using session has some drawbacks:
If you have 2 windows open both use
the same session. This might confuse
You can not bookmark a page
Session is usually stored in memory
on the appserver. This might lead to
performance problems if extensively used.