Xcode 6.3.2 refactor -> rename not working - ios

i've recently installed OS X Yosemite to upgrade Xcode 6.3 and have installed Xcode 6.3.2.
But it seems like refactor -> rename is not working in Xcode 6.3.2. (screenshot attached below)
The same thing is happening when i try to rename a file, function or variable from Edit -> Refactor -> Rename.
I want to know if anybody else has faced this issue?
If yes, has anybody managed to find a workaround for this?

Try selecting the second icon (the one with the bullets) before saving:
You'll see the list of changes to be made. After clicking SAVE everything will be renamed, even the filenames.


Xcode 11 Beta 5 stuck indexing [duplicate]

A project I've been working for 2 months stopped working for no reason because Xcode got stucked on "Indexing". I can't Build the project anymore. If I try to build, Xcode freezes and I have to force quit. This happens only with this project.
I tried cleaning all derived data but didn't help.
I'm using Xcode 4.5.2.
Any ideas?
Open your Project Folder.
Find ProjectName.xcodeproj file.
Right-Click Copy and Paste to Safe Place.
Right-Click Show Package Contents.
Find project.xcworkspace file and delete that file.
Reopen Your Project and clean and Rebuild.
If your problem is not solved then replace the file with your backup file.
Close that project from Xcode
Open Xcode Organizer, find the problematic project
Delete Derived Data folder in the Organizer
Close/re-open Xcode
Nuking Derived Data is the first thing to try in all cases of Xcode misbehaving
I had this exact problem, it was caused by a 20 item array literal. Had to switch to different syntax. Pretty silly.
Close any opened Xcode
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Right click your PROJECT_NAME.xcworkspace, choose 'show content', and delete 'xcuserdata' folder
Another thing to try if your trying to solve indexing issues and you're this far down the page!
Try adding this flag to your build settings.
-Xfrontend -warn-long-expression-type-checking=400
It will cause warning where the compiler take a long time to deduce a complex expression.
This may cause a build error which will go away after you find the slow expressions and then remove the build flag.
I had a similar problem, and found that I accidentally defined a class as its own subclass. I got no warning or error for this but the compiling got stuck.
class mainClass : mainClass
When using Xcode 6 and it says
Waiting for make
It might be that an instance of make is already running. Kill the process and indexing proceeds. Silly, but worked for me.
This happened to me. If you are using cocoapods do this:
Delete project.xcworkspace
Reinstall pods using pod install on the terminal
It will create a new project.xcworkspace
Open the new project.xcworkspace
-> Clean
-> Build
First, disconnect from network. Both your wired network and wireless network should turn off.
Second, kill the com.apple.dt.SourceKitService process. Then XCode would start to index again instead of stuck.
Hold alt > Product > Clean Build Folder
It's a Xcode bug (Xcode 8.2.1) and I've reported that to Apple, it will happen when you have a large dictionary literal or a nested dictionary literal. You have to break your dictionary to smaller parts and add them with append method until Apple fixes the bug.
For me completely closing out of Xcode and then restarting the project worked.
This is not the solution for the original question, I don't believe, but it is one more simple thing to try before deleting files and folders, etc. Credit to this answer for the idea.
I had a similar problem where Xcode would spend lots of time indexing and would frequently hang building the project, at which point I had to force-quit and relaunch Xcode. It was very annoying.
Then I noticed a warning in the project about improperly assigning self as a delegate. Sure enough, there was a missing protocol in the class declaration. Note that there is a similar assignment in the OP's sample code (though it is impossible to tell from the sample whether the correct protocol is declared):
leaderboardController.leaderboardDelegate == self;
After resolving that warning (by correctly declaring the implemented protocol), Xcode stopped misbehaving. Also, I should note that the project did execute correctly since the protocol methods were implemented. It was just that Xcode could not confirm that the protocol should in fact implemented by the class.
For me, I made a stupid mistake. I write a Class like this:
class A: A {
A class inherit itself that causes the freezing. There is no message hint from Xcode.
Nothing worked for me, my project is too big (merging objective c, c++, swift, and java files with j2obj). I've disabled Xcode indexing and worked without code completion for months (and it's a pain). But finally I've found a workaround. The idea is to keep Xcode indexing the code, but to limit its CPU usage with an external tool like cputhrottle.
So first you need to install cputhrottle in terminal
brew install cputhrottle
Then limit the Xcode indexing process like this (20 = 20%)
sudo cputhrottle $(pgrep -f com.apple.dt.SKAgent) 20
I've exposed my "solution" here with mode details : How to prevent Xcode using 100% of CPU when indexing big projects
I'm working with Xcode 11.4.1 and I have the same problem with several projects. Every time, when internet connection is lost, indexing gets up. The best solution (it's just my opinion based on observing this problem):
- turn off internet and just kill the "com.apple...." process, then restart the Xcode(turn on connection)
or more easier
- just restart the Mac(with the internet)
Had similar problem in Xcode 6.4. The progress bar indicated that "Indexing" was "Paused". Tried deleting project.xcworkspace, then deleting Derived Data as described above. Did not appear to help. Noting that the posts above also suggest fixing warnings, and since I had inherited this huge project with 180 warnings, I said to myself, "What the hell this looks like a good day to fix warnings". As I was fixing warnings, a half hour later, I noticed that the "Indexing" progress bar had increased from 10% to about 20%. An hour later, it was at 50%, then another hour to 80%, then after another half hour it was done! Conclusion: Add "take a long lunch or a nap" to the above suggestions.
I experienced the same issue for Xcode 7.0 beta.
In my case, values for "Provisioning Profile" and "Product bundle identifier" of "Build Settings" differed between PROJECT and TARGETS.
I set the same values for them. And I also used the same values for TARGETS of "appName" and "appNameTest".
Then closed the project and reopened it.
That resolved my case.
In my case, deleting the derived data directory did not help. Apparently I had a file locked by another process, because after closing out a couple of terminal windows and emacs, and terminating a react-native packager process, everything resolved.
I have experienced this problem in some projects with Xcode 9.3.1 and in my case the problem is due to some swift code that for some reason Xcode doesn't like. This problem is hard to solve because is difficult to find what file is causing the problem.
When I have this problem, I removing some files from the Xcode project (removing references) and I try to test if indexing works. My process to do so
Remove some files
Close Xcode
Open Xcode
If indexing finish try to rename some method if works probably the files you have removed they have something strange for Xcode.
In my case I had a class definition with a reactive extension in the same file and for some reason Xcode doesn't like it, I moved the reactive extension to another file and now the indexing works fine.
2022 | Algorithm what to do:
Open activity monitor and kill there com.apple.dt.SKAgent
If did not help:
Close Xcode(cmd+Q). Run command in terminal:
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
If did not help:
Restart PC
If did not help:
Right click your PROJECT_NAME.xcworkspace, choose 'show content', and delete 'xcuserdata' folder
If did not help:
run your project build with additional warning. For doing this you need to write:
-Xfrontend -warn-long-expression-type-checking=100
to the following place:
and optimize code at all of places.
If did not help:
Z. Uninstall XCode and install it from scratch
If did not help:
Z+1. answer of El Belga https://stackoverflow.com/a/50541767/4423545
Also stop running app. if you have another application running with your xcode, stop it first and you should have your indexing continue.
For me, the cause was I opened the same file in both the Primary Editor and Assistant Editor at the same time. Once I closed Assistant Editor, it came through. (Xcode Version 7.2.1)
Close Your Xcode , close any git client(source tree or terminal)if it is opened and finally restart your project.
Faced this recently on XCode 7.3.1 - for me, I noticed RAM usage going to 100% on to CleanMyMac3. The problem magically fixed itself after I restarted my machine. In all fairness however, I'd already gone ahead and tried the accepted-answer, so you'll want to do the same before you restart just in case :-)
I fixed this by simply deleting the app from my device and rebuild.
I had the same issue in swift 2.2
It had to do with a generic function overloaded function
func warnLog() {
print("Warning line: \(#line) file: \(#file) ")
func warnLog<T>(input:T? = nil) -> T? {
print("Warning line: \(#line) file: \(#file) ")
return input
func warnLog<T>(input:T) -> T {
print("Warning line: \(#line) file: \(#file) ")
return input
all I needed to do is remove one of the non used overloads
func warnLog<T>(input:T? = nil) -> T? {
print("Warning line: \(#line) file: \(#file) ")
return input
My case: it was not the project.xcworkspace file, it was not the Derived Data folder.
I've wasted a lot of time. Worse, no error message. No clue on the part of Xcode. Absolutely lost.
Finally this function (with more than 10 parameters) is responsible.
func animationFrames(level: Float,
image: String,
frame0: String,
frame1: String,
frame2: String,
frame3: String,
frame4: String,
frame5: String,
frame6: String,
frame7: String,
frame8: String,
frame9: String,
frame10: String) {
To go crazy! The truth is that it is worrisome (because there is no syntax error, or any type)
For XCode 9.3 indexing issue - Uninstall the XCode and instal again from zero. Works for me.
This issue happened to me when my machine was out of swap space. Closed several programs and browser tabs and the build suddenly succeeded after 30 minutes of being stuck in place. Nothing to do with derived data, locked files, etc. on my side.

Cannot add model version xcode 7.3

I've added new model version before in this project but for some reason I cannot add them now. When I right click on ****.xcdatamodeld and select "Add model version" from Editor menu. New version is showing up in Finder when I click "Show in Finder" but not under ****.xcdatamodeld nor in File Inspector??? I cannot add them manually under ****.xcdatamodeld as well.
I've added Apple Watch support in my project recently, in case if this information helps.
To be honest, I don't think I found a satisfactory answer but a few workarounds to what I think is a bug.
A solution here refers to incorrect directory structure, I did not give this a try as the xCode versions seem quite old but maybe it might help you: Issues with directory structure
This seems like a hack which worked for some, even in xCode 7.2
While none of these options worked for me, even quitting xCode, restarting Mac, I just had the beta 7.1 lying around, adding a new version worked perfectly and then I switched back to 7.3 to continue the rest.
To be honest, I don't think I found a satisfactory answer but a it solved my problem.i created a new project, in that project I did my model versioning(in latest xcode) and copied that model object in to my project.It works well.
Having just experienced watching nothing happen after selecting Add Model Version, I quickly found (stumbled upon) a solution that works. Credit goes to Shawn's hack link, in which Mundi points to the xcdatamodels.
Alt-select an xcdatamodel and then Show in Finder
Quit Xcode
In the Finder folder with all the versions, I found one version already existed (but wasn't showing in Xcode) with the version I had tried to make several times.
Delete this imposter!
Open Xcode and try Add Model Version
The new version was added.

Xcode 7.3.1 autocomplete code completion not working

Ever since Xcode 7.3 the autocompletion or code completion doesn't work properly.
I have tried:
Deleting Derived Data folder
Clean Targets and Build
Reinstalling Xcode
It does autocomplete after you type it out fully the first time. But if you haven't referenced it once (i.e. like enums) it only shows what you typed out before (not showing full list of enums). Pressing escape doesn't help either.
Any other suggestions? Or anyone else experiencing the same?
Without doing anything, In Build-Settings -> Deployment changing iOS Deployment target from 8.0 to 8.1 resolved the issue for me.
It also works for XCode 6 as mentioned here
Also works on Xcode 8, Simply change the deployment target from iOS 9.0 to iOS 9.1.
Xcode 8 has now fixed this very annoying autocomplete issue. So anyone who is still having this problem, update to Xcode 8.
Edit: Please note, this has not solved for others. So your milage may vary. For me, it has fixed without doing anything extra. But they are using their new 'intelligent' autocomplete. Thinking about it, it could be part of the indexing. Deleting the DerivedData folder could help.
Perhaps, this answer is too late, I'll share it anyway.
First of all, I've uninstalled Alcatraz and all plugins.
Second, I've followed ElonChan's instructions explained on:
Xcode 7.3 autocomplete issues
As a result, autocompletion automagically got back! Thanks #ElonChan.
I hope this answer also solves your problem.
This Happen usually when you are using core Data in your project.(because of automatic indexing of files by xcode not been done) The simple way to avoid this thing is that just click to your project name and clean project come back the same file where you wanna see suggestions type any word and thats it.
There is a way to set shortcut keys for code completion. Xcode -> Preferences -> Key Bindings -> find Show Completions and set whatever non-duplicate keys you want.

XCode - Command /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/swiftc failed with exit code 1

Lately I've started to take up a course for learning swift to devolp iOS OS X and Watch OS apps. I'm taking this course on udacity. The first step is to download a project and put it in a folder on your desktop. I had to open the app and then run it, which should've worked. But not for me somehow. I hit run and the following error showed up (this is the complete error log):
Some poeple suggested that I should update my XCode but I already have. I currently have XCode 7.3! I'm quite new to this platform, that's also why I'm doing this course, so I don't really know what I have to do. Can someone please tell me what's going on here?
This is the result of a corrupted swift class. If you encounter a class looking similar to the following code:
Ôæ≠fiÔæ≠fiqcaJÔæ≠fihJ0ç硡ˇ2ç硡ˇ$5y$ġˇˇ% 7.ġˇˇÔæ≠fiÔæ≠fiP‚—ġˇˇfl‚ġˇˇ ˗ġˇˇ∞B‚ġˇˇÄ+€
Try to re-create the class or re-download it. This solved my problem and to me, it would look like the only solution possible for a corrupted class.
Delete derived data.
Windows->Projects->select your project and delete derived data
This worked for me for couple of projects which i downloaded from internet.
I do everything restarts Xcode, rebuild Project, adding toolChains lock unlock them,
so there are two possibilities
first, maybe you install the beta version of Xcode
or try this, this work for me->
I tried to run a project in Xcode12/Swift4, while the project was written on Xcode8/Swift3
so I install Xcode version 11.7 and run this work for me.
if you not done with 11.7 then install another version of Xcode and try the appreciated version
May this help you

Xcode 6 - Syntax highlight / completion not working

After one day my code loses its highlight / completion again in xCode 6.
As always, I tried to Organizer > Projects > and Delete Derived Data.
Which did not work in Xcode 6, even after it finish to index everything.
I tried to uninstall and install 3 times - and its still coming back after some time.
I really can't find why Xcode loses it.
Any help will be appreciated.
Syntax highlighting and code completion can sometimes only work on part of the file too, and it happens during the editing or on a random basis.
I fix this by cleaning the project... not a sexy solution, but it works.
I think it's a bug in some Xcode versions, I have it on Xcode 6.4 and the only solution I found is to open Editor menu -> Syntax coloring -> Choose None
then Editor menu -> Syntax coloring -> Default for filetype.
PS: cleaning the project didn't solve the problem for me.
