ResearchKit headers not able to import in Xcode - ios

I am making an app using the ResearchKit framework of Apple.
I have followed the installation guide of ResearchKit on GitHub and added the files to my project. Now when I am trying to import the header files of this framework, I get an error:
File not found
What I did:
I created a new project named CreatingTasks.xcodeproj.
Then I added ResearchKit files by dragging the researchKit.xcodeproj in my navigation controller, and embedding the ResearchKit framework in embedded binaries.
Now I want to create a simple task in my existing view controller but I am unable to import the header files.

You need to build the ResearchKit target once first. Then you should be able to import ResearchKit. If that doesn't help, please post a project on GitHub and give us a link.


No such module found when importing SQLite in Xcode

I am trying to import SQLite into an app in Xcode. The version of this app was originally developed using SQLite from the following link (not SQLite3).
The library has worked in previous iterations, but now I get an error that says "No such module SQLite" when I try to import the library at the top of the file I want to use it.
I have followed the instructions on the gitHub page and still have trouble with the library. One thing that I notice is that in the file explorer the SQLite.framework files are highlighted in red. I believe this is the source of the problem however, I don't know how to fix this.
File Picture:
Import Error:
It looks like you want to include SQLite into your ReadySetFit project? If so, what you really need to do is to follow the instructions under the "Installation" section found on the GitHub repo's main page. I'm a fan of Cocoapods (because all you'd need to do then is add a Podfile to the folder containing your ReadySetFit project), but there's also SwiftPackageManager or Carthage.
Along with the instructions in the SQLite github repo main page (or, here's a tutorial on how to add a Podfile to your project.
I hope this helps!

How to add a playground on XCode iOS Swift project? [duplicate]

I'm new to iOS development and using Xcode and I'm having trouble getting Alamofire to work within a Playground. There's some functionality I'd like to test out for proof of concept but the library is not linked to the Playground and I've tried getting it to play nicely. I have Alamofire set up to work within an iOS (not in a Playground) project before the installation instructions in the Github Alamofire repo were recently updated.
Any suggestions on how to get Alamofire to import properly in the Playground?
Apple provides excellent step-by-step instruction to do so here: Importing Custom Frameworks Into a Playground
Here is what I consider to be the simplest straight line path:
Download and build Alamofire:
brew install carthage
echo "github \"Alamofire/Alamofire\"" > Cartfile
carthage update
Configure the workspace with a playground file and Alamofire.
From the Carthage/Build/{iOS / OSX} directory, drag the Alamofire.framework file into your link library list: {Project Name} -> {Target Name} -> Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries
Command-N (create file) -> {Platform} -> Source -> Playground
If not already in a Workspace file, File -> Save as Workspace. To be paranoid, I close the project / workspace and (re)open the workspace.
Click on the playground file created in #2, and add the import import Alamofire
You can try moving library to
Then you can import and use it right in your playground
You can create a playground within the project also like in this tutorial
If the project is not in a workspace, save as workspace
Create new Playground, by adding to workspace level in the project pane
Ensure your project has a framework target. If it doesn't Edit the scheme to add a new Cocoa Touch Framework target (it doesn't need to have unit tests)
Add the files that you want to use in the playground, to the new framework target
Build the Framework by selecting the target in the build box at the top
In the playground, import the Framework. If the classes you want to use are not public, you need to import like so: #testable import ModuleFramework

I'm trying to add Firebase to my Today Extension. It won't let me import firebase into my View Controller

like the title says: I'm trying to add data from Firebase to my Today Extension. I've added all of the frameworks from my main project and now I'm trying to "import Firebase" into the .swift file for the today extension and it can't find it.
I'm using Swift 2.3 and the latest version of Firebase. Also, I'm very new to development so while I'm getting pretty familiar with the tools and language, I'm not entirely sure how everything connects so it's hard for me to troubleshoot. (And Google isn't pulling up anything relevant.)
I have not added the Google Info plist file to the app extension or pod files. But all of that is in the main project and working just fine.
Any help would be great. Thank you!
You have to add a new target to your podfile with the same name as the today extension you make.

Adding a GitHub framework to an XCode Project using Swift

Sorry if this is too basic, I'm a kind of a rookie on app development.
I've been trying to add this GitHub framework for SpriteKit easing to my XCode project. The only steps for installation (that doesn't require CocoaPods) the framework provides are: 1: Drag the Pod/Classes folder into your project. 2: Import the frameworks in the _Archive folder.
However, it doesn't seem to work after doing this. I can't import the framework into my swift files, and I can't use the actions. I may've done the 2nd step wrong, I may not have done it as it's supposed. I've searched all over the internet for ways to import a GitHub framework into XCode, but every answer seems to be different and specific for each case.
I think you may have missed the second step (you say there is 'only step'). The second step is to drag the framework from the _Archive folder. You can find it in the clone of the project folder. Also, try the sample project and see how it's organized. Make sure that you add the framework to the Link Binaries... section in the project Build Phases.

Unable to correctly import framework into xcode project

I'm trying to add KKGridView to my project. I've followed thier description from github as best I can:
Create a new workspace in Xcode in the same directory as your existing *.xcodeproj.
Drag in your existing Xcode project
Locate your copy of KKGridView, drag KKGridView.xcodeproj into the
workspace so that it stays at the top of the hierarchy, just like
your original project.
In the Build Phases section of your original project, link your
project with libKKGridView.a.
Now, simply import KKGridView just like an Apple framework:
But libKKGridView appears in red in my project, and I am unable to import any of the code with
#import <KKGridView/KKGridView.h>
Any ideas?
Copy this file physically to your folder,and then add file to xcode from there.Drag and drop create this problem sometimes.
Hope this helps you.
You need to import the .h files as well
