JavaScriptCore Objective-C Slow When accessing non existing objects - ios

My app slowed down extremely and I ran some tests to find out why.
I ran it twice, the first time accessing an object that is in the context, and the second accessing a non-existing object in the JSContext
I tracked it down to this part:
JSContext *ctx = [[JSContext alloc] init];
[ctx evaluateScript:scpt];
// var someExisting = {"view": {"tint-color": "red"}};
NSDate * start = [NSDate date];
for (int i=0; i<=100000; i++) {
NSDate * end = [NSDate date];
double timeTaken = [end timeIntervalSinceDate:start] * 1000;
NSLog(#"%g", timeTaken);
[ctx release];
I got 195.697
JSContext *ctx = [[JSContext alloc] init];
[ctx evaluateScript:scpt];
// var someExisting = {"view": {"tint-color": "red"}};
NSDate * start = [NSDate date];
for (int i=0; i<=100000; i++) {
NSDate * end = [NSDate date];
double timeTaken = [end timeIntervalSinceDate:start] * 1000;
NSLog(#"%g", timeTaken);
[ctx release];
I got 8377.37! CPU and Memory also spike up
Does anyone know if this is a JavaScriptCore bug or something that I'm doing incorrectly?


How to fix "exc_bad_instruction (code=exc_i386_invop subcode=0x0)"

I want to make a timer in my app, but i find a problem like this:
My code run very well at viewController which contain the code below, but after i dismiss this viewController a few seconds, Xcode will report an erro: exc_bad_instruction (code=exc_i386_invop subcode=0x0
If i didn't use dispatch_suspend(self.timer) and dispatch_resume(self.timer), everything will be ok
otherwise, I can see the error will happen when Xcode deal with [viewController .cxx_destruct]
so, anyone can tell me how to fix it?
Thank you
Here is my code,
- (void)timeButtonClick:(UIButton *)button{
if (self.isTiming == YES){
self.isTiming = NO;
self.executeTime = [self.timeButton currentTitle];
}else if (self.isTiming == NO){
self.isTiming = YES;
self.createDate = [NSDate date];
- (dispatch_object_t)timer{
if (_timer == nil) {
dispatch_queue_t timerQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_source_t timer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, timerQueue);
dispatch_source_set_timer(timer, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 1 * NSEC_PER_SEC, 0 * NSEC_PER_SEC);
__weak typeof (self)weakSelf = self;
dispatch_source_set_event_handler(timer, ^{
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
dateFormatter.dateFormat = #"HH:mm:ss";
NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar calendarWithIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];
NSCalendarUnit unit = NSCalendarUnitHour | NSCalendarUnitMinute | NSCalendarUnitSecond;
NSDate *currentDate = [NSDate date];
NSDateComponents *currentCmps = [calendar components:unit fromDate:weakSelf.createDate toDate:currentDate options:NSCalendarWrapComponents];
NSDate *executeTime = [dateFormatter dateFromString:weakSelf.executeTime];
NSDateComponents *executeCmps = [calendar components:unit fromDate:executeTime];
NSString *newExecuteTime = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%02ld:%02ld:%02ld", executeCmps.hour + currentCmps.hour, executeCmps.minute + currentCmps.minute, executeCmps.second + currentCmps.second];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[weakSelf.timeButton setTitle:newExecuteTime forState:UIControlStateNormal];
_timer = timer;
return _timer;
Move your timer to another place like AppDelegate, you are getting this error because you are dispatching the timer to another thread, then when the VC is dismissed the timer wants to set the title to timeButton which wa salready destroyed when the VC was dismissed.
You could also try to make a strong weakself, but I really suggest you to move the timer code to another class.

Handle Foursquare hours API to find out if the venue is opened or closed

I have a foursquare hours array (Foursquare API) that stores segments of hours when a specific venue is open. It looks something like this:
How do I find out if the venue is opened or closed at current time?
I handle it like this: 4sq hours API gist
// defaults and inits
NSCalendar *gregorian = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSGregorianCalendar];
NSDictionary *lastSegmentYesterday = [[NSDictionary alloc] init];
NSDate *dateNow = [NSDate date];
NSString *venueOpenText = [[NSString alloc] init];
NSString *venueOpen = #"no";
// get components for today
NSDateComponents *compsNow = [gregorian components:NSWeekdayCalendarUnit|NSHourCalendarUnit|NSMinuteCalendarUnit|NSDayCalendarUnit|NSMonthCalendarUnit|NSYearCalendarUnit fromDate:dateNow];
// get weekday for today and yesterday so we can lookup 4sq API
NSInteger weekday = [compsNow weekday];
NSInteger weekdayYesterday = (weekday>1)?weekday-1:7;
// look for todays' segment
NSMutableArray *venueOpenSegments = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; // stores all the segments when the venue is open
for (NSDictionary *segment in hours){
// get today's segment (if it exists)
if ([segment[#"days"] containsObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:weekday]]){
for (NSDictionary *dictOpen in segment[#"open"])
[venueOpenSegments insertObject:#{#"end": [dictOpen[#"end"] mutableCopy], #"start":[dictOpen[#"start"] mutableCopy]}.mutableCopy atIndex:venueOpenSegments.count];
// check the day before if the venue is open past midnight
if (([segment[#"days"] containsObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:weekdayYesterday]] && [segment[#"open"] count])){
// get the last segment (that should be the one passing midnight)
NSDictionary *tempSegment = [segment[#"open"] lastObject];
// if it has more than 4 characters it's after midnight ("+02:00"), also, ignore if it closes at midnight
if ([tempSegment[#"end"] length] > 4 && ![tempSegment[#"end"]isEqualToString:#"+0000"]){
// create a new segment that starts at midnight and lasts till the time it closes (early AMs usually)
lastSegmentYesterday = #{#"start":#"0000", #"end":[tempSegment[#"end"] substringFromIndex:1]};
// add last night segment that passes midnight as the first segment of today
if (lastSegmentYesterday.count){
[venueOpenSegments insertObject:lastSegmentYesterday atIndex:0];
// go through all the segments and find out if the venue is closed or open
if (venueOpenSegments.count){
NSDateComponents *comps = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
NSDateFormatter *timeFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
timeFormatter.dateFormat = #"HH:mm"; // set time output format
int segmentNumber = 0;
for (NSMutableDictionary *segment in venueOpenSegments){
// confing start date
[comps setMonth:compsNow.month];
[comps setYear:compsNow.year];
[comps setHour:[[segment[#"start"] substringToIndex:2] intValue]];
[comps setMinute:[[segment[#"start"] substringFromIndex:2] intValue]];
NSDate *dateStart = [[[NSCalendar currentCalendar] dateFromComponents:comps] copy];
// config end date
// check if the segment goes to next day
BOOL closesTomorrow = NO;
if ( [segment[#"end"] length]==5 ){
segment[#"end"] = [segment[#"end"] substringFromIndex:1];
closesTomorrow = YES;
[comps setHour:[[segment[#"end"] substringToIndex:2] intValue]];
[comps setMinute:[[segment[#"end"] substringFromIndex:2] intValue]];
NSDate *dateEnd = [[[NSCalendar currentCalendar] dateFromComponents:comps] copy];
// add a day if it closes tomorrow
if (closesTomorrow){
NSDateComponents *nextDayComponent = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init]; = 1;
dateEnd = [gregorian dateByAddingComponents:nextDayComponent toDate:dateEnd options:0];
// start checking if it's open or closed
// now < segment start
if ([dateNow compare:dateStart] == NSOrderedAscending){
venueOpenText = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"opens at %#",[timeFormatter stringFromDate: dateStart]];
venueOpen = #"later";
// segment end < now
else if ([dateEnd compare:dateNow] == NSOrderedAscending){
if (segmentNumber == venueOpenSegments.count){
venueOpenText = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"closed since %#",[timeFormatter stringFromDate: dateEnd]];
// segment start < now < segment end
else if ([dateStart compare:dateNow] == NSOrderedAscending && [dateNow compare:dateEnd] == NSOrderedAscending){
venueOpenText = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"open till %#",[timeFormatter stringFromDate: dateEnd]];
venueOpen = #"yes";
// rare but possible... last minute of the venue being open (I treat it as closed)
else {
venueOpenText = #"closing right now";
else venueOpen = #"closed today"; // no segments for today, so it's closed for the dayƦ
// return results
return #{#"open":venueOpen, #"string":venueOpenText};
and I update my UILabel like this:
NSDictionary *venueOpen = [self isVenueOpenDictionaryForHours:_arrayVenues[indexPath.row][#"hours"]];
label.text = venueOpen[#"string"];
if ([venueOpen[#"open"] isEqualToString:#"no"]){
label.textColor = [UIColor colorWithHexString:#"b91d47" alpha:1]; // red
} else if ([venueOpen[#"open"] isEqualToString:#"yes"]) {
label.textColor = [UIColor colorWithHexString:#"1e7145" alpha:1]; // green
} else if ([venueOpen[#"open"] isEqualToString:#"later"]) {
label.textColor = [UIColor colorWithHexString:#"e3a21a" alpha:1]; // yellow
BTW, I use pod 'HexColors' for colorWithHexString methods

Create Events for MBCalendarKit in iOS

I imported MBCalendar Kit into my project, and I don't know how to add an event or array of events in calendar. I found this code:
NSMutableDictionary *eventsDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
for (int i =0; i< eventsArray.count ;i++)
// Create events
eventsDict = eventsArray[i];
CKCalendarEvent* aCKCalendarEvent = [[CKCalendarEvent alloc] init];
aCKCalendarEvent.title = [eventsDict objectForKey:#"email"]; = date; //[eventsArray objectForKey:#"phone"];
aCKCalendarEvent.address = [eventsDict objectForKey:#"addrLine1"];
aCKCalendarEvent.image = [eventsDict objectForKey:#"pPic"]; = [eventsDict objectForKey:#"fname"];
aCKCalendarEvent.appDate = [eventsDict objectForKey:#"apntDt"];
aCKCalendarEvent.notes = [eventsDict objectForKey:#"notes"]; = [eventsDict objectForKey:#"phone"];
[myeventsArray addObject: aCKCalendarEvent];
[_data setObject:myeventsArray forKey:date];
but I don't know where to write it, or how to use it. Can anyone help me?
Thank you.
I'm working with this Framework and I've had the same issues.
What worked for me was to use the NSDate+Components category, specifically the dayWithDay:month:year method to create the dates for the events, then create as many events as you want the way you're doing it, encapsulate all the events that are on the same day in an array and lastly setting that array as an object for the NSDictionary data with the previously created as the key to that array. Here's an example:
NSDate *eventDate1 = [NSDate dateWithDay:8 month:8 year:2014];
NSDate *eventDate2 = [NSDate dateWithDay:9 month:8 year:2014];
CKCalendarEvent *event1 = [CKCalendarEvent eventWithTitle:#"Event 1" andDate:eventDate1 andInfo:nil];
CKCalendarEvent *event2 = [CKCalendarEvent eventWithTitle:#"Event 2" andDate:eventDate2 andInfo:nil];
NSArray *today = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:event1, nil];
NSArray *tomorrow = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:event2, nil];
[[self data] setObject:today forKey:eventDate1];
[[self data] setObject:tomorrow forKey:eventDate2];
Hope this helps :D
I'm working on my own framework based on this but with an iOS7 native feel, it's not finished yet but here is the repo:

NSDateFormatter memory leak?

I have a problem with NSDateFormatter dateFromString: method. There is an array of dictionaries with string dates and I want to convert them to NSDates. But there is a huge heap growth every time I call this method (I need to call it more than once, cause it's an "update" method). Also I call it in background thread and ARC is on. What am I doing wrong? Any help, please.
Full code of the function:
- (GraphController *) initGraphWithData: (NSArray *) points forInterval: (GraphInterval) interval andFrame: (CGRect) frame gestures: (BOOL) gestures secondGraph: (NSArray *) secondPoints graphNames: (NSArray *) graphNames
self = [super init];
_calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
_secondPoints = secondPoints;
_graphNames = graphNames;
[self.view setFrame:frame];
_points = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
double minValue = HUGE_VALF, maxValue = -HUGE_VALF;
NSDate *minDate = [NSDate date], *maxDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:0];
NSMutableDictionary *datesTable = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
int index = 0;
for(NSArray *pointArray in points){
NSDictionary *point = pointArray[0];
NSMutableDictionary *newPoint = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:point];
// convert date
NSString *dateString = (NSString *)[point objectForKey:#"date"];
NSLog(#"dateString to convert: %#", dateString);
[_dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"MM/dd/yyyy"];
NSDate *date = [_dateFormatter dateFromString: dateString];
[newPoint setObject: date forKey:#"date"];
// convert numbers
[newPoint setObject: [NSNumber numberWithFloat:[((NSString *)[point objectForKey:#"value"]) floatValue]] forKey:#"value"];
[newPoint setObject: [NSNumber numberWithFloat:[((NSString *)[secondPoints[index] objectForKey:#"value"]) floatValue]] forKey:#"secondValue"];
[newPoint setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt:index] forKey:#"index"];
// min and max
if([[newPoint objectForKey:#"value"] floatValue] < minValue)
minValue = [[newPoint objectForKey:#"value"] floatValue];
if([[newPoint objectForKey:#"value"] floatValue] > maxValue)
maxValue = [[newPoint objectForKey:#"value"] floatValue];
// check second value
if([[newPoint objectForKey:#"secondValue"] floatValue] < minValue)
minValue = [[newPoint objectForKey:#"secondValue"] floatValue];
if([[newPoint objectForKey:#"secondValue"] floatValue] > maxValue)
maxValue = [[newPoint objectForKey:#"secondValue"] floatValue];
if([[newPoint objectForKey:#"date"] timeIntervalSince1970] > [maxDate timeIntervalSince1970])
maxDate = [newPoint objectForKey:#"date"];
if([[newPoint objectForKey:#"date"] timeIntervalSince1970] < [minDate timeIntervalSince1970])
minDate = [newPoint objectForKey:#"date"];
[self.points addObject:newPoint];
[datesTable setObject:newPoint forKey: [[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[date timeIntervalSince1970]] stringValue] ];
// set draw parameters
_drawVars = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
NSDate *startSearchDate;
switch (interval) {
case GraphIntervalWeek:
startSearchDate = [maxDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:-7*24*3600];
case GraphIntervalMonth:
startSearchDate = [maxDate dateByAddingTimeInterval: -31*24*3600];
case GraphIntervalSixMonths:
startSearchDate = [maxDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:-6*31*24*3600];
case GraphIntervalYear:
startSearchDate = [maxDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:-365*24*3600];
case GraphIntervalAllTime:
NSMutableDictionary *searchPoint;
while(searchPoint == nil && [startSearchDate timeIntervalSince1970] > [minDate timeIntervalSince1970]){
searchPoint = [datesTable objectForKey:[[NSNumber numberWithDouble:[startSearchDate timeIntervalSince1970]] stringValue]];
startSearchDate = [startSearchDate dateByAddingTimeInterval:-24*3600];
if(searchPoint != nil && interval != GraphIntervalAllTime)
[self.drawVars setObject:[searchPoint objectForKey:#"index"] forKey:#"startDrawIndex"];
[self.drawVars setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:#"startDrawIndex"];
[self.drawVars setObject:[[NSNumber numberWithFloat:minValue] copy] forKey:#"minValue"];
[self.drawVars setObject:[[NSNumber numberWithFloat:maxValue] copy] forKey:#"maxValue"];
[self.drawVars setObject:minDate forKey:#"minDate"];
[self.drawVars setObject:maxDate forKey:#"maxDate"];
[self.drawVars setObject:datesTable forKey:#"datesTable"];
// set drawImageView
_drawArea = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame: frame];
[self.view addSubview:self.drawArea];
// set overlayImageView for fingerInpect
_inspectOverlay = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
[self.view addSubview:self.inspectOverlay];
// set hintUIView for fingerInspect
_hint = [[Hint alloc] initWithFrame:frame];
[self.hint initHint];
self.hint.hidden = YES;
[self.drawArea addSubview:self.hint];
UIPanGestureRecognizer *panRecognizer = [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(panHandler:)];
UILongPressGestureRecognizer *longPressRecognizer = [[UILongPressGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(longPressHandler:)];
[self.view addGestureRecognizer:panRecognizer];
[self.view addGestureRecognizer:longPressRecognizer];
return self;
I see you are using Heapshot analysis. Good. Here are some more details:
Now, hopefully, each one of your Heapshot iterations represents doing something in your app that should return it back to the base state. Opening and closing a document, for example.
If that is the case, your data is showing a 500K-600K growth per iteration. That is quite a bit.
Note that trying to analyze the last iteration is generally useless; many of those objects will exist because of whatever the current state of the app is. You really want to focus on that 2nd or 4th iteration.
As for why that specific date or date formatter is leaking, turn on reference count event tracking and then review the retain/release events for one of the leaked objects. There will be some number of extra retains.
Something you are doing right is init the NSDateFormatter before entering the loop. If you are expecting the same date format (MM/dd/yyyy) you can put in the same place you init it as well. It can be that you are allocating too many objects, so I could advise putting everything inside an #autoreleasepool {} (aka: the content of the loop inside the autorelease).
I am seeing you are allocating the *newPoint inside the for and then you are setting the date to that object. What do you do after?

Events are not getting displayed after reloaddata in Timelineview of Tapku Calendar

Can any one help me with the issue that I am experiencing?
I am using the Tapku Calendar Library Day View in order to display events. Events are getting displayed properly when the calendar loads for the first time. If I change the date lets say either to yesterday or tomorrow, the calendar is not displaying the events.
I have implemented the following events.
- (void)calendarDayTimelineView:(TKCalendarDayView *)calendarDay didMoveToDate:(NSDate *)date
//Here is my logic to pull the data from db server.
//After this I am calling the method below.
[self.dayView reloadData];
- (NSArray *) calendarDayTimelineView:(TKCalendarDayView*)calendarDayTimeline eventsForDate:(NSDate *)eventDate{
self.myAppointments = nil;
NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [[[NSFetchRequest alloc] init] autorelease];
NSEntityDescription *entity = [NSEntityDescription
entityForName:#"Tasks" inManagedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext];
[fetchRequest setEntity:entity];
NSError *error;
self.myAppointments = [self.managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:&error];
if([eventDate compare:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-24*60*60]] == NSOrderedAscending) return #[];
if([eventDate compare:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:24*60*60]] == NSOrderedDescending) return #[];
NSDateComponents *info = [[NSDate date] dateComponentsWithTimeZone:calendarDayTimeline.timeZone];
info.second = 0;
NSMutableArray *ret = [NSMutableArray array];
for(Tasks *apt in self.myAppointments){
TKCalendarDayEventView *event = [calendarDayTimeline dequeueReusableEventView];
if(event == nil) event = [TKCalendarDayEventView eventView];
event.identifier = nil;
event.titleLabel.text = apt.task_subject;
if ( [allTrim(apt.location) length] != 0 )
event.locationLabel.text = apt.location;
NSDate *startDate = apt.task_start;
NSDate *endDate = apt.task_end;
NSCalendar *calendar = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDateComponents *components = [calendar components:(NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit) fromDate:startDate];
NSInteger hour = [components hour];
NSInteger minute = [components minute];
info.hour = hour;
info.minute = minute;
event.startDate = [NSDate dateWithDateComponents:info];
components = [calendar components:(NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit) fromDate:endDate];
hour = [components hour];
minute = [components minute];
info.hour = hour;
info.minute = minute;
event.endDate = [NSDate dateWithDateComponents:info];
[ret addObject:event];
return ret;
I have debugged the code, the data is getting assigned to the events, however I am not able to view any thing on the calendar.
Pls.. help in fixing up this issue.
There has another way to solve this problem.
As you see, in the methods below:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self.title = NSLocalizedString(#"Day View", #""); = #[
#[#"Meeting with five random dudes", #"Five Guys", #960, #0, #1000, #30],
#[#"Unlimited bread rolls got me sprung", #"Olive Garden", #7, #0, #12, #0],
#[#"Appointment", #"Dennys", #15, #0, #18, #0],
#[#"Hamburger Bliss", #"Wendys", #15, #0, #18, #0],
#[#"Fishy Fishy Fishfelayyyyyyyy", #"McDonalds", #5, #30, #6, #0],
#[#"Turkey Time...... oh wait", #"Chick-fela", #14, #0, #19, #0],
#[#"Greet the king at the castle", #"Burger King", #19, #30, #100, #0]];
} is loaded.
We can move the loading process to "viewWillAppear" methods to update data if you do some writing.
Note that, there has no method to add an event to a specific date. But we can add an event like this: #[#"Fishy Fishy Fishfelayyyyyyyy", #"McDonalds", #48, #00, #50, #0].
#48 means the event at the day after tomorrow.
So, first you should calculate the interval between the specific date and
Following codes may help:
- (NSArray *)getTimeFromNow:(NSDate *)startDate endDateTime:(NSDate *)endDate
NSDate *todayDate = [NSDate date];
NSTimeInterval startFromNowSeconds = [startDate timeIntervalSinceDate:todayDate];
NSTimeInterval endFromNowSeconds = [endDate timeIntervalSinceDate:todayDate];
NSNumber *startHour = [NSNumber numberWithInt:startFromNowSeconds / (60 * 60)];
NSNumber *startMinute = [NSNumber numberWithInt:startFromNowSeconds / 60 - startHour.intValue * 60];
NSNumber *endHour = [NSNumber numberWithInt:endFromNowSeconds / (60 * 60)];
NSNumber *endMinute = [NSNumber numberWithInt:endFromNowSeconds / 60 - endHour.intValue * 60];
return #[startHour, startMinute, endHour, endMinute];
Below should be commented:
if([eventDate compare:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:-24*60*60]] == NSOrderedAscending) return #[];
if([eventDate compare:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:24*60*60]] == NSOrderedDescending) return #[];
But pay attention to the timezone. I think it's not very easy to return a right time array calculated above.
More over, i think it is essential necessary to add the method that add event to a specific day in DayViewController.
Note: as i have do some coding, if your time is #900 hours from now, the event will not be showed in dayview... but #500 hours it works well.
What a terrible designs here!
Waiting a more complete dayviewcontroller ...
