Is there any way to make a custom table view cell look like a button in Xcode 6+? - ios

I'm trying to create a Table View Cell array and have the name displayed in each table. The tables will look like what you see on the home screen of the Evernote app (shortcut, tags, places, notebooks etc.) and each one will access the next screen when tapped. How do I go about doing this? Novice app developer.
This is an image of the result I'm trying to get.

That is a basic cell with transparent background and other views (and images, layers, etc.) added as subviews.
For the other things I suggest to study how UITableView works and how to push a UIViewController using a UINavigationController.
In general you should study iOS and Objective-C from zero.


How are complex iOS screens made?

I'm trying my first steps in iOS development, and so far my app is going well. However, I've reached the point where simple UITableViews are just not cutting it.
For starters, I have a table view with two sections. I've implemented the method providing each section's title. But when I compare it to, for example, iOS's Settings screen, Apple's style (which I've seen implemented in other apps) looks much better, with better styling in the "section titles" and complex controls in the "table cells":
Now in my app, in some screens I would like to implement something similar to WhatsApp's settings screen. In this case, each "cell" does not have anything very noteworthy layout-wise, but I like the spacing between the different sections:
My last question is: when I am composing a cell, it is very clear to me how to implement a layout, its constraints, etc. Now imagine that I want to show a Table View showing a list of teams, and for each team I want to show the team players underneath, one player by line. It is not yet clear to me how I define layout contraints with an arbitrary number of elements. How would I approach doing this? Grid inside cell?
To sum it all up, my question is: are these screens TableViews with fancy styles and cells and more complex implementations? Or a different View that I am not aware of? Or even an empty canvas that they then compose "by hand"?
For context, I am developing with XCode 9, Swift, on a project with storyboards.
They are custom UITableViewCell cells (like the volume and profile avatar) or standard cell prototypes (WhatsApp settings are UITableViewCellStyleDefault with cell.imageView.image set.

Multiple Photos in slideshow type display within viewController?

I am new to Xcode (started a few days ago).
I'm trying to find a way to get a few photos or videos in a display where the user can scroll or tap through as they desire. There will be multiple viewControllers each with a different set of photos.
Is there any existing UI type data types I can just drag and drop to make this work? Or is this out of range of the capabilities for someone not using code specifically.
I know Java, C, C++, MATLAB, etc. but never have toyed with Objective-C until now. Point being, I should be able to follow any logic you can throw at me, but I'm unfamiliar with the GUI and layout of Xcode as a whole.
This is what I currently have.
This is what I want. Perhaps with functionality to tap to full screen the image or swipe to go to another image. (This image was made with photosop. I don't actually have the picture file in Xcode because I don't know how)
SOLVED: Placed desired images in "Supporting files" content folder inside Xcode. This allowed me to select which photo I want displayed in which ImageView. To fix the proportionality issue where photos in Simulator are far too large, I simply added height and width constraints along with some other centering aspects and got the desired result.
Add UICollectionView in your view and set flow of collection view is horizontal make cell size that you want to keep.
Take a look at UICollectionViewController where you can display multiple cells with embedded views for your images, and consider segueing between them via a UINavigationController.
Edit: Now that you've added screenshots, I'd recommend using a UICollectionView embedded on your subclass of a UIViewController instead of a UICollectionViewController. This should give you more flexibility.

Emulate a table cell without needing a UITableView (re-using standard iOS UI)

I'm creating a settings/edit profile view in my iOS app, which has a mix of text inputs, and cells which simply push a new View Controller onto the Nav Controller stack, ie.
However, to me that looks like a standard UITableViewCell with an image view on the left and an accessory view on the right. Could I leverage this control for my View, without needing to create a whole UITableView? Obviously I could re-create this with UIImageViews and UILabels but I was wondering if there was a better, more efficient way of creating this UI?
I have often implemented such screens easily directly in my storyboards with static cells. Agreed, you need a tableview, but you get all the advantages (e.g. scrolling if the keyboard covers up any cells) practically for free without any additional code. You just write what you would write if you would recreate the interface with labels and image views and such.

drill down UITableView using storyboard in iOS program

I'm trying to develop an iOS app that has drill down UITable View. I got a drill down table view tutorial, but the number of UITableViews is static. What I need is a dynamic one. My requirement is simple. I need to access an FTP Server and get the directory hierarchy (I guess I need to store it in NSDictionary or in an xml file) and display the content in the UITableView. If it is a text file, I need to display it in some view, otherwise I need to display the selected folder's content in the same UITableView, and it goes on till the bottom of the directory hierarchy.
I need to use the storyboard.
I've had to make a something very similar to what your talking about in a previous application I worked on.
In that I created table views inside of table view cells with a button at the top to expand and collapse the view using the cell height.
This worked pretty well but since then I've found the best way to simply programmatically add ui elements to either your table view cells or view.
In both cases I created a management system using parent child architecture to hold your information.
I hope this puts you in the right direction :)

iPad app designing

I need to create an app for ipad.Its something like the contacts app in ipad.(like an open book)
My doubts are whether they are using split view or two different views.
If splitview is used,how could we increase its width and style?
You can tell that they are not using a split view controller by turning the screen vertically: split view moves the master into a popover; contacts simply rotates, without popping the master portion out. I think that they use a single, highly customized, view for the contacts.
The background can be just a chunk of graphic or a picture. On top of that you'd add your own or Apples UI elements.
Each functional area should probably be implemented as a separate subview, ie. the UITableView on the left, the index on the right and so forth.
In your words - implement it as separate views not a split view.
If you want something like that (don't know why you would... the Contacts app is horrible) then you're going to look past the default set of UI elements provided to you by Apple.
UIViewController, UITableView are really the only two things you'd be reusing for something like that.
