Z3: Fixed-size array of strings - z3

I would like to know how I can use type String and declare an array like
String status[3] = {"init", "phase1", "phase2"}.
I am trying to write an algorithm which has N processes and each process can be in the initial phase, phase 1 or phase 2.

Z3 doesn't have string data-types. For the scenario you hint at, it seems unnecessary to have to represent the names of processors by strings. You might get away by simply creating separate variables for each process.


Julia create array of functions with matching arguments to execute in a loop

It's easy to create an array of functions and execute them in a loop.
It's easy to provide arguments in either a corresponding array of the same length or the array could be of tuples (fn, arg).
For 2, the loop is just
for fn_ar in arr # arr is [(myfunc, [1,2,3]), (func2, [10,11,12]), ...]
Here is the problem: the arguments I am using are arrays of very large arrays. In #2, the argument that will be called with the function will be the current value of the array when the arg entry of the tuple is initially created. What I need is to provide the array names as the argument and defer evaluation of the arguments until the corresponding function is run in the loop body.
I could provide the arrays used as input as an expression and eval the expression in the loop to supply the needed arguments. But, eval can't eval in local scope.
What I did that worked (sort of) was to create a closure for each function that captured the arrays (which are really just a reference to storage). This works because the only argument to each function that varies in the loop body turns out to be the loop counter. The functions in question update the arrays in place. The array argument is really just a reference to the storage location, so each function executed in the loop body sees the latest values of the arrays. It worked. It wasn't hard to do. It is very, very slow. This is a known challenge in Julia.
I tried the recommended hints in the performance section of the manual. Make sure the captured variables are typed before they are captured so the JIT knows what they are. No effect on perf. The other hint is to put the definition of the curried function with the data for the closure in let block. Tried this. No effect on perf. It's possible I implemented the hints incorrectly--I can provide a code fragment if it helps.
But, I'd rather just ask the question about what I am trying to do and not muddy the waters with my past effort, which might not be going down the right path.
Here is a small fragment that is more realistic than the above:
Just a couple of functions and arguments:
(affine!, "(dat.z[hl], dat.a[hl-1], nnw.theta[hl], nnw.bias[hl])")
(relu!, "(dat.a[hl], dat.z[hl])")
Of course, the arguments could be wrapped as an expression with Meta.parse. dat.z and dat.a are matrices used in machine learning. hl indexes the layer of the model for the linear result and non-linear activation.
A simplified version of the loop where I want to run through the stack of functions across the model layers:
function feedfwd!(dat::Union{Batch_view,Model_data}, nnw, hp, ff_execstack)
for lr in 1:hp.n_layers
for f in ff_execstack[lr]
So, closures of the arrays is too slow. Eval I can't get to work.
Any suggestions...?
I solved this with the beauty of function composition.
Here is the loop that runs through the feed forward functions for all layers:
for lr in 1:hp.n_layers
for f in ff_execstack[lr]
f(argfilt(dat, nnw, hp, bn, lr, f)...)
The inner function parameter to f called argfilt filters down from a generic list of all the inputs to return a tuple of arguments needed for the specific function. This also takes advantage of the beauty of method dispatch. Note that the function, f, is an input to argfilt. The types of functions are singletons: each function has a unique type as in typeof(relu!), for example. So, without any crazy if branching, method dispatch enables argfilt to return just the arguments needed. The performance cost compared to passing the arguments directly to a function is about 1.2 ns. This happens in a very hot loop that typically runs 24,000 times so that is 29 microseconds for the entire training pass.
The other great thing is that this runs in less than 1/10 of the time of the version using closures. I am getting slightly better performance than my original version that used some function variables and a bunch of if statements in the hot loop for feedfwd.
Here is what a couple of the methods for argfilt look like:
function argfilt(dat::Union{Model_data, Batch_view}, nnw::Wgts, hp::Hyper_parameters,
bn::Batch_norm_params, hl::Int, fn::typeof(affine!))
(dat.z[hl], dat.a[hl-1], nnw.theta[hl], nnw.bias[hl])
function argfilt(dat::Union{Model_data, Batch_view}, nnw::Wgts, hp::Hyper_parameters,
bn::Batch_norm_params, hl::Int, fn::typeof(relu!))
(dat.a[hl], dat.z[hl])
Background: I got here by reasoning that I could pass the same list of arguments to all of the functions: the union of all possible arguments--not that bad as there are only 9 args. Ignored arguments waste some space on the stack but it's teeny because for structs and arrays an argument is a pointer reference, not all of the data. The downside is that every one of these functions (around 20 or so) all need to have big argument lists. OK, but goofy: it doesn't make much sense when you look at the code of any of the functions. But, if I could filter down the arguments just to those needed, the function signatures don't need to change.
It's sort of a cool pattern. No introspection or eval needed; just functions.

How to create a string outside of Erlang that represents a DICT Term?

I want to construct a string in Java that represents a DICT term and that will be passed to an Erlang process for being reflected back as an erlang term ( string-to-term ).
I can achieve this easily for ORDDICT 's, since they are structured as a simple sorted key / value pair in a list of tuples such as : [ {field1 , "value1"} , {field2 , "value2} ]
But, for DICTS, they are compiled into a specific term that I want to find how to reverse-engineer it. I am aware this structure can change over new releases, but the benefits for performance and ease of integration to Java would overcome this. Unfortunately Erlang's JInterface is based on simple data structures. An efficient DICT type would be of great use.
A simple dict gets defined as follows:
D1 = dict:store("field1","AAA",dict:new()).
As it can be seen above, there are some coordinates which I do not understand what they mean ( the numbers 1,16,16,8,80,48 and a set of empty lists, which likely represent something as well.
Adding two other rows (key-value pairs) causes the data to look like:
D3 = dict:store("field3","CCC",D2).
From the above I can notice that:
the first number (3) reppresets the number of items in the DICT.
the second number (16) shows the number of list slots in the first tuple of lists
the third number (16) shows the number of list slots in the second typle of lists, of which the values ended up being placed on ( in the middle ).
the fourth number (8) appears to be the number of slots in the second row of tuples from where the values are placed ( a sort of index-pointer )
the remaining numbers (80 and 48)... no idea...
adding a key "field0" gets placed not in the end but just after "field1"'s data. This indicates the indexing approach.
So the question, is there a way (algorithm) to reliably directly create a DICT string from outside of Erlang ?
The comprehensive specification how dict is implemented can be found simply in the dict.erl sourcecode.
But I'm not sure replicating dict.erl's implementation in Java is worthwhile. This would only make sense if you want a fast dict like data structure that you need to pass often between Java and Erlang code. It might make more sense to use a Key-Value store both from Erlang and Java without passing it directly around. Depending on your application this could be e.g. riak or maybe even connect your different language worlds with RabbitMQ. Both examples are implemented in Erlang and are easily accessible from both worlds.

Erlang: unmarshalling variable length data fields in binary stream

I'm creating an Erlang application that needs to parse a binary TCP stream from a 3rd party program.
One of the types of packets I can receive has data formatted like this:
N_terms *[Flags ( 8 bits ), Type ( 8 bits ), [ optional data ] ].
The problem I have is the optional data is determined by a permutation of all possible
combinations of flags and types. Additionally, depending on the type there is additional optional data associated with it.
If I were to write a parser in an imperative language, I'd simply read in the 2 fields and then have a series of if( ... ) statements where I would read a value and increment my position in the stream. In Erlang, my initial naive assumption is that I would have 2^N function clauses to match byte syntax on the stream, where N is total number of flags + all types with additional optional data.
As it stands, at a minimum I have 3 flags and 1 type that has optional data that I must implement, which would mean I'd have 16 different function clauses to match on the stream.
There must be a better, idiomatic way to do this in Erlang - what am I missing?
I should clarify I do not know the number of terms in advance.
One solution is to take
<<Flag:8/integer, Type:8/integer, Rest/binary>>
and then write a function decode(Flag, Type) which returns a description of what Rest will contain. Now, that description can then be passed to a decoder for Rest which can then use the description given to parse it correctly. A simple solution is to make the description into a list and whenever you decode something off of the stream, you use that description list to check that it is valid. That is, the description acts like your if.. construction.
As for the pointer move, it is easy. If you have a Binary and decode it
<<Take:N/binary, Next/binary>> = Binary,
Next is the moved pointer under the hood you are searching for. So you can just break your binary into pieces like that to obtain the next part to work on.
I would parse it something like:
parse_term(Acc,0,<<>>) -> {ok,Acc};
parse_term(_,0,_) -> {error,garbage};
parse_term(Acc,N,<<Flag:8/integer,Type:8/integer,Rest/binary>>) ->
{Optional,Rest1} = extract_optional(Flag,Type,Rest),

id values of different variables in python 3

I am able to understand immutability with python (surprisingly simple too). Let's say I assign a number to
x = 42
On both counts, the value I get is
My question is, does python interpreter allot ids to all the numbers, alphabets, True/False in the memory before the environment loads? If it doesn't, how are the ids kept track of? Or am I looking at this in the wrong way? Can someone explain it please?
What you're seeing is an implementation detail (an internal optimization) calling interning. This is a technique (used by implementations of a number of languages including Java and Lua) which aliases names or variables to be references to single object instances where that's possible or feasible.
You should not depend on this behavior. It's not part of the language's formal specification and there are no guarantees that separate literal references to a string or integer will be interned nor that a given set of operations (string or numeric) yielding a given object will be interned against otherwise identical objects.
I've heard that the C Python implementation does include a set of the first hundred or so integers as statically instantiated immutable objects. I suspect that other very high level language run-time libraries are likely to include similar optimizations: the first hundred integers are used very frequently by most non-trivial fragments of code.
In terms of how such things are implemented ... for strings and larger integers it would make sense for Python to maintain these as dictionaries. Thus any expression yielding an integer (and perhaps even floats) and strings (at least sufficiently short strings) would be hashed, looked up in the appropriate (internal) object dictionary, added if necessary and then returned as references to the resulting object.
You can do your own similar interning of any sorts of custom object you like by wrapping the instantiation in your own calls to your own class static dictionary.

what the data structure for this?

i was given a set(no duplication then) of binary strings with arbitrary lenght and number, and need to find out if there is any string is the prefix of other string. for small set and string with small length, it's easy, just build a binary tree by read in each string, whenever i find a prefix match, i m done.but with a lots of strings with long length, this method won't be efficient. just wondering what would be the right data structure and algorithm for this one. huffman tree? tries(radix tree)? or anything? thanks.
I would go with a trie. Using a trie, insert all the strings, such that the last node of each string is marked with a flag, then for each string, walk along its path and check if any node on the page has its flag set. If yes, then the string ending at that node is a prefix of the string you're analyzing.
Assuming n = number of strings and k = average length, inserting and analyzing both take O(kn) in total.
A prefix tree (a trie with nodes longer than a single character) might be more efficient, but not as easy to implement.
