How to check if context menu has been closed? - contextmenu

I've been searching to see if there is a way to check whether the context menu in a nw.js app has been closed(if you click away from the menu or on another window, etc so that the menu disappears). I haven't been able to find an answer.
I have it working when clicking off, but not when clicking outside the window(I've tried adding blur and focusout to the event but those didn't do anything):
contextMenu.popup(e.x, e.y);
$( document ).one( "click ", function() {
Any help figuring out how to solve this would be great.

Alright, figured it out, had to include this;
var win = gui.Window.get();
win.on('blur', function() {


Using jQuery-mobile popup as context menu

I am using jQuery mobile popups as context menu fired on right click on desktops and taphold on mobile devices.
My problem: when I right click, the popup appears - it works fine. But when the popup is open and i right click outside of popup, the popup is closed and the standard browser context menu appears instead of new popup.
The popup create a new layer (its class is ".ui-popup-screen" ) under itself to catch events, but something like
$(".ui-popup-screen").on("click", function(event) {
return false;
does not work.
Any ideas how to fix it?
i like to write like follow pattern.
// prevent default contextmenu and trigger as 'custom-contextmenu'
.bind("contextmenu",function(e) {
// create and show menu
$("#myElementWithPopupContextMenu").trigger( "custom-contextmenu" );
// context menu handler
$("#myElementWithPopupContextMenu").bind( "custom-contextmenu", function(e) {
// my context menu

Jquery UI Tool Tip Trigger with Delayed Release

I am trying to use the jQuery Tool tip function and from the examples I am having issues altering the code for the function I am after.
I have several coulored Circle area maps that I want a tool tip to pop up from when one is clicked on.
The following function works but it also pops up a tool tip when mousing over the element. Then when you click on it another tool tip pops up.
So What I need, is to change the function to only pop up "on click" and then to fade away after a few seconds.
$(function() {
var tooltips = $( "[title]" ).tooltip();
$( "#01-001" ).click(function() {
tooltips.tooltip( "open" );
<area id="01-001" shape="circle" coords="99,71,10" href="#" alt="01-001" data-maphilight='{"stroke":false,"fillColor":"FF0000","fillOpacity":1,"alwaysOn":true}' title="Tool Tip Messgae." />
Thanks Guys.
The simplest solution would be to wait until the click event to instantiate the tooltip. You're getting them on hover because you instantiated them all at once.
There's a detailed answer by here.

Can I temporarily supress the 'Copy Paste' dialog on iPad for a taphold event? (phonegap / jquery mobile)

I have a screen in my app where I would like users to have to taphold a div instead of just tap.
The only problem is that about every third time, the copy/paste ipad dialog pops up... this is annoying and if I cannot stop it, I will have to come up with a different solution.
But I would really like to just turn that iPad option off, but just while on that page.
I found out you have to disable right-clicking.
document.oncontextmenu = function() {return false;};
if ( e.button == 2 )
alert('Right mouse button!');
return false;
return true;
I'm guessing this isn't possible since I received no answers yet... I just changed the event to swipe as opposed to tapHold which works just as good for me.

jQuery accordion w/input, how do you get the input to not close the accordion & still be able to control it?

This is more of a proof of concept for myself, to fool around and learn what I can and can't do with jQuery, and I have had partial success.
I created an accordion that contains two spans, which serve as name and description, as well as a button that is independently click-able (ie, it does not open or close the accordion.)
Taking that concept, I decided to try and make the name and description editable by turning the name and description spans into text inputs / text areas, which worked fairly well.
The problem however is that when I take the same technique I used on the button and use it on the input and textarea, clicking it does not allow you to move the cursor to different positions. There does not seem to be a way for me to get around this behavior.
I tried event.preventDefault(), which does not work at all.
I tried event.stopPropagation(), which gives the partially working behavior.
and I tried return false, which worked the same way as stopPropagation.
I was wondering if anyone could provide any insight on this issue.
I included the jQuery javascript below, but for a much more concise example I will provide a jsfiddle link here ( which gives you a much more clear example of what I am doing. Note that when you click the accordion to expand it, the spans are hidden and inputs are shown. Clicking the inputs does not close the accordion, but it also does not allow you to position the cursor.
Also, if you do attempt to change the text in the inputs, closing the accordion does indeed update the spans which is the intended result. This is why I am saying my concept partially works.
Thank you.
$(function() {
header: 'h3',
collapsible: true,
active: false,
change: function(event, ui) {
var id = ui.newHeader.find('input:last').val();
ui.newHeader.find('div.headerContainer textarea.desc').val(ui.newHeader.find('div.headerContainer span.desc').text());
ui.oldHeader.find('div.headerContainer span.desc').text(ui.oldHeader.find('div.headerContainer textarea.desc').val());
ui.newHeader.find('div.headerContainer span').hide();
ui.newHeader.find('div.headerContainer input, div.headerContainer textarea').show();
ui.oldHeader.find('div.headerContainer span').show();
ui.oldHeader.find('div.headerContainer input, div.headerContainer textarea').hide();
$(', textarea.desc').click(function(event){
icons: {primary: 'ui-icon-trash'},
text: false
}).click(function(event) {
//Display user friendly text
return false;
If someone is facing this issue, this is a little trick that worked for me.
PROBLEM: nested jquery accordions with input/textareas elements, cannot gain focus with normal click in Firefox (if you use jquery accordions with NO nested accordions on it, everything works fine). Confirmed by above users.
The sympton relates only to normal click (left click). If you try optional click (right click), the element (input/textarea) WILL gain focus. Weird.
SOLUTION: Just declare this in your document ready function
$(function() {
//some code ...
$("input, textarea").click( function(){
$("input, textarea").blur();
//more code ...
Confirmed (by me) working on IExplorer, Firefox and Chrome.
Seems to work fine in Chrome. This might be browser dependent.
"Clicking the inputs does not close the accordion, but it also does not allow you to position the cursor"
Also fine in Chrome.

JQuery UI Dialog Issue: Close removes the div

I want to show a popup screen on my page using JQuery UI Dialog widget.
To implement this I have a <div class="popup-placeholder"> on my page. Actually there are more than one on the page (If this makes a difference to the solution)
On click of a button, I am initializing the dialog and 'open'ing it. The initialization of the popup is inside the action click because it is supposed to make an Ajax call to get the content of the popup. (I tried taking the initialization out of the click event, but that did not work $('div.popup-placeholder').dialog(); )
var popupContext = $('#' + + ' > .popup-placeholder');
bgiframe: true,
modal: true,
autoOpen: false,
closeOnEscape: false,
dialogClass: '',
draggable: true,
position: 'center',
resizable: false,
width: 600
On click of the action button, the form shows and does what it is supposed to.
Now, I have a close link on the popup WHICH IS NOT A DIALOG BUTTON, but just another link with an event binded to it.
It does this...
where #popup-placeholder-61 is the same as $(popupContext)
The problem I am facing now is that, on close of the popup, the same action button does not show the popup again. The issues seems to be that the <div class="popup-placeholder"> has been removed from the mark-up.
I tried the solutions on the following page but did not help -
Jquery Dialog Close on StackOverflow
So, I need more help
After struggling a bit, i came up with a best solution. Please use below line instead of dialog('close')
This will allow div to retain its position
My issue has been resolved, but I will be looking into why my earlier approach did not work.
What I was doing earlier was that I had multiple place-holders with different IDs, and I was making only one of them the dialog. I used some Jquery selectors to select the appropriate div for the dialog box and had issues as described above.
The only change I did now is that I have a single div which acts as the placeholder. And that now works. It also initialized fine outside my event.
So, maybe it was something to do with my selectors? I will try more and if I find something will post it as a follow up.
Try taking the initialization code out of the click event it may be that by trying to rebind everything again it's failing to pop the dialog open with the second click ... I had a similar problem which I "resolved" by creating the the markup for the dialog every time the dialog was to be opened.
The ajax bit of your problem is not hold back for you to take the initialization out of the click event, just load your ajax content on the click event and show the dialog with dialog('open').
The main problem was that I was looking for the dialog div in the wrong place.
See this post for more details ...
Jquery Dialog - div disappears after initialization
