Drop and create database in BootStrap - grails

I want to know if there is a way to drop and create database manually. I want to execute this code in the init method of BootStrap.groovy.
I am aware that we can set the dataSource to create-drop mode to achieve this when the application starts but I still want to have some sort of manual way to do this.
What I want to do is to clear my database and reload it with some dummy data while my app is running.

You can have a dbManager script which will hold your manually customizing code.
Use below code into your BootStrap.groovy file to call your script.
It also runs based on your environment.
def dbManager =("grails -Dgrails.env="+Environment.currentEnvironment+" run-script scripts/dbManager.groovy").execute()
dbManager.waitForProcessOutput( System.out, System.err )


Execute informix content from file

I need to execute a script (Informix code) in a .sql file for migration purposes. The thing is, I want to load it from a function to be able to use the exception, therefore being able to do a rollback in case of an error.
So, this is the code (still experimenting):
DEFINE lv_execute lvarchar(32739);
DEFINE li_errnum, li_eisam INT;
DEFINE lv_errtxt CHAR(200);
ON EXCEPTION SET li_errnum, li_eisam, lv_errtxt
CALL regista_log('script_migration', get_session_user(), li_errnum, lv_errtxt);
CALL set_isolation_level();
LET lv_execute = 'LOAD FROM ''C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\ConstaWeb_Stuff\test.sql'' DELIMITER ''+'' INSERT INTO SCRIPT_MIGRATION_TEMP_TABLE;';
That's because we apparently can't execute the load command inside functions. So I'm trying to execute it. But I'm not getting it right, apparently...
The objective here is to execute the script (not a shell command script! it's an Informix script, like creates, loads, unloads, drops...) on a file. I'm open to other ways of doing this.
I'm relatively new to Informix so I'm sure there is still a lot I don't know about it.
As already noted, the LOAD command is not a command recognized by the Informix server. Client products emulate an SQL statement by recognizing the syntax and reading the file and executing appropriate SQL statements. Changing the way you (try to) execute it in a function executing in the server will not help.
Using a shell script instead may help.
If you're migrating an existing Informix database to a new location (machine, version of Informix), then using DB-export and DB-Import may be a good way to go.
The DB-Access command is the 'standard' way to execute scripts from a shell script. You'd need to ensure you set the DBACCNOIGN environment variable to 1. That will then stop if there's an error during the LOAD and rollback the transaction. There's also the DB-Load command, but it will be harder to rollback DDL statements since it does not handle those.
Alternatively, you might find my SQLCMD* program useful — though it too isn't perfect. However, unlike DB-Access, it allows you to control which statements can generate errors that are ignored and which are not (continue [on|off|push|pop]; before and after as appropriate).
With careful packaging, you can use it to create your migration, assuming the DB-Export and DB-Import won't do the job for you automatically.
* You may have to subscribe to the IIUG to get at this. The registration is not onerous, and neither is the email load.

Symfony 1: Dynamic database connection configuration

sorry to trouble you this much. I just want to know that is it possible to have a dynamic data in the database.yml file. This is to be able shift my connection whenever i want to to other database. If it is possible, can you please elaborate how its done, what is the involve processes and why it is needed.
I would say it is not possible to have something like variables inside the databases.yml files without using dirty tricks on the command line etc. But you can define multiple databases (as for testing) or you can load the databases.yml at runtime,
$file = sfConfig::get('sf_config_dir').'/databases.yml';
$content = file_get_contents($file);
and change it with a preg_replace for the dsn. This should work but I would really not use it.

How Do I Prevent Migration from Attempting to Drop a View?

I have a view created that I'm binding to a domain-class.
How do I get database-migration to ignore this view so it doesn't attempt to drop it every time dbm-gorm-diff is ran?
You can use the ignoredObjects config setting (docs here), e.g.
grails.plugin.databasemigration.ignoredObjects = ['dont_drop_me_bro']

Creating temp table with PID in ESQL/C

I am using ESQL/C code to provide backend support for a UI, connecting to an Informix database. I am creating temp table inside my code. But, I guess that if multiple users use this UI at the same time then temp table might already exist in the database which can create problem. So, can someone suggest if I can create temp table with PID as suffix inside my ESQL/C code
create temp table tabname_PID (name char(10));
In shell script I generally use tabname_$$.
You can create the table with the PID embedded in it, but it isn't necessary. Any temporary table is only visible in the session that creates it, so you can use the same table name in each session (separate but concurrently executing ESQL/C program) without any fear of conflict.
If, despite the reassurances that it is unnecessary, you still want to do it, then you'll have to PREPARE and EXECUTE (or DECLARE, OPEN, FETCH, CLOSE) the statements from a string:
snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "CREATE TEMP TABLE tabname_%d(name CHAR(10))", (int)getpid());
or use EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (which is the obvious winner here):
You will also then have to prepare all the queries; one distinct advantage of using the fixed-name temporary table is that you don't have to prepare everything that references the temp table if you don't want to (though there are often advantages to using PREPARE etc).
You don't have to use $$ in shell scripts either, for the same reason — temporary tables are private to a session.

I just want to call some specific function in my Lua script. How to do that?

I just want to call some specific function in my Lua script.
A simple script:
function showamsgbox()
I just want to let my C app call showamsgbox() only but not to run msg("hello") beacuse it will show a msgbox when i load this script! So how to do that to keep this situation away?
PS:it is just example.sometimes i want to let users make thier own plugins in my program.but I do not want them write something outside the functions(i want to use functions to decide what to do.for example function OnLoad() means it will be run when i load it ).If there is something outside functions i cannot control them!
You can't. The script defines two variables when run: a and geta. Recall that function geta()...end is the same as geta=function()...end.
The a = 9 will be called when the script is initially evaluated in a lua_State.
If you reuse that lua_State instance, you can retrieve the function and invoke it without re-initializing a.
It seems that you want to sandbox scripts. Just give them a suitable, separate environment before running them. It may be an empty one or it may contain references to the functions you want them to use. They can write at will in their environment and it will not affect yours. Then just get the value of OnLoad or whatever user function you want to call and call it.
