XCode 6.3.2 View is not shown in storyboard - ios

I have a simple view controller that have a UIImageview as background view.I add it from storyboard. It is shown well before.
But,I open this project today and find that the imageView just disappear in storyboard.
I also notice that the imageview become gray in here
The answer
I setup this project in one size class but I see it in other.

Select the hidden view from the right panel (the one with Stars name), go to the attribute inspector and check if the view is installed in the current size class.


Label in tableview header doesn't appear on ipad but on iphone

in my universal app I have an UITableViewController embedded in a UINavigationController. When I add a UIView to the top of the tableView and insert a UILabel which is centered in the container, the label is only visible on iPhone but not on iPad.
I tried creating a new testapp, only consisting of these two controllers, the view and the label. It works on both, iPhone and iPad. So I added two new controllers to my app in the same way and made the navigation controller the initial view controller. Label is visible on iPhone but not on iPad.
For me it seems, that I have changed some global settings in the app; on another view I have similar problems with stackViews, but I first concentrate on this "simple" problem...
Any ideas what might be wrong in my app-settings?
tableViewController embedded in navigationController
Take a UIViewController embedded in a UINavigationController. Add View, Label, and TableView and check it
Ok. Now I know what was the problem. Never have checked, what's going on with those size classes.
During development I changed from any/any to a smaller size, not knowing, that this is not only taking effect on the layout in the storyboard. Everything I added after changing did'nt show on iPad.
Solution: Select storyboard, in "File Inspector", uncheck "Use Size Classes"

Controls get blurry and hidden in storyboard in xcode

My controls got blurry when saw in hierarchy of view controllers of storyboard and hidden from actual view controller but when i run the code they are showing well on the simulator and real device. Please help me that how i can re-activate or show my hidden controls and they are also not hidden by inspector.
Please see the image : http://i.stack.imgur.com/EzPkK.png
It is because those views are not made in the size class any-any. Change the size class at the bottom to the one you originally created when you designed those views and they will appear normal again.

XCode can't fix landscape orientation layout in storyboard

I have a simple linear chain of UIViewControllers.
The first one has a show segue to a NavigationViewController, then it goes on the same way with all the others.
When I switch from wCompact-hRegular to wRegular-hCompact to fix the landscape layouts the first viewcontroller doesn't allow me to do anything. The tree diagram at the left side of the storyboard screen shows the views but they are not written in black. They are transparent. Even if I select them and put the coordinates or dimensions nothing happens. There are only a button and a label. Others Controllers are all ok, they can be fixed. What is happening to the first one?
With XCode 6 you can add views, that are only visible in the selected size class (f.e. Compact + Compact). When you change to a different size class the views are disabled. To fix this navigate to the attributes inspector and select installed for any class sizes.

layout views in slide menu in iOS

I am using SWRevealViewController as a slide menu in iOS. When I created the rear viewcontroller (the slide menu) a xib file was created with .m and .h files. I do not use autolayout and set the simulated metrics size as None.
The view seems all right when slide in and out on iPhone except that when the view is presented on iPad I want the positions of the menus to also change as the view becomes bigger but it doesn't.
Originally the view is as the image below shows:
In order to move the "settings" menu to the bottom I have made changes to the view settings of "settings image", "settings button" and the extra UIImageView as below:
but I want the settings menu to also locate at the bottom of the view just like it is now on iPhone. How can I do that?
I have used "Masonry" library to sort this out.
It is pretty amazing.
Check out Masonry from GitHub

Toolbar not showing

I have created an interface using interface builder with a tabBarController. This tabBar controller has three viewControllers. There is a problem with the last one, that displays an image View and a toolBar on top of the screen. The toolbar contains two buttons and a label. Sometimes, when there is an image, it doesn't appear.Any idea why ?
Here are some snapshots:
After the change Douglas advised me:
You may have a restraint between the imageview and the toolbar so that when the image view is displayed it pushes the toolbar up to high and you can't see it. I would check the restraints and adjust. Hope this helps.
