Thumbnail height & width not being returned - youtube-api

When performing a search request to the API, the height & width fields of the thumbnails are not included in the response, even when specified in the fields parameter. Here's an example for a JS object that provides the API parameters:
part: 'snippet',
type: 'video',
order: 'relevance',
q: 'test',
fields: 'items(snippet(thumbnails(high(url,height,width))))'
Which translates into the following request URL:{YOUR_API_KEY}
This call yields the following response without the width or height of the thumbnails.
"items": [
"snippet": {
"thumbnails": {
"high": {
"url": ""
"snippet": {
"thumbnails": {
"high": {
"url": ""
"snippet": {
"thumbnails": {
"high": {
"url": ""
"snippet": {
"thumbnails": {
"high": {
"url": ""
"snippet": {
"thumbnails": {
"high": {
"url": ""
This similarly does not work for the default or medium thumbnail keys either.
How can these fields be retrieved?

The search endpoint won't return those details. You'll have to take the IDs returned from the search and do another API call to the videos endpoint for the snippet. For instance{VIDEO_ID}&key={YOUR_API_KEY}

As per Youtube Date API (v3) Search Method returns as per document but its not working properly.
Now you should try alternative method by the API call of Video.
VIDEO_ID = Return by Search API
YOUR_API_KEY = Google Project API key
Try it
part : 'snippet',
type : 'video',
q: 'test',
key: 'XXXXXXX'},
function(data) {
$.each( data.items, function( i, item ) {
pid =;
//Get Videos
function getVids(pid){
part : 'snippet',
id : pid,
key: 'XXXXXXXX'},
function(data) {
//Code whatever you want


Youtube CommentThreads api Insert not working

I'm trying to Use Youtube api v3 to comment on video and getting this error but my request data is correct according to documentation.
Here is my code.
Using oauth the code setting access_token like this
var channelId = "UCq-Fj5jknLsUf-MWSy4_brA";
var request = Youtube.commentThreads.insert({
"part": [
"resource": {
"snippet": {
"videoId": "qfuFeUnAm8E",
"topLevelComment": {
"snippet": {
"textOriginal": "best video"
"channelId": channelId
}, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.log(err, 'errerrerr')
if (data) {
console.log(data, 'datadata');
This is the error i'm getting in return
errors: [
message: "The API server failed to successfully process the request. While this can be a transient error, it usually indicates that the request's input is invalid. Check the structure of the <code>commentThread</code> resource in the request body to ensure that it is valid.",
domain: 'youtube.commentThread',
reason: 'processingFailure',
location: 'body',
locationType: 'other'
This is the authentication or authorization code generating everytime
"tokens": {
"access_token": "[redacted]",
"scope": "",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expiry_date": 1655195240477
I think you should consider testing out your insert in the try me The object you have created doesnt look right at all.
You should consult comments resource for the proper format of the body.
<script src=""></script>
* Sample JavaScript code for youtube.comments.insert
* See instructions for running APIs Explorer code samples locally:
function authenticate() {
return gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance()
.signIn({scope: ""})
.then(function() { console.log("Sign-in successful"); },
function(err) { console.error("Error signing in", err); });
function loadClient() {
return gapi.client.load("")
.then(function() { console.log("GAPI client loaded for API"); },
function(err) { console.error("Error loading GAPI client for API", err); });
// Make sure the client is loaded and sign-in is complete before calling this method.
function execute() {
"resource": {
"snippet": {
"videoId": "qfuFeUnAm8E",
"channelId": "UCq-Fj5jknLsUf-MWSy4_brA"
.then(function(response) {
// Handle the results here (response.result has the parsed body).
console.log("Response", response);
function(err) { console.error("Execute error", err); });
gapi.load("client:auth2", function() {
gapi.auth2.init({client_id: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"});
<button onclick="authenticate().then(loadClient)">authorize and load</button>
<button onclick="execute()">execute</button>

ADP API Update Worker Information

I am trying to make updates within the ADP Worker API, though I keep getting "403: Invalid Scope" for the error. I am using this reference guide, specifically the People > Personal Information > Personal Profile > Contact > Add Home Phone section.
I can interact with the API through GET requests, though I am unable to POST. I am using the URL:
Body Payload:
"events": [
"data": {
"eventContext": {
"worker": {
"associateOID": "exampleID123123"
"transform": {
"worker": {
"person": {
"communication": {
"landline": {
"areaDialing": "240",
"dialNumber": "4567896"
"links": []
"response": {
"responseCode": 403,
"methodCode": "POST",
"resourceUri": {
"href": "/events/hr/v1/worker.personal-communication.landline.add"
"serverRequestDateTime": "2021-09-09T18:26:44.607Z",
"applicationCode": {
"code": 403,
"typeCode": "error",
"message": "Invalid Scope"
"client_ip_adddress": "",
"adp-correlationID": "xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx"
Any suggestions? Thank you in advance!
After some searching, I believe the answer to my initial question is that we are required to contact our ADP representative to add the ability to hit the Event API. We only had access to the Worker API, which allowed successful calls previously.

Is there a way to replace URL Link of Text in Google Docs API?

I started exploring Google Docs API in Python. It does pretty much everything I want it to do except for one thing.
I can replace the text of a document but I can't change the value of the hyperlinks.
Meaning if a link looks like this : a link, I can change the value of the text a link but not the target URL.
I've been going through the documentation but I can't find anything about it. Could it be a missing feature or am I missing the way to do that?
You can modify the hyperlink using UpdateTextStyleRequest of the batchupdate method in Google Docs API. At this time, please set the property of Link of TextStyle.
POST{file ID}:batchUpdate
Request body:
"requests": [
"updateTextStyle": {
"textStyle": {
"link": {
"url": "https://sampleUrl" # Please set the modified URL here.
"range": {
"startIndex": 1,
"endIndex": 2
"fields": "link"
From your question, I could understand that you have already used Google Docs API and you can modify the text of the link text. I think that you can modify the link using above request body and the script you have.
If this was not useful for your situation, I apologize.
You want to retrieve the text with the hyperlink.
From your reply comment, I could understand like above. When my understanding is correct, you can retrieve it using documents.get method. In this case, when fields is used, the response become to easily read.
GET{file ID}?fields=body(content(paragraph(elements(endIndex%2CstartIndex%2CtextRun(content%2CtextStyle%2Flink%2Furl)))))
In this endpoint, body(content(paragraph(elements(endIndex,startIndex,textRun(content,textStyle/link/url))))) is used as fields.
Sample response:
For example, when the following texts are put in a Google Document and def has a hyperlink,
The response is as follows. From the following result, you can retrieve the position of text with the hyperlink can be retrieved. Using this, you can modify the hyperlink.
"body": {
"content": [
"paragraph": {
"elements": [
"startIndex": 1,
"endIndex": 5,
"textRun": {
"content": "abc\n",
"textStyle": {}
"paragraph": {
"elements": [
"startIndex": 5,
"endIndex": 8,
"textRun": {
"content": "def",
"textStyle": {
"link": {
"url": "https://sample/"
"startIndex": 8,
"endIndex": 9,
"textRun": {
"content": "\n",
"textStyle": {}
batchUpdate requires to know position of text, we can get document with all content and find positions of links
In my case I implement it as:
Copy template to new place with final name
Replace link texts and other parts of text
Get document
Find links positions in doc
Update link URLs
Here example in nodejs
const {google, docs_v1} = require('googleapis');
async function replaceInDoc(doc) {
let documentId = 'some doc id'
let auth = 'auth value for user'
let linkNewUrl = ''
google.options({auth: auth})
var docs = new docs_v1.Docs({}, google)
// document should have link with text, we will update it
var requests = [
replaceAllText: {
containsText: {
text: '',
matchCase: true,
replaceText: linkNewUrl,
var updateRes = await docs.documents.batchUpdate({
documentId: documentId,
resource: {
requests: requests,
var docInfo = await docs.documents.get({documentId: documentId})
var linkPos = findLinksInDoc(docInfo)
// set new url to link by position of link in the document
var requests = [
updateTextStyle: {
textStyle: {
link: {
url: linkNewUrl
range: {
startIndex: linkPos[linkNewUrl][0],
endIndex: linkPos[linkNewUrl][1]
fields: "link"
var updateRes = await docs.documents.batchUpdate({
documentId: documentId,
resource: {
requests: requests,
// returns hash as { '': [startPosition, endPosition] }
function findLinksInDoc(doc) {
var links = {} => {
if (section.paragraph) {
section.paragraph.elements.forEach(element => {
if (element.textRun && {
links[element.textRun.content] = [element.startIndex, element.endIndex]
return links

Multiple Invideo promotion using YouTube api

I have to update multiple invideo promotion details for a particular channel.
My request is as follows:
var requestOptions={
part: 'invideoPromotion',
onBehalfOfContentOwner: 'contentOwner',
id: channelId,
invideoPromotion: {
"defaultTiming": {
"offsetMs": 2000,
"type": "offsetFromStart"
"items": [
"promotedByContentOwner": true,
"duration" : 5000,
"videoId": videoid1,
"type": "video"
"promotedByContentOwner": true,
"duration" : 5000,
"videoId": videoId2,
"type": "video"
"position": {
"type": "corner",
"cornerPosition": "topLeft"
var request =;
request.execute(function (response) {});
But when i try to execute this, I am getting error
0: {error:{code:500}, id:gapiRpc}
error: {code:500}
code: 500
id: "gapiRpc"
Even When I try to do this using the youtube api explorer ,
I am getting Internal server Error.
Can somebody let me know where I am going wrong.
You cannot promote more than one video. I also tried the same but getting an error "exceeded the number of promoted items". So you can only promote one video at a time.

Getting title and description of embedded YouTube video

On a site I'm developing I embed videos from YouTube and want to get the video title and its description.
How do I get that information?
You can do it with oembed.
Youtube API V2.0 has been deprecated. It shows some wrong value for title "" . pLease switch on to API V3.0
YOu can refer the following PHP code and modify yours in js or jquery as per your needs..
function youtube_title($id) {
$id = 'YOUTUBE_ID';
// returns a single line of JSON that contains the video title. Not a giant request.
$videoTitle = file_get_contents("".$id."&key=YOUR_API_KEY&fields=items(id,snippet(title),statistics)&part=snippet,statistics");
// despite # suppress, it will be false if it fails
if ($videoTitle) {
$json = json_decode($videoTitle, true);
return $json['items'][0]['snippet']['title'];
} else {
return false;
Jquery code to get the title-
$.getJSON('{VIDEOID}&key={YOUR API KEY}&part=snippet&callback=?',function(data){
if (typeof(data.items[0]) != "undefined") {
console.log('video exists ' + data.items[0].snippet.title);
} else {
console.log('video not exists');
To get the DESCRIPTION element, you need to access the gdata version of the video's info, and you can return json using alt=json on the path. In this case, oHg5SJYRHA0 is the video ID, found at the end of the url of the video you're working with on YouTube, e.g.
(the prettyprint is formatting to make that easy to read, you don't need it for what you're doing)
You can grab the JSON, add it into a variable and access it using jQuery:
var youTubeURL = '';
var json = (function() {
var json = null;
'async': false,
'global': false,
'url': youTubeURL,
'dataType': "json",
'success': function(data) {
json = data;
return json;
Then access it using object notation:
alert("Title: " + json.entry.title.$t +"\nDescription:\n " +$$description.$t + "\n");
gdata is no longer available
you can use the following instead
I read this topic a bit in delay.
I did something like this using jSON and YT API's
$json = json_decode( file_get_contents("".$rs['vid']."?v=2&prettyprint=true&alt=jsonc") );
Note: $rs['vid'] is the video ID dinamically retrived from my DB.
Once you put the contents in the handle $json you can retrive like this:
use var_dump( $json ) to view all values you can access.
I'd start by taking a look at Youtube Data API to get what you want:
GData is deprecated, but one can still get the video description by calling this endpoint:[video_id]&key=[api_key]
It will return a response of the form:
"kind": "youtube#videoListResponse",
"etag": "\"...\"",
"pageInfo": {
"totalResults": 1,
"resultsPerPage": 1
"items": [
"kind": "youtube#video",
"etag": "\"...\"",
"id": "...",
"snippet": {
"publishedAt": "...",
"channelId": "...",
"title": "...",
"description": "...",
"thumbnails": { ... },
"channelTitle": "...",
"tags": [ ... ],
"categoryId": "...",
"liveBroadcastContent": "...",
"localized": {
"title": "...",
"description": "..."
"defaultAudioLanguage": "..."
The description can be found at items.localized.description.
