JIRA jql to get all users who have touched a ticket - jira

I had been trying to get the list of all issues who had been assigned to some one else at some time and changed at present
I had tried this piece of code
assignee was "UserA" and assignee != "UserA"
It would return all issues that this user had previously been assigned.But how can i get all issues from all users.Something similar to this
assignee was "AllUsers" and assignee != "AllUsers"

To get all the issues where the assignee has changed then you could do:
assignee changed
However I don't believe there is a way that you can do a JQL to search for all issues where a user was assigned to it but no longer is short of creating your on JIRA plugin that adds a JQL function.


Jira / Cards assigned to a user in a given timeframe

We use Jira extensively in our project, and I am attempting to create some custom reports which should list all cards assigned to a user within a given timeframe.
For example: Get all cards I worked on in August 2014.
Is that even possible without direct DB access?
P.S. I have tried playing with the update timestamp, yet it will then also list cards which were assigned to me anytime but not necessarily in the timeframe I am interested in. This will NOT work -->
assignee = currentUser() and updated > "2014/08/01" and updated < "2014/10/31"
Should be like:
assignee was currentUser() DURING ("2014/08/01", "2014/10/31")
From looking at the Advanced Searching documents.

Jira - JQL "WAS" Operator

Im trying to search for all the issues assigned to an user, but no results are being returned and i cant figure out why.
My JQL is the following:
project = MYPROJECT and assignee was joaoalves
In the docs it says:
The "WAS" operator is used to find issues that currently have, or previously had, the specified value for the specified field.
(Note: This operator can be used with the Assignee, Fix Version, Priority, Reporter, Resolution and Status fields only.)
I have an issue assigned to the user joaoalves, but when i search with the JQL above no issues are returned.
But if run the following JQL the issue is returned:
project = MYPROJECT and assignee = joaoalves
Am i missing anything?
It works in my instance, and return issues that currently or previously assign to me. Which version of JIRA are you using?
Assignee was will return the issues which were previously assignee to tat user and current tickets which are present on that user.
Try in conjunction with the "DURING" clause and specify a timeframe. Like this -
project = MYPROJECT and assignee was joaoalves DURING ('2017-04-16 23:59', '2017-04-19 23:59')
See: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jiracore/blog/2015/07/search-jira-like-a-boss-with-jql
The was operator is looking for issues where the assignee was joaoalves but is currently not that user.

How do I query Jira to search for all issues in a project for which no user has logged work in last week?

I need a way to get all the issues (which are not resolved or closed) of a particular project for which no user has logged work in last week.
For example, let's say I have a project = 'abc' with five issues 'i1', 'i2', 'i3', 'i4' and 'i5' and there are two users 'u1' and 'u2' who can log work in these issues.
Last week - 'u1' logged work in issues 'i2' and 'u2' logged work in issues 'i2' and 'i3'.
So the desired result is - 'i1' and 'i4'.
Something like
project = ABC and status not in (Resolved, Closed) and worklogDate > startOfDay(-7)
should work.
You can do this by installing the Script Runner plugin and using JQL to query for workLogged information:
project=ABC and status not in (Resolved, Closed) and issuefunction not in worklogged("after -7d")
If you need to do fancier queries based on the attributes of the users and so forth, see the commented() documentation for reference.

Jira Quick-filter to show all task with subtasks assigned to current user

Currently, I have a quick filter to show me my task that does this:
assignee = currentUser()
This works ok, but doesn't show me tasks that are assigned to someone else, but have subtasks assigned to me. Is it possible to make it show me both tasks assigned to me, and tasks that have subtasks assigned to me?
Create a filter for all of your subtask from the following JQL:
issuetype in subtaskIssueTypes() and assignee = currentUser()
Then, using Craftforge JQL Functions Plugin, use the following JQL to find their parents:
issue in parentIssuesFromFilter("filter name or its id")
The following query will return all parent tasks, which have sub-tasks assigned to the current user. (The parent task need not be assigned to current user)
issueFunction in parentsOf("assignee = currentUser() ")
Note: issueFunction requires the ScriptRunner plugin and it's not free.
In addition to #Kuf's answer, it's sometimes much simpler to write the whole thing in one query especially with Swimlanes or Quick-Filters in Greenhopper, rather than creating and saving custom filter.
For instance, to show Un-finished Issues or Sub-tasks in one quick-filter on Greenhopper:
status!=Closed or issue in parentIssuesFromQuery("issuetype in subtaskIssueTypes() AND status!=Closed ")
Navigate to Issues (in header) > Search for issues, then enter your search criteria.

List all JIRA tasks that are not blocked by other tasks

Using JIRA 4.4.3,
I've created a filter that list all the tasks that:
- The current user is assigned to;
- are Open;
- are not blocked by any other task.
To make it clear: the task that are ready for a user to work on.
We've installed the Craftforge JQL Functions plugin, and I've come with the following JQL query:
assignee = currentUser()
AND status in (Open)
AND issue NOT IN linkedIssuesFromFilter("All Issues", "Blocks", "Outward")
The problem is that when an issue that was blocking another issue is resolved, the "Blocks" link still exist -- and I don't want to delete it. But my query doesn't check if the linked issue is closed/resolved or not.
How can I add a condition "inside the IN statement" that will only return queries that are blocking the current task AND that are still OPEN.
Use this clause from http://www.j-tricks.com/jqlt-links-functions.html:
issue not in linkedIssuesInQuery("status = Open", "is blocked by")
If you have the ScriptRunner add-on, you can use it to do this:
resolution = unresolved AND assignee = currentUser() AND (issueFunction in linkedIssuesOf("resolution is not empty", blocks) OR issueFunction not in hasLinks("is blocked by"))
I've created a new filter named "All active issues" that list all issues that are open, in progress or re-openned.
And I've used that new filter in my query instead of "All Issues".
Seems solved :)
