detect enter on a memo in Delphi - delphi

hi i am doing a command shell using a memo in Delphi , the problem is to detect the last line written and read the command I need to know how to detect the enter key on a memo.
as I can detect the enter key on a memo ?

In the OnKeypress event you can check for certain keys and handle them as you wish yourself. The enter key is one of these keys.
procedure TForm1.Memo1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
ENTER = #13;
case Key of
ENTER : begin
// Do something
By default a TMemo has the WantReturns property set to TRUE. This means that as well as any response to the key press that you might implement in your code, the TMemo will still also receive the key event and add a new line to the content of the memo.
If you do not want this then you can either:
Set WantReturns = FALSE. you will still get the KeyPress
event for the enter key, but the memo will not add new lines in
response (they can still be added if the user presses Ctrl +
Keep WantReturns = TRUE but set Key to the value #0 for any key
events which you want to suppress (i.e. prevent from reaching the
memo control).
An example of this latter approach might look something like this:
NO_KEY = #0;
ENTER = #13;
case Key of
ENTER : begin
// Do something
if NOT AddNewLine then
Key := NO_KEY;
NOTE: The OnKeyPress event only allows you to respond to a subset of key events, specifically those that correspond to CHAR type values (although this does include some non-printing characters such as Tab and Backspace, for example).
If you want or need to detect the state of a wider range of non-character keys or to reliably handle key combinations such as Ctrl+Key or Shift+Key then you will need to query the state of those modifier keys. However, by the time you are responding to the key event, the state of the modifier keys may have changed and a better approach in that case is to use an alternate event which provides a greater range of key events, including the state of the Shift keys (and Control keys) at the time of the key event itself, such as OnKeyDown.

You can use OnKeyDown event, for example:
procedure TForm.Memo1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
Shift: TShiftState);
if Key = VK_Return then
// Your code here ...
// set Key to 0 if you do not want the key
// to be default-processed by the control...
Key := 0 ;

Detecting the enter key in a TMemo control is easy. Just add an OnKeyPress event:
procedure TForm1.Memo1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
if Key = #13 then
// Do something


Problem when using return key to move to TDBGrid from TEdit

In a search form I have two components, a TEdit and and TDBGrid. The user enters text into the TEditand in the TEdit.OnChange event I search for matching items in a table using a query. These are displayed in a TDGrid. The event only triggers when the user has entered more than three characters in the TEdit.Textto cut down the overhead.
The problem occurs when the search has returned all possible records and the user wants to select one of the records displayed in the TDBGrid. While I told the users to use the Tab key (or the mouse) to switch from the TEdit to the TDBGrid, they use the return key to do this in another application and are insisting that they should be able to do the same thing in the application I'm altering/adding to. I can understand this, but the problem is that if I use
if (key = VK_RETURN) then key := VK_TAB;
in the TEdit.OnKeyUp event, the original value of the last key pressed in the TEdit is "remembered" as VK_RETURN and is passed to the TDBGrid's OnKeyUp event. Since I have other actions triggered in that event, I get undesired things happening as soon the the TDBGrid gains focus because they also want to select the correct row in the grid by pressing the return key again.
Therefore what I want to do is to "cancel" the key value passed to the TDBGrid from the TEdit. I tried using if (Sender = TEdit) then Key := VK_CANCEL; in the DGBrid's OnKeyUp event but I get a compiler "Incompatible types" error and I can't find anything to tell me how I should use it in this situation.
Is this possible? Or am I going about this the wrong way?
Thanks in advance!
I believe the following approach satisfies your needs and I suspect it to be the shortest such approach:
procedure TForm1.Edit1KeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
if Key = #13 then
Key := #0;
procedure TForm1.Edit1KeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
if Key = VK_RETURN then
PostMessage(Handle, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, 0, 0);
Key := 0;
This will make Enter, in Edit1, move focus to the next control. This is accomplished by posting the form a WM_NEXTDLGCTL message. The OnKeyPress handler is needed to suppress the "invalid input" message beep.
For bonus points, do
PostMessage(Handle, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, Ord(ssShift in Shift), 0);
instead to have Shift+Enter correspond to Shift+Tab.
I'm not quite sure I like this entire idea, though. I think I prefer to have Enter act on key down instead. The target control shoudn't care about this key up message.
Just to add to Andreas answer, I have used the same approach. There are 3 events you can play around with, onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup. At some point you will probably have to assign the key to null to avoid the "beep". The other thing to watch out for are unintended side effects, like moving 2 fields instead of one as has happened to me in the past.

Passing Tobject to another form?

I'm writing a touchscreen enabled application in Delphi XE2.
I have a form with TEdits. When I click on them, I call the procedure I've written to show another maximized always on top form with a TTouchkeyboard with a label (for caption) and a TEdit for keyboard input.
My procedure (vkeyboard is my form name with the TTouchkeyboard):
procedure TLogin.showkeyboard(numeric,password: Boolean;
if numeric then
vkeyboard.TouchKeyboard1.Layout := 'NumPad' // make the TTouchkeyboard on the form numeric or alpha
vkeyboard.TouchKeyboard1.Layout := 'Standard';
if password then
vkeyboard.input.PasswordChar := '*' //make the TEdit show * or normal characters
vkeyboard.input.PasswordChar := #0;
vkeyboard.title.Caption := caption;
vkeyboard.input.Text := value;
I'm trying to send Form1.Edit1 object to the form vkeyboard but i don't know how to do it properly!
Why? Because i want to be able to click Done on the input form (vkeyboard) then trace back who was the sender then update the text in the main form edit!
procedure Tvkeyboard.sButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
(temp as TEdit).Text := input.Text; // send back the text to the right object
This little part of course didn't work... I think i need to specified that the temp object belong the X form ?
To be clear, i want to trace back who called the procedure or at least be able to specified it in the procedure and then return back the text (from the 2nd form to the main one) to the right TEdit!
You're welcome to pass whatever arguments you want to whatever function you want. If you need to use the passed value in yet another function, you'll need to save it somewhere so the later function can still access it.
Using your example, you appear to have provided a Sender parameter for your showkeyboard function. I assume that's where you're passing a reference to the TEdit control that triggered the keyboard to show. The Tvkeyboard object stored in vkeyboard will need to use that value later, so give a copy of that value to the Tvkeyboard object. Declare a TEdit field:
Tvkeyboard = class(...)
EditSender: TEdit;
Then, in showkeyboard, set that field:
vkeyboard.EditSender := Sender;
Finally, use that field when you set the text:
procedure Tvkeyboard.sButton1Click(Sender: TObject);
EditSender.Text := input.Text; // send back the text to the right object
Since you know it will always be a TEdit control, you can change the type of the Sender parameter in showkeyboard to reflect that specific type:
procedure TLogin.showkeyboard(..., Sender: TEdit);

How to Disable Backspace in WebBrowser

When I press Backspace, Web-browser will go to previous page. How can I disable it without preventing the clearing text ability?
TWebBrowser doesn't seem to have an OnKeydown event, and it also has many other problems. I usually forget it and go to TEmbeddedWB (embedded web browser component pack), and it has better features.
I wrote some code to try to detect if we are in an edit control, and only conditionally block backspace keys, since as Paktas says, simply blocking the OnKey event would break editing in
web page forms, using TEmbeddedWB, the code looks like this:
procedure TForm2.FormKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
Shift: TShiftState);
element: IHTMLElement;
elementTagName: String;
// form contains field: EmbeddedWB1: TEmbeddedWB which is an improved version of TWebBrowser.
element := EmbeddedWB1.GetActiveElement;
if Assigned( element ) then
elementTagName := element.tagName;
if ( not SameText( elementTagName, 'INPUT' ) )
and ( not SameText( elementTagName, 'TEXTAREA' ) ) then
if ((Key= VK_LEFT) and (Shift = [ssAlt]))
or ((Key= VK_RIGHT) and (Shift = [ssAlt]))
or(Key = VK_BACK) then
Key := 0; { block backspace, but not in INPUT or TEXTAREA. }
The only way for doing this is to check for each key press and if a backspace is detected ignore it. However you would also need to monitor whether any of your inputs are focused, so that users could stil preserve backwards deleting.

Delphi: Convert keys to letters, ignoring shiftsate

I'm trying to make a search feature where the user can hold in the control key and type some text to search.
I'm using the OnKeyDown/OnKeyUp to trap the control key.
Is there a easy way to check if the key parameter given to the onKeyUp/Down event is a litteral?
Or is it possible to convert the char given to OnKeyPressed while holding down the control key to the char it would have been if the control key where not pressed?
I need a solution that can handle letters beyond the simple a..z range, like æ, ø å.
It looks like Delphi 2009 got a couple of useful methods in the TCharachter-class; e.g. function IsLetterOrDigit(C: Char): Boolean;
I'm stuck with delphi 2007, though...
The OnKeyDown & OnKeyPress Events have a number of Limitations.
Rather use a TApplicationEvents Component.
In it's OnShortCut Event hander use the following code
procedure TFormA.ApplicationEvents1ShortCut(var Msg: TWMKey; var Handled: Boolean);
if (Msg.CharCode = Ord('B')) and (HiWord(Msg.KeyData) and KF_ALTDOWN <> 0) then
Handled := True;
// Do what needs to be done;
This will trap ALT-B
have a look at Delphi - Using the TApplicationEvents OnShortCut event to detect Alt+C key presses for more info
You can convert the Key(Char) parameter from OnKeyPress event to it's ordinal value using Ord(Key) however, in the OnKeyDown event you can do the following
if CharInSet(Char(Key), ['A'..'Z']) then
do something
you might also want to play with ShiftState to check if ALT, CTRL and/or SHIFT key is down...
Here you have all the info:
Virtual Key Codes
Understanding and Processing Keyboard events in Delphi

How to avoid the ding sound when Escape is pressed while a TEdit is focused?

In code I have developed some years ago I have been using this a lot to close the current form on pressing the Escape key at any moment:
procedure TSomeForm.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
if key = #27 then close;
This behaviour is defined for the TForm. The form's KeyPreview property is be set to True to let the form react to key presses before any other components. It all works perfectly well for the best part of the program, however, when the Escape key is pressed while a TEdit component is focused a sound (a ding sound used by Windows to signify invalid operation) is issued. It still works fine but I have never quite managed to get rid of the sound.
What's the problem with this?
Steps to recreate:
new VCL Forms application, set the form's KeyPreview to true
on the Events tab double-click the onKeyPress event and enter dummy code:
if key=#27 then ;
add a TListBox, TCheckBox, TEdit to the form and run the application
in the application try pressing Esc and NOTHING happens, as specified by the dummy code
focus the TEdit and press Esc. Nothing happens but the sound is played.
You get the ding because you left the ESC in the input. See how Key is a var? Set it to #0 and you eliminate the ding. That removes it from further processing.
procedure TSomeForm.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
if key = #27 then
key := #0;
KeyPreview is just that, a preview of what will be passed to the controls unless you stop it.
Starting from Jim's answer (thanks Jim) I had to make it work for me. What I needed was to make a dropped down combobox close keeping the selected item and move to the next/previous control when TAB/shift+TAB was pressed. Everytime I did press TAB the annoying sound filled the room. My work arroud was using onKeyDown event to catch the shiftstate, declaring var aShift: boolean; in form's interface and use the following code:
procedure TForm2.StComboKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
if ssShift in Shift then aShift := true else aShift := false;
procedure TForm2.StComboKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
if Key=char(VK_TAB) then
Key := #0;
StCombo.DroppedDown := false;
if aShift
then previousControl.SetFocus
else nextControl.SetFocus;
Using the menu items and setting them to invisible, and using the shortcut, is a quick workaround that I've just stumbled across, but won't work if you need a shortcut that uses a character that is used in the first letter of an existing shortcut: For example for Alt+ENTER, you need to add something like this to the form create procedure:
However it's probably easier to use TActionList instead, and even though something like Alt+E is not listed you can add it.
It's an old thread... but anyway, here's a far better one: catching Alt-C!
Unlike ESC, Alt-C isn't serviced by KeyPress, so setting Key to #0 in KeyPress doesn't work, and the horrendous "ding!" is issued every time.
After hours of trying, here's the workaround I found:
- create a main menu option to service the request
- set its ShortCut to Alt+C - yes indeed, that is NOT one of the available ShortCut choices(!!)... but it does work anyway!
- do the processing in that menu option's OnClick
- you may even make in "in the background": you may set the menu option's Visible to false - as long as its Enabled stays true, it will be activated by Alt-C even though it will not be visible in the menu.
Hope that may help! And if you have something more elegant, please advise.
