Setting username in application insights -

I am new to application insights and have set it up using no custom events and I'm using all the defaults. The application is build on MVC 5. In the ApplicationInsights.config there's a comment saying:
"When implementing custom user tracking in your application, remove this telemetry initializer to ensure that the number of users is accurately reported to Application Insights."
We have a page where you are required to login so the default user logging isn't saying that much and we would much rather have the username being the unique identifier. Based on the comment it seems like this should be some kind of common modification and therefor easy to modify. When trying to google on "custom user tracking" I do not find anything interesting which seems a bit odd...
So how do I link the user in Application Insights to my username instead of going on some cookie which seems to be the default behaviour?

To link the user to your custom username, you can create the following telemetry initializer:
public class RealUserIDTelemetryInitializer:ITelemetryInitializer
public void Initialize(Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Channel.ITelemetry telemetry)
// Replace this with your custom logic
if (DateTime.Now.Ticks % 2 > 0)
telemetry.Context.User.Id = "Ron Weasley";
telemetry.Context.User.Id = "Hermione Granger";
Then register this telemetry initializer in AI.config.
<Add Type="MyApp.RealUserIDTelemetryInitializer, MyApp" />


How to add parameters to redirect_uri in WebApi Oauth Owin authentication process?

I'm creating a webapi project with oauth bearer token authenthication and external login providers (google, twitter, facebook etc.). I started with the basic VS 2013 template and got everything to work fine!
However, after a user successfully logs is, the owin infrastructure creates a redirect with the folllowing structure:
http://some.url/#access_token=<the access token>&token_type=bearer&expires_in=1209600
In my server code I want to add an additional parameter to this redirect because in the registration process of my app, a new user needs to first confirm and accept the usage license before he/she is registered as a user. Therefore I want to add the parameter "requiresConfirmation=true" to the redirect. However, I've no clue about how to do this. I tried setting AuthenticationResponseChallenge.Properties.RedirectUri of the AuthenticationManager but this doesn't seem to have any affect.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
It should be relatively easy with the AuthorizationEndpointResponse notification:
In your custom OAuthAuthorizationServerProvider implementation, simply override AuthorizationEndpointResponse to extract your extra parameter from the ambient response grant, which is created when you call IOwinContext.Authentication.SignIn(properties, identity).
You can then add a custom requiresConfirmation parameter to AdditionalResponseParameters: it will be automatically added to the callback URL (i.e in the fragment when using the implicit flow):
public override Task AuthorizationEndpointResponse(OAuthAuthorizationEndpointResponseContext context) {
var requiresConfirmation = bool.Parse(context.OwinContext.Authentication.AuthenticationResponseGrant.Properties.Dictionary["requiresConfirmation"]);
if (requiresConfirmation) {
context.AdditionalResponseParameters.Add("requiresConfirmation", true);
return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
In your code calling SignIn, determine whether the user is registered or not and add requiresConfirmation to the AuthenticationProperties container:
var properties = new AuthenticationProperties();
properties.Dictionary.Add("requiresConfirmation", "true"/"false");
context.Authentication.SignIn(properties, identity);
Feel free to ping me if you need more details.

Spring Security Rest

I'm having a set of Sping Data Repositories which are all exposed over Rest by using Spring-data-rest project. Now I want to secure the HTTP, so that only registered users can access the http://localhost:8080/rest/ So for this purpose I add #Secured(value = { "ROLE_ADMIN" }) to all the repositories and I also enable the security by specifying the
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true, jsr250Enabled = true, prePostEnabled = true)
So now what happens is I go to the rest and it's all good - i'm asked to authenticate. Next thing I do is I go to my website (which uses all the repositories to access the database) but my request fails with
nested exception is An Authentication object was not found in the SecurityContext
which is correct because i'm browsing my website as anonymous user.
So my question is: is there a way to provide method authentication for the REST layer only? To me it sounds like a new annotation is needed (something like #EnableRestGlobalMethodSecurity or #EnableRestSecurity)
I don't know if this will solve your problem, however I managed to get something similar, working for me by creating an event handler for my specific repository, and then used the #PreAuthorize annotation to check for permissions, say on beforeCreate. For example:
public class AccountEventHandler {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
#PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated() and (hasRole('ROLE_USER'))")
public void beforeAccountCreate(Account account) {
logger.debug(String.format("In before create for account '%s'", account.getName()));
#PreAuthorize("isAuthenticated() and (hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN'))")
public void beforeAccountUpdate(Account account) {
logger.debug(String.format("In before update for account '%s'", account.getName()));
//Don't need to add anything to this method, the #PreAuthorize does the job.

The anti-forgery token could not be decrypted

I have a form:
#using (Html.BeginForm(new { ReturnUrl = ViewBag.ReturnUrl })) {
and action:
public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl, string City)
occasionally (once a week), I get the error:
The anti-forgery token could not be decrypted. If this application is
hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that all machines are running
the same version of ASP.NET Web Pages and that the configuration
specifies explicit encryption and validation keys. AutoGenerate cannot
be used in a cluster.
i try add to webconfig:
<machineKey validationKey="AutoGenerate,IsolateApps"
decryptionKey="AutoGenerate,IsolateApps" />
but the error still appears occasionally
I noticed this error occurs, for example when a person came from one computer and then trying another computer
Or sometimes an auto value set with incorrect data type like bool to integer to the form field by any jQuery code please also check it.
I just received this error as well and, in my case, it was caused by the anti-forgery token being applied twice in the same form. The second instance was coming from a partial view so wasn't immediately obvious.
This tells ASP.NET to generate a new encryption key for use in encrypting things like authentication tickets and antiforgery tokens every time the application starts up. If you received a request that used a different key (prior to a restart for instance) to encrypt items of the request (e.g. authenication cookies) that this exception can occur.
If you move away from "AutoGenerate" and specify it (the encryption key) specifically, requests that depend on that key to be decrypted correctly and validation will work from app restart to restart. For example:
You can read to your heart's content at MSDN page: How To: Configure MachineKey in ASP.NET
Just generate <machineKey .../> tag from a link for your framework version and insert into <system.web><system.web/> in Web.config if it does not exist.
Hope this helps.
If you get here from google for your own developer machine showing this error, try to clear cookies in the browser. Clear Browser cookies worked for me.
in Core you should set Data Protection system.I test in Asp.Net Core 2.1 or higher.
there are multi way to do this and you can find more information at Configure Data Protection and Replace the ASP.NET machineKey in ASP.NET Core and key storage providers.
first way: Local file (easy implementation)
startup.cs content:
public class Startup
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration, IWebHostEnvironment webHostEnvironment)
Configuration = configuration;
WebHostEnvironment = webHostEnvironment;
public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
public IWebHostEnvironment WebHostEnvironment { get; }
// This method gets called by the runtime.
// Use this method to add services to the container.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// .... Add your services like :
// services.AddControllersWithViews();
// services.AddRazorPages();
// ----- finally Add this DataProtection -----
var keysFolder = Path.Combine(WebHostEnvironment.ContentRootPath, "temp-keys");
.PersistKeysToFileSystem(new DirectoryInfo(keysFolder))
second way: save to db
The Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.EntityFrameworkCore NuGet
package must be added to the project file
Add MyKeysConnection ConnectionString to your projects
ConnectionStrings in appsettings.json > ConnectionStrings >
Add MyKeysContext class to your project.
MyKeysContext.cs content:
public class MyKeysContext : DbContext, IDataProtectionKeyContext
// A recommended constructor overload when using EF Core
// with dependency injection.
public MyKeysContext(DbContextOptions<MyKeysContext> options)
: base(options) { }
// This maps to the table that stores keys.
public DbSet<DataProtectionKey> DataProtectionKeys { get; set; }
startup.cs content:
public class Startup
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
Configuration = configuration;
public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
// This method gets called by the runtime.
// Use this method to add services to the container.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// ----- Add this DataProtection -----
// Add a DbContext to store your Database Keys
services.AddDbContext<MyKeysContext>(options =>
// using Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection;
// .... Add your services like :
// services.AddControllersWithViews();
// services.AddRazorPages();
If you use Kubernetes and have more than one pod for your app this will most likely cause the request validation to fail because the pod that generates the RequestValidationToken is not necessarily the pod that will validate the token when POSTing back to your application. The fix should be to configure your nginx-controller or whatever ingress resource you are using and tell it to load balance so that each client uses one pod for all communication.
Update: I managed to fix it by adding the following annotations to my ingress:
Name Description Values Sets the affinity type string (in NGINX only cookie is possible Name of the cookie that will be used string (default to INGRESSCOOKIE) Type of hash that will be used in cookie value sha1/md5/index
I ran into this issue in an area of code where I had a view calling a partial view, however, instead of returning a partial view, I was returning a view.
I changed:
return View(index);
return PartialView(index);
in my control and that fixed my problem.
I got this error on .NET Core 2.1. I fixed it by adding the Data Protection service in Startup:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
you are calling more than one the #Html.AntiForgeryToken() in your view
I get this error when the page is old ('stale'). A refresh of the token via a page reload resolves my problem. There seems to be some timeout period.
I found a very interesting workaround for this problem, at least in my case. My view was dynamically loading partial views with forms in a div using ajax, all within another form. the master form submits no problem, and one of the partials works but the other doesn't. The ONLY difference between the partial views was at the end of the one that was working was an empty script tag
<script type="text/javascript">
I removed it and sure enough I got the error. I added an empty script tag to the other partial view and dog gone it, it works! I know it's not the cleanest... but as far as speed and overhead goes...
I know I'm a little late to the party, but I wanted to add another possible solution to this issue. I ran into the same problem on an MVC application I had. The code did not change for the better part of a year and all of the sudden we started receiving these kinds of error messages from the application.
We didn't have multiple instances of the anti-forgery token being applied to the view twice.
We had the machine key set at the global level to Autogenerate because of STIG requirements.
It was exasperating until I got part of the answer here:
If your MachineKey is set to AutoGenerate, then your verification
tokens, etc won't survive an application restart - ASP.NET will
generate a new key when it starts up, and then won't be able to
decrypt the tokens correctly.
The issue was that the private memory limit of the application pool was being exceeded. This caused a recycle and, therefore, invalidated the keys for the tokens included in the form. Increasing the private memory limit for the application pool appears to have resolved the issue.
My fix for this was to get the cookie and token values like this:
AntiForgery.GetTokens(null, out var cookieToken, out var formToken);
For those getting this error on Google AppEngine or Google Cloud Run, you'll need to configure your ASP.NET Core website's Data Protection.
The documentation from the Google team is easy to follow and works.
A general overview from the Microsoft docs can be found here:
Note that you may also find you're having to login over and over, and other quirky stuff going on. This is all because Google Cloud doesn't do sticky sessions like Azure does and you're actually hitting different instances with each request.
Other errors logged, include:
Identity.Application was not authenticated. Failure message: Unprotect ticket failed

Know users logged in culture per user

What is the best place to know the CurrentCulture for each user logged in and do some setting per user based on that culture?
Can I use static constructor to assign static property!
Can I do something like this!!
public class MetricSystemHelper
private static bool _isMetric;
static MetricSystemHelper()
RegionInfo region = new RegionInfo(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.Name);
if (true == region.IsMetric)
_isMetric = true;
else // USA, Liberia, Myanmar(Only these countries doesn't use metric)
_isMetric = false;
public static bool IsMetric
return _isMetric;
You could use the Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture property to retrieve the culture info of the current ASP.NET user. If you need to persist this information you could store it in the database when the user logs in. But you should be aware that inside an ASP.NET application this property is populated from the <globalization> element in your web.config file.
So for example:
<globalization culture="auto" uiCulture="auto" />
auto are the default values. ASP.NET will then use the Accept-Language HTTP request header to populate this property. This property is usually sent by the client browser on each request. But be careful of the following gotcha: the same user could have 2 browsers (say Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox) and he could have configured different culture settings in those browsers. So when he visits your website you could get different results for the same user.
If on the other hand you want to manage Language or Culture preference for the user in a browser agnostic way you should provide the user with the possibility to tell you his preference. For example this could be a setting in your website that the user could modify and you would store in the database.

DotNetOpenAuth Twitter Consume StartSignIn

Trying to use the StartSignInWithTwitter method. When the method is called soon after an exception is thrown. This is using the latest version of DotNetOpenAuth. Would it have anything to do with me developing and running with locally? (VS2010) Is this how I should be doing authentication in the first place? I do see some different ways in the Samples pack that is included with the source.
{"The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized."}
My code looks like below:
public void TwitAuthInit()
public ActionResult TwitAuth()
if (TwitterConsumer.IsTwitterConsumerConfigured)
string screenName;
int userId;
if (TwitterConsumer.TryFinishSignInWithTwitter(out screenName, out userId))
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(screenName, false);
return RedirectToAction("Home", "Index");
return View();
To answer your question about "Is this how I should be doing authentication in the first place?":
You probably shouldn't be calling SetAuthCookie(screenName, false) with your screenName, since screen names (I believe) can be recycled. You should instead log the user in using a unique ID, either one you create in your own user database or Twitter's, and then use the screen name only as an alias that is displayed to the user (and perhaps other users if this user were to post something for public viewing). Otherwise, when Twitter recycles a username, that user will inherit all the data from the old user on your site -- not good.
Wanted to confirm that the 401 error is indeed solved by setting a non-empty callback URL on the twitter app config page.
From the Application Type block of the settings page:
To restrict your application from using callbacks, leave this field
You have to go into TwitterConsumer.cs and change the following URLs:
Request token URL
Authorize URL
Access token URL
As Twitter changed their URLs. I didn't get the memo and spent way too much time debugging this.
