Code review in TFS - tfs

I am new in configuration of TFS.
Currently our project is 50% done but we found that we have very bad code. We consider the need for static code analysis like Resharper or another product like StyleCop, CodeAnalysis and FxCop.
We want configure the TFS to reject a checkin when that check in contains code that triggers code analysis warnings.
But for the previous code we want to suppress the existing warning to prevent the code from becoming worse than it already is.

As Ivan mentions, your root cause it not in the lack of analysis tools, but probably in the level of quality and rigor agreed (or currently being enforeced between team members) between the development team and their project's sponsor. It may be that the pressure on the team is too high, causing important review actions to be skipped, or that the team (or the sponsor!) doesn't have the same desire to quality as you or the sponsor. Or that the team doesn't have the right level of knowledge to prevent these issues from happening.
The best way out of this is to fix as much as you can in a short period of time.
Warning: I've experienced with a number of teams the effect of turning on too many rules all at once. Generally, there is a reluctance for people to concede that their work hasn't been up to par and turning on rules that do not directly cause bug ("The identifier is cased incorrectly" for example) can cause frustration that can severely hamper your momentum. Carefully selecting which rules need to be solved now and which can wait for later worked much better in my experience. Once the team has developed a way to solve these kinds of problem, you can easily apply more.
Turning on Tools like configuring Code Analysis for your solution or using the Solution Wide Analysis feature of Resharper, can help you spot issues, but it won't solve them or prevent similar issues from popping up in the future unless your team stops creating them.
Tip: Note that you can turn on Resharper during your build as well using the Resharper CLI features.
StyleCop I would not enforce on this team (just yet) if the code itself is bad enough to trigger massive warnings that may hold bugs and issues. Fix these problems first, make the code it pretty later. Your priorities are now to remove any possible bugs.
CodeAnalysis and FxCop are the same things, so you won't need to turn on both. A tool like Resharper can help your developers to quickly remove a lot of the issues by using the magic-key ALT+ENTER.
If you want to create a clean baseline you can run code analysis once, then select all warnings that are generated and then select Suppress in global suppression file. This will work for Code Analysis issues, but won't suppress any Compiler Warnings, there is no easy way to quickly suppress all current compiler warnings.
Tip: It sometimes helps to temporarily rename any existing globalsupressions.cs files, so that this "baseline" is stored separately. You then know which warnings you'll have to fix at a later point in time.
Tip: When a developer suppresses a warning, have them add a Justification="Reason for suppression" to the suppression that is generated, that way you can distinguish between carefully considered suppression and temporary ones.
Depending on whether you already have a build server your next step is to install Team Build and once you have a build server you'll need to setup a Build Definition. This blog post covers most of the steps.
In the build definition set the trigger to "Gated Checkin" and on the Process tab make sure you set Code Analysis to "Always". If you want to fail your build based on Code Analysis errors, you need to create a custom ruleset and configure that for your solution.
To have compiler errors fail the build you can also enable the "Treat Warnings as Errors
Once you have enabled your gated check-in build all developers changes will be prompted to wait for their build to finish. You can turn on alerts (using Web access) or use the Build Notification Tool to get notified when the changes were successfully submitted.
Tip: Instead of turning on all rules at once (or switching them all to cause an ERROR during builds) you can also opt to turn on rules a couple at a time and fix them. Turning on rules by category gives you a nice opportunity to teach people the importance of the rules being turned on and possible solutions for fixing them.
A far more advanced solution would be to install and configure SonarQube alongside your Team Build environment. The ALM Rangers and Sonar have recently worked together to create installation guidance and a number of extensions to enable Team Build and SonarQube integration. You can find the installation guide here.


TFS Gated Checkins that are Rejected are Showing up in Build Status for Everyone

We set up TFS 2013 recently and tried to set up gated check-in. In our experiment, it correctly failed the build and rejected the bad check-in. However, both the build notification tray icon and the build tab on the TFS web access show the failure, and it is this way for all users. This will make everyone think "the" build is broken when it's just one person's "gate." It will skew metrics, too.
A) Why would this be the default behavior? It seems very counter-productive and counter-intuitive. [Or maybe this isn't the default behavior and our setup is hosed?]
B) Is there a configuration for the build tab where a rejected gated check-in/build is visible only to the person who broke it?
C) How can we make the build notifier tool ignore gated failures?
a) This is a public build. Why should it be failing. If the gated build is failing it shows a lack of care by the developers. Are they checking in any old thing? Are they running their unit tests first? It really sounds like you have a quality issue there.
That is why the gated-builds are still public builds.
b) no - Anyone can however send a Private build to the build server if they think that there may be an issue that they can't catch locally..
c) Each user can uncheck the monitoring of the gated build. I would however suggest that they should concentrate on not failing the build however rather than sweeping it under the carpet...
A filed build, even a gated one, should be the exception and not the rule...
MrHinsh answered my question from a largely philosophical standpoint, and that led me to this article:
I agree in principle with the article. However, because we are attacking agile processes in baby steps, we still want this extra safety check for the time being.
Below isn't the exact solution we wanted, but it is a hybrid of the approach in the article and my original question. It doesn't force gated check-ins, but it allows them to be done, giving risky check-ins a safety net. Code quality beyond build-ability will be addressed with other mechanisms outside the scope of this question.
The compromise solution is that "vanilla" changes would be checked in normally (after local testing, of course), and then the CI build would kick in. Fixing broken builds would be high priority to be addressed immediately.
But anything out of the ordinary (configuration changes, referencing new/different external dependencies, or just anything a developer is unsure of) would use a private gated check-in, but not on the main build, because we don't want everyone to be tricked into thinking the build is broken upon rejections. This build definition is a clone of the main build definition, but with the addition that upon successful check-in, it chains a build of the main build definition using this:
[How to chain TFS builds?
While the main build is redundant in most cases (race conditions may apply), it solves the immediate need.

Is there any way to get project level error/warning messages from Team Build 2010 without slowing the build down?

I am in the process of setting up continuous integration in our TFS system. One major part of our system are the development of about 50 DotNetNuke modules to support our CMS infrastructure. Right now, each of those projects have their own solution since their code bases are mostly siloed (with common code in 1 or 2 common projects). Keeping them in their own solution is done because it makes the development process faster (loading, compiling, etc....)
However, this has proven difficult to maintain when setting up TFS team build as each solution has to be manually added to the build definition and MSBuild seems unable to take advantage of parallel compiling due to each project being in its own solution. This causes about 5 minute full build times, which while isn't horrible isn't ideal. Mostly though, it's not ideal from a build definition maintenance aspect.
To solve this I creating a global solution that included all projects. The idea being that if you want your project to be automatically compiled and deployed by TFS you will have to include your project in the global solution. This seems works well, as it's easy to maintain from a build definition standpoint and brings the total build time down to 70 seconds.
The one problem is that the displayed TFS build log groups all warnings and errors together under the solution instead of separating them out by project. This makes it difficult to quickly see what project caused which errors and warnings.
Is there a good way to see project level error/warning messages in the build log summary view without delving into the cluttered build log?
To answer your direct question, I believe the answer is no (at least not without some heavy customization).
For me this is never a big concern as I am pretty aggressive about getting my teams to bring errors/warnings down to zero, then enforcing it via TFS Build (/p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=true). This means you should never have to wade through hundreds of warnings in the build summary.
If you add all your individual solutions to the build definition, you can always use the TFS Power Tools to "clone" a build def to make maintenance easier. You could also modify the Build Template to build the solutions/projects in parallel, although this runs the risk of having file contention issues.

TFS what is the keep checkout option

In TFS there is an option in Visual Studio to "Keep Items checked out when checking in" what is the purpose of giving such an option?
I am trying to build a reporting tool to find out the list of files that are checked out, so in the case the user has set the above option would my report be accurate, since the developer can always claim that "Hey, all my changes are checked in"
How do i reflect those kind of checkout in my report?
I use this feature when part of what I'm working on is needed by another developer, but I haven't actually finished the whole task.
Your report would still be accurate, as it's a true reflection of the system - the code really is checked out, and the developer is probably still working on the file. The only way you can truly know if all changes are checked in is by comparing the current version from source control with each developer's locally checked out copy, which isn't going to be feasible for reporting purposes, and is probably of limited value.
In a modern CI environment it's very common to commit changes and simply keep changing the very same modules.On the other hand, once a milestone is reached, the developer will simply commit the changes & start working on something else.So, I think it's very natural for TFS to provide with this configurable flag.Another major feature in the TFS ecosystem is gated-checkin: is this mode the commit is shelved, built & committed once all that has succeeded. If it weren't for this option, the developer would have to stand still & wait until the process has finished.I would disagree with a developer stating "Hey, all my changes are checked in": our principle in the team is that everything that is checked out is being developed, anything else is/should be either shelved or committed.You could consider a rule that all pending changes of each developer get shelved at the end of the working day. I am personally against any such measures, but would surely examine them as a option if my devs wouldn't adapt to the principle.If you would agree to the above, your second question would become rather obsolete: In my opinion there aren't several 'kinds' of checkouts.

Working with MSBuild and TFS

I'm trying to work with MSBuild and TFS.
I've managed to create my own MSBuild script, that works great from the command-line. The script works with csproj files, and compiles, obfuscate, sign and copies everything that's needed.
However, looking at the documentation of TFS & Team Build, it appears that it expect solutions as the "input" for the script.
Also, I haven't found an easy/intuitive way of performing a "Get Latest Version" from the TFS as part of the script. I'm assuming that the Team Build automatically do a "Get Latest" on the solutions it's suppose to compile, but again - I don't (want to) work with solutions...
Any insights? any pointers? any links?
Team Build defines about 25 targets of its own. When you queue a Team Build, they are automatically run for you in the predefined order listed # MSDN. Don't modify this process. Instead, simply set a couple of these properties that determine how the tasks behave. For example, set <IncrementalGet> to "true" if you want ordinary Get behavior, or "false" if you want something closer to tf get /force.
As far as running your own MSBuild script, again this shouldn't be necessary. Start with the TFSBuild.proj file that's provided for you. It should only require minimal modifications to do everything you describe. Call your obfuscation & signing code by overriding a task like AfterCompile or AfterTest. Put your auto-deploy code in AfterDropBuild. Etc.
Even really complex scenarios are possible if you refactor appropriately. See past answers #1 #2.
As far as the actual compile, you're right that Team Build operates on solutions. I recommend giving it what it wants. I'll be the first to admit that *.sln files are ugly and largely undocumented, but at least you're offloading the work to a well tested & supported product.
If you really wanted to, you could give it a blank/dummy solution and override the CoreCompile task with your custom compiler logic. But this is really asking for trouble. At bare minimum, you lose all of Team Build's flexibility WRT building multiple platforms and flavors. More practically, you're bound to spend a lot of time debugging something that's designed to "just work" -- and there are no good MSBuild debuggers yet (that I know of). Not worth it, IMO.
BTW, the solution files do not affect the Get process. As you can see in the 1st link, the Get is done very early on, long before Team Build even reads the solution file(s). Apart from a few options like <IncrementalGet>, this is not controlled from MSBuild at all -- in particular, the paths to be downloaded are determined by the workspace mappings associated with the build definition. I.e., they are stored in the Team Build SQL database, not the filesystem, and managed with tools (like Team Explorer) that call the TFS webservice API.

Bug/issue tracking integration with Cruise control

I am putting together a bunch of applications to create an automatic building for microsoft platform (the products I chose and the software I will build, both, runs on windows). The products I've chosen are:
Code repository: SubVersion
Continuous integration: CruiseControl
Unit testing: NUnit
Test coverage: NCover
Static code analysis: FXCop
Now I need to choose a bug/issue tracking system (free if possible) that can be, in some way, integrated with the previous products.
What I mean by integration? Well, all these products have a file as output I want to be able to publish errors and bugs found by them into the tracking system.
Do you know some product, some technique or trick that can help me to do this?
Thanks in advance.
First off, these are all tools I have experience with and congratulate you on your choices - these tools will serve you well if you use them wisely.
The most common usage of these tools is that CC would fail the build if certain criteria are not met, e.g.:
A unit test fails
Code coverage falls below a certain threshold
FXCop detects a violation of a certain severity
Because the build would fail and in continuous integration a failed build should be fixed immediately, you wouldn't really need to put those issues into a bug tracking system. Think of build-failing errors as being as severe as the code not compiling - you drop everything and fix right away.
