Running a single KIWI spec with xctool - ios

Has anyone been able to successfully pass the KW_SPEC variable to xctool. I'm trying to run a single KIWI spec by using
I can run all the tests successfully with xctool but it doesn't seem to pick up the KW_SPEC value. I've tried it in a lot of different places with the command line but no luck.
xctool -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPad Retina,OS=latest'
-sdk iphonesimulator -workspace SampleProject.xcworkspace
-scheme SampleProject KW_SPEC=NewAssessmentTests.m:12 test
-only SampleProject_Acceptance_Tests
Using Kiwi v2.3.1 and xctool 0.2.3

Update 11/03/2015
#OhadSchneider's comment made me realise that KW_SPEC worked for me because I had set it in the test configuration for my scheme (Edit scheme->Test->Arguments->Environment variables). Setting the variable from shell doesn't work as that variable applies only to the actual build, and not when executing the unit test target.
But there's a workaround to this, by modifying the test phase of your scheme and adding a KW_SPEC environment variable with the value $KW_SPEC, this will expand when running xcodebuild to the value passed to the xcodebuild command (as in my original answer). After this, xcode will will gracefully use the passed KW_SPEC variable, xctool still has the skipped teste marked as failure issue.
Original answer
If you want KW_SPEC as an environment variable to xctool (or to any *nix tool), then you have to place it before the command, otherwise it will be considered a build setting:
KW_SPEC=NewAssessmentTests.m:12 xctool
-destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPad Retina,OS=latest'
-sdk iphonesimulator -workspace SampleProject.xcworkspace
-scheme SampleProject test
-only SampleProject_Acceptance_Tests
This will however lead to another problem: xctool will report as errored the tests that don't run, and will report the test as failed, even if no tests have failed. xcodebuild doesn't have this problem as it either doesn't do unit tests discovery, or ignore tests that didn't run, a thing that xctool fails to do.


Xcode UI Tests : xcodebuild fails to generate Coverage.profdata on xcode12, fails with error 'error: No profiles could be merged.'

Here is how we are setup while facing the issue.
We have a project which has both UI and Unit tests.
Uses fastlane.
Has CI/CD implementation using Jenkins which runs on an aws ec2 instance.
Quite recently we moved to Xcode12 (I know!!! However, better late than never)
Problem statement:
After moving to xcode12, the jenkins pipeline is unable to generate the Coverage.profdata file which in turn will be used by Slather to derive code coverage metrics. Yes, did not happen when running xcode11.
We are using the xcodebuild command after pointing it to the appropriate command line tool version (in this case it is 12.4).
First we build the app using (after getting the simulator ID)
xcodebuild build-for-testing -workspace Example.xcworkspace -scheme ExampleUITests -derivedDataPath ./derivedData -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=<simulator_id>'
Then we run the test using
xcodebuild test-without-building -workspace Example.xcworkspace -scheme ExampleUITests -enableCodeCoverage YES -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,id=<simulator_id>' -derivedDataPath ./derivedData
All the UI tests run successfully but end up with the following statements when the test suite completes.
warning: <Path_to_derived_data>/Build/ProfileData/<Some_UUID>/<Filename>.profraw: Invalid instrumentation profile data (file header is corrupt)
error: No profiles could be merged.
P.S: This is not happening on my local machine. Only on the mac in the Jenkins ec2 instance.
We faced a similar issue. We were also using fastlane.
And the fix which worked for us was to ensure we delete any artifacts from the previous build. The situation you've described is quite similar to situation we faced. The first run for unit tests generates a few coverage artifacts, after which executing UI tests also generates coverage artifacts and then xcov/slather is unable to parse these artifacts.
Therefore, can you check if deleting the Logs/Test folder in derived data helps? If it doesn't try clearing derived data entirely and then check if that helps resolve the issue on CI.
See related threads on xcov

Jenkins marked build as failure, although all test case passed for iOS app

I am using Jenkins job for running current test cases for iOS app. using,
xcodebuild test ... | xcpretty
Although all tests are successful but Jenkins still marked build as failure.
How can I see the actual result?
Even when i removed | xcpretty, still jobs marked as failure. Here are the full shell command,
xcodebuild test -workspace App.xcworkspace -scheme App -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6, OS=10.2'
Finally the problem was solved by placing below line at the very begining of jenkins shell

XCodebuild not running tests on Simulator

I am running the following command from command line to build/test my workspace. The idea is to port it eventually to a CI system. But what happens is that one of the runs succeed but all of the following ones fail. They fail in an odd manner in that the build completes as part of the command but then, I see the message which kicks off the simulator and I see the simulator up but the tests are never run on it. The command is either hung on it forever or it fails with no error message. I tried using xcrun simctl erase all before the command to make sure the simulator is clean. I also tried avoiding specifying derivedDatapath and OBJROOT hoping that would make the builds clean but so far, I am stuck here.
xcodebuild test -workspace <workspace-name> -scheme <scheme-name> -configuration Coverage -sdk iphonesimulator -destination platform='iOS Simulator',OS=9.0,name='iPhone 6'
The final error I see is /usr/bin/touch -c /home-folder/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/.../Build/Products/Coverage-iphonesimulator/Tests.xctest ** TEST FAILED **
The code runs smoothly from within XCode and the tests always pass. I believe this is some issue with the terminal app connecting to the simulator or the simulator being in a weird state after an earlier run but I could not figure out what could be causing the problem. Any suggestions would be great.
XCode Version: 7.0.1
I don't know if that is the issue, but shouldn't test be at the end of the line? Like this:
xcodebuild -workspace <workspace-name> -scheme <scheme-name> -configuration Coverage -sdk iphonesimulator -destination platform='iOS Simulator',OS=9.0,name='iPhone 6' test

Automatically run tests with each build in Xcode 6

When I run
xcodebuild -workspace ~/Documents/JudgecardXSwift/JudgecardXSwift.xcworkspace -scheme JudgecardXSwift -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6' clean test
from command line, I can successfully run all of my tests.
Now I want to add a run script phase to my Xcode project so it will always run my tests each time I run the app. However, when I added the run script phase with the above xcodebuild command, my build always hangs:
and as you can see, it must be hanging on the run script phase I added, because it has just finished the build phase before it titled Run custom shell script 'Copy Pods Resources':
Is my method of adding a run script phase with the xcodebuild command the proper way to automatically run tests with every build? Why does it cause my build process to hang? Is it causing some kind of infinite loop with each xcodebuild command kicking off another through its run script phase?
Bit late here, so thought I would add my personal experience, but xcodebuild will kick off another build for you, importantly xcodebuild via command line as you have may not run your Build Phases as expected. I have only experienced silent failing copy commands, with those I could view the command in log files, but it did not actually copy the file.
So it may hit an infinite loop, more likely though is it's running through that build, hitting xcodebuild command, and then building as normal without some Build Phases executing properly and thus without running your tests.
In Xcode 9 this works. I've added a run script with:
echo "warning: 🚕🚕🚕 Started running myTests 🚕🚕🚕"
xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -workspace myWorkspace.xcworkspace -scheme "myWorkspaceTests" test -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone X,OS=11.2' CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="" CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO
And if one of the tests fail, you're gonna get a build error.

Xcode 5 xcodebuild unit test seems to return status successful when tests fail

Hi I'm following examples from Test Driven iOS development and I've written a few unit tests with the new Xcode 5 and XCTest. My tests fail with the Xcode GUI client, but when I use xcodebuild the status code is 0.
xcodebuild -target TemperatureConverterTests build
echo $?
returns 0.
The tests are suppose to fail. Is the command to run the test cases correct?
xcodebuild command has changed with xcode 5. Here is a script to run Unit tests :
Don't forget that schemes must be shared, you've got to create your Tests Scheme, Xcode 5 didn't create it for you
xcodebuild -workspace MyApp.xcworkspace -scheme myApp-Tests -destination=build -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator7.0 ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES clean build test
Hope this helps :)
If you don't want (as you rarely need) a separate (and annoying) "scheme" for your testing "target"... Use a variation on #Rémy Virin's answer...
xcodebuild -scheme YourAppOrLib -target YourAppOrLibTests
As pictured below.. this allows you to run the Unit tests for the target.... without cluttering the project with non-production schemes... In this case IndexedKeyMap is my YourAppOrLib.
