Geting started with contiki 2.7 - contiki

I am really new in Contiki OS. I downloaded contiki 2.7 zip from sourceforge. To understand how the system works I first need to understand the make system that is used for building projects. In almost every location inside the contiki there is a make file. So the syntax used in those files is completely alien for me. My question is: What/where do I need to read about these make files in order to understand how to use them? Some links would be very useful. Please have in mind that I am new in this matter.
Thank you in advance!

u can start with this link about the Contiki build system


Can't find Neo4jImport.bat

I just installed Neo4j 2.2 Milestone 1 Release on a Windows 64-bit machine and I am unable to locate the file Neo3jImport.bat.
I want to play around with the feature described here. Until now, I have been playing around with the RNeo4J package. It has helped the learning curve quite a bit, but now that I am goint beyond toy datasets, importing data using the package is painful.
With that said, I can't seem to locate the file/utility that seemingly makes importing larger datasets a breeze. I was expecting to see the file at C:\Program Files\Neo4j Community\bin.
I imagine this is a really basic question, but I am somewhat stumped.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry for the exclusion but the binary installation misses also Neo4jShell and other command line scripts as is is intended for a UI only user.
Please use the ZIP download from as Mark suggested.

contiki on STM32F4

I'm starting a development with contiki and STM32F4discovery.
I found a fork of contiki for STM32F4discovery from jensnielsen on github.
I've downloaded it and try to make for the TARGET STM32F4discovery using
make TARGET=stmf4discovery hello-world
The makefile just compile hellow-world.c and then fail when it try to link the project because it doesn't find the reference of contiki core, sys, etc.
I try to make the hello-world in native and it works find.
What do I have to do to make the target?
Best regards,
This is a very narrow question on my personal code, you should probably have asked me directly rather than stack overflow...
But anyway, the answer to the question is that my port is incomplete and broken, you should go for another fork (perhaps

zend framework 2 simple integration

I am planning to build a project using zend framework 2.
But i find it very hard to setup zf2.
It is not easy to setup the framework and start working.
What i am looking is copy required zf2 files, put into the project and start working.
Like in cakephp where you need to make changes in database configurations and start working.
Can anybody help for this issue. this will be useful for many other developers also.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Have you tried the SkeletonApplication? It provides everything you need: Pre-setup bootstrapping, the directory structure, a basic application configuration.
Just clone it into your web directory and make sure that vendor/ZF2 gets cloned as well (--recursive flag).
This is currently the easiest approach to get started with a new ZF2 project.
If you need further assistance, please state your question more specificly.
// Edit: Although it makes sense to use composer or at least git to pull everything directly, you can just download the project (SekeletonApplication and ZF2) from Git. In my opinion, you shouldn't be too lazy here. Using composer etc. will save you a lot of time that you can spend on implementation.
Setting up ZF2 without the use of the command line is MUCH more of a pita than using it. Sure, you can download the SkeletonApplication and then you can Download ZF2 Core Library and put it into your include_path, but that's not too great.
I really suggest learning about the command line. I'm a windows user myself and hated it at first, but after getting around the first problems, i - now - find it really handy.
If you have trouble setting up your stuff or understanding it all, you may find my tutorial helpful which you can find right here: Zend Framework 2 Installation on Xampp for Windows
I had the same issue as you. I found the Skeleton application easy and quick to install, but I didn't need the translations that are included. As a result I created a stripped down, bare bones version which you are welcome to use.
You will find the ZendMinimumApplication on github.

Convert cod to jar in blackberry

Hii Folks,
I've a cod file to run on blackberry device but i want to convert it into jar. Is it possible to do so??Is their any script or is their any tool exist for that kindly suggest me regarding this??
The short answer is "no." There's a tool Coddec that is supposed to help with this, but it's pretty flakey. I've never gotten it to work. It's also rather old and even if you could get it to work, it probably would only be good for cod files generated by older versions of the tools.

Have COBOL compiled Program -- Missing Source

We have a very important application, but so far no source code. The application was written in COBOL and a compiled version is in our production system and is running.
However, we need to migrate to a new server, and new cobol compiler. We're under the impression that we need to recompile the code to get it to work on the new server. Running the exising compiled program gave runtime memory errors.
We have some source code for the program, but it is old. Not sure what the diff is between it and the compiled program.
Okay, so the question -- what should we do?
Time is not on our side, since we have to send our old server back to get credit for it. Ideas, suggestions, crazy or otherwise? (source control is obvious and its not up to me to do it, so save the lectures)
Create an image of your old server. Then run the old server as a virtual machine on your new server.
However, I agree a better option is probably to keep your production server.
In the short run it would probably be cheaper to arrange to keep the old server. In the semi-long run, you need to make time and budget to reengineer the program, either re-write it or see how much effort it would be to hack the old code into shape doing what the program currently does.
It's sadly. You should consult the Source Recovery Company
If your source code is relatively close to the compiled version, try this:
decompile new version into assembler
compile the old source code into assembler
reconcile as best you can the differences from new version with old version, into the old souce code
To augment this, and probably as a second step, as it will bring the source code farther from the new compiled version, test with input data and just try reverse-engineering based on the output what would be needed to create that output. The more test input data you have the better this could work.
Good luck!
(I'm not a COBOL programmer but..)
If you know what version the compiler was that compiled the original program, you could at least compile the old cobol source; if the compiled versions is identical you know the source actually is the current version.
If they differ, you could try to (somehow) decompile, or at least disassemble, the working compiled version and the freshly compiled version and use a diff tool to get an idea of how big difference there is.
(edit: - PAID cobol decompiler)
if you have the .int (intermediate) binary files you can just run on the new server, if not, them you musto to recompile.
The program could have been produced by an external resource and that person or software house or organisation could have the latest source in their repository. It may be held by your parent organisation if you have recently merged, or may be in a different or backup computer installation in your organisation. There may be a copy on the developer's user account and may not have been sent to the production or live site or someone from head office has a copy to assess and try to resolve the situation. You may have success if phone those people or you could always talk to the installation computer operator or support staff and see if they have one on mag tape, CDROM or other backup storage.
