Which Grails version is more compatible with current plugins list? - grails

I'm trying with the 2.5.0 release of Grails but I have had problems of compatibility with some plugins I've tried (for example searchable)
Which version of Grails you recommend to start a new project? I'd like to start with the version more compatible with the list of current Grails plugins https://grails.org/plugins/
I'm not interested with the newer version but with the most compatible/stable with the current plugins list.

Both 2.4.x and 2.5.x will work fine with the current plugins in general.
Without any details it's hard to know why the searchable plugin isn't working for you, but note that it only works with Hibernate 3 and the default in new Grails apps is to use Hibernate 4. But you can see that the Hibernate 3 configuration settings are commented out in BuildConfig.groovy and DataSource.groovy so you can easily change back to Hibernate 3.
Having said that, don't use searchable. The underlying Compass library is no longer maintained, and using the searchable plugin will cause scaling problems because it's very inconvenient to get it to use a shared index between servers. The author of Compass created Elasticsearch, and that's a much better option. There's also an actively maintained plugin for it.


Should I exclude the Grails Wrapper from my git repository?

I've never used the Grails Wrapper before. My preferred method has been SDKMAN so far.
I understand the purpose of the wrapper and basically how to use it. However I have no idea how it works.
Now, I have a couple of questions if I were to use the wrapper
Should I exclude grails-wrapper.jar and/or grailsw from my git repository (.gitignore)?
When it comes to a minor Grails version upgrade (let's say 4.0 --> 4.1), should I manually replace any of those files?
Is there any difference with upgrading a major Grails version (let's say 4.x --> 5.x)
My questions concern to any version of Grails (3.x, 4.x, 5.x) since the wrapper reinstatement in Grails 3.2.3
I've never used the Grails Wrapper before. My preferred method has
been SDKMAN so far.
I use SdkMan too, but it serves a different purpose. Using grailsw means that as you switch back and forth between projects which use different versions of Grails, you don't have to reconfigure the environment as you switch back and forth between those projects. The grailsw is configured within the project to use the appropriate version of Grails for that project.
Should I exclude grails-wrapper.jar and/or grailsw from my git
repository (.gitignore)?
When it comes to a minor Grails version upgrade (let's say 4.0 -->
4.1), should I manually replace any of those files?
I do. For many cases the files won't have changed, and when they have, including them as part of the upgrade is simple and should be done.
Is there any difference with upgrading a major Grails version (let's
say 4.x --> 5.x)

Can i upgrade directly from Grails 2.x to Grails 4.x bypassing all median levels

I am having an application build on grails 2.2.4. I need to update it to grails 4.0.8 Can i upgrade directly. As i checked from various sources, i need to jump first from 2.2.4 to 3.x then thereafter 3.x to 4.x. Please suggest me optimum way to do this upgrade.
Similar to other question about Grails upgrades
Major version upgrades in Grails are rarely trivial. I'd suggest starting a new app in the target version, and migrating classes/functionalities.
In Grails framework, the effort required to update your application depends on multiple factors, such as:
The standard practices. For instance, the persistence stuff in the Grails services instead of controller or domains itself.
The underline plugins your application depends on. You would need to update to the latest version of the plugin, or in some case find an alternative approaches as the plugin may longer be maintained, or there maybe better ways of doing it. For instance, we had some custom plugin for multi-tenancy back when I started with Grails, But now, GORM has great support for multi-tenancy.
I personally think you should directly jump from Grails 2 to Grails 4 by creating a new application, and then move your source code. But, first you need to identify all the variables such as plugins or libraries.

Grails upgrade from 1.2.2 to version that supports multiple datasources

I have several applications created with grails 1.2.2. I need to modify one of these applications to work with multiple datasources. It seems that my best option is to upgrade to a new version of grails. I'm worried that trying to go straight to grails 3 will cause major issues, but am not sure which versions to step through if I'm going to upgrade gradually. Any advice? I apologize for this being so open ended.
The first info about support for multiple databases in official docs exists in version 2.0.0:
Check out this guide for upgrade:

Upgrading from Grails 2.x to 3.x

I am working on a Grails 2.3 project, and they ask me have to do a study to see if it is possible to pass on the 3.x version of grails.
you can tell me what is it advantageous to switch to the version 3.x, and what's the best way for the update properly.
at the environment working I guess GGTS not supporting GRAILS 3.x, then it is mandatory to work with IntelliJ IDEA.
This section of official documentation covers the topic nicely
Upgrading from previous versions of Grails - Reference Documentation
You can also check the following presentation on the topic of the migration
Migrating from Grails 2 to Grails 3
Yes, GGTS currently does not support Grails 3.x, so IDEA Ultimate edition is probably the best choice as described in STARTING WITH GRAILS3 – CHOOSING AN IDE.

Does the remote control plugin work with Grails 3?

Does the remote control plugin work with Grails 3?
I see references to fixes for grails 2.4 on the product page but nothing for 3.
It doesn't appear to be supported by Grails 3.x (yet). You can find all of the Grails 3 plugins over on bintray.
And in this case, this plugin uses a custom repository at http://dl.bintray.com/alkemist/maven/ which doesn't appear to have a Grails 3 compatible version.
